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  Bitcoin (English: , abbreviation: BTC or XBT) is a decentralized digital currency that uses a peer-to-peer network and consensus-activated, open-source, blockchain-based technology. Bitcoin was proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto (screen name) on October 31, 2008, and the genesis block was created on January 3, 2009. In some countries, central banks, government agencies, and the academic community view Bitcoin as a virtual commodity rather than as currency. Monetary economics considers currency to have three basic functions: medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value. However, due to its high volatility, it does not possess the latter two basic functions and is therefore not considered currency.


  Common identification in Bitcoin client programs: Use area, legal currency El Salvador


   Central African Republic

   The legal currency in Dominica. The issuance history of Bitcoin (except for being banned in a few regions such as China) started on January 3, 2009. Currency unit: 1 Bitcoin (Bitcoins, BTC) = 10−2 Bitcent (cBTC) = 10−3 Milli-Bitcoins (mBTC) = 10−6 Micro-Bitcoins (μBTC) = 10−8 Satoshi. Currency symbol: BTC, XBT, ₿, ฿. Currency valuation: Supply is limited, issued (according to a convergent geometric sequence, the issuance rate is halved every 4 years until 2140, with a total amount approaching 21 million) – Data source: Number of bitcoins in circulation

  Common aliases of ‘Bitcoin’ in various regions: Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, and Singapore.


  Bitcoin ATM in Brno, Czech Republic.

  There is a view that the advent of Bitcoin is the result of people’s hatred of the overissue of national currencies in the commodity economy, as well as monetary policy intervention, and their longing for the autonomy of community consensus currency in the gift economy. The exchange rate of Bitcoin is the response of global investors to increase or decrease; while the underlying technology of Bitcoin, blockchain, can be applied in various industries.

  通常,首字母大写的「Bitcoin」指的是其所使用的比特币技术,而首字母小写的「bitcoin」才是指货币本身。Bitcoin is also a blockchain payment system and a virtual pricing tool. Due to its use of cryptographic technology to control the production and transfer of money, without a central issuing institution, it cannot be arbitrarily issued. Transactions run on the global network, with special confidentiality, and since they do not need to go through third-party financial institutions, they are gaining more and more widespread application and have become a medium for illegal transactions. Users can exchange goods and services directly on the network at any time and anywhere with the help of encryption wallet software on their personal computers and smartphones, without the need for any intermediaries such as banks, credit cards, or online payment companies. According to a 2017 study by the University of Cambridge, there are up to 5.8 million active users of cryptocurrency wallets globally, most of whom use Bitcoin. At the same time, there is a view that Bitcoin technology has gained widespread recognition and use, ushering in the blockchain era for humanity.

  As an accounting system, Bitcoin does not rely on a central authority to issue new currency or maintain transactions; instead, it is completed by the blockchain, using digital encryption algorithms and the entire network’s resistance to 51% of the computing power attack to ensure the safety of assets and transactions. Transaction records are recorded and maintained by all the computers on the network, and each transaction must be verified and confirmed by the blockchain to be valid.

  As a unit of accounting, the smallest unit of Bitcoin is 0.00000001 (one hundred millionth) Bitcoin, known as ‘1 satoshi’. If necessary, the protocol can also be modified to divide it into smaller units to ensure its convenience in circulation. The block reward is halved every 210,000 blocks produced, with a cycle of about 4 years, the last halving was on May 12, 2020, and the sum of this geometrically convergent series is necessarily finite. By April 2018, 17 million Bitcoin had been mined, with 4 million remaining, and the output had exceeded 80% of the total. As of May 12, 2019, the total stock of Bitcoin was approximately 17,695,512, and the actual amount in circulation would be further reduced due to factors such as lost private keys. The total issuance of Bitcoin reached 19.1 million, and more than 90% of the Bitcoin in the entire network had been mined. By 2140, all Bitcoin will be mined, with a total amount slightly less than 21 million.

  The blockchain () is an important concept of Bitcoin, proposed in Nakamoto’s white paper. The blockchain is a series of data blocks (referred to as ‘blocks’) generated by cryptographic methods. New data blocks can always be linked to the previous block, that is, the end of the entire blockchain. The Bitcoin peer-to-peer network stores all transaction histories in the ‘blockchain’ (blockchain), so the blockchain can be regarded as a ledger recording Bitcoin transactions. The blockchain is a group of decentralized nodes, and a decentralized database consisting of all participants, recording all Bitcoin transaction histories. Nakamoto predicted that as the amount of data increases, users may not want to store all this data on their own nodes. To achieve this goal, he adopted the mechanism of introducing hash functions. In this way, the user will be able to automatically discard those parts that they will never use, such as some very early Bitcoin transaction records. Nakamoto created the first block of the Bitcoin system, the ‘Genesis Block’, with a quote ‘ ‘, which was the headline of the front page of the Times that day.

  The process of confirming a transaction is achieved through a proof-of-work mechanism that involves solving a series of computational puzzles. The proof-of-work mechanism requires that the computer’s computational power be at a certain limited value, and it needs to operate for a certain amount of time to solve the problem, which makes it impossible for an attacker to rewrite or modify the transaction history unless they possess a stronger computational power than the equivalent Bitcoin peer-to-peer network system, thus able to generate the blockchain (referred to as ‘51% attack’) at a faster rate. The difficulty of the proof-of-work mechanism is automatically adjusted by the system, so the average time required to generate a new block is 10 minutes. All nodes of the Bitcoin peer-to-peer network automatically detect the validity of transactions and blocks, and ignore any transactions and blocks that violate the rules, such as those that produce an incorrect number of blocks, or those that repeatedly send the same amount of Bitcoin.

  參與處理區塊的用戶端可以得到一定量新發行的比特幣,以及相關的交易手續費。為了得到這些新產生的比特幣,參與處理區塊的使用者端需要付出大量的時間和計算力(為此社會有專業挖礦機替代電腦等其他低配的網路設備),這個過程非常類似於開採礦業資源,因此中本聰將資料處理者命名為“礦工”,將資料處理活動稱之為“挖礦”。這些新產生出來的比特幣可以報償系統中的資料處理者,他們的計算工作為比特幣對等網路的正常運作提供保障。 有鑑於此,其他類似競爭幣()都是用了相同的理念去處理端間交易資料,只是在工作量證明機制上進行調整,如採用權益證明(Proof of Stake)和Scrypt演算法等。


  ——Marc Andreessen




  用户端名称网址软件许可证Multibit(雲資料區塊功能)GitHub – Multibit-Legacy/multibit: Deprecated Bitcoin WalletMITBitcoin Core(Core用戶端、核心用戶端)Bitcoin – Open source P2P moneyMITElectrumhttp://electrum.org/(页面存档备份,存于)GPL


  There are many Bitcoin clients, and the following examples are listed.

  Core client

  The original Bitcoin client is Bitcoin QT, developed by Satoshi Nakamoto. Starting from version 0.4.0, Bitcoin QT supports encrypted storage of wallet files. Encrypted wallets must enter a password every time a payment is made. However, if the wallet file (wallet.dat) backed up before encryption is replaced, it can still be traded normally. Considering the principles of Bitcoin, it can be concluded that possessing the private key is equivalent to having the right to dispose of the Bitcoin in the corresponding address, whether the wallet file (including the private keys corresponding to each address) has been encrypted or deleted, cannot be denied.

  Other clients

  Other clients are all developed based on Bitcoin QT. They usually support cloud storage blocks to avoid users spending a lot of time and disk space downloading old transaction information. And they each provide advanced features. Such as Armory, Electrum, and MultiBit, etc. The characteristics of the three are as follows:


  Supports offline storage of wallet files, when online users need to spend Bitcoin, they need to use offline wallet signatures, and then broadcast through the online user interface, which improves security. It supports running multiple different wallets, supports printing Bitcoin keys, which is convenient for paper backup. To use this software, Bitcoin QT or Electrum needs to be installed

  Without downloading the full program, most functions can be achieved by using a copy of the blockchain on a remote server, such as MultiBit

  Lightweight and does not require downloading the full program, supporting multiple languages

  Bitcoin also has a client that runs on smartphones.

  Hardware wallets


  Bitcoin ATMs

  Hardware wallets are specialized smart devices for handling Bitcoin, such as Raspberry Pi with only the Bitcoin client and internet functionality installed. Hardware wallets usually provide more security measures.

  Online wallet service

  Online wallet services allow users to use Bitcoin on any browser and mobile device, and usually they also provide some additional functions to make using Bitcoin more convenient. However, one must be cautious when choosing online wallet services because their security is affected by the service provider.

  There are differences between on-chain and off-chain online wallet services: on-chain wallet service providers help users store encrypted private keys, and the user’s Bitcoin balance can be queried on the blockchain, similar to preparing an independent safe deposit box for each user; off-chain wallet service providers help users store Bitcoin itself, which is equivalent to placing the user’s funds in their own vault and providing deposit proof to the users.

  Offline wallet

  The most critical part that Bitcoin needs to be protected is the private key (private key), because users prove ownership with the private key and use Bitcoin with it. The medium for storing the private key can also be called a wallet. When the wallet is lost or damaged, it is a loss of Bitcoin. Offline wallets can be paper wallets, brain wallets, cold wallets, lightweight wallets.


  Paper wallet: refers to printing the private key on paper for storage, and then deleting the wallet file on the computer to achieve network isolation of the wallet.

  Brain wallet: users can set a password themselves and use it to perform a hash operation to generate the corresponding private key and address. In the future, you only need to remember this password to use the Bitcoin within it.

  Cold wallet: refers to generating Bitcoin addresses and private keys randomly on a computer that is not connected to the internet, and not connecting to the internet in the future use, but only sending related transaction electronic signatures through QR codes or USB flash drives.

  Lightweight wallet: refers to a Bitcoin wallet that does not need to synchronize the blockchain. The advantage of a lightweight wallet over an online wallet is that Bitcoin will not be lost due to problems with the online wallet website, but the disadvantage is that it can only be used on computers or mobile phones with the lightweight wallet installed, and it is slightly less convenient.

  When generating an address, the corresponding private key is also generated, and their relationship is like the account and password of a bank deposit, some online wallets store the private key in the cloud, and users can only use Bitcoin through the service of that online wallet.


  The address is used to receive Bitcoin, similar to a bank’s deposit account, but does not require real-name registration. If only the address is publicly disclosed, there is no need to worry about the Bitcoin inside being stolen, and there is nothing to worry about. It can also be generated offline. The Bitcoin address is obtained by taking the user’s public key and performing SHA-256 hashing, followed by RIPEMD-160 hashing, resulting in a fixed length of 160 bits (bits). It is usually encoded into a string of letters and numbers using Base58 for easy display or distribution. Its feature is that it always starts with ‘1’ or ‘3’, and the address separated by witness starts with ‘bc1’. Traditional Bitcoin addresses are case-sensitive, but do not include characters such as ‘IlO0’, and addresses starting with ‘1’ are 26 to 34 characters long, while those starting with ‘3’ are 34 characters long, for example, ”. The address can also be encoded into a Quick Response (QR) code form for mobile devices to read and copy conveniently. Bitcoin users can generate Bitcoin addresses offline (page archive backup, stored). A person can generate and own many Bitcoin addresses and use them in different transactions, and unless they reveal it themselves or link it with other data, others cannot see the correlation. The number of available Bitcoin addresses is close to 2^161. Illustratively speaking, if there are about 2^63 grains of sand on Earth, the total number of Bitcoin addresses far exceeds the number of all the sands on Earth (about 350 billion times the square of the number of sands).

  Private Key

  The private key of Bitcoin (private key), functions similarly to the PIN of a financial card withdrawal or consumption, used to prove the ownership of Bitcoin. The owner must be able to sign transaction messages (the most common being the message to spend Bitcoin) with the private key to prove that the message sender is the owner of the corresponding address. Without the private key, it is not possible to sign messages, and as an anonymous currency, there is no evidence of ownership on the internet, so Bitcoin cannot be used. During transactions, the network will confirm with the public key, and holding the private key is equivalent to holding the Bitcoin stored in the corresponding address.

  The private key must be kept confidential; otherwise, anyone who possesses the private key of a specific address can use the Bitcoin within it. It also cannot be lost, and unlike when a financial card PIN is forgotten, the user can, according to local financial regulations, carry their own identity card and personally go to a financial institution to reset the password and continue using the original account. However, if the Bitcoin private key is lost, it will be as if forgetting the password of a safe and unable to normally open and use the items inside the safe, and there is no way to reset it (unless there is an earlier backup). In 2013, a British user accidentally discarded a hard drive containing their private key, resulting in 7,500 Bitcoin, valued at 7.5 million US dollars at the time, becoming unusable. Unless the private key is found, these Bitcoin will remain idle in the blockchain and no longer circulate, thereby reducing the circulation of Bitcoin. It is very difficult to crack the private key, which is one of the main security mechanisms of anonymous Bitcoin. According to the estimate of blockchain company Chainalysis, by the end of 2017, approximately 17% to 23%, between 2.78 million and 3.79 million Bitcoin could not be used or entered into circulation due to reasons such as lost private keys and forgotten passwords.


  2013年聖誕節前,12天比特幣節目中,Adam Johnson收到Bloomberg電視台的主播Matt Miller送的價值20美元的比特幣禮物卡Online casino and The latest plan。他開心的打開禮物卡包裝,在攝影機前展示了約10秒鐘禮物卡,然後,10秒鐘之內,錢就不見了。這張禮物卡上面,是一個比特幣錢包的地址跟私鑰的QR CODE。






  名為比特幣現金(Bitcoin Cash,BCH)的分叉在2017年8月1日出現,分叉後第一個開始區塊为478559,而BCH 478559的區塊大小約1.9MB,超過原有區塊容量上限,意味著比特幣現金的正式誕生,所有在分叉前的比特幣持有者將自動擁有同金額的“比特幣現金”區塊链,區塊容量上限立即提升至8MB。

  然而,比特币现金的诞生也伴随着不少争议。比如,其最初使用的交易代码并不是“BCH”,而是“BCC”,这正好与另一个加密货币Bitconnect冲突,而且和Bitfinex上代表“Bitcoin Core”的链分叉期货(Chain Split Token)交易代码也是雷同的,这曾经让部分投资者感到混淆。


  有人认为目前只有兼容Bitcoin Core客户端的链(即BTC)才是真正的比特币,他们往往会把比特币现金叫做“Bcash”;同时也有人认为比特币现金才是真正的比特币,而且认为“Bcash”这种称呼实质上是一种针对比特币现金的社会工程学攻击手段。

  比特币早期布道者Andreas M. Antonopoulos则认为基于比特币的去中心化本质,并不存在一个“真正的比特币”标准答案,每一个人都应该有自己的独立认知。

  比特币黃金(Bitcoin Gold,BTG)是2017年10月25日的再次分叉,比特幣持有人將生成出等量的比特幣黃金幣,主要是希望解決日漸中心化的挖礦現象,比特币黃金將採用新的雜湊算法Equihash,來防止 ASICs 挖礦。同时,Bitcoin Gold开发也预挖了一部分BTG,作为对团队维持开发工作的支持和激励。

  原定在區塊494,784(2017年11月)进行的SegWit2x硬分叉, Jeff Garzik主导开发的sha256挖矿分叉已失败,比特币纽约团队主导的GPU挖矿版成功分叉 (页面存档备份,存于),後續又有數十個比特币分叉,包括Bitcoin Diamond、Super Bitcoin等。此类分叉的涌现甚至引出了一个新的概念“IFO”,即“首次分叉发行”(Initial Fork Offering),与“ICO”(Initial Coin Offering,首次代币发行)性质类似。




  有數個比特幣位置存有未使用的大量資金。其中部分位址曾存有美國聯邦調查局自線上黑市「絲路」創辦人「恐怖海盜羅伯特」(Dread Pirate Roberts)處查扣的比特幣資金,這些位址已在2013年10月被美國司法部強制下線。

  比特币结合 P2P 对等网络技术和密码学原理,来维持发行系统的安全可靠性。与有中心服务器的中央网络系统不同,在 P2P 网络中无中心服务器,每个用户端既是一个节点,也有服务器的功能,任何一个节点都无法直接找到其他节点,必须依靠其户群进行信息交流。比特币使用以下3种机制,来解决初次运行时,查找其他节点的问题。

  在默认情况下,运行比特币的用户端加入一个 IRC 聊天通道,并可以获知加入该通道的其他用户端的 IP 地址和端口。该通道的名称和 IRC 聊天服务器的名称被写在了比特币软件中。一些“知名的”比特币节点也被编写在软件中,以防 IRC 聊天服务功能因故无法访问。可以手动添加运行比特币的其他用户端的 IP 地址。

  现在不需要运行上述3个机制,一旦连接到比特币的某个节点,在发送的信息中,就会包含对等网络 P2P 其他节点的地址,直接通过其匿名用户群来找到其他节点。节点遍布整个互联网的 P2P 技术和密码学原理相结合,确保了比特币发行系统无法被政府、组织、或黑客监控、隔离、或破坏,从而保障了系统的可靠性和匿名性。。拒绝服务式(DDoS)以及其他攻击,其目标都是针对比特币交易中心,这和攻击或关闭传统货币交易所的网络,理论上不影响其货币发行和使用一样。2013年5月,美国政府查封世界上最大的比特币交易所银行账户后,兑换率还是维持在1比特币兑换120美元上下。


  匿名與隐私是比特币問世時主要的訴求,因為交易或建立比特币地址、錢包時,不需要提供任何個人資訊,區塊鏈也不會儲存任何個人資訊,但交易信息是向全网广播的,因此所有交易记录细节都是公开的、而可以追蹤。不同于採用 KYC 認證的传统金融機構,通过将交易信息與客户資料严格保密来保护客户隐私,但若國家機關基於特定原因,而向金融機構調取資料,或是被金融機構被駭客攻擊,或是內部洩漏,這樣仍然會使隐私消失,而使得特定交易信息與關聯的客户資料曝光,相對的,由於比特币的交易紀錄可以追蹤,因此如果比特币的特定交易信息與關聯的客户資料曝光,或經由 KYC 認證的交易所兌換成法定貨幣,其他相關地址也可能追蹤出真實身分,比特币可通过为每笔交易建立不同的地址来保护隐私,bitcoin.org 網站也建議每一個地址只做一次交易。例如,甲方希望发送 1.20 BTC 给乙方,那么任何人都可以通過比特币网络上所有节点都能够查阅这笔 1.20 BTC 的交易细节。但除非甲方或者乙方公布自己拥有其中的一个地址,否则作為不記名的貨幣,其他人很难知道这笔交易是发生在甲方与乙方之间的。

  理论上,如果有调查者能够将某一个地址与某一用户间建立关联,那么调查者就可以追根溯源,搞清楚每一笔交易的对方,如比對其它的個人資訊,如交易的 IP 地址等,某特定交易的資訊,要求已知的一方交代交易的另一方的身份等,并顺藤摸瓜經由交易链,並配合比特币交易所基於反洗錢法的 KYC 身分認證,直到确定目标地址的真实所有者,因此,只要有一筆交易被證明為犯罪,如某些交易是綁架的贖金或是未經持有人同意下,從被盜的帳戶轉帳出去等,之後所有後續轉出去的地址都會被“汙染”。但实际上,想要确定某个比特币的真实所有者依然是异常困难的,加上後續混合比特币(Bitcoin Mixing)、匿名轉換成其他加密貨幣,特別是門羅幣等徹底隱藏交易信息的新型態加密貨幣的產生,雖然強化了隐私保护,但也增加金流追蹤的困難,这一属性使得比特币吸引了很多非法物品交易者的兴趣。

  In order to thoroughly solve the concerns about Bitcoin’s privacy, monitoring, tracking, etc., subsequent development has focused on privacy, with blockchain and alternative cryptocurrencies that have automatic mixing or encryption functions, commonly known as privacy coins, including Dash, Monero, Zcash, PIVX, etc. However, due to the fact that such currencies are extremely easy to be used as money laundering tools, transactions of this kind of currency are restricted in some exchanges.

  Hacker incidents on trading websites

  On June 19, 2011, a security vulnerability at the Mt.Gox Bitcoin trading center caused the price of 1 Bitcoin to plummet to 1 cent, but the organization claimed that other transactions were not affected. The reason was that a hacker stole the user’s Mt.Gox certificate from a computer infected with a trojan horse, transferred the Bitcoin to his own account, and sold it, generating a large number of ‘ask’ requests at that price. A few minutes later, Mt.Gox closed and canceled the abnormal transactions in the hacker incident, causing the price of Bitcoin to rebound to $15. In the end, the Bitcoin exchange rate returned to the situation before the collapse. This was equivalent to more than 8,750,000 US dollars of accounts affected. In July 2011, the operator of Bitomat, the third largest Bitcoin trading center in the world, announced that the access rights to the wallet.dat file recording 17,000 Bitcoin (approximately $220,000) had been lost. At the same time, it announced its decision to sell services to compensate for user losses. In August 2011, My Bitcoin, one of the commonly used Bitcoin trading centers, announced that it had been hacked and caused the shutdown. 49% of customer deposits, more than 78,000 Bitcoin (then approximately $800,000), were missing. In 2012, Bitcoinica was hacked twice and was accused of ignoring the safety of customer funds and forging withdrawal applications. In early August 2012, Bitcoinica was sued in San Francisco court for about $460,000. In September 2012, Bitfloor trading center was also hacked, with 24,000 Bitcoin (about $250,000) stolen. Bitfloor suspended operations as a result. In the same month, Bitfloor resumed operations, and its founder said that he had reported the theft incident to the FBI and was planning to compensate the victims, but the schedule for compensation was unclear. In November 2013, the online wallet service provider inputs.io was hacked by two hackers, stealing 4,100 Bitcoin, and only accounts with more than 1 Bitcoin can receive compensation. On February 25, 2014, the world’s largest Bitcoin platform, Mt. Gox, based in Tokyo, Japan, closed its website and stopped trading due to website security vulnerabilities.2016年8月8日,比特幣交易所 Bitfinex 被盜走119756個比特幣,當時價格達7500萬美元,損失由所有用戶扣除36.067%的餘額分擔2022年2月,美國司法部破獲此案,以現價來計算,價值超過45億美金。2019年5月7日,全球最大交易所幣安宣布被盜7074比特幣,當時價格超過4000萬美元。2019年7月8日,日本東京“BITPoint Japan”比特币儲存與交易公司被駭客盜走35亿日元比特幣,其中25億是民眾資產牽涉約用户约达5万人,BITPoint Japan是在东京二板市场上市的Remixpoint旗下子公司。2019年11月27日,韓國的交易所Upbit 宣布被駭客盜取 342,000 顆以太幣,當時價格超4900萬美元。2020年2月5日,義大利的交易所 Altsbits 宣布遭盜黑客攻擊,幾乎全部的比特幣、以太幣和其他加密貨幣均被盜走,價值超 30 萬美元。並且Aitsbits隨即宣布在2020年5月8日關閉網站並停止交易。2020年9月8日,捷克斯洛伐克的交易所 Eterbase 宣布遭駭客攻擊,被盜取了價值超過 540 萬美元的比特幣、以太幣和其他加密貨幣。2020年9月26日,Kucoin交易所被駭客盜走價值超1.5億美元的加密貨幣,主要包括ERC-20代幣,比特幣和以太幣。





  2011年8月,比特币挖矿的僵尸网络被发现了。同時也發現,木马感染的「Mac OS X」電腦被用於比特币挖矿。


  2017年12月2日,阿根廷首都布宜諾斯艾利斯的一家星巴克咖啡館,被發現店內提供顧客使用的 Wi-Fi 遭植入 Coinhive 挖礦程式。

  Becoming a Tool for Crime

  Based on its characteristics of being government-controlled, relatively anonymous, and difficult to trace, like other currencies, Bitcoin is also used for illegal transactions, becoming a tool for crime or a tool for concealing criminal proceeds.

  Ponzi Scheme Accusation

  Bitcoin was once accused of being a ‘Ponzi scheme’ because the exchange rate of Bitcoin was constantly rising, and mining Bitcoin was relatively easy for early users. The European Central Bank conducted a careful and serious study of this Online casino and How to find it, and in the analysis report published in 2012, it stated that it is difficult to determine whether Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme or not with the existing data. On the one hand, those who buy Bitcoin need to find others willing to buy it in order to recover their funds, and many people believe this is a characteristic of a Ponzi scheme. On the other hand, the Bitcoin plan has never promised high returns to anyone, and the report believes that if money is considered, Bitcoin is a high-risk system for users.

  Transaction Fraud Issues

  In late August 2012, the Bitcoin Savings and Trust trading website was closed by its owner, leaving behind what is said to be about 5.6 million US dollars in debt. This also led to charges of operating a Ponzi scheme. In September 2012, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission began investigating this case.

  Silk Road Shopping Website

  In the United States, a transaction Silk Road led by an anonymous entity, self-proclaimed as the black market Amazon.com, with Bitcoin as its only transaction currency. In 2011, New York State Senator Charles Schumer and others wrote to the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, accusing Silk Road of money laundering using Bitcoin and demanding an investigation into Silk Road and Bitcoin. Like TOR, Bitcoin is a legal technology used in the Silk Road website, posing many difficulties for law enforcement agencies. However, Jeff Garzik, a core member of Bitcoin development, said that although the identities of all parties are anonymous, law enforcement agencies can still use advanced network analysis technology to track individual Bitcoin users through the public transaction records process in the blockchain. In November 2013, Silk Road was shut down by the United States government. In January 2014, the United States Department of Justice announced that Robert Faiella, the operator of a Bitcoin trading site, and Charlie Shrem were formally charged with participating in money laundering and helping Silk Road drug traffickers convert 1 million US dollars into Bitcoin.

  Due to frequent connections with illegal activities, Bitcoin has been subjected to many severe inspectionsonline casino tutorial and Latest Address. In 2013, the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) forcibly closed the online black market ‘Silk Road’ and seized 144,000 bitcoins, which were valued at approximately 28.5 million US dollars at the time. However, compared to other countries, the United States government has maintained a relatively friendly attitude towards Bitcoin. The new regulations of the Chinese mainland government restrict the transactions between Renminbi and Bitcoin. The European Banking Authority has warned that Bitcoin lacks consumer protection. Bitcoin may be stolen and it is technically impossible to obtain any compensation.



  2017年5月,一款名為WannaCry的勒索軟體,造成數十萬台電腦遭到感染,也是以比特币為支付工具。 2017年6月,另一款名為Petya的勒索軟體,也是以比特币為支付工具。



  比特币仍然有合法或正當的用途。有多种途径使用比特币,通过电子货币交易所、比特币提款機、服务商和个人等渠道,就能兑换为当地的现金或金币或以现金或金币購買比特币;也可以直接使用它购买物品和服务,或使用比特币金融卡。特别继维基解密宣布接受比特币捐助后,认可使用比特币的个人、组织和企业迅猛增长。 Coinmap(页面存档备份,存于)是一个专门收录全球范围内接受比特币支付的实体商家网站,比特币维基有一个网页则列出了接受比特币支付的合法网络商家。 隨著比特币金融卡的啟用,即使商家不接受比特幣,仍然可以依照比特幣與法幣的即時匯率,而以比特幣付款,猶如刷帳戶的金融卡支付外幣(美元、歐元等)消費,仍然可以依照該外幣與的即時匯率,而從的存款帳戶扣款來完成付款,這樣商家只要支援Visa 或 Mastercard等信用卡,或是Apple Pay等行動支付功能者皆能使用,,使用範圍就能從直接接受比特幣的1萬商家,大幅擴大到包括網路購物、賣場購物、餐廳和咖啡廳用餐、搭乘交通工具、加油站加油等數千萬個商家(Visa 2,900萬、MasterCard 3,200萬個),如果許可,並可使用世界各地逾3千多萬台一般法幣ATM,以比特幣提領當地現金使用。

  Non-profit organizations that accept Bitcoin

  In June 2011, FreeNet, Institute of Machine Intelligence, Internet Archive, Free Software Foundation, and other organizations began to accept donations in Bitcoin. In June 2011, the Electronic Frontier Foundation also accepted Bitcoin donations for a period of time but later announced that it would stop doing so, due to concerns about the legal uncertainties surrounding the currency system like Bitcoin, which has no precedent in history. In November 2011, WordPress announced that it would accept Bitcoin payments. The statement said that areas such as Kenya, Haiti, and Cuba, which were blocked by the international payment system, could benefit from Bitcoin to enable internet users in these regions to purchase services. After the Ya’an earthquake in Sichuan Province, China in April 2013, the public welfare fund One Foundation announced that it would accept Bitcoin as earthquake donations. At that time, it had received意向donations of 50 Bitcoin (equivalent to 40,000 yuan at the time). In May 2013, the Electronic Frontier Foundation announced that after studying the ‘Online Casino and How to Find It’ regulation issued by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of the U.S. Treasury Department, it would accept Bitcoin donations as gifts, just like cars. In February 2014, it is believed that the University of Cumbria in northern England became the first public university in the world to accept Bitcoin as tuition fees for ‘Online Casino and How to Find It’. The Wikimedia Foundation accepts donations in Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash through BitPay, but does not retain the received Bitcoin, only converting it into USD for use.


  LaCie公司是一间上市公司,接受比特币作为其Wuala服务的付款方式。匿名组织”LulzSec”宣布接受比特币捐赠。他们宣称说该匿名团体“需要比特币捐赠以便继续他们的事业。”2013年1月,線上遊戲商Zynga宣布將支援比特幣付款。2013年3月5日,Namecheap宣布開始接受比特幣支付。2013年4月,海盗湾、EZTV等开始接受比特币捐款。2013年5月,富比士公布了《接受比特币交易的十大网站》。2013年6月,PayPal禁止普通商家出售比特币。但2014年9月,Paypal又宣布通过PayPal Payments Hub接受比特币。2013年10月,世界第一台比特幣櫃員機在加拿大溫哥華出現,允許使用者把比特幣兌換成為加元提取,每天最高上限為3千加元;另一方面,使用者亦可以透過存入現金購入比特幣 ,到2017年5月,全球比特幣櫃員機數量到達1167台,分布在58個國家。肯尼亚创业家和程序员皮爾·布萊恩賈德(Pelle Braendgaard)推出了一个比特币服务Kipochi。在斯瓦希里语中Kipochi的意思就是钱包。Kipochi让用户可以用M-Pesa购买比特币,帮助在国外工作的肯尼亚人无需支付高额国际银行转账费寄钱回家。肯尼亚的银行设施稀少,但智能手机几乎无处不在,由移动运营商推出的M-Pesa是该国广泛流行的移动支付系统,它让公民可以很容易的汇款给另一个人。Bitcoin Channel指出,世界最大的競標購物網站eBay上的某些店铺接受比特币,还有约240家店铺出售比特币服务。2014年1月9日,美国大型网络零售商Overstock正式接受比特币。2014年7月,比特幣台灣交換網 bitbarterex – 比特幣 與 商品服務交換 的場所。 網站已更名為 bitexc (https://bitexc.com/ (页面存档备份,存于)(页面存档备份,存于))2014年7月18日,戴尔开始接受比特币支付,但目前因低需求而停止。2014年11月,網路報導宣稱Microsoft微軟Xbox及電子化商品將接受比特幣支付。2016年2月,日本遊戲與成人內容平台DMM.com宣佈接受比特幣支付。2016年4月,遊戲平台 Steam 宣布支持比特幣支付。但在2017年12月宣佈不再接受比特幣,理由是手續費暴增且幣值波動劇烈。2017年4月,日本家電連鎖店 Bic Camera 開始接受比特币付款。2017年5月,樂桃航空宣佈將於該年年底前開放以比特幣購買機票,成為日本第一家接受比特幣的航空公司。2019年8月,實惠家居宣佈和時富金融服務集團旗下的鯰魚金融科技(Weever FinTech)及錢方QFPay携手合作,成為香港首家全線接受比特幣付款的大型零售連鎖店。2021年3月,馬斯克宣佈旗下汽車製造商Tesla允許顧客以比特幣購買汽車。


  華義國際(一間台灣線上遊戲公司) 成立比特幣交易平台,但目前該網站已停止營運。btcextw 比特幣台灣交易中心 (https://web.archive.org/web/20140417145121/http://www.btcextw.com/) – 比特幣 與 法幣交換交易 的場所,註冊公司為 序勝股份有限公司,該公司為當時台灣交易量最大的交易所,但於上線七個月後網站遭到駭客攻擊並且損失用戶儲值於該網站的比特幣,最終btcextw出面詳細交代事件的經過並且於兩日內賠償所有用戶損失,目前該網站已停止營運。YesBTC 比特幣交易中心 (偷拍农民工嫖妓bbbbb,国语自产少妇精品视频蜜桃在线,国语第一次处破女,成人性生交大片免费看一) 註冊公司為 數位比特股份有限公司,於 2015年1月30日 宣告營運不善,目前該網站已停止營運,其經營人何翼兆,詐欺認罪。


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  Enterprise without the need for a bank

  Legal companies do not need bank accounts. In March 2017, a newly registered company in Sweden, ‘Beautiful New World / Brave New World,’ due to its involvement with Iran, which is subject to Western economic sanctions, used Bitcoin to raise funds and operate its business when it was unable to open a bank account.

  On February 27, 2014, U.S. Democratic Senator Joe Manchin (Joe Manchin) recently sent an open letter to the federal government, hoping that relevant departments would pay attention to the adverse phenomenon of Bitcoin disrupting the financial market and proposed to ban Bitcoin. Federal Reserve Chairman Yellen responded to Senator Joe Manchin’s question about Bitcoin during her testimony before the Senate Banking Committee, saying, ‘The Federal Reserve has no jurisdiction over Bitcoin.’ Manchin was disappointed with Yellen’s statement and believed that there would be a conflict of interest between the Federal Reserve Bank and Bitcoin in the near future. On February 26, 2014, Shai Heffetz, the Managing Director of InterTrader, said, ‘Many governments are beginning to understand the real threat that Bitcoin poses to traditional fiat currencies, and therefore they have the intention to shut down Mt.Gox. Currently, the global currency war has become more fierce and bloody, with all countries printing a large number of banknotes and distorting data to cover up the fact that they are printing money recklessly. The banknotes in people’s pockets may still be able to fill their stomachs, but the fact is that the cost of living has increased significantly in the past five years, and continued monetary easing cannot be sustainable. Bitcoin and other alternative currencies are beginning to be considered as feasible alternatives to traditional fiat currencies; because Bitcoin cannot be manipulated by any government, the world’s power holders are beginning to worry and launch a wave of suppression; when the hidden fact of inflation is gradually known to the outside world, people will start to believe in a certain independent digital currency to replace the over-inflated traditional fiat currency.’ ‘The interruption of Mt.Gox is said to have originated from the suppression of Bitcoin by global governments,’ reported by the online media HITC. Liu Ning and Shen Dahai, the authors of ‘Decoding Bitcoin,’ believe that Bitcoin is a ‘broadcast and manage billing system’ for global users through the internet. Gong Ming, the CMO of Yi Bit Digital Technology Co., Ltd., believes that Bitcoin is the first successful DACs (Decentralized Autonomous Coordination) in the world today. Before this, no project has attracted so many human and material resources on a global scale as Bitcoin, not only having a huge impact but also bringing huge returns to all participants. The developers participating in it believe that it is an internet technology similar to Bitmessage and is part of the decentralized movement.Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman believes that ‘Bitcoin is evil’ and has expressed several opinions on Bitcoin. In 2011, New York State Senator Charles Schumer and others wrote to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration accusing the Silk Road of using Bitcoin for money laundering and demanding an investigation into Silk Road and Bitcoin. In May 2013, Bitcoin senior developer Martti Malmi filed a lawsuit against the Liberty Reserve, a central server-managed free reserve bank similar to Bitcoin, in the U.S. Attorney’s Office, and sealed its website and arrested relevant suspects. Martti Malmi believed that unlike Liberty Reserve, Bitcoin is a computer program without an entity in the peer-to-peer network, which can spread like a seed file, and the U.S. government still cannot block it. Bart Chilton, a member of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, believes it is a futures product. Asia’s richest man, Li Ka-shing, invested an unspecified amount in the U.S. Bitcoin payment company BitPay in 2013 through his company Horizons Ventures, which is equivalent to PayPal in the Bitcoin field. Janet Yellen, the vice chair of the Federal Reserve Board, said at the Shanghai International Monetary Conference that new types of network currencies make bankers uneasy and may become tools to disrupt financial order. Yi Gang, the deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China, said at a forum in 2013 that from the perspective of the People’s Bank of China, it is unlikely to recognize the legality of Bitcoin in the near future. However, he also believes that Bitcoin transactions, as a buying and selling behavior on the Internet, give ordinary people the freedom to participate. In addition, Yi Gang pointed out that Bitcoin is ‘very unique’ and has ‘inspirational’ qualities, and individuals will maintain long-term attention. Managers of Bitcoin risk investment funds believe it is a new type of business model. Jon Soberg, the chairman of Bloomberg Fund, said that Bitcoin is likely to make credit cards obsolete and bring about a financial revolution. David Woo, the global head of interest rate and foreign exchange research at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, released a research report in December 2013 valuing Bitcoin at $1,300, and he believes that ‘Bitcoin can become a major payment method for e-commerce.’and has become a strong competitor in traditional currency transactions.

  Organizational reflections

  On February 24, 2014, the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) acknowledged that they had established a ‘New Payment Special Task Force’ separately from the member organizations of the state branches to investigate and evaluate Online casino and How to find it. In the Bitcoin Evaluation Report released by the internationally renowned investment institution Goldman Sachs on February 22, 2014, it was stated that Bitcoin could become a milestone for the standardization of Online casino and How to find it. After studying the definitions related to the U.S. Treasury, the internationally renowned internet legal aid public organization, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, treated Bitcoin as a gift for donation, just like stocks. On June 8, 2021, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) urged legislative bodies to authorize stricter regulations on the reporting of cryptocurrency transactions, considering that ‘most virtual currencies are beyond the radar detection range, which poses a challenge to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service’.

  As a transaction tool not issued and guaranteed by a national force, Bitcoin has been recognized, used, and participated in by many individuals, organizations, and enterprises around the world. Some governments recognize it as currency, but some regard it as a virtual commodity and do not recognize its currency attributes. Some governments view Bitcoin, which cannot be regulated, as illegal trading goods and attempt to suppress it legally.

  United States

  On December 9, 2021, during a cryptocurrency hearing held at the U.S. House of Representatives, Republican Representative Patrick McHenry said that the technology in the cryptocurrency field ‘has already been regulated’, but the existing regulatory framework may be ‘clumsy’ and ‘not the latest’, and has a tendency towards over-regulation. Patrick McHenry said: ‘The impact of cryptocurrencies on the future may be greater than the Internet… We need reasonable rules… We do not need legislators to regulate subconsciously out of fear of the unknown… Regulating out of fear of the unknown will only kill the innovative capabilities of the United States, putting us at a disadvantage in competition… How do we ensure that the Web3 revolution happens in the United States?’ In addition, Patrick McHenry also said at the cryptocurrency hearing: ‘We need to abandon the idea that cryptocurrencies are only used by criminals. Do you know what else is used for malicious purposes? Cash.’


  In December 2020, it considered classifying Bitcoin as ‘intangible assets’ and levying taxes on its transactions.

  El Salvador

  On September 7, 2021, it officially listed Bitcoin as a legal currency, becoming the first country in the world to do so, and at the same time, it triggered anti-Bitcoin legal demonstrations in many places in the country.


  On July 31, 2022, Russian President Putin signed the ‘Regulation of Digital Financial Assets and Cryptocurrency Law’. Before the enactment of this law, Russia had no legal basis for regulating cryptocurrencies. According to the ‘Regulation of Digital Financial Assets and Cryptocurrency Law’, digital financial assets refer to the rights of digital assets issued, cleared, and circulated in information systems. Digital assets can be used as collateral, for buying and selling, and for exchange, but cannot be used as a means of payment.

  On September 22, 2022, the Central Bank of Russia and the Ministry of Finance reached an agreement to allow the use of cryptocurrencies for cross-border settlements.

  The People’s Republic of China

  On December 5, 2013, the People’s Bank of China, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the China Banking Regulatory Commission, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission jointly issued the ‘Notice on Preventing the Risks of Bitcoin’, at that time ordering financial institutions and payment institutions not to provide custody, exchange, and payment services for Bitcoin, emphasizing that virtual currencies do not have the same legal status as currency. Users must use real-name systems on Bitcoin trading platforms and are subject to supervision by telecommunications management agencies.

  Starting from the ‘Notice on Preventing the Financing Risks of Cryptocurrency Issuance’ jointly issued by the People’s Bank of China, the Central Cyberspace Administration, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the General Administration of Market Supervision, the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on September 4, 2017, the behavior of related financing activities through virtual currency issuance has been regulated as illegal public financing without approval, and all trading activities related to virtual currencies have been prohibited; in 2018, a series of regulations prohibiting virtual currency trading were also issued, such as the ‘Interim Provisions for the Management of Public Information Service Development of Instant Communication Tools’ implemented by the National Internet Information Office on August 7, where WeChat public accounts related to blockchain were ordered to be blocked.

  On May 18, 2021, the People’s Bank of China, together with the China Internet Finance Association, China Banking Association, and China Payment and Clearing Association, jointly issued a statement pointing out that: ‘The price of virtual currencies has surged and plummeted, speculative trading activities of virtual currencies have rebounded, seriously infringing on people’s property security and disrupting the normal order of economic and financial activities.’ The text also explicitly states that related trading activities have violated Chinese laws, any transaction contract is not legally guaranteed, and all consequences and losses are borne by investors themselves.

  On September 24, 2021, the People’s Bank of China and ten other ministries jointly issued the ‘Notice on Further Preventing and Handling the Risks of Speculation and Manipulation of Online Casino and How to Find It Transactions’, which states that Online Casino and How to Find It does not have the same legal status as legal currency, and related business activities are illegal financial activities. For domestic staff of related overseas Online Casino and How to Find It exchanges, as well as legal persons, unincorporated organizations, and individuals who know or should know that they are engaged in related Online Casino and How to Find It business activities and still provide them with marketing, payment settlement, technical support, and other services, they will be held legally responsible for relevant responsibilities.

  In addition to Bitcoin, there are many similar types of currencies, collectively known as cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin are also known as altcoins, competitor coins (in English), and there are currently more than thousands of cryptocurrencies in circulation, and they are increasing continuously. New cryptocurrencies may be established by anyone at any time, and can be established through independent creation, hard forks, and tokens issued through ICOs. Some other cryptocurrencies have more functions, better privacy protection, faster block generation time, and support for smart contracts, such as Ethereum.

  The current exchange rate of BTC is based on Google Finance: AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, HKD, JPY, TWD, USD. According to Sina Finance: AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, HKD, JPY, TWD, USD. According to Yahoo Finance: AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, HKD, JPY, TWD, USD. According to Yahoo Hong Kong Finance: AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, HKD, JPY, TWD, USD. According to Yahoo奇摩股市: AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, HKD, JPY, TWD, USD. According to XE.com: AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, HKD, JPY, TWD, USD. According to OANDA: AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, HKD, JPY, TWD, USD

  BTC is not an officially recognized symbol by ISO and conflicts with ISO 4217, as BT represents Bhutan. XBT is not an officially recognized symbol by ISO, but is compatible with ISO 4217. This symbol also represents the Thai baht. Literally, it means “bit coin”, where bit is a bit, the smallest unit of digital information, and this name has the meaning of digital currency. The term “bitcoin” adopted by phonetic translation has been widely used everywhere, and this entry continues to use it. Satoshi Nakamoto, also known as Satoshi Nakamoto, is a person whose real identity is unknown, possibly an individual or a team of individuals.

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The prosecution content of the US prosecutors stated that the 24-year-old Shrem is the CEO of the BitInstant.com exchange, and he is suspected of helping the 52-year-old Faihla to exchange cash for bitcoins; while Faihla is accused of operating an underground bitcoin trading site on the Silk Road website under the username BTCKing. A network trading expert said during an interview with BBC that after the Silk Road was shut down and the founder was arrested, people have been expecting that the police may take action against more people possibly involved in illegal activities. The Manhattan District Attorney stated that the police arrested Charlie Shrem and Robert Faihla at Kennedy International Airport and their homes in Florida on Sunday and Monday, respectively. James Hunt, the US drug enforcement official, pointed out that the two hid behind computers and the internet, pretending to be unaware of the criminal activities they were involved in. The prosecutor said that Shrem not only knew that Faihla was money laundering through the Silk Road, but also purchased drugs through the Silk Road. Shrem is one of the founders of the Bitcoin Foundation and also the current vice chairman; the purpose of establishing this foundation is to promote and popularize the wider use of bitcoins. Last year, Shrem also opened a bar that accepts bitcoins in New York specifically to encourage more people to use bitcoins. Some investors have publicly stated that they were unaware of Shrem’s alleged criminal activities and are willing to actively cooperate with law enforcement agencies’ investigation activities.Forbes. October 25, 2013 [November 24, 2013]. (Original content archived on December 25, 2018).^ Peterson, Andrea. . The Switch. The Washington Post. January 27, 2014 [January 28, 2014]. (Original content archived on January 28, 2014).^ Kelion, Leo. . bbc.com. BBC. December 18, 2013 [December 20, 2013]. 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  List of encrypted electronic currencies blockchain electronic currencies digital gold currency cryptocurrency digital currency BitShares Bitcoin ATMs Lightning Network Bitcoin history Bitcoin law

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