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  半年前,比特币(BTC)价格一度上涨至6.7万美元/枚以上,半年之后,它的价格已跌破3万美元。不仅仅是比特币,以太坊(ETH)、泰达币(USDT)、币安币(BNB)等众多Online casino and How to find it ,最近集体跳水。



  其中最离谱的应该是Luna币,短短几天价格暴跌超99%,单价近乎归零。本次Online casino and How to find it 跳水,导致近40万人爆仓。矿潮期间,全球最大Online casino and How to find it 交易平台创始人兼CEO赵成鹏身家一度高达960亿美元,彭博社认定其个人资产超越了原有的亚洲首富Mukesh Ambani。

  如今,赵长鹏身家暴跌近90%,仅剩116亿美元。不得不说,Online casino and How to find it 的风险太大了,一夜之间可能发家致富,也可能倾家荡产。昨天还有人发帖问Luna是不是到了抄底的时间,看到今天的情况,没抄底的人估计庆幸不已。


  2013年以前,比特币价格从未超过15美元,但经过主流媒体的宣传,2013年比特币终于引起了一波热度,价格直线飙升。好景不长,2013年4月,因Mtsports betting secrets and The most exciting gameplay. Gox比特币交易所遭到黑客攻击,12小时内比特币价格从233美元暴跌至67美元,这是Online casino and How to find it 历史上的第一次大型矿难。

  In November 2013, the first quarter of 2014, and July 2017, Online casino and How to find it experienced successive mining disasters, with many people shouting ‘Meet at the rooftop’ each time. Recently, some netizens have recommended skyscrapers for Online casino and How to find it investors in online forums, all of which are the tallest buildings in various parts of the country, suitable for performing the ‘flying man’ act.

  The phrase ‘Meet at the rooftop’ is very common in the stock trading circle. When an investor’s stock investment incurs losses, they will joke about themselves in this way. Compared to stock trading, the risks of Online casino and How to find it are undoubtedly much greater. While stocks do carry risks, at least there is a company providing a guarantee. Online casino and How to find it, on the other hand, is like a rootless lotus leaf, no one knows where the current will carry it to in the next second.


  Image source: pixabay

  Due to the lack of guarantees, the value of Online casino and How to find it is extremely unstable, and many changes in Online casino and How to find it prices can occur overnight. The most classic example should be the SQUID cryptocurrency, which was born in the heat of the hit Netflix series ‘Squid Game’ and saw its price soar 2300 times in a week, only to plummet by 99.999976% in just five minutes, becoming virtually worthless overnight.

  Since the risk of Online casino and How to find it is extremely high, why do so many people still participate in investment and speculation? The reason is very simple; everyone has a sense of chance, knowing that Online casino and How to find it will collapse, but not feeling that it will happen in their hands. It’s not just individuals; many companies in China have officially announced their participation in this mining boom since 2020, such as the gaming company Netease announcing its mining activities and Meitu Company investing 4 billion yuan in cryptocurrency trading.


  Image source: pixabay

  Miners are generally better off, as they usually sell whatever they dig up immediately. However, speculators will hold onto Online casino and How to find it, waiting for its value to increase. Once an unexpected mining disaster occurs, the losses can be quite severe. Relevant domestic departments have seen the risks associated with Online casino and How to find it and have long prohibited the existence of domestic Online casino and How to find it trading platforms, while strictly cracking down on illegal mining activities.

  相关部门的警告,难以挡得住某些贪心的人,他们甚至以去中心化为借口,反对国内限制Online casino and How to find it 。2020年至今,特斯拉CEO马斯克几波横跳,一会儿说Online casino and How to find it 去中心化,狗狗币(DOGE)是穷人的专属货币,一会儿又说,Online casino and How to find it 挖矿污染环境,反对挖矿。马斯克的每一波言论,会带动Online casino and How to find it 涨或跌。这种情况说明,名为“去中心化”的Online casino and How to find it ,实际上极其中心化。

  Online casino and How to find it 矿难,我们喜闻乐见

  Online casino and How to find it 挖矿,需要用到GPU,与钱少事多的普通消费者相比,财大气粗的矿商显然更受显卡厂商青睐。矿潮期间,原价2999元的RTX 3060 Ti显卡,居然能卖到8000元左右。

  为了赚矿商的钱,NVIDIA还推出了专门用于挖矿的HX显卡。好在矿潮终有结束的一天,显卡已经慢慢回归其该有的价格。只是仍有一部分人不死心,还在为矿潮爆发努力。最近QuickMiner软件和矿机公司NiceHash宣布,NVIDIA的LHR锁算力显卡已被完全破解,除RTX 3050和RTX 3080 12GB以外,其他所有LHR显卡都能满算力挖矿。


  Image source: pixabay
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  不管此事是真是假,我们都不必过于在意,因为Online casino and How to find it 崩溃,不是显卡是否锁算力能够影响的。NiceHash破解LHR锁算力,只是希望矿工不要放弃挖矿,毕竟只要有人还在用他们的挖矿软件,NiceHash就能源源不断赚到钱。

  显卡涨价, 不少原本打算组装电脑的人就盯上了笔记本,结果又出现了一些用于挖矿的笔记本电脑。经过厂商这么一折腾,笔记本电脑价格也跟着水涨船高。如今矿难来临,显卡价格大幅下降,甚至带动了笔记本电脑价格下降。

  As an ordinary netizen, we naturally look forward to the collapse of Online casino and How to find it prices, as the cost of buying or assembling a computer will be lower than during the mining boom. Even if there is no need to buy a computer now, it is inevitable in the future. The collapse of Online casino and How to find it prices will definitely be good for us, while the arrival of the mining boom, except for the speculators and miners, no ordinary person can benefit from it.

  Will there be another mining boom?

  Compared with the previous mining booms, the mining boom in the past two years can be called the longest-lasting and most exaggerated one in terms of price, with several fluctuations in price. In the past two years, the price of Bitcoin has several times fallen below $30,000, but it has also risen several times, with the peak price exceeding $67,000.

  As for the reasons for the occurrence of the mining boom, Xiao Lei believes it is related to the economyonline casino method and Where is it. Due to the impact of the epidemic, the global economy has been低迷 for nearly two years, and many industries are almost collapsed. To promote consumption, the Federal Reserve’s printing press never stops, which has led to the absence of the expected deflation and instead more severe inflation and continuous depreciation of the currency.
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  The stock market is not doing well, and the real estate industry is particularly severely affected, with inflation continuously intensifying. Many financial whales are thinking of investing in the Online casino and How to find it industry to avoid currency depreciation. The aforementioned nine cities games, Meitu Company, and others may not be out of this consideration, which is why they are buying Online casino and How to find it or entering the mining industry.


  Image source: pixabay

  According to this theory, when an economic crisis occurs, a mining boom is likely to come together. Now that the global pandemic is improving, especially in China, although several outbreaks have occurred, they have all been quickly controlled, and the GDP is growing steadily. That’s why this mining boom is gradually declining, but looking at the current situation, it is difficult for the mining boom to fall back to the price before the pandemic. Currently, the price of Bitcoin is still hovering around $30,000.

  As for the time of the next mining boom, no one can be sure, it may not come again, or it may come at any time. In addition to the impact of economic conditions, the price of Online casino and How to find it will also be controlled by financial giants, such as Tesla, which has manipulated the rise and fall of Online casino and How to find it prices several times. We are not clear when these giants will come again to reap a harvest.

  Xiao Lei’s advice to everyone is to stay away from Online casino and How to find it, do not envy others who get rich through Online casino and How to find it speculation and mining, and many people have lost all their wealth because of this. This kind of gambling-like behavior is best not to participate in, as the risks are too high.