Public chain currency refers to the virtual currency established on the public blockchain and how to find it. A public blockchain is a concept relative to private blockchains, especially referring to blockchains where any user in the world can access and read data. Famous public blockchains include Bitcoin and Ethereum. Each node on the public blockchain cannot be controlled freely, while private blockchains are controlled freely by developers.
Public Chain Characteristics
1. Public blockchains can protect the legitimate rights and interests of each user who uses the blockchain. Since the information on the blockchain cannot be changed due to its uncontrolled nature, the system has no right to interfere with users’ behavior;
2. Public blockchains can generate network effects, and the same blockchain can exist in different industries, enterprises, and assets, sharing the database;
3. The entry threshold for public blockchains is relatively low. As long as there is a computer connected to the internet, anyone can access it;
4. Information on public blockchains is open, and any user can read the transaction data conducted on the blockchain.
With the innovation of blockchain technology, a new platform was born, which is Ethereum. Unlike Bitcoin, which is just a cryptocurrency, Ethereum also has other features that make it a massive distributed computer.
So, what is Ethereum?
Specifically, Ethereum is a programmable, visual, and more user-friendly blockchain that allows anyone to write smart contracts and issue tokens. Like Bitcoin, Ethereum is decentralized, with the entire network recording transactions, the ledger is open, transparent, and immutable.
Unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum is a programmable blockchain that provides a set of Turing-complete scripting languages, so developers can directly program in high-level languages such as C, and convert them into assembly language, greatly reducing the difficulty of developing blockchain applications.
To make it easier to understand, let’s use an analogy. Ethereum is like Android in the blockchain, it is a development platform that allows us to write applications based on blockchain technology, just like the Android Framework. It provides various modules for users to build applications. If building an application is compared to building a house, then Ethereum provides modules such as walls, roofs, floors, etc. Users only need to build the house like building blocks, so the cost and speed of building applications on Ethereum are greatly improved.
In fact, before Ethereum, writing blockchain applications was like this: copy a copy of the Bitcoin code, then go and modify the underlying code such as encryption algorithms, consensus mechanisms, network protocols, etc. (Many altcoins are like this, just change a little and a new coin comes out).
As for how Ethereum operates?
Like other blockchains, Ethereum requires thousands of people to run a software on their computers to power the network. Each node (computer) in the network runs a software called the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). If you imagine the Ethereum Virtual Machine as an operating system, it can understand and execute software written in the Ethereum-specific programming language. Software/applications executed by the Ethereum Virtual Machine are called ‘smart contracts’.
However, operating on this computer is not free. It requires payment in the cryptocurrency built into the network, called Ether. Ether is roughly the same as Bitcoin, except for one thing, that is, Ether can be used to pay for executing smart contracts on the Ethereum platform.
Returning to the history of Ethereum, the concept of Ethereum was first proposed by programmer Vitalik Buterin, inspired by Bitcoin, between 2013 and 2014. It is generally understood as ‘the next generation cryptocurrency and decentralized application platform’. It began to develop through ICO crowdfunding in 2014.
As of February 2018, Ether was the second highest-valued cryptocurrency by market capitalization, second only to Bitcoin.
For many software engineers and investors, July 30, 2015, was a significant day. After an 18-month gestation period, the Ethereum blockchain platform was finally officially born. Around 11:45 a.m. on that day, in the office located in Brooklyn, the first genesis block of the Ethereum blockchain was generated. Immediately afterwards, many enthusiastic miners were eager to win the first block, which is the exclusive electronic currency of Ethereum, Ether. At that time, there was a resounding applause in the entire office. The weather that day was terrible, with heavy thunderstorms in the New York area, and the smartphones of everyone kept receiving noisy flood warning signals.
以太坊Ethereum由V神(Vitalik Buterin)在2014年创办,它是一个区块链底层系统,类似于互联网的操作系统,基于它开发的DAPP(去中心化应用)类似于基于互联网操作系统开发的软件APP。
Its emergence is mainly to make up for the shortcomings of Bitcoin, which can only realize a point-to-point electronic cash transaction system, but the application of blockchain technology in other scenarios cannot be realizedlottery victory and The latest method. If a bottom-level basic system is built for each scenario and then developed, it will be too time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the cost will also be high. Therefore, Ethereum has built a bottom-level system for developers to use, and developers only need to develop their own DAPP applications on this basis. According to data from last May, there are already more than 200 Ethereum applications worldwide.
In addition, Ethereum is also one of the relatively excellent public chains in the blockchain field. However, its slow transaction speed has been criticized by many developers, and Ethereum developers are constantly trying to develop sharding technology to change this situation.
The essence of Ethereum is a programmable, visual, and simple-to-operate blockchain that allows anyone to write smart contracts and issue tokens (which is also one of the reasons why there are so many aircoins and pyramid coins on the market). Like Bitcoin, Ethereum is also decentralized, with the entire network recording all the situations of Ethereum, and it is open, transparent, and unchangeable.
Then you may wonder, what are the differences between Ethereum and Bitcoin? In simple terms, you can understand Ethereum as a programmable blockchain that provides a set of Turing-complete scripting languages, allowing developers to directly program on this basis in languages such as C, and then convert them into assembly language, thereby reducing the development difficulty of blockchain applications. Just like the Android system, which is ready with APIs and interfaces, users can directly develop apps in this logic. Since the birth of Ethereum, there have been hundreds of applications on the Ethereum network, and even the Russian government has collaborated with the Ethereum Foundation.
I hope my answer can help you!
At a basic level, Ethereum is a software platform based on blockchain technology. The platform allows the construction and deployment of decentralized applications. What is ‘Ether’ in Ethereum? People interested in Ethereum often ask ‘What is Ether?’
Understanding Ethereum is very important because it is the foundation of Ethereum’s functions. Just like all machines use some kind of fuel, so does the blockchain. Ethereum uses the Ethereum network, which is a unique code that can be used as a way to pay for running applications or programs. Just like slot machines need coins (or the prepaid cards of today) to run, customers must use Ether as payment to run the operations they require on the Ethereum network.
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In simple terms, this is the conclusion:
Ethereum equals BTC + smart contracts + contract freedom + deflationary assets + utility value
This conclusion is actually not hard to understand.
The official definition is more elusive:
An open-source public blockchain platform with smart contract functionality. It provides a decentralized virtual machine through its dedicated cryptocurrency Ether (also known as ‘Ethereum’).
In simple terms, Ethereum is this conclusion:
Ethereum equals BTC + smart contracts + contract freedom + deflationary assets + utility value
I’ll give you a simple explanation.
Let’s take a look at the following video first: it is a very good explanation by V God, the founder of Ethereum.
In simple terms, Ethereum is this conclusion:
Ethereum equals BTC + smart contracts + contract freedom + deflationary assets + utility value
The official definition is more elusive:
Ethereum is a programmable, visual blockchain platformonline casino help,We need you. It has many operational functions, such as computing and summarizing various data.
Ethereum is a quantum leap in blockchain technology! Just like http is the underlying supporting technology of the internet, while Ethereum is the basis for various ecological dapps based on Ethereum smart contracts
What is Ethereum?
Ethereum is the foundation of the new era of the internet:
Built-in currency and payment.
Users have sovereignty over their personal data, and will not be monitored or have their data stolen by various applications.
Everyone has the right to use an open financial system.
Based on a neutral and open-source infrastructure, it is not controlled by any organization or individual. The creation of Ethereum
The Ethereum mainnet was launched in 2015, making it the world’s leading programmable blockchain.
Like other blockchains, Ethereum also has its native cryptocurrency, called Ether (ETH). ETH is a lottery and How to find it, and it has many of the same functions as Bitcoin. It is a pure lottery and How to find it that can be sent instantly to anyone anywhere in the world. The supply of ETH is not controlled by any government or organization, making it decentralized and scarce. People worldwide are using ETH for payments, or using it as a value storage and collateral.
But unlike other blockchains, Ethereum can do more. Ethereum is programmable, and developers can use it to build applications different from those in the past. The role of Ethereum
These decentralized applications (or ‘dapps’) are based on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, making them trustworthy; that is, once dapps are ‘uploaded’ to Ethereum, they will always run according to the programmed code. These applications can control digital assets to create new financial applications; at the same time, they are decentralized, meaning no single entity or individual can control them.
Currently, there are thousands of developers worldwide building applications, inventing new applications on Ethereum, many of which are now available for use:
1. Cryptocurrency wallets: Let you make low-cost instant payments using ETH or other digital assets
2. Financial applications: Let you borrow and invest in digital assets
3. Decentralized markets: Let you trade digital assets, even engage in trading of ‘predictions’ for real-world events
4. Games: You can own assets within the game and even earn real-world profits and more. The Ethereum community
The Ethereum community is the largest and most active blockchain community in the world. It includes core protocol developers, cryptocurrency economists, cryptopunks, mining organizations, ETH holders, application developers, ordinary users, anarchists, and Fortune 500 companies.
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参考资料:百度百科–Online casino and How to find it