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  1, Position: It refers to the ratio of the actual investment to the actual investment capital of the investor.

  2, Full position: It means buying all the Online casino and How to find it with all the capital.

  3, Reducing position: It means selling a part of the Online casino and How to find it.

  4, Liquidating position: It means selling all the Online casino and How to find it.

  5, Heavy position: It means buying a large amount of Online casino and How to find it.

  6, Light position: It means buying a very small amount of Online casino and How to find it.

  7, Establishing a position: It means buying Online casino and How to find it.online casino platformJoin us

  8, Adding to position: It means continuing to buy Online casino and How to find it.

  9, Full position: It means buying all the Online casino and How to find it at once.

  10, Take profit: Sell the held Online casino and How to find it after achieving a certain profit to secure the gains.

  11, Stop loss: Sell the held Online casino and How to find it after a certain amount of loss to prevent further losses.

  12, Bull market: The price continues to rise, and the outlook is optimistic.

  13, Bear market: The price continues to fall, and the outlook is bleak.

  14, Bullish (going long): The buyer believes that the price of the currency will rise in the future, buys the currency, and sells it after the price rises.

  15. Bears (Shorting): The sellers believe that the price of the coin will fall in the future, sell the coins they hold (or borrow coins from the trading platform), and buy them back at a lower price after the price falls to make a profit.

  16. Rebound: When the price falls, it adjusts upwards due to a rapid fall.

  17. Consolidation (Flat Trading): The price fluctuates with a small amplitude, and the price is stable.

  18. Slow Decline: The price slides slowly, like a sharp knife cutting flesh.

  19. Waterfall: The price falls rapidly with a large amplitude.

  20. Being Locked in: After buying, the price falls, which is abbreviated as being locked in.sports betting cheats and Where is it

  21. Missing the Market: After selling, the price rises, which is abbreviated as missing the market.

  22. Selling at a Loss: After buying, the price falls, and Online casino and How to find it is sold at a low price at a loss.

  23. Unwinding a Position: After being locked in, the price recovers, and losses are turned into profits.

  24. Overbought: The price has continued to rise to a certain height, the buying power is basically exhausted, and the price is about to fall.

  25. Oversold: The price has continued to fall to a certain low point, the selling power is basically exhausted, and the price is about to rise.

  26. Scalping: When the price has been consolidating for a long time, the possibility of a decline is high, most bears have sold Online casino and How to find it, and suddenly the bears push up the price, luring bulls into buying, only to have the bears drive down the price, locking in the bulls.

  27. Pump and Dump: After buying Online casino and How to find it as a bull, the price is deliberately driven down to make bears believe that the price will fall, prompting them to sell, only to fall into the trap set by bulls.

  28. Mining: The process of obtaining lottery and How to find it by running calculation programs on computers, mobile phones, and other devices. Note that mining can shorten the lifespan of the equipment.

  29. ICO: Initial Coin Offering, derived from the concept of Initial Public Offering (IPO) in the stock market, is the financing behavior of blockchain projects through the issuance of their own Online casino and How to find it to exchange for commonly used Online casino and How to find it in the market.

  30. Private Placement: Private placement is in contrast to public offering, where public offering refers to raising funds from a broad, unspecified group of people, such as funds sold by banks; private placement, on the other hand, requires raising funds from a specific group of people and cannot be publicly advertised.

  31. Angel Round: Angel investment refers to individuals investing their own funds to assist entrepreneurs with specialized technology or unique concepts who lack their own capital in starting a business, taking on the high risks involved in entrepreneurship and enjoying the high returns after the success of the business. It is also known as a one-time preliminary investment by free investors or informal venture capital institutions in original project ideas or small startup companies. Angel investment is a special form of venture capital.

  32, Seed round: It means something similar to the private round

  33, What does the cryptocurrency circle mean? The so-called cryptocurrency circle refers to the circle naturally formed by cryptocurrency players. The cryptocurrency circle is not big, but the number of people is not small either. It is basically a minority in the crowd, but after all, it is a circle. There are not many people who make money, and various ways of making money are quickly copied, such as ICO, trading, mining, and so on.

  34, How to make money in the cryptocurrency circle? There are many ways to make money in the cryptocurrency circle, the most important of which is trading for profit, ICO crowdfunding, moving bricks, and so on.

  35, Where can the news in the cryptocurrency circle be found? Market data websites: Feixiaohao, Mytoken, Aicoin, Coinmarketcap; News websites: Jinse Finance, Bitcointalk Community, Cryptocurrency World News; Chat websites: Twitter, Telegram, Slack

  36, What does ‘fiat currency’ mean? Fiat currency is the legal currency issued by the state and government, and it is guaranteed by the government’s credit, such as the Chinese yuan, US dollars, and so on.

  37, What does ‘token’ mean? ‘Token’ is usually translated as ‘token’, and it is one of the important concepts in blockchain. It is more widely known as ‘currency’.

  38, What does ‘moving bricks’ mean? ‘Moving bricks’ means buying lottery and How to find it from an exchange with a low price, and then selling it on an exchange with a high price. Next, let’s understand the wallet

  It needs to be clarified that the ‘wallet’ mentioned in the blockchain field is not a wallet for storing money, but a tool for storing keys (private and public keys). With the keys, you can have control over the corresponding address’s lottery and How to find it.

  1, Private key: It represents the authority to withdraw money from a Bitcoin address. If you master the private key, you have full control over the corresponding Bitcoin address. The private key can calculate the public key, and the public key can further calculate the Bitcoin address. During each transaction, the payer must present the private key and the signature generated by the private key. Each transaction signature is different, but generated by the same private key. The private key is a string of

  2, Public key: It appears in pairs with the private key. The public key can calculate the Bitcoin address, so it can serve as a proof of ownership of the Bitcoin address.

  3, Bitcoin address: If the blockchain is a ledger, the Bitcoin address is the account within it.

  4, Wallets come in many types: cold wallets, hot wallets, hardware wallets, brain wallets, paper wallets, and so on. Just looking at these concepts makes me dizzy. I think we don’t need to understand so much. We just need to understand the application scenarios, whether it’s on a mobile phone or a PC, and I believe we will only use lightweight wallets. The all-transaction storage full-featured wallets are too terrifying. If you are really not comfortable, install this wallet on a terminal that doesn’t go online much, just to prevent hackers from using it. (Part II: Wallet Practical Application)

















  把现金充值到币价更低的 A平台,然后买入比特币;然后从 A平台上提现比特币,收到后马上充值到价格更高的 B平台;充值的比特币到 B平台后,马上卖掉,收到的现金马上提现,然后重复步骤。






  You must continuously improve your cognitive level and keep up with trends in order to seize more opportunities in this era of rapid change.


  Blockchain is a new application mode of computer technology such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism, cryptocurrency algorithm, etc. It is a shared distributed ledger in which transactions are permanently recorded through the addition of blocks.


  In the Bitcoin network, data is permanently recorded in the form of files, which we call blocks. A block is a set of records of some or all of the latest Bitcoin transactions, which have not been recorded by any previous blocks.


  A copy of the classified account operated by participants in the blockchain network.


  Decentralization is a phenomenon or structure that can only appear or exist in a system with many nodes or in a group of many individuals. The influence between nodes is formed into a non-linear causal relationship through the network.

  5、Consensus Mechanism

  The consensus mechanism is the verification and confirmation of transactions through the voting of special nodes in a very short time; for a transaction, if a number of nodes with no interest in it can reach a consensus, we can consider that the entire network can also reach a consensus.

  6、Pow——Proof of Work

  Proof of Work refers to how much currency you can get, which depends on the amount of work you contribute to mining. The better the computer performance, the more mining will be allocated to you.

  7、PoS——Proof of Stake

  Proof of Stake, a system of interest distribution based on the amount and time of currency held, in the POS mode, your ‘mining’ income is directly proportional to your coin age, and has nothing to do with the computing power of your computer.

  8、Smart Contract

  A smart contract is a computer protocol designed to disseminate, verify, or execute contracts in an informational manner. Smart contracts allow for trustworthy transactions without a third party, which are traceable and irreversible.


  A timestamp is a string or encoded information used to identify the date and time of a record. The international standard is ISO 8601.

  10、Turing Complete

  Turing completeness refers to the ability of a machine to execute any computation that any other programmable computer can perform.

  11、Dapp——Decentralized Application

  It is an open-source application that runs automatically, stores its data on the blockchain, and incentivizes in the form of cryptocurrency tokens, operating through protocols that display valuable proofs.

  12、DAO——Decentralized Autonomous Organization

  It can be considered as a company that runs without any human intervention and hands over all forms of control to a set of indestructible business rules.

  13、PrivateKey——Private Key

  The private key is a sequence of data that allows you to access tokens in a specific wallet. They are hidden from everyone except the owner of the cryptocurrency address.

  14、PublicKey——Public Key

  It appears in pairs with the private key. The public key can calculate the address of the currency, so it can be used as a certificate of ownership of the currency address.

  15, Mining machine

  It is a computing device or software that tries to create a block and add it to the blockchain. In a blockchain network, when a new valid block is created, the system usually automatically gives a certain number of tokens to the block creator (mining machine) as a reward.

  16, Mining pool

  It is an automatic mining platform that allows mining machines to contribute their computing power together to mine blocks, obtain block rewards, and distribute profits according to the proportion of computing power contribution (that is, mining machine access mining pool – provide computing power – obtain income).

  17, Public chain

  A completely open blockchain, which means that anyone can read, anyone can send transactions, and transactions can be effectively confirmed. Everyone in the world can participate in system maintenance work, and anyone can read and write data through transactions or mining.

  18, Private chain

  The blockchain with write permission only for a certain organization or a specific few objects. Read permission can be open to the public, or can be restricted to any degree.

  19, Consortium chain

  A blockchain where the consensus mechanism is controlled by a number of designated institutions.

  20, Sidechain

  Incorporated sidechain technology (pegged sidechains), which will enable the transfer of Bitcoin and other digital assets between multiple blockchains, which means that users can access new cryptocurrency systems while using their existing assets.

  21, Interchain technology

  Interchain technology can be understood as a bridge connecting various blockchains, and its main application is to realize Atom transactions, asset conversion, inter-blockchain information communication, or solve Oracle problems, etc.

  22, Hard fork

  When the blockchain occurs a permanent split, after the release of the new consensus rules, some nodes that have not been upgraded cannot verify the blocks produced by the upgraded nodes, and usually a hard fork will occur.

  23, Soft fork

  After the new consensus rules are released, nodes that have not been upgraded will produce illegal blocks due to not knowing the new consensus rules, which will cause temporary forks.

  24, Hash – Hash value

  It is generally translated as ‘hash’, and there are also those that are directly transliterated as ‘hash’. Simply put, it is a function that compresses messages of arbitrary length into a fixed-length message digest.

  25, Main chain

  The term ‘main chain’ comes from the main network (relative to the test network), that is, the officially launched, independent blockchain network.

  For those who are not familiar with the ‘jargon’ in the cryptocurrency circle, come and learn quickly:

  1, What is legal tender?

  Legal tender is the official currency issued by the state and government, and it is guaranteed by the government’s credit, such as the Chinese yuan, US dollars, etc.

  2, What is token?

  Token, usually translated as token. Token is one of the important concepts in blockchain, and its more widely known name is ‘token’, but in the eyes of professionals in the ‘chain circle’, the more accurate translation is ‘token’, which represents a kind of rights proof on the blockchain, rather than currency.

  The three elements of Token

  Firstly, digital equity certificate, tokens must be a digital form of equity certificate, representing a kind of right, a kind of inherent and intrinsic value;

  Secondly, the authenticity, tamper resistance, privacy protection, and other capabilities of cryptocurrency tokens are guaranteed by cryptocurrency studies;

  Thirdly, it can flow in a network, so that it can be verified at any time and anywhere.

  What is building a position?

  Building a position in the coin circle, also known as opening a position, refers to the transactioner buying or selling a certain amount of lottery and How to find it.

  What is all-in?

  Coin circle all-in refers to investing all the principal.

  What is airdrop?

  Airdrop is currently a very popular marketing method for cryptocurrency. In order to make potential investors and enthusiasts of cryptocurrency obtain relevant information about tokens, the token team will carry out airdrops regularly.

  What is locking?

  Locking refers to the situation where an investor, after buying and selling contracts, opens a new position opposite to the original holding when the market appears in the opposite direction of his operation, which is also known as locking, locking order, and even named as butterfly double fly.

  What is candy?

  Coin circle candy refers to various lottery and How to find it issued and distributed for free to users at the ICO stage, which is a kind of promotion and publicity for the virtual currency project by the issuer of the project.

  What is break?

  Break refers to falling below the issue price, and issue refers to the issue price of lottery and How to find it. Coin circle break refers to the situation where a certain lottery and How to find it falls below the issue price.

  What is private placement?

  Private coin circle is a way to invest in cryptocurrency projects, and it is also the best way for the founders of cryptocurrency projects to raise funds for platform operation.

  How to read candlestick charts?

  Candlestick charts (Candlestick Charts) are also known as candlestick charts, Japanese lines, yin-yang lines, bar lines, red and black lines, and the common term is ‘K line’. It is drawn with the opening price, highest price, lowest price, and closing price of each analysis period.

  What is hedging?

  Hedging generally refers to the simultaneous execution of two transactions related to the market, with opposite directions, equal quantities, and offsetting gains and losses. In the futures contract market, buying positions with the same quantity but different directions, when the direction is determined, closing the positions in the opposite direction and retaining the positive direction to achieve profits.

  What is position?

  Position refers to a market agreement, which is the initial position of buying and selling contracts. The buyer of the contract is a bull, in the position of looking forward to rising; the seller of the contract is a bear, in the position of looking forward to falling.

  What is benefit?

  Benefit: Refers to the news that the currency has received attention from mainstream media, or that a certain technology application has made a breakthrough, which is conducive to stimulating the price increase.







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  由于NU的特点和应用场景,在lottery and How to find it 市场中已经开始得到广泛的关注和认可。许多lottery and How to find it 交易所已经将NU列入交易对,为用户提供更丰富的交易选择。此外,许多区块链项目也在考虑使用NU为基础设施。NU已经实现了与其他区块链技术的互联互通,具有较强的可扩展性和兼容性。因此,可以预见,在未来数字经济的发展中,NU将会有更加广阔的应用前景和市场空间。



  币圈是区块链行业中的一种说法或是概念,是一批关注虚拟加密lottery and How to find it ,或发行自己lottery and How to find it 筹资的人群形成的圈子,其中比特币是币圈比较重要的一种虚拟加密lottery and How to find it 。


  一、lottery and How to find it

  lottery and How to find it 简称为DIGICCY,是英文“Digital Currency”(lottery and How to find it )的缩写,是电子货币形式的替代货币。数字金币和密码货币都属于lottery and How to find it (DIGICCY)。

  lottery and How to find it 是一种不受管制的、数字化的货币,通常由开发者发行和管理,被特定虚拟社区的成员所接受和使用。欧洲银行业管理局将Online casino and How to find it 定义为:价值的数字化表示,不由央行或当局发行,也不与法币挂钩,但由于被公众所接受,所以可作为支付手段,也可以电子形式转移、存储或交易。

  二、lottery and How to find it 交易平台

  lottery and How to find it 交易平台就是用来交易lottery and How to find it 的平台,比如火币网、币安网等等。








