Binance, an internationally leading blockchain digital asset trading platform, provides a wide range of services such as lottery and How to find it trading, blockchain education, blockchain project incubation, blockchain asset issuance platform, blockchain research institute, and blockchain public welfare and charity. Currently, it covers more than 180 countries and regions around the world, and with its core memory matching technology of 1.4 million orders per second, it is one of the fastest platforms for cryptocurrency trading and also one of the largest platforms for cryptocurrency trading volume in the world.
Binance always puts the interests of users first and is committed to providing a safe, fair, open, and efficient blockchain digital asset trading environment. At the same time, with blockchain as the core, it establishes a comprehensive blockchain ecosystem. Binance will work with Binance users to open a new blockchain world and create history together.
The official website address of Binance is: Domestic users can visit this address.
Domestic users can access Binance exchange official website and official app download through (official registration, official APP download). You can visit the official website quickly through this address, and you can rest assured to visit with official authentication.
Binance, one of the blockchain trading platforms, was founded by Zhao Changpeng. It operates the blockchain asset trading platform
前往 App Store 搜索 “Binance” 并下载。
咱们都是国人,所以只能通过在线生成虚拟地址等信息来解决身份问题。 或
一、用电脑或手机登录 苹果官网 找到并点击创建Apple ID 相关按钮。(建议用电脑注册,任何电脑都行)
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二、将生成的虚拟信息填写到对应的输入框中(使用 或 去生成一个虚拟身份信息,建议年龄大于18岁)
四、完成验证后进入以下页面,选择 「付款方式」
填写完成此页信息后,点击「更新」按钮(地址建议使用免税州:阿拉斯加州(Alaska)、特拉华州(Delaware)、蒙大拿州(Montana)、新罕布什尔州(New Hampshire)、俄勒冈州(Oregon),因为后期可能涉及到充值买App,这样价格就便宜一些。)
注册到这里不要以为就弄完了,现在只是个半成品,所以接下来的操作很重要。因为在正式使用前,我们还需要完成 Apple Id 的第一次下载软件检查。
六、在你的 iPhone 上找到 App Store ,点击你的头像,下拉到最下方退出当前账户,并登录上刚刚申请的ID
七、登陆后会提示此 ID 需要完成首次检查,点击「检查」(如果没有自动出此弹窗可重新登陆或者去商店随便搜一个免费的软件进行下载它会自动弹出来)
8. First click the ‘Agree’ button, then click ‘Next Page’, check the personal information page without any errors, and then continue to click ‘Next Page’
9. Complete the creation, and you can download the software you want to use with your ID.
The registration process is actually very simple, after learning to register a US Apple ID, you can register other regions as usual.
If there are other problems encountered during the registration process that cannot be resolved in time, you can use shared ID or purchase a dedicated account, both of which are feasible. Just pay attention not to log in from the settings.
In addition, if the tutorial is outdated, you can leave me a message, and I will update it irregularly.
After registering Apple ID, download the Binance exchange app
Remember that the US region ID cannot be downloaded, and the Binance US version is different from the version we usually use. Recommended Taiwan.
Search for Binance
Go to Google Play to search for ‘Binance’ and download.
If you cannot download it from Google Play, please visit the Binance official website to manually download the apk package.
1. Open the Binance App (official registration, official download), click [Register].
Tip: Register using the above link to enjoy exclusive benefits provided by the platform!
Step 2: Fill in personal information
* Email: Enter the email you usually use, Binance will send a verification email to this email address.
* Password: Set a strong and memorable password, it is recommended to include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. (Personal account is enough)
* Recommendation code: Please fill in the recommendation code A0Y8K980, so both you and I can receive additional rewards!
Step 3: Email Verification
* Log in to your email, find the verification email sent by Binance, and click the verification link inside.
Step 4: Set up account security
* Enable 2FA: It is strongly recommended to enable Google authentication or SMS verification to add an additional security lock to your account.
* Set up anti-phishing code: This feature can help you identify real Binance emails and prevent fraud.
The steps are as follows
Enter the top left corner of the personal center
Enter ‘Account Security’
Click on ‘Account Security’ to enter
Set up these three, of course, you can also set up the payment PIN code.
Step 5: Complete Identity Verification (KYC)
* Upload your ID card or passport photo, complete the KYC verification, and you can enjoy higher transaction limits and more platform functions.
Step 6: Recharge Funds
* Choose the payment method suitable for you, such as bank card, Alipay, etc., and transfer the money to your Binance account.
3. Matters needing attention
Warning of Fake App: Recently, there have been many counterfeit Binance app versions, which may be tampered with by hackers to steal your funds. To ensure safety, please download the app from the official Binance website or official channels.
手机系统问题:如果苹果设备提示“欺骗性 网 站”警告,可以前往“设置”>“Safari浏览器”关闭“欺骗性 网 站警告”,并清除App缓存后重新运行。
* C2C交易: 如果你想直接和别人交易lottery and How to find it ,可以试试币安的C2C交易功能。
1.登录币安App 在首页点击下图红箭头所指的更多:
点击下图红箭头所指的 C2C 买币:
当然,如果你交易金额较大,还是建议进阶学习一下自选区的交易方法,可根据自己的需求寻找适合自己的交易对象,方法也不复杂,币安为您提供了详细的视频操作教程,您可以点下图中红箭头所指的“1.如何买卖lottery and How to find it ?”进入C2C帮助中心:
如下图所示,在C2C帮助中心,提供了视频教程,大家可以看下“如何购买lottery and How to find it ?”和“如何出售lottery and How to find it ?”这两个视频教程。讲解都是中文,讲的很详细易懂。
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现货交易:提供广泛的加密货币交易对,支持限价、市价、止盈止损等多种交易类型。理财产品:包括 Binance Earn、Launchpool、流动性挖矿等,为用户提供多种增值途径。衍生品交易:提供永续合约、期权等衍生品交易,满足不同风险偏好的交易需求。场外交易:支持与其他用户直接进行大额交易,享有更优惠的价格和更高的交易效率。融资借贷:为用户提供加密货币贷款和借贷服务,满足资金需求。NFT 市场:提供 NFT 交易平台,支持 NFT 铸造、购买和销售。支付功能:支持使用加密货币进行全球支付,与多种商户合作。社区交流:提供社交功能,方便用户与社区成员互动交流。
冷钱 包存储:绝大部分用户资产存储在冷钱 包中,最小化在线风险。双重认证:支持多种双重认证方式,包括 Google Authenticator、短信验证等。反钓鱼机制:提供反钓鱼保护功能,避免用户受钓鱼网站欺骗。安全审计:定期进行安全审计,确保平台的安全性。风险控制:采用先进的风险控制系统,实时监控交易活动并预防异常行为。
币安是什么?答:币安是全球领先的加密货币交易所之一,提供广泛的加密货币交易、理财和衍生品服务。币安 APP 可靠吗?答:币安 APP 采用了严格的安全保障措施,包括冷钱 包存储、双重认证和安全审计,确保用户的资产安全。如何注册币安 APP?答:下载并安装币安 APP 后,按照提示输入个人信息、设置密码并完成身份认证即可注册。币安 APP 有哪些交易功能?答:币安 APP 提供现货交易、衍生品交易、场外交易、融资借贷等多种交易功能。币安 APP 有哪些理财产品?答:币安 APP 提供包括 Binance Earn、Launchpool、流动性挖矿等多种理财产品,为用户提供多种增值途径。币安 APP 支持哪些加密货币?答:币安 APP 支持数百种加密货币,涵盖市面上大多数主流和新兴加密货币。如何使用币安 APP?答:注册并认证币安 APP 后,即可使用其提供的各种功能,包括交易、理财、贷款和社区交流等。
以上就是Binance官方网站是哪个?Binancelottery and How to find it 交易app官方网站的详细内容,更多关于Binance官方网站的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!
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