Reporter Song Jie │ Hunan Report, Economic Weekly of China
People who invested in Plus Token are very nervous recently.
Several investors claim that since June 27th, Plus Token, which calls itself the ‘Crypto Balance Treasure’, has stopped withdrawals.
Reporters have noticed that as of August 18th, the official website of Plus Token is still updating messages. However, contacting customer service through the official website can only receive automatic replies.
Plus Token recently released an announcement stating that the technical team is currently working diligently to ensure the security of Plus Coin, while also connecting with exchanges, with the most important task being preparing for the launch of their own mainnet public chain.
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警方:有人涉嫌利用Plus Token平台实施传销犯罪
Plus Token官宣资料显示,Plus Token于2018年3月启动,5月开放全球用户注册权限,自称是“智能搬砖钱包”、“币圈余额宝”,投资者在Plus Token中存入比特币、以太币等主流Online casino and How to find it ,存入后的货币会被替换成PlusToken提供的Plus币,然后通过“智能狗”自动搬砖(指同一区块链资产在不同市场由于某些原因导致价格不同而产生的套利机会)的方式获得收益。据其宣传,13个月涨幅可以达348倍。
Plus Token官网信息显示,其成立一年中,用户已遍布全球100多个国家和地区,用户数量达200多万人。
有投资者向《中国经济周刊》记者讲述,除了上述的通过“存币”获取收益之外,投资者如果可以发展下线,就可以通过“搬砖奖金制度”获得更多的收益。据投资者描述,所谓的“搬砖奖金制度”指的是,用户投资Plus Token智能搬砖钱包,除本金外每月还能获得10%到30%的收益,直接发展一名下线奖励100%,二层到十层下线各奖励10%。
7月11日,有投资者就网传的“Plus Token钱包主要操盘手移交盐城警方”一事,在江苏省盐城市政府网站的“市长信箱”留言,询问“这一消息是否属实”。7月12日,盐城市公安局就此进行了公开回复。
在《关于近期Plus Token案的情况说明》中,盐城市公安局表示,2019年初,盐城公安机关接到报警:有人利用Plus Token网络平台进行传销犯罪,盐城市公安机关对涉案嫌疑人立案侦查。6月27日,公安机关开展境外执法协作,瓦努阿图执法部门抓获多名涉嫌犯罪中国人,其中有利用PlusToken网络平台从事传销犯罪嫌疑人。瓦方已将有关嫌疑人移交中国。相关人员利用Plus Token平台,打着区块链lottery and How to find it 钱包等旗号从事拉人头实施传销犯罪之实,已涉嫌组织领导传销活动罪。湖南、北京、江苏等多地公安机关均已开展此案的查处打击。
Illustration: screenshot of the official website of Yancheng City Government
According to media reports, the amount involved in Plus Token may reach 200 billion yuan.
Investors recounted their experience of being trapped: opened 27 accounts, invested more than 2 million, and lost everything
Mr. Song is one of the investors of Plus Token. Starting from March 2019, he has successively invested 2.1 million yuan worth of Bitcoin into Plus Tokenlottery victory,come on baby. He told the reporter of ‘China Economic Weekly’ about the investment process:
I met Liu Wei through a friend and learned about the PlusToken wallet, which claims to be a余额宝 (Alipay) in the blockchain, with smart dogs moving bricks and generating profit every day, with deposits and withdrawals at any time.
On March 15, 2019, I invested 100,000 yuan to buy Bitcoin. Since I myself don’t know how to buy, the money has always been transferred to Liu Wei’s son to entrust the purchase. Later, Liu Wei told me that her son’s bank card was frozen by the bank due to the daily transaction volume of coin trading, and asked me to divide the money and transfer it to three accounts including Liu Wei, so that they could handle the registration and recharge procedures.
They told me that this is a decentralized platform. After Bitcoin is transferred to the PIUS wallet, the smart dog will help you mine and generate income. In case of any situation, just turn off the dog and there will be no risk. If the platform closes, all Bitcoin can be retrieved from the official Bitcoin, as long as you remember your number key.
Liu Wei told me that you should borrow phone numbers to register more accounts. Each account can deposit 500 to 50,000 US dollars of mainstream Online casino and How to find it, and you can also get a 10% return on your own account. If you upgrade to a VIP account, you can get an additional 200 yuan per day.
I heard that Bitcoin has been rising, so I bought 70,000 yuan and 500,000 yuan worth of Bitcoin and Ether respectively on June 18th and 20th. All this money was obtained through house mortgage loans. In addition, I also borrowed money from friends, and borrowed 500,000 yuan from the Ta隆 Bank with friends’ credit guarantee loans, all of which were used to buy coins. I borrowed phone numbers and ID cards from relatives and friends, totaling more than 20, and all of them stored coins to wait for appreciation. In this way, a total of 27 accounts were opened, and more than 2 million yuan was invested.
They also encouraged me to introduce friends to invest. On June 21st, 26th, and 28th, my four friends successively purchased a total of 210,000 yuan worth of Online casino and How to find it. Even though everyone couldn’t withdraw money on the 27th, they still bought Bitcoin of varying value. Since I myself don’t understand these, all the number registration, recharge (including subsequent account earnings and management) were operated by Liu Wei. Later, I found out that he had also misappropriated my account assets. Because Bitcoin has been rising, the account book earnings have also been rising, so I didn’t care about these.
I only learned after June 29 that Plus Token had been unable to withdraw money on the 27th of that month, and only then did I realize that I had been deceived. The total value of the coins in my account is over 4 million yuan, and when added with my friends’, it comes to about 5 million yuan.
Is the APP developer certificate a forgery? Investors claim to have been ‘used as a showcase’.
The reporter noticed that at the beginning of this year, the official website of the Hunan Provincial Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau issued an announcement stating that Plus Token has characteristics of pyramid selling. The content of the announcement shows that on March 4 of this year, Tianxin District of Hunan Province cracked down on a propaganda den of Plus Token blockchain wallet. The police identified that ‘Plus Token wallet’ used the name of ‘blockchain’ to collect entry fees, develop subordinates, and reward layer by layer, and has typical characteristics of pyramid selling. The Financial Affairs Office of Tianxin District also issued a warning to the general public: ‘Please be vigilant and invest cautiously!’
The information obtained by the reporter shows that on July 1, the customer service of Plus Token announced in the user group that the ‘computer version’ of Plus Token’s PsEx exchange was officially launched, and released a ‘transaction function migration notice’, sharing a QR code for downloading the PsEx exchange.
After scanning the QR code on the notice, the reporter found that the PsEx exchange’s APP could not be installed through Apple’s official app store and could only be downloaded through a third-party distribution platform. However, the corresponding developer certificate can be found through Apple’s official query.
The certificate shows that the developer is [Hangzhou Bibei Technology Co., Ltd.], which is translated into Chinese as ‘Hangzhou Bibei Technology Co., Ltd.’. Tianyancha shows that the company has changed its name to Hangzhou Zhiyino Technology Co., Ltd. The reporter tried to contact the company’s chairman Yin, who denied any relation with Plus Token and claimed that the company only does business related to clothing.
Yin said that the Apple enterprise developer certificate was applied for and obtained by the company in May 2013. From the application date to the present, this certificate has only been used for the development of the order system and has not been used for other non-order system APPs, nor has it been lent to any third party. Starting this May, the company found that the Apple developer certificate could not be used normally, and after many negotiations with Apple Company, no result was achieved. Starting this June, the company found that the developer certificate had been misused by other companies, and has already reported to the local police station.
Public information shows that from September 14 to 15, 2018, a meeting called the ‘WBF World Blockchain Conference’ was held on Jeju Island, South Korea, and the Plus Token US Foundation was the冠名方 of the conference. Relevant reports show that the aforementioned founder LEO of Plus Token and Zhao Sheng, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, and lldar of Dao Si Capital, among others, signed an investment cooperation agreement.
The Plus Token official website also shows that Zhao Sheng is one of the investors of Plus Token.
The reporter from ‘China Economic Weekly’ contacted Zhao Sheng, who said that he was merely ‘used as a showcase’.
”Plus Token was established in March 2018, and they claimed to be a South Korean team at the time, but their headquarters were actually in Hunan. That year, we WBF were preparing for the South Korean convention, and from the time and location, it was just the ‘logical support’ for them. Introduced by someone, they hoped that we would be the overall sponsor at the September South Korea Jeju Island convention and promote me as a strategic investor. We received 900,000 yuan in sponsorship fees at that time. I am not the actual controller of Plus Token and have never bought any of their coins. If it were not for this meeting, we would never have met. We are people from two different circles,” Zhao Sheng told the journalist of ‘China Economic Weekly’.
According to Zhao Sheng’s account, although he himself was not affected by his personal freedom, his reputation was severely affected after the PlusToken team was captured by the police. Many partners believe that he is also a member of the pyramid selling gang and have abandoned their cooperation with him. He has now withdrawn from WBF.
”I have never invested a single yuan, held a share, or received a dividend. I only took their 900,000 yuan sponsorship fee, stood on their platform, and I feel very guilty and regretful. Last September, PlusToken sponsored the Jeju Convention in South Korea; in November, I signed a cooperative agreement, a fake one, all due to my own carelessness,” Zhao Sheng said.
Hui Qin Yi, partner of Beijing Wei Heng (Shanghai) Law Firm, believes that with the development of Internet finance, many new types of criminal patterns and forms have emerged. Complex or innovative financial concepts and financial tools have become ‘seductive agents’ for attracting victims and ‘protection colors’ for evading their own criminal risks for illegal elements. For platforms like ‘Plus Token’ that have a large number of affected people and huge amounts involved, how to determine their nature, how to effectively investigate and deal with them, and how to handle the aftermath well are huge challenges facing public security organs, especially those without experience in investigating financial cases. This may also have affected the progress of the police’s full involvementsports betting local and The latest plan. Whether the behavior of the ‘Plus Token’ platform should be identified as涉嫌“组织领导传销活动罪”involved in
Ju Qin Yi analyzed and pointed out that as for the responsibility of the ‘platform endorsers’, after the platform is determined, it is necessary to look at the subjective motivation of the ‘platform endorsers’ and whether their actions have become a support for the implementation of the platform’s criminal acts to judge whether they are ‘accessories’ and whether corresponding responsibility should be pursued.
Editor: Zhang Yan
Editor: Zhang Wei