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  OKEX是全球著名的数字资产国际站之一,主要面向全球用户提供比特币、莱特币、以太币等数字资产的现货和衍生品交易服务,隶属于OKEX Technology

  Company Limited。 OKEX创立时,获得了世界顶级投资人Tim Draper参与设立的创业工场百万美金的天使投资,Tim

  Mr. Draper is also an investor in world-class companies such as Hotmail, Baidu, and Tesla.

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  2, Bibox:

  Bibox is a top-quality digital asset international station known for its financial derivative services in the industry; the world’s first artificial intelligence digital asset international station, innovatively achieving transaction security, platform stability, and operational convenience; headquartered in Estonia.

  3, BitGlobal:

  BitGlobal is an innovative international platform. Faced with the diverse needs of global users, BitGlobal will rely on its rich resources and technical heritage to provide a series of services including lottery and How to find it trading, digital asset issuance, blockchain project incubation, decentralized finance, and more. As a financial institution that prioritizes compliance, BitGlobal has financial business entities in more than ten countries and regions including the UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, and Hong Kong, and plans to gradually open regional distributed international stations. Supported by order and liquidity sharing technology, BitGlobal will bring users a safe, fair, open, and efficient trading experience. Beyond the technical level, BitGlobal also focuses on the discovery of high-quality assets and the innovation of business models, growing together with users and exploring more possibilities for the future world.

  4, HKEx:

  HKEx is a comprehensive digital asset service platform, established in March 2018, with its headquarters in Singapore. HKEx.one offers digital asset management and trading services to customers worldwide, focusing on and supporting the construction and development of the blockchain game vertical ecosystem. With over 1.2 million registered users, 400,000 active users, and $20 million in daily managed funds, it supports multiple languages including Chinese, English, and Japanese.
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  The platform has a strong technical and operational team, committed to providing the safest, most stable, and efficient asset and derivative trading services as well as asset management services to users worldwide.

  5, KuCoin:

  KuCoin is a globally renowned lottery and How to find it trading service platform, supporting a variety of digital asset trading. Established in September 2017, it has grown to become one of the most popular trading service platforms, currently providing a one-stop service of coin-to-coin, fiat currency, contracts, Pool-X, lending, and more to 5 million users in 207 countries and regions around the world. Known as the ‘Trading Service Platform for All’, KuCoin is operated in Seychelles, offering users multilingual customer service teams available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Additionally, KuCoin has established localized communities in South Korea, Japan, Spain, Italy, Vietnam, Turkey, Russia, India, and other countries, providing the most localized services to users in these regions. In November 2018, KuCoin received a $20 million A-round of financing from IDG Capital and Matrix Partners.

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  6, Hopex:

  Hopex is registered in Seychelles and has established完善的operating centers in Singapore and Hong Kong. It is a global authority digital asset derivative product international station dedicated to providing global users with safe, convenient, and reliable services. Since its launch in 2018, it has always adhered to the user-first philosophy and the principles of fair and transparent trading, trusted by global investors. With an excellent technical team and a powerful intelligent engine, the Hopex platform can provide 24-hour trading around the clock, flexible leverage configuration, and a rich range of mainstream perpetual contracts, making your investment more valuable!

  7, Sunbit:

  Sunbit, a globally leading digital asset derivative trading platform, holds compliant operation licenses for lottery and How to find it trading platforms and financial derivative products. It is developed and operated by a professional team in the international blockchain field, with rich experience in trading systems, control, settlement, and security management. Sunbit adheres to the business philosophy of compliance, professionalism, and friendliness, upholds the principle of users first and service-oriented, and strives to provide global users with safe, stable, and convenient digital asset trading services.

  8, ZGYE:

  ZGYE Coconut Exchange is a globally compliant blockchain derivative trading platform with headquarters in Singapore, holding MSB compliance licenses in the United States, Canada, and many other countries. ZGYE Coconut Exchange has been committed to deeply cultivating the international market for a long time, and has gained the favor of over 2 million users in more than 30 countries in East Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, Australia, North America, and other regionsonline casino secrets and What is it. Since 2021, the Coconut Exchange has entered the Chinese market and has accumulated over 100,000 users in a few months, causing a great deal of discussion in various Chinese communitiessports betting local and What is it. The members of the ZGYE Coconut Exchange, such as the大黄蜂 community, have reached strategic cooperation, and will cooperate with partner communities in many aspects such as ecological construction, consensus promotion, and user growth, providing strong promotional and market brand building support for the exchange.








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