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  EuYi New User Registration: https://static.jbzj.com/qkl/ok/zhuce.html

  EuYi APP Download: https://static.jbzj.com/qkl/ok/az.html

  Apple Phone Download

  Apple Phone Download: The Apple ID in mainland China cannot directly download the EuYi App in the App Store, you can choose a non-mainland China Apple ID to download and use the EuYi App.

  First Step: Register an overseas Apple ID

  1. Search for the link https://appleid.apple.com in the browser to enter the new Apple ID registration page.online casino entrance and The latest entrance

  2. Fill in the relevant information: select the United States for the region; the email should be an Apple account that has not been registered before, and the phone number should be valid and in use, used to receive the verification code later, click Continue after filling out all the information.

  3. Email and SMS will receive a 6-digit verification code in turn, enter the verification code as prompted, and the overseas Apple ID registration is successful.

  Second Step: Use an overseas Apple ID to download the EuYi APP

  1. Log out of the existing account in App Store, log in with the newly registered account. Since it is a new ID, the following prompt will appear, please click Check, tick Agree, and proceed to the next page;

  2. Fill in the information as shown in the figure below, and proceed to the next page after completion.

  3. After logging in, search [OKX] in the App Store to download the official EuYi APP.
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  App Version Registration

  The tutorial shared here is for the Android version of the registration.sports betting online websiteClick to enter

  1. Open the EuYi App, click [Login/Registration] at the top of the page, enter the registration page; enter [Phone Number] or [Email] — [Register] — [Enter Verification Code];



  2. Select [Country/Region of Residence] as required, click [Confirm].



  3. Set the [Login Password] — Click [Next Step], complete the registration according to the requirements.



  1) Before trading in or out of digital currencies, the account must be bound to a mobile phone number, it is recommended that you register directly with your mobile phone number.

  2) If your phone number cannot be used, you cannot receive SMS verification codes, and the account cannot log in, you can solve it in the following two ways: 1. Click [Did not receive the verification code?] during the login process, and apply for processing to unbind the phone number according to the page prompts. 2. Send the original front and back photos of your ID card to the official email: service@OKX.com using the email bound to the account, noting the phone number you need to unbind, and there will be staff to follow up and handle the matter.

  Web registration

  Open the Eu亿 official website, click the [Register] button at the top right corner to enter the registration page; users can choose to register using [Phone Number] or [Email], enter [Phone Number/Email] as required, select [Residence Country/Region], set [Login Password] to complete the registration.



  Before buying/selling coin transactions, you need to complete 3 personal information settings: KYC authentication, binding phone number, and adding payment and receipt methods.

  1. KYC authentication

  After logging in to the account, click the top left corner personal center icon — [Personal Information and Settings] — [Personal Information] — [Identity Authentication], enter the identity authentication page. If the authentication is not completed, please click [Immediate Authentication], you need to upload ID photos such as the front and back of the ID card, and pass the face recognition, and complete the ID photo upload and real-name authentication according to the page prompts.





  Note: Real-name authentication and video authentication need to be authenticated on the App side.

  2. Bind phone number

  Open the Eu亿 APP homepage, click the top left corner icon — [Security Settings] — [Phone Verification], follow the prompts to complete the phone number binding.

  Note: If you are a user registered by phone, there is no need to bind the phone number again, and you can bind the email according to the same steps.

  3. Add payment and receipt methods

  New users of Eu亿 who wish to sell coins and withdraw cash need to add payment and receipt methods, that is, bind the bank card/Alipay/WeChat.

  Open the Eu亿 APP homepage, click [Buy Coin] — [Quick Area] — top right corner [More] icon — [Payment Method] — [Add Payment Method], select the corresponding bank card/Alipay/WeChat payment for settings.

  Latest Android version v6.109.0

  We have optimized performance and fixed some problems.

  Recently, the official has also updated the concerned security issues, everyone should pay attention to the security settings.

  1) It is necessary to enable Google verification and SMS verification. Whether it is a Google verification code or an SMS code, these are all dynamically changing, and the validity period of the verification code is short, which can greatly enhance the security of the account.

  2) For the vast majority of ordinary users, there is no need to call the API interface function. Since it is not used, it is better to turn off the API function to avoid being exploited by hackers.

  Declaration: The content of this article does not represent the views and positions of this site, and does not constitute any investment advice of this platform. The content of this article is for reference only, and the risks are borne by the user!

  Tag: Exchange Eu亿