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  This article will introduce you to the trading volume, global ranking, security, transaction fees, platform reviews, and special introductions of Huobi Global Exchange.

  Established time: September 2013

  Manufacturer name: Huobi Global

  Website languages: Traditional Chinese/Simplified Chinese, English

  Trading currencies: More than 300 types

  Official website: www.huobi.com

  Huobi Global Exchange is a member of Huobi Group, founded by its founder Li Lin in 2013 as a cryptocurrency exchange in China. The headquarters of Huobi Global is located in Singapore, and the group has physical offices and independent operation centers in Japan, South Korea, and other regions.

  Huobi provides a complete cryptocurrency investment ecosystem, including spot, futures, leverage, and wealth management products, etc. Currently, it lists more than 500 types of cryptocurrency assets and trading targets for more than 1,000 currency pairs. Serving more than 130 countries and regions globally, it has over ten million registered users (Huobi has completed the withdrawal of mainland Chinese users by the end of 2021), and its spot trading volume ranks seventh globally.

  火币于2022年10月08日被波场TRON创始人孙宇晨(Justin Sun)控制的About Capital Management(香港百域)收购,中文名称一度先使用火必,后又改为火币。

  2023年9月13日,火币官网的LOGO也由 Huobi 改名为 HTX,但中文名仍停留为“火币”,网站域名仍然使用huobi.com。

  平台安全性二步骤验证(Google, SMS, Email – 2FA)、多重交易冷钱包、私钥离线化的热钱包、提现白名单、身份验证(KYC)、新设备/IP地址登入记录等交易模式现货交易、杠杆交易、网格交易、合约交易、理财商品、质押借币、双币投资、各式挖矿产品、火币钱包等交易标的超过300个币种现货、约600种交易对现货手续费币币交易按照交易量等级区分手续费;Maker挂单/Taker吃单0.2%;(VIP最低0.0097%)合约手续费合约交易按照交易量等级区分手续费;以U本位永续合约为例:Maker挂单-0.01%~0.02%;Taker吃单0.027%~0.05%;最大杠杆最高100倍杠杆(部分地区用户被限制杠杆交易功能)法币入金信用卡买币,加密货币钱包转账出金方法信用卡出金,或者透过加密货币钱包转账到

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  火币集团是中资企业,或许部分投资人可能会对中国公司与团队抱有疑虑。但火币是一个已经成立8年的老牌交易所,Huobi Global总部位于新加坡,一直致力于全球化、专业化、合规划与多元化发展。从其火币交易所的规模与经营资历来看,笔者认为是毋须太过担心!

  母公司火币集团旗下有香港上市公司「火币科技」,日本有持牌交易所火币日本(Huobi Japan),这些都为火币集团的信誉做了强力背书。


  Through CoinMarketCap data, it can be found that the spot trading volume of Huobi exchange ranks 17th globally, with an average daily trading volume of about 12.7 billion yuan, with about 1.26 million visitors per week, and an exchange rating of 7.2, which is a platform with high user ratings.


  Huobi’s daily trading volume used to be second only to Binance, but it dropped sharply after the withdrawal of Chinese mainland users. According to some media, the existing users of Huobi Global in the Chinese mainland reached 80%, and the withdrawal means that Huobi will lose 80% of the transaction fee revenue, market liquidity, and trading volume.

  However, compared with small platforms, Huobi has been committed to global development for many years, and the overall trading volume is still relatively large.

  Huobi is one of the few old-school cryptocurrency exchanges that have not been successfully attacked and stolen by hackers since its establishment in 2013.

  Meanwhile, Binance, OKX, Bitfinex, and Japanese licensed exchanges such as coincheck, ZAIF, Bitpoint, etc., have all experienced hacker intrusions resulting in the loss of cryptocurrencies. Compared with this, Huobi has been operating safely for 8 years, which shows that its technical security and protection capabilities are trustworthy.

  Huobi exchange mainly protects users’ fund security through ‘Login Security’, ‘Fund Security’, and ‘Identity Security’.

  Huobi Login Security

  Huobi ensures the security of account login through dual-factor authentication (2FA), Email verification, mobile phone number verification, login secret, transaction password, anti-phishing code and other measures.

  Especially, it is necessary to set up Google Authenticator identity verification and mobile 2FA dual verification, even if the secret login is stolen, hackers find it difficult to crack the 2FA two-step verification. 2FA refers to the secondary verification of logging into the account, in addition to the login password, another verification code is also needed to confirm that it is the person logging in or operating.

  Huobi Identity Security

  Currently, almost all cryptocurrency exchanges have implemented KYC real-name authentication for customers, and users must provide identity information, which is also one of the security measures.

  Accounts that have not completed the KYC certification will be restricted in use, such as restrictions on fiat transactions, spot transactions, and withdrawals, etc. The purpose of KYC is to verify the identity of customers and prevent money laundering and fraud possibilities.

  Huobi Fund Security

  Huobi exchange has a dedicated security team internally, monitoring the platform, accounts, wallets, and company personnel to ensure internal security.

  In terms of fund management, Huobi provides a whitelist for withdrawals, dual-factor authentication (2FA) functions to ensure fund security. Before making a withdrawal, customers must complete the security settings of mobile phone, Email, 2FA, and a 6-digit transaction password, and pass the verification before they can complete the withdrawal.

  In addition, Huobi has also launched a ‘Security Reserve Fund’ similar to Binance, preparing 20,000BTC (worth about 800 million US dollars) in a separate wallet address. If there is a hacker attack resulting in user losses, compensation will also be made to users from this reserve fund.


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  火币的合约交易分为「U本位」和「币本位」的期货交割和永续合约,界面左下角可以看到开仓后的账户权益(USDT)和已实现盈亏等损益状况。 Tradingview图表工具和深度图和其他交易所用法一样。










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