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  Dogecoin (English: Dogecoin, also known as Doge Coin, Dog Coin, often called Woof Coin, market code: DOGE, currency symbol: Ð) is an online casino and How to find it (cryptocurrency) inherited from Litecoin, born on December 6, 2013, and launched by IBM engineer Billy Markus. The coin features a Doge character on its face. Initially, it was created by Billy Markus as a proof of concept and as an improvement demonstration of Bitcoin, but it quickly gained popularity in the cryptocurrency community.

  The total circulation of Dogecoin is 100 billion, and the creators hope to reduce the manipulation of the coin value by a small number of people through the large circulation. It is also because of the large circulation of DOGE that its value on various trading markets is relatively low (the exchange rate against CNY in February 2018 was between 0.02~0.04, it surged to about 3.1 CNY on April 16, 2021, increasing by more than 150 times in three years. It randomly fell back to about 1.75 CNY in April 2021).

  Due to its large circulation, the development of DOGE in the commercial field is not as active as that of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.

  Dogecoin is open-source and decentralized, thus earning widespread trust. This means that the entire Dogecoin source code is accessible to the public at any time. All payments can be made without relying on third parties, and the entire system is protected by highly encrypted algorithms subject to peer review. Most importantly, no institution or organization can control Dogecoin.

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  Dogecoin is an open-source peer-to-peer lottery and How to find it, favored by Shiba Inus worldwide.

  The official website of Dogecoin is: https://dogecoin.com/




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  If you do not have a GPU or cannot use it (3GB or less VRAM memory), please use your CPU (RandomX algorithm) for mining.

  Note: When mining using the GPU’s GPU mode, your video memory must be greater than 3GB, that is, 4GB video memory or higher.

  Next, select the type of token you need to mine. This software can not only mine Dogecoin but also mine other tokens.


  In Select a coin or token, select Dogecoin, and then fill in your Dogecoin wallet address in the input your address below. This address must not be filled in incorrectly, as filling it in incorrectly will waste your electricity costs unnecessarily.

  There is also one point, after filling in the wallet address, click the i have a referral code below, and fill in kz4y-1r3m in it.


  After filling in the introducer, the platform only charges a handling fee of 0.75% for each transfer to the wallet. Of course, you can use your own introducer code, click Start to start your Dogecoin mining journey.

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  Oh, by the way, there is one last step. Click the blue icon Website on the mining software, turn off the switch in front of Pay automatically from 30 DOGE after jumping to the website page. This is the switch for automatic transfer, and it will automatically transfer to your Dogecoin wallet when you mine 30 Dogecoin. Because the Dogecoin receiving address used is Huobi, the minimum receiving amount of Huobi is 40 Dogecoin, and less than 40 Dogecoin will be eaten by the platform. It is recommended to mine more after that, click Pay now and then transfer Doge to your receiving wallet.


  The above is the method of mining Dogecoin using the CPU mode on www.unmineable.com, which is still suitable for beginners.

  Mining using the CPU mode is quite inefficient. On a dual-core CPU test machine, it took a day to mine 0.1 Dogecoin, which is about 20 cents, and the electricity cost was not enough!


  If you want to mine professionally, it is not recommended to mine using the CPU mode, which is suitable for office workers, as it does not require consideration of electricity costs, nor does it require consideration of how many coins can be mined.


  Mining using the GPU graphics card mode greatly increases the output of Dogecoin, the higher the graphics card’s video memory, the shorter the time to produce coins.

  This is the detailed content of the Dogecoin mining tutorial on how to mine Dogecoin on Windows using CPU/GPU. For more information about Dogecoin mining tutorials (windows), please follow the other relevant articles on script home!

  Statement: The content of this article does not represent the views and positions of this site, and does not constitute any investment advice of this platform. The content of this article is for reference only, and the risk is borne by the user!

  Tag: Dogecoin Mining