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  The imToken airdrop token trading process is the world’s leading lottery and How to find it wallet app, 2021 imToken airdrop, digital assets are in control, providing trusted services for tens of millions of users, helping you manage Bitcoin, Ethereum, ATOM, EOS, TRX, CKB, BCH, LTC, DOT, KSM, FIL and other assets!

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  1. How to claim airdrop tokens in imToken wallet

  2. Where can you find free blockchain lottery and How to find it airdrop benefits?

  3. Teach you how to add contract address (airdrop token) in imToken

  4. The process of transferring nft to imToken

  5. What are airdrop tokens?

  6. How to receive EOS or BTC airdrop tokens?

  1. Operation steps: In imToken, click the add + symbol on the upper right, click the search (magnifying glass) symbol in the add new asset, paste the smart contract in the blank space, click add, and the token will automatically appear in your wallet. The later you add, the fewer you get, and it will stop when distributed out.

  2. How to withdraw to imToken wallet If you want to withdraw lottery and How to find it to the imToken wallet, you can follow the following steps: Step 1: Open the imToken wallet application and make sure you are logged in. Step 2: On the main interface of the application, click the ‘Assets’ tab, and then select the lottery and How to find it you want to withdraw.

  3、从官网下载安装。https://token.im 备份好钱包,imToken 提供明文私钥、keystore 文件、助记词三种备份钱包方式。助记词是加密了的私钥,keystore+密码=私钥,不建议备份明文私钥。


  5、添加lottery and How to find it :在imToken钱包中,您可以添加多种lottery and How to find it 。点击“添加资产”按钮,然后选择您想要添加的lottery and How to find it ,并点击“添加”按钮。随后,imToken钱包会显示您的lottery and How to find it 地址。





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  First, click the plus icon on the asset homepage to enter the new asset addition page, click the search icon in the upper right corner. You can directly search for the token name to add, or add it by searching for the contract address.

  How to add tokens to imToken? The steps to add tokens to imToken are as follows: Open the imToken app and go to the ‘Wallet’ page. Find your ETH address in the wallet page, then click the ‘Add Asset’ button. Then select ‘Add Token’ from the dropdown menu. Open the imToken app and select ‘Create Wallet’.

  How to add custom tokens in imToken? If you need to display your Token Logo in imToken, please provide the following information and send it to support@consenlabs.com. We will have专人 handle it.

  To thank the vast majority of investors for their love for imToken, the project party has decided to provide free Airdrop to investors.

  Download and install from the official website. https://token.im Back up your wallet, imToken provides three backup wallet methods: plain text private key, keystore file, and mnemonic phrase. The mnemonic phrase is an encrypted private key, and keystore + password = private key. It is not recommended to back up plain text private keys.

  You can view the corresponding wallet address in the wallet management interface of imToken and input this address into the withdrawal address of the exchange to withdraw. imToken currently supports the asset storage of 11 chains: ETH, BTC, ATOM, EOS, TRX, CKB, BCH, LTC, KSM, DOT, FIL.

  The NFT issuance process generally includes the following steps: Preparations: First, prepare the resources required for NFT issuance, including funds, technology, design, and relevant rules for issuing NFTs, such as issuance price and issuance quantity.

  Step 1: Download and register imToken, refer to the method: if you download imtoken on the Apple version. Step 2: Transfer the required ETH to imtoken.

  Metamask currently does not display NFTs locally. It only shows your Ethereum address, ETH balance, and ERC-20 balance.

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  Online casino and How to find it refers to the tokens awarded by the project issuer to users who participate in the project testing or the earliest construction of the project. Like other Online casino and How to find it, the tokens provided by the project issuer can be purchased and traded. Its main purpose is to cultivate loyal users of the project, develop more potential users, create momentum for the project, and attract more users.

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