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  COUNTRACT COVER 20XX PROFESSIONAL CONTRACT COVER COUNTRACT COVER Party A: XXX Party B: XXX PERSONAL RESUME RESUME E-commerce Online Casino and How to Find It Trading Cooperation Framework Agreement Party A (Purchaser): Party A Name: _______ Party A Address: _______ Party A Contact Information: _______ Legal Representative (if any): _______ Party B (Supplier): Party B Name: _______ Party B Address: _______ Party B Contact Information: _______ Legal Representative (if any): _______ 1. Description of Cooperation Content 1. Cooperation Project The cooperation project is the Online Casino and How to Find It trading service for the e-commerce in 2025. Party B shall provide Online Casino and How to Find It trading services that meet the national relevant laws and regulations and the business needs of Party A. 2. Quality Requirements for Cooperation Party B’s provided Online Casino and How to Find It trading services shall ensure transaction safety and stability, meet industry standards and Party A’s business requirements. Party B guarantees that the services provided will not cause transaction failures or losses due to service issues under normal operating conditions for ______ years from the beginning of the cooperation. 2. Cooperation Quantity and Price 1. Cooperation Quantity Party A estimates the cooperation transaction amount to be ______ Yuan (in full: _______). The actual transaction amount shall be based on Party A’s final written notice, but the notice shall be issued within ______ days (specific duration) before the start of cooperation. 2. Unit Price and Total Price The unit price is ______ Yuan per transaction (specific description), calculated based on the transaction amount, and the final total price shall be settled based on the actual transaction amount and the corresponding unit price. 3. Cooperation Time and Location 1. Cooperation Time Party B shall start providing the Online Casino and How to Find It trading services within ______ working days (specific duration) after the contract is signed. The cooperation period is ______ months, calculated from the beginning of the cooperationentry method lottery entry method and The latest website. 2. Cooperation Location Party B shall deploy the Online Casino and How to Find It trading services on the server or cloud platform specified by Party A. 4. Cooperation Method and Responsibility 1. Cooperation Method Party A conducts transactions through the Online Casino and How to Find It trading platform provided by Party B, and Party B is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the platform. 2. Cooperation Responsibility Party B is responsible for ensuring the safe and stable operation of the Online Casino and How to Find It trading platform, promptly handling transaction failures and user issues.The Party A is responsible for providing the online casino and How to find it required for the transaction and the funds, and shall comply with relevant laws and regulations for the transaction. V. Rights and Obligations of Both Parties 1. Rights and Obligations of Party A Rights: Has the right to supervise and evaluate the online casino and How to find it transaction services provided by Party B, and if the services do not meet the requirements, has the right to require Party B to make corrections. Has the right to adjust the transaction strategy according to market conditions, but should notify Party B in advance and maintain the stability and continuity of the cooperation. Obligations: Use the online casino and How to find it transaction services provided by Party B within the time stipulated by the contract, and pay the service fees as agreed upon in the contract. Provide necessary business information and technical support to Party B to ensure the smooth progress of the transaction services. 2. Rights and Obligations of Party B Rights: After providing services in accordance with the contract requirements, has the right to require Party A to pay the service fees as agreed upon. If the delay or other losses are caused by Party A, has the right to require Party A to bear the corresponding responsibility. Obligations: Provide the online casino and How to find it transaction services in accordance with the time and method stipulated in the contract. Keep the transaction information and user data provided by Party A confidential and not disclose it to any third party. VI. Service Inspection and Evaluation 1. Inspection Methods Party B shall regularly conduct self-inspection of the online casino and How to find it transaction services to ensure that the services meet the requirements of the contract. During the use of the service, Party A has the right to conduct periodic inspections and evaluations of the service. 2. Evaluation Standards The evaluation standards are based on the service content, quality requirements stipulated in this contract, and industry standards. If the evaluation is不合格, Party A shall notify Party B within ______ working days (specific duration) after the evaluation, and Party B shall take corrective measures within ______ working days (specific duration) after receiving the notice. VII. Payment Methods and Terms 1. Advance Payment Within ______ working days (specific duration) after the contract is signed, Party A shall pay Party B ______% of the total contract price as an advance payment, i.e., ______ yuan (in Chinese characters: ______). 2. Service Fees (if any) According to the service usage, Party A shall pay the corresponding proportion of service fees after Party B provides a certain amount of services as required by Party A. The specific payment ratio and time shall be agreed upon in writing by both parties. 3. Final Payment Within ______ working days (specific duration) after Party B completes all services and passes the evaluation by Party A, Party A shall pay the final payment of the contract price, i.e., ______% of the total contract price, amounting to ______ yuan (in Chinese characters: ______). VIII. Liability for Breach of Contract 1. Liability of Party A for Breach of Contract If Party A fails to pay the service fees as agreed upon in the contract, Party A shall pay a penalty of ______% of the unpaid amount for each day of delay. If Party A unreasonably interrupts the use of the service, Party A shall bear the losses caused to Party B.包括但不限于服务中断费用、数据恢复费用等。2.乙方违约责任若乙方未按照合同约定的时间、方式提供服务,每逾期一天,应按照合同总价的______%向甲方支付违约金;逾期超过______天(具体时长),甲方有权解除合同,并要求乙方返还已支付的款项,同时乙方应承担甲方因此遭受的全部损失。如乙方提供的Online casino and How to find it 交易服务不符合合同要求,应负责免费提供符合要求的替代服务,并按照合同总价的______%向甲方支付违约金;如因服务问题给甲方造成损失,乙方应承担全部赔偿责任。九、合同的变更与解除1.变更本协议的任何变更需经双方书面协商一致,并签订书面变更协议。变更协议作为本协议的组成部分,具有与本协议同等的法律效力。2.解除除本协议约定的解除条件外,经双方协商一致,可以解除本协议。若一方出现严重违约行为,另一方有权解除本协议,并要求违约方承担相应的违约责任。十、不可抗力1.定义本协议所称不可抗力是指不能预见、不能避免并不能克服的客观情况,包括但不限于自然灾害(如地震、洪水等)、战争、政府行为(如政策调整、禁令等)等。2.责任免除在不可抗力事件发生期间,双方应互相通知,并提供相关证明文件entry method lottery entry method and The most exciting gameplay。因不可抗力导致无法履行协议义务的一方不承担违约责任,但应尽力采取措施减少损失。如果不可抗力事件持续超过______天(具体时长),双方应协商解决协议的履行问题,如变更协议内容或解除协议等。十一、争议解决1.协商本协议履行过程中发生的争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。2.诉讼若协商不成,双方同意将争议提交协议签订地的人民法院进行诉讼解决。十二、保密条款1.保密内容双方应对在协议履行过程中知悉的对方商业秘密、技术秘密以及其他机密信息(包括但不限于交易价格、交易策略等)予以保密。2.保密期限保密期限自协议签订之日起至协议履行完毕后______年(具体时长)止。十三、协议生效与有效期1.生效本协议自双方代表签字(或盖章)之日起生效。2.有效期本协议有效期自生效之日起至双方权利义务履行完毕