The central bank issued a statement last week stating that there is no legal lottery and How to find it, and authoritative experts also reminded: Bitcoin is not a currency. This once again focused the industry’s attention on the king of Online casino and How to find it – Bitcoin. The increase in Bitcoin is堪称 the largest increase in the world’s currency: In 2009, one US dollar could be exchanged for 1300 Bitcoin, which means that 7 yuan could be exchanged for 1300 Bitcoin. Now, one Bitcoin is about 20,000 yuan. Calculating this way, if you spent 700 yuan on Bitcoin in 2009 and held it until now without moving, how much money would it be worth – estimates show that few people can guess – 2.6 billion yuan!
What is Bitcoin? Why has it been able to surge 3 million times in just eight years? What secrets and momentum are behind it? A reporter from Huashang Media Group found that at its peak, there were dozens of players in Xi’an who organized groups to study, buy mining machines, and mine coins. Times have changed, and some players have withdrawn, some are still holding coins waiting, and some are eager to try mining. New terms such as Ethereum and blockchain have emerged, and the creation of wealth and legends related to lottery and How to find it have become increasingly intense…
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雷先生介绍说,比特币的概念最早由一个叫“中本聪”的人士提出,这个“发明人”真实存在还是虚拟名字没人说得清。简单来说,比特币就是一种Online casino and How to find it ,它不依靠任何货币机构发行,而是依靠特定算法、通过大量计算产生。比特币的数量有限,设计者设定的最大数量是2100万个,现在1600万以上的比特币已被个人占有,剩下将近500万个需要大量的数据计算去挖掘。获取比特币的过程被形象地称为“挖矿”,挖矿的参与者就是“矿工”,而挖矿时需要用的超级计算机就是“矿机”。“挖矿”实质上就是用计算机算法解决一项复杂的数学难题sports betting cheats and The latest website。每得到一个合格答案,网络会新生成一定量的比特币作为奖赏。
比特币被称为Online casino and How to find it 之王,其涨幅惊人:2009年诞生之初1美元(约合人民币7元)可兑换1300个比特币,目前1枚比特币价格为2700美元左右,8年暴涨300万倍。如果2009年你花700元人民币买1300个比特币,一直持有到现在,按市价2万元人民币卖出,理论上来说,可得26亿人民币。
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Currently, Mr. Wang still has some Bitcoin. When he logged in to his computer, he saw 3.6 coins, which were equivalent to over 60,000 yuan in cash at the current market price. He said he is not in a hurry to cash out, because he is just playing. The reporter noticed that he kept these coins in a place called Bitcoin Bank and also earned some interest denominated in Bitcoin.
There are still many players hidden in the folk in Xi’an. The soaring of Bitcoin will create more millionaires. This group of players bought them at a low price and became rich overnight when they rose.
At the peak, dozens of players formed teams to trade coins
Actually, “no one can predict the future”
Since the beginning of this year, Bitcoin has surged by 170%, dropping 14% in the afternoon of June 12 after hitting a new high of 21,000 yuan. As of June 18, it has gradually stabilized around 18,000 yuan. Those who ‘got on board’ have a lot to say, and those who are watching are envious. As one interviewee said, “Most players haven’t caught up, and the car has already gone a long way when the price goes up.”
According to the reporter’s interview, when Bitcoin was at its peak, there were nearly fifty players in Xi’an forming teams to trade coins, mainly men, ranging from the 1970s to the 1990s. Most of them are collectors, coin collectors, and financial circle people, many of whom are entrepreneurslottery online website and How to find it. When the market was火爆, some even believed that Bitcoin would become the gold of the new era. With the market fluctuations, some players in the coin circle are unsure and some are in urgent need of money. Some players have left halfway. “The tide washes away the sand, to be honest, no one can predict the future.” Player Lei said.
“To be strictly speaking, Bitcoin is not an investment product, but a form of play.” The journalist said this when he met the player Zhang Qian near the Tai Bai Road overpass. He introduced that there are three ways to obtain Bitcoin: mining, investing in mining farms, and direct purchase. Now, direct purchase is too expensive. Zhang Qian said he also plans to organize a group to mine and dig coins, “Trading coins is too hard, and you also need to enter the midstream and upstream industrial chains. Recently, I am examining mining with friends.”
Ethereum, Litecoin
New virtual currencies are emerging one after another
With the explosive growth of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, and various other forms of play have emerged.
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Ethereum is considered as the ‘version 2.0 of Bitcoin’, adopting a different blockchain technology called ‘Ethereum’, which is a new open blockchain platform built on the concepts of blockchain and digital assets. According to the data of the cryptocurrency website Coinmarketcap, Ethereum reached a historical high of $407.10 on June 12, rising over 5001% from $7.98 on January 1 this year. The industry believes that the future trend is promising.
In April 2014, the first Bitcoin ATM in mainland China was officially unveiled in a cafe in Zhangjiang High-Tech Park, Shanghai. The application scenarios are constantly enriching. However, according to data statistics, the proportion of Bitcoin used for transactions is not high, less than 20%.
Player Lei said that Bitcoin actually relies on blockchain technology. To play Bitcoin, it is necessary to keep up with the most cutting-edge financial information, including central bank regulatory policies, blockchain technology, computer knowledge, and even programming technology.
Sun Jiaxin, an investment advisor at Citic Securities, analyzed to Huashang Journalist that the recent virus event刺激刺激 Bitcoin’s surge, coupled with the recognition of an increasing number of countries such as the United States and Japan in recent days, the demand far exceeds the supply speed, so the price has surged recently. Similar to Bitcoin, such a way has not yet been recognized by regulators, and it is recommended that ordinary investors participate within their capabilities.
Behind Bitcoin is also the ‘dark web’
Ordinary people just need to watch the show
In the recent ransomware incident, the fact that hackers demanded Bitcoin has caused many Xi’an white-collar workers to complain, and this incident has rung the alarm bell for network security prevention. Behind it is also a mysterious underground world that ordinary people can hardly reach, the ‘dark web’. The ‘dark web’ is the dark world of the network, a mysterious network world that cannot be found by search engines, and requires special software to log in. There, Bitcoin has become a circulating currency. Payments made with it cannot trace who is buying and selling, so it is used more in areas such as drugs and pornography.
Professor Huang Zemin, Director of the International Finance Research Institute of East China Normal University, said in an interview with Huashang Journalist that Bitcoin is currently very popular, but it is difficult to achieve success in the long run, and can only be regarded as a way of play, not a way of investment and financial management. The folk players play by themselves, which has a certain impact on the financial system and currency issuance, and it is difficult to be recognized from the legal and management perspective.
Due to the prevalence of lottery and How to find it scams involving Bitcoin, Litecoin, etc., the central bank recently issued a ‘Risk Alert’ stating that the central bank has not issued any legal lottery and How to find it, nor has it authorized any institution or enterprise to issue legal lottery and How to find it, and there is no promotional team. Currently, all so-called ‘lottery and How to find it’ on the market are not legal lottery and How to find it, and the so-called ‘lottery and How to find it’ launched by certain institutions and enterprises, as well as the behavior of promoting the central bank’s issuance of lottery and How to find it, may involve pyramid schemes and fraud.
Perhaps as a Xi’an player said, such a tiny coin that is invisible and intangible, prosperity and bubble, wealth and dreams, doubt and supervision are all on the road. It needs to be reminded that ordinary people should just watch the show, and the water here is not as deep as usual. Reporter Huang Tao, Huashang Journalist, Text/Photo