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  Dogecoin is also known as dogecoin. Recently, because of Musk’s crazy recommendation, the price is also rising. In fact, dogecoin was born in 2013. It is also the world’s second largest Online casino and How to find it, so there are still many investors who favor it, especially the trading mode of dogecoin mining is very popular, so how much money does dogecoin mining earn a day? How often do you dig one? Let’s find out.

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  My video card is 1660super, a very ordinary video card. When I bought this video card at that time, I mainly used it to edit the video and occasionally play LOL games, so I don’t have very high requirements for the video card. I believe everyone’s video card will be much better than my video card, and the better the video card, the faster the mining speed will be. Here is a detailed introduction to how to dig it.


  First of all, like the “Ethereum” and “Monero” we introduced earlier, the first step we need Mr. to become a wallet address. I recommend you to go to the official website of Dogecoin to download the wallet software, its wallet is also open source to GITHUB, so it is also very secure in terms of security.
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  Open the official Dogecoin website, click “Start Now” and then click “Get Wallet” below.
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  现在我们点击上方这个much receive这个按钮,也就是它的收款功能,然后随便填写一个标签,在下方的总量和消息都不用管,点击下方的“请求付款”,就会生成一个属于我们自己的这个狗狗币钱包地址了,把这个钱包地址给复制出来保存好。


  接下就要去下载挖矿软件了。挖矿软件推荐大家使用这款非常有名,且免费开源的lolMiner,它里面提供了Linux版本和windows版本。这里我下载windows版本(如上图)。lottery methodThe latest plan


  上面这个挖矿的批处理文件要求你的显卡显存不得低于4G,如果显存低于4G的话,可以通过Unmineable这款挖矿软件来挖,下载链接我会放在文章下方的评论区。这款软件也分两个版本,第一个是免安装版本,第二次安装版本,我们下载第一个免安装的就行了。下载后解压、打开软件,上面分为两个选项:GPU和CPU,这里肯定要选择GPU,然后下一步,在第一个选项下拉菜单里选择狗狗币,再在下方输入狗狗币的钱包地址,点击“Start”就开始挖矿了lottery victoryJust need you。