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  The sentencing situation for killing a person by collision is relatively complex, mainly depending on specific case circumstances and other factors.

  1. Generally, if a person is guilty of death by negligence, they will be sentenced to three to seven years of imprisonment; for less serious cases, they will be sentenced to less than three years of imprisonment; if they flee the scene or have other particularly恶劣 circumstances, they will be sentenced to more than seven years of imprisonment. For example, if the victim does not receive timely assistance and dies due to fleeing the scene after the accident, it is usually considered to have particularly恶劣 circumstances.

  2. If a major traffic accident occurs within the scope of public transportation management due to the violation of transportation management regulations, resulting in serious injuries, deaths, or major losses of public and private property, it constitutes the crime of traffic accidentlottery,come on baby. If the person is fully or mainly responsible for the accident, they will be sentenced to less than three years of imprisonment or detention; if they flee the scene after causing a traffic accident or have other particularly恶劣 circumstances, they will be sentenced to three to seven years of imprisonment; if they cause death by fleeing the scene, they will be sentenced to more than seven years of imprisonment.

  3. If there are serious violations such as drunk driving, even without aggravating circumstances such as fleeing the scene, they may still be heavily punished.
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  4. In addition, for some special subjects, such as unit managers, owners or contractors of motor vehicles, if they violate transportation management regulations and cause major traffic accidents, they will also bear corresponding criminal responsibilities according to the specific circumstances.

  In summary, the punishment for killing a person by collision needs to be judged comprehensively based on various factors, and specific cases should be analyzed individually.