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  The most popular one is undoubtedly Bitcoin, followed by: \x0d\x0a1. Litecoin (Litecoin) \x0d\x0aSimilar to Bitcoin, Litecoin is also based on encryption lottery and How to find it, and its price has surged recently. It is an open-source P2P lottery and How to find it, and can be considered as a branch of Bitcoin. However, although Litecoin is based on the Bitcoin protocol, it does not require high computing power and can be mined with a regular computer. The algorithm of Litecoin, originated from Dr. Colin Percival’s design for the Tarsnap secure online backup service (for Linux and other open-source operating systems backup). \x0d\x0a2. Namecoin \x0d\x0aNamecoin is also based on Bitcoin and can be considered as another open-source branch. Namecoin is a distributed DNS protocol – in simple terms, it can convert human-readable website names (such as ifeng.com) into machine-readable addresses. As its own DNS, this currency can operate outside the normal internet, thus able to脱离 ICANN’s regulation. \x0d\x0aThe currency value and domain storage of Namecoin are recorded in the user’s blockchain (blockchain), limiting the total to 21 million. \x0d\x0a3. Peercoin \x0d\x0aPeercoin is a p2p variant of Bitcoin that can improve mining efficiency, security, and enhance protection measures to avoid mass mining – now, mass mining is considered a potential flaw of Bitcoin. According to CoinMarketCap.com’s statistics on emerging currencies, Peercoin currently ranks fourth in market value. \x0d\x0a4. Primecoin \x0d\x0aPrimecoin is a cryptocurrency similar to Bitcoin but uses a completely independent mining algorithm. Bitcoin uses the Hashcash algorithm, while Primecoin uses long Cunningham chains to create currency value – named after the prime number sequence named after mathematician AJC Cunningham. \x0d\x0aDuring the Bitcoin mining process, the difficulty increases sharply as the amount of currency increases. However, Primecoin is different; with each discovery of a Primecoin coin, the mining difficulty increases slightly, making the process much more stable. \x0d\x0a5, Feathercoin
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Feathercoin is designed based on Litecoin and was released in April 2013. It can adjust the mining difficulty more frequently than Litecoin. Feathercoin is often updated, adding new features and improvements, and eliminating malicious mining behavior.
6, Novacoin
Another type of P2P digital cryptocurrency. What is different about Novacoin from most other currencies is that it has an integrated protection mechanism in the currency core, which can identify illegal mining behavior.
Novacoin has a total limit of 2 billion, which is a considerable amount. If needed, the total can be adjusted upwards.
7, Infinitecoin
Released in June 2013. A byproduct of Litecoin. According to the mining conditions and the total amount of currency, Infinitecoin can frequently adjust the mining difficulty ratio.
8, Megacoin
Released in the fourth quarter of 2013, it initially imitated Bitcoin. Megacoin has a total limit of 42 million, which can be mined like other Online casino and How to find it. Its biggest selling point is the transparency of the brand, which is what is lacking in other lottery and How to find it.
9, Quarkcoin
Released in 2013, it is still in its early stages. Quarkcoin’s security part has deployed 9 independent circuit encryption and uses 6 different algorithms.

  Firstly, we need to know that Bitcoin is not issued by the government, nor is it issued by the People’s Bank of Chinaonline casino tutorial and The latest method. It has only been around since 2009. It uses a P2P distributed network to check for duplicate consumption. Bitcoin can be created by downloading a client, and there is no counterfeiting. It is generated through a set of cryptographic codes through complex algorithms. The number of bitcoins is halved every four years, making Bitcoin very valuable.


  In reality, Bitcoin is also being used in real life, such as when the Lushan earthquake in Sichuan, China was the first time Bitcoin was allowed to be used as a donation. In fact, it was from that time on that Bitcoin began to become popular. Everyone was curious about what Bitcoin was, and that’s when people started to understand this thing.


  How can we get Bitcoin? In fact, everyone knows there are two methods:

  One method is to go to the online market to buy it, and buy it according to the exchange rate with the RMB. Now, it is about 5,000 yuan for one Bitcoin.

  Another method is to obtain Bitcoin by downloading a client and calculating a certain number of mathematical problems.

  In fact, the second method is not easy to obtain at all, and it requires a lot of cost to make money. A friend of mine took a few days to earn 0.0016 Bitcoin, which is very difficult. It may also have something to do with the method and the computer.


  Now, many people are investing in Bitcoin, and to be honest, investing in this thing also carries certain risks. The country has not yet recognized the legality of this thing, and it is largely just traded online now. Some people also use it for black market transactions. In recent days, the value of Bitcoin is definitely going to rise, but it will depend on how the government regulates the Internet next, because now the Internet regulation is very lagging. Many problems arise on the Internet, and no one in reality goes to solve them. It may be that the government is also at a loss for how to proceed, as they do not have a suitable method.


  Imagine that there is currently no unified currency in operation worldwide, and all operations are carried out through exchange. If Bitcoin can take on this responsibility, it will certainly be a good thing. Now, Bitcoin can already be used to buy all kinds of things in real life through virtual means, although the government does not recognize it yet, but it already exists in a very realistic way. However, many people believe that Bitcoin is a conspiracy, using the energy or financial resources of the future for the sake of the past. That is to say, our enthusiasm for Bitcoin now is actually the money that was earned by the earliest people.


  The differences between Bitcoin and QQ coins:

  Bitcoin does not belong to any country, company, or group, and it exists widely on the Internet. Currently, it can be exchanged for any currency of any country, and it is highly valued by all countries, although it has not become legal tender.

  QQ coins belong to Tencent Company, and now Tencent Company is actively promoting this QQ coin, while few other groups or companies promote this product, because it will not bring any benefits to them.

  However, in recent weeks, the value of the currency has been rising all the way, until it reached a peak of $266 on April 10th, after which the value of the currency plummeted, falling all the way to $105, with a huge drop of 61%. What is Bitcoin? What is the value of Bitcoin? Many people are talking about this Online casino and How to find it. Opinions are divided into two camps: one camp believes that Bitcoin seems to be a Ponzi scheme; while the other camp believes that Bitcoin is an innovation.

  But there is still a category of people who have no idea what Bitcoin is – and this category may be the majority.

  Next, we borrow an article from the technology blog site Business Insider to give everyone an entry-level introduction: What kind of currency is this that drives people crazy. What are the differences between it and real currency?




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  (7) What can Bitcoin do?

  Previously, reports have stated that criminals have used anonymous Bitcoin to purchase illegal goods such as drugs and firearms, but in fact, many legitimate businesses now also accept Bitcoin transactions, such as Howard Johnson Hotel Chain, which is willing to accept Bitcoin payments, and BitElectronics, which is a consumer electronics store that only accepts Bitcoin.

  (9) Is Bitcoin legal?

  Bitcoin is not a real currency; it does not represent a certain value like paper money and coins. The current U.S. government is not worried about the impact Bitcoin may have on the financial market, as it can be managed and controlled by enacting corresponding legislation. Compared to the ‘Free Dollar’ that appeared between 1998 and 2009, which was a type of circulation currency that could replace tangible goods, its creator, Bernard von NotHaus, was found guilty in 2011 for manufacturing, possessing, and selling currency.

  Currently, information about Bitcoin can be obtained through various channels, such as Bitcoin subreddit and Bitcoin Magazine, both of which are sources of information about Bitcoin. From Huaxiu Net.

  1. Relative capital concentration

  Global capital is concentrated in government institutions and individual financial institutions, and with the high concentration of funds, it brings a series of imbalances. Inequities in asset holding, distribution, and a series of riots derived from these, continuously challenge this centralized system. Anarchists are constantly seeking new ways to分管 funds in order to counter this centralized government system. This opposition behavior arising from distrust of the centralized system ultimately propelled the operation of the trust machine.

  2. Blockchain prototype

  Until 2008, a scholar named ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’ published an article titled ‘Blockchain: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System’, which gave rise to the naming of blockchain. The following January, a string of program codes appeared, which are still technically unbreakable today, providing the prototype for the birth of blockchain. ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’ thereby created the Bitcoin Genesis Block and generated the first Bitcoin reward of 50 coins. The emergence of blockchain also heralded the advent of the trust mechanism, no longer relying on centralized systems to create and own blocks. The connotation of blockchain is not just Bitcoin or some lottery and How to find it, but also includes a series of applications based on trust, such as smart contracts.

  3. Equalization

  Therefore, blockchain and Bitcoin can be said to be internet products of a group of people who distrust centralized institutions and the existing financial system, using advanced technology to challenge the existing global monetary system. The birth of blockchain paved the way for the traditional funds holding market, creating fair, just, and equal holding rights, and thus gaining the favor of foreign anarchists and spreading widely abroad.

  4. Core Idea
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  The core idea of a single blockchain is that it is unreliable to ensure the value of something through a centralized system. In the blockchain system, each node only needs to act according to its own interests to ensure the security of the system.

  On January 4, 2009, in a small server located in Helsinki, Finland, the author of the white paper, Satoshi Nakamoto, personally created the first block – the Genesis Block of Bitcoin, and received the first reward of 50 Bitcoin, and the first Bitcoin was thus born.

  About Bitcoin

  On May 22, 2010, an early Bitcoin enthusiast, American programmer Laszlo, hoped to exchange real goods for Bitcoin. He posted on a Bitcoin forum: ‘I hope to exchange 10,000 Bitcoin for two pizzas worth $25 each.’ A British volunteer reached an agreement with Laszlo and received a reward of 10,000 Bitcoin. This was the first time Bitcoin had a price, causing a great sensation in the entire cryptocurrency community. To commemorate this transaction, every May 22 is called ‘Bitcoin Pizza Day’, and Bitcoin enthusiasts gather to eat pizza to celebrate. At the current Bitcoin price, the two pizzas at that time were worth about 300 million RMB, and Laszlo, who bought the pizza, was so shocked that he fainted in the bathroom.

  Every hour, the global network can generate 6 data blocks, and every 4 years, 210,000 data blocks can be generated; then the reward for data blocks is paid in a decreasing manner, the first 4 years pay 50 Bitcoin per data block, the second 4 years pay 25 Bitcoin per data block, the third 4 years pay 12.5 Bitcoin per data block, and so on. The total number of Bitcoin is — 21 million X (50 + 25 + 12.5 + 6.25 + 3.125 + …) = 21 million. The sum of the numbers in the brackets is approximately one hundred, and by 2040, the total number of Bitcoin will reach 21 million.

  Chapter 1: Bitcoin Virus Again Becomes the Focus

  May 12th, a global outbreak of Bitcoin virus疯狂 attacked public and commercial systems!

  More than 40 hospitals in various parts of the United Kingdom have been subjected to widespread cyber-attacks, and the National Health Service (NHS) is in chaos.

  The campus networks of many universities in China have also fallen victim en masse.

  Almost 74 countries around the world have been severely attacked, such as the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Russia, and Ukraine, etc.

  After being infected, ransomware usually encrypts all types of files on the user’s system, such as documents, emails, databases, source code, images, compressed files, etc., making them unusable, or interferes with the normal use of the system by modifying system configuration files, reducing the availability of the system;

  When users are in a hurry to open documents, ransomware will notify users through pop-up windows, dialog boxes, or generated text files, etc., requiring users to transfer money to a specified account (pay Bitcoin ransom) to obtain the password for decrypting files or to restore the normal operation of the system.

  Chapter 2: Discuss the Origin of Bitcoin

  The concept of Bitcoin (BitCoin) was first proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto in the 2008 paper ‘Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System (Chinese Version)’. In 2009, according to Satoshi Nakamoto’s ideas, the open-source software and the P2P network built on it were designed and released.

  It is a lottery with a total amount of 21 million, like the Internet, with characteristics of decentralization, globalization, and anonymity. Transferring Bitcoin to the other side of the Earth is as simple as sending an email, low-cost, and without any restrictions.

  Therefore, Bitcoin is used in cross-border trade, payment, remittances, and other fields.

  Bitcoin is a P2P form of lottery and How to find it. Peer-to-peer transmission means a decentralized payment system.

  Unlike most currencies, Bitcoin does not rely on a specific monetary institution for issuance. It is generated through a specific algorithm, through a large amount of computing. The Bitcoin economy uses a distributed database consisting of many nodes in the entire P2P network to confirm and record all transaction activities, and uses cryptographic design to ensure the security of all links in the circulation of currency.

  The decentralized characteristics of P2P and the algorithms themselves can ensure that the value of Bitcoin cannot be manipulated artificially by manufacturing a large number of Bitcoin.

  The design based on cryptography ensures that Bitcoin can only be transferred or paid by the actual owner, which also ensures the anonymity of ownership and circulation transactions.

  The biggest difference between Bitcoin and other Online casinos and How to find it is that its total amount is very limited, with strong scarcity.

  The total amount of this currency system was not more than 10.5 million in the first 4 years, and the total amount will be permanently limited to 21 million thereafter.

  Starting from the essence of Bitcoin, the essence of Bitcoin is actually a special solution generated by a set of complex algorithms. A special solution refers to one of the infinite (actually finite) solutions that the equation group can obtain. And each special solution can solve the equation and is unique. To put it in terms of the Renminbi, Bitcoin is the serial number of the Renminbi. If you know the serial number on a banknote, you own that banknote. The mining process is to seek the special solution of this equation group through massive computing, and this equation group is designed to have only 21 million special solutions, so the limit of Bitcoin is 21 million.

  The reason why Bitcoin is so popular is that after it has the characteristics of currency, it can be accepted, traded, and stored worldwide, forming its unique survival environment.

  Secondly, Bitcoin is Digital Gold

  Due to its vast prospects and great imagination space, Bitcoin has been on a continuous rise since its birth in 2009. The price reached 1 US dollar in 2011, 1200 US dollars in 2013, exceeding the price of 1 ounce of gold, and is known as the ‘Digital Gold’ (the current price is about 450 US dollars).

  Bitcoin can be used for redemption and can be exchanged for the currency of most countries.

  Users can use Bitcoin to purchase some virtual items, such as clothes, hats, equipment in online games, and as long as someone accepts it, Bitcoin can also be used to purchase items in real life.

  After its birth, Bitcoin, as an unprecedented new type of currency, has undergone countless market tests and technical attacks, but has always stood firm.

  Now Bitcoin has grown into a currency system with millions of users worldwide, tens of thousands of merchants accepting payments, and a market value of up to hundreds of billions of dollars.

  On February 26, 2014, Senator Joe Manchin of the Democratic Party of West Virginia sent an open letter to multiple regulatory agencies of the US federal government, hoping that relevant agencies could pay attention to the current situation of Bitcoin encouraging illegal activities and disrupting financial order, and require that action be taken as soon as possible to comprehensively ban this electronic currency.

  3. Bitcoin trading platforms in our country
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  Our country also has three major platforms for trading Bitcoin, which are Huobi, Coinfloor, and Bitcoin.

  On January 11, 2017, the Shanghai headquarters of the People’s Bank of China and the Shanghai Financial Bureau conducted on-site inspections of BTC China, focusing on whether the company conducts credit, payment, remittance and other related businesses without permission or without a license; the implementation of anti-money laundering systems; and security risks of funds. On January 12, the Business Management Department of the Central Bank also stationed in Beijing on trading platforms such as Huobi and Coinfloor.

  Starting from noon on January 24, 2017, China’s three major Bitcoin platforms officially began to charge transaction fees.

  Currently, there are a large number of virtual currencies controlled and issued by scam companies on the Internet, claiming to be imitators and improved versions of Bitcoin, but in fact, they are pyramid schemes or Ponzi schemes (such as Treasure Coin, Wika Coin, Morgan Coin, etc.), or although they are not pure scams, they are highly manipulated by manipulators (such as Shark Coin, Shell Coin, etc.).

  The biggest difference between these scam coins and Bitcoin is that Bitcoin does not belong to anyone or any organization, it is a decentralized currency that runs without any control. These scam coins have clear issuers and are completely controlled by the issuers. Although scam coins are also called ‘coins’, they are completely different from Bitcoin.

  Different from the open-source Bitcoin, most scam coins do not open their source code, or even have no code at all, they are just a number on a website, and the issuer can change it as much as they want.

  Scam coins often have people working hard to promote them, usually using the means of up and down lines to attract funds.

  One of the simplest ways to judge is that if XX coin is issued by a company boasting ‘strong strength’, with a vast prospect, and guarantees high investment/mining returns, promises that it can rise and make money, and asks you to spend money to buy it, then it is 100% a scam coin.

  Try to explain it in simple statements, hoping you can understand.

  In some time past, perhaps you have heard the word ‘Bitcoin’ more than 1000 times, but still cannot understand what Bitcoin is.

  In brief, Bitcoin is an encrypted file that can be easily stored and transmitted, which is a type of cryptocurrency, the first and the largest cryptocurrency.

  Today’s Bitcoin price is about 50,000 yuan per coin (the highest reached 130,000 yuan), you must be wondering, why should you pay a high amount of real money for such a piece of code?

  The story began with a barter system, and the first Bitcoin transactions were realized through bargaining on forums, such as one transaction was as follows: purchasing two pizzas with 10,000 Bitcoin.

  The core of Bitcoin is a new form of digital asset, created through an unparalleled combination of encryption and a peer-to-peer network. So how does it provide value to us?

  If you want to send money abroad, whether through bank wire transfer or online services, you must pay a certain bank service fee or transaction fee. In fact, the funds are just transferred from one account to another, so why do you lose some money?

  But Bitcoin is different. It does not belong to any country, institution, or individual. It is not regulated, and anyone with an internet connection can obtain it. You just need to click a few times, and it can be freely transferred to anywhere in the world.

  You might ask again, how to ensure its security and that it is not a scam? This cannot be helped but to mention a professional term: blockchain, which is the underlying technology Bitcoin relies on. You can think of it as a ledger that records every transaction that occurs on the network, accessible to everyone online. When anyone initiates a new transaction (sending or receiving Bitcoin), the transaction will be verified through the blockchain. The blockchain solves the problem of trust between people to the greatest extent.

  Bitcoin is similar to gold and can be considered as digital gold. The supply of Bitcoin is limited (up to 21 million, with 16.7 million already mined), and mining will become increasingly difficult. It is due to the limited supply that many people believe it is a form of value reserve. Therefore, mining (adding new Bitcoin) and investing in Bitcoin have become very popular topics in the past year.

  Due to the increasing influence of Bitcoin, governments around the world have intervened to regulate Bitcoin transactions, so that it can become a more mature part of the financial system. In China, financial institutions and payment institutions have been explicitly prohibited from engaging in business related to Bitcoin to avoid some illegal activities related to Bitcoin transactions.

  Bitcoin is different from currencies like the RMB, USD, GBP, and others. It is a type of online Online casino and How to find it, and it is decentralized. Q币, also a virtual currency, is centralized, meaning it is regulated. However, Bitcoin is decentralized, meaning it is not regulated by a central authority. It is generated through a specific algorithm and a large amount of computation. In my opinion, this is the tool used by the United States to harvest wool. Everyone should not touch it.

  In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto published a white paper titled ‘Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System’, which announced the birth of Bitcoin. First, please pay attention to the core of the title of the white paper ‘point-to-point’ and ‘electronic cash’.

  1. What is ‘point-to-point’

  Point-to-point means that the Bitcoin system does not require a specific server, such as when we log in to WeChat, we need to connect to Tencent’s WeChat server, or when we log in to Taobao, we need to connect to Alibaba’s Taobao server. But what if these centralized servers are closed? The answer is that we won’t be able to log in to WeChat or Taobao. The ‘point-to-point’ network structure of Bitcoin does not depend on any specific server or group of servers. It can be understood this way: in the Bitcoin system, each participant is both a user and a ‘server’. Therefore, no organization or individual can control Bitcoin, nor can they tamper with Bitcoin transaction records. Therefore, Bitcoin is a ‘decentralized’ lottery and How to find it.

  2. Electronic Cash

  As the name implies, Bitcoin has the ambition to replace traditional currency from the day it was born, and it wants to become the real currency of the future. According to Satoshi Nakamoto’s algorithm design, the total amount of Bitcoin is fixed at 21 million. Bitcoin is not issued by any institution; it is generated through a specific algorithm, which is also known as ‘mining’. At the same time, Bitcoin’s ‘output’ is halved every four years, so Bitcoin will not face the phenomenon of excessive currency issuance. One of the reasons for the high housing prices is excessive currency issuance. In 2008, China’s broad money M2 total was only 47 trillion, but by 2017, it had reached 174 trillion, an increase of nearly 3 times. This is also the main reason why the average real increase in housing prices across the country over the past 10 years has been more than 3 times.

  Bitcoin (BitCoin) is a lottery and How to find it. The concept of Bitcoin was first proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009.

  Bitcoin does not rely on a specific currency institution for issuance. It is generated through a specific algorithm, involving a large amount of computation. Bitcoin cannot be manipulated by artificially creating more Bitcoin, and it can only be transferred or paid by its actual owner. This also ensures the anonymity of currency ownership and circulation transactions. The total amount of Bitcoin is very limited. The currency system had no more than 10.5 million in the first 4 years, and its total amount will be permanently limited to 21 million, so Bitcoin will not face inflation.

  2010年5月22日,美国佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔的程序员Laszlo Hanyecz,用 10000 BTC购买了价值25美元的披萨。这是现实世界中第一笔比特币交易。








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