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  1. In fact, over the past few years, we have not made money in this market due to innate talent, but rather because of the era and trends. It is the later generations who are paying for the predecessors. Even today, this market is still at the风口, and there will still be more people entering to push up the market. The current group is already tens of times larger than that before 2017. The events of Facebook issuing coins and Sun Yat-sen having a dinner with Warren Buffett have made Bitcoin well-known to every household. For the future, what we have now is just a small ripple. 2. Just like how many people did not make money this year despite the quadrupling of Bitcoin, it is a painful problem for those who plan to stay in the cryptocurrency market for a long time. People who take the cryptocurrency market as their main occupation may not necessarily make more money than those who take it as a side occupationonline casino methodJust need you. In this volatile market, all cryptocurrencies are just tools for speculation. This is a financial market, not a technology market. It is a speculative market, not an investment market. As I said in my article ‘Bitcoin: If You Have Faith, You Will Lose,’ at the end of the day, I still believe in the US dollar and the RMB. 3. As I have said before, the application of blockchain without currency is progressing rapidly now, because blockchain has many functions such as traceability, anonymity, and unchangeability, which can be widely used in many aspects, with payment transfer being just one of them. On the other hand, blockchain with currency has not been implemented much. As early as two years ago, we all believed that the fastest field for the application of blockchain would be finance and games. To this day, I still hold this view. 4. Unfortunately, at present, blockchain games are limited to the digitization of game assets, limited to the authorization of game assets and the chaining of assets. There is no excellent operational model designed for tokens in the game. Buying tokens is like buying QQ coins, and even worse than QQ coins. Tokens without an economic model cannot attract players. All tokens need to undergo a currency reform. Without currency reform, the market will be difficult to attract more new investors.

  5, As mentioned in previous articles, the continuous inflow of capital into platform tokens and Bitcoin is not because the platforms are getting better, actually, the continuous decline in trading volume does not support the continued rise of platform tokens. It’s because many people are scared, and more rational. In a market of existing stock games, one may fall into a trap by accident. Even if you have a good group owner, or a decent WeChat friend, they are all thinking about the community, waiting to take over.

  6, So after this year, the ‘sheep’ have become more mature. The maturity of the ‘sheep’ means the maturity of the market. Everyone’s understanding has become consistent, just like everyone sees nervos as a hearse. It’s becoming more and more difficult to manipulate the market, to issue coins, and to cut the ‘sheep’, and the game between manipulators and ‘sheep’ has reached a one-to-one level. Therefore, we have entered an era of making money with our brains, a new era where calling orders, soft articles, and technology are all ineffective. 7, I reduced my position in HT. Since the beginning of this year, I have always believed that all platform tokens would set a new historical high, but in fact, we still need to follow the market cycle, just like when I shorted BNB at $40. On June 21st, I liquidated all my positions, leaving only HT. Today, August 13th, is the time to fully enter the market. The first thing I did in the morning was to liquidate HT, keeping only a part for the fee discount.

  8, Why clear the HT. Just as I was optimistic about HT at the time, Huobi’s trading volume has been rising sharply, and its fundamentals have improved rapidly. In contrast, Binance’s trading volume, even in the midst of market fervor, has not been as strong as in the first quarter. This is an easy choice, not because Zhao Changpeng or Li Lin is better at calling orders. It’s unnecessary; just by thinking, one knows which side to stand on. The main reason is that recently, Huobi’s order filling has become very frequent. In the past, I said that Huobi rarely filled orders, but recently, there have been a lot of invalid fake orders between the sell one and buy one, in large numbers. That is, Huobi has begun to fall into a situation of fake trading volume. Moreover, Huobi has listed the FTT token, which I mentioned earlier, has the potential to surpass Bitmex’s contract token as a platform tokenentrance lottery entrance and The latest plan. It’s as if Huobi has done a big advertisement for the FTT contract platform. Therefore, although the current trend of HT looks very beautiful, I have chosen to liquidate. I earned 50% in less than two monthsonline casino method and The latest method. I don’t think this return rate is low.

  9. Choosing what to buy is a difficult problem. In fact, few people dare to buy山寨币 nowadays. But if we observe a few objects, we can know whether it is at the bottom. On December 17, 2018, it was the lowest point of Bitcoin, and at that time, most currencies had fallen into despair. That low point was also the low point for most currencies. Ripple, at 0.27u at that time, after more than half a year, is now 0.3u, and it has not fallen below that price. Eos’s lowest point was 1.5u, and today it is 4u, still connected with nearly three times the increase. Bch, ltc are all types of reduction in production, and their performance is relatively good. But some mainstream currencies have fallen to the price of December 17, last year. For example, zec, dash, ada, xem, etc. 10. Can it fall further from this point? I think it won’t. I more see the actions in the first half of this year as a collective trial, the purpose of which is to loosen the lock-up of the upper position. Connecting the low point of December 17 and now is the result of a second bottom. 11. From the perspective of the overall environment, according to the diagram of the Kondratieff wave, this year is the best time to buy assets. Although the current global situation is chaotic and unstable, the more chaotic it is, the more we should own assets. 12. For coin and token, I have expressed my views in many articles before, a public chain must be used by someone, and it can be judged by the number of dapp and the activity on the chain. For example, a game has become very popular recently, with a significant increase in on-chain transaction volume, leading to a fluctuation in the price of the currency. There are also some favorable views, but I don’t like to see this kind of thing, everyone knows what is going on. For public chains, we only need to look at the data performance. This is a brainy rational behavior, listen to the news unless you are a manipulator. Most public chains are now useless. 13. For token, still look at the token model. Whether there is worth for data analysis and support, just like platform currency, we see some platforms doing better and better, there is no reason not to buy platform currency. Just like ekt, I don’t know who Li Junshan or Jack Huang are. It’s just data analysis, which can tell us whether it is worth buying. Yesterday, I saw the ptt announcement, which will carry out repurchase once a week, and the data will be published, we can completely judge whether ptt will rise based on the data. If you pay attention to the details of this announcement, we see that the ekt collected through multi-chain planet is not given to the ptt project party, but equivalent usdt. This detail, if you don’t pay attention, you can’t see through the route of ekt. That is, multi-chain has been trying to bring ekt’s chips into its controllable range. With so many articles about ekt, it is just to provide a personal analysis, I believe that very few people will all-in ekt or ptt because of these articles, if I can convince you, you can naturally buy it. We are making money with our brains. 14. Whether it is coin or token, still look at the community activity. Now, it is very difficult to rely on capital accumulation to raise the price of a currency without its own community. Moreover, the theme. Currently, the theme is mainly halving, repurchase, and model.其余的要么靠技术型大突破,要么靠大基金、大庄家拉盘(好比六哥社区主拉lxt、老俞社区抄了狼雨的uip、币圈一哥社区集体拉zil,但是这些你玩不了)。但是减半、回购、模式这三类可以作为基本底仓选择方向。




