ChainDD Note: In 2018, the lottery and How to find it industry experienced an explosive growth, with the earning effect making it a new favorite among investment institutions. Under the chaotic growth of the industry, a large number of teams, wearing the cloak of blockchain and Online casino and How to find it, actually engaged in illegal pyramid schemes, resulting in significant losses for investors.
To clarify the套路 of such crimes, the editors of the ChainDD App began to monitor, warn, and compile a list of pyramid schemes from the beginning of 2018. In early July 2018, they released the ‘Top 100 Pyramid Schemes List in the First Half of 2018’, which listed hundreds of pyramid schemes active in the market. After the release of this list, the ChainDD App successively obtained reports from all walks of life. From the perspective of victims, participants, supervisors, and observers, it recorded the process of being deceived in detail and tracked the clues of pyramid schemes.
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Previously, the research team of the ChainDD App summarized the basic rules of pyramid schemes in the ‘Top 100 Pyramid Schemes List in the First Half of 2018’ as follows:
1. The pyramid scheme leaders register shell companies at home or abroad and establish websites, usually with legitimate purposes such as charity, finance, games, and medical research to establish the initial trust of the public.
2. Promote the value of some ‘Online casino and How to find it’ through WeChat, QQ groups, lectures, and other forms with great intensity. Some even use special public relations to whitewash the network to dispel the doubts of members.
3. Use the lure of ‘high returns’ up to a hundred times as a hook to attract many people to participate. The business model usually consists of ‘paying an entrance fee’, ‘recruiting people’, and ‘compensating team members for forming levels’, continuously absorbing membership fees to achieve the purpose of accumulating wealth. The specific form is:
1) Pay or pay in kind an entrance fee, that is, pay money to join before obtaining the ‘qualification’ to earn remuneration or develop subordinates;
2) Directly or indirectly develop subordinates, that is, to recruit people and organize them in a certain order to form levels;
3) The superior earns remuneration from the sales performance of the subordinates directly or indirectly developed, or based on the number of personnel directly or indirectly developed, for remuneration or rebates.
4. Ultimately, the case occurs due to the lack of new members joining the project, and the members of the project cannot exchange the digital tokens for cash, leading to a broken financial chain.
In the process of monitoring and organizing this time, the research team of the ChainDD App noticed that: After a period of silence, the pyramid schemes that had been previously warned and exposed reappeared in the second half of 2018. The pyramid scheme teams may have transferred their development areas or changed the names of the pyramid schemes that had been warned, continuing to use the same operational methods and similar channels of dissemination for pyramid schemes.
To more fully reveal the scam chart of pyramid schemes, the research team of the ChainDD App, based on the monitoring previously conducted, has collaborated with the Chain Law team and the Anti-Pyramid Scheme Network. Not only have they monitored the pyramid schemes that the court and local police have investigated and filed, but they have also collected and organized information from anti-pyramid scheme website reports and self-media exposures. This has completed the detailed events of over a hundred pyramid schemes exposed in the second half of 2018, including the occurrence time, methods of pyramid scheme, involved amounts or numbers of people, etc., such as the Online casino and How to find it pyramid scheme case.
Domestically co-released: Huobi Information, Huoshui Finance, Block Technology, Shenlian Finance
Jointly released overseas: blockchain business community, The blockchainers
List of pyramid scheme currencies confirmed by the judiciary (a total of 37 monitored in the second half of 2018):
GRDC, Yadian Currency, DGC Virtual Currency, EGD — Super, Tianhe Currency, U Baby Currency, Huangzun Currency, “π”, Yuan, Bonus Currency, Wen Mou (Online Casino and How to Find It), Sacred Currency, Shitong Yuan Currency, Central Currency,克拉 Currency, Yunxun Tong (Report Order Currency, Shuanghui Currency, Wuxing Currency), Goupai Currency, Baote Currency (TRC), Lock Currency (RKC Currency), E Currency, ADC, BTM Barte Currency, LCC Currency, Vika Currency, Yunzun Currency, Yunjin Currency, CNB, Airbitclub, Mailing Chain, Mopai, Environmental Protection Agricultural Chain (NYC, CTOP), IAC, Liangbis, Yayou Currency, (Jianye Currency, Jinsiangyu), Walker Finance, Wanfu Currency.
List of pyramid scheme currencies reported by the public (a total of 63 monitored in the second half of 2018):
AE, AG, AOK, ATC, BAC Points, BFC, CHP City Hunter, FC Currency, FQC Food Traceability Chain, JON Agricultural Chain, KCI Cultural Chain, PCK Future Chain, Shanfan Chain SFC, Shengyuan Currency, Shitong Currency, Sutong Treasure, Tuofu Chain TFC Currency, Weilete Currency WLT, Weitai Currency WTB, Xinghan Chain, DFC Currency, BIOC (Zhongke Hongji), Jinhulu Chain (GOC), Jiuyou Chain (9MC), World of Wine Chain (Sacred Wine Token), Juzhong Chuangxiang, Kebei (KBA), Cross-border Hot Goods (FSH), Lamei Currency (LMC), Lefu Chain (LFC), Letai Ethereum (HEH), Traffic Magic Box; Liudu Chain (SDC), Charity Chain LMC, Maple Leaf Currency CMCC, Shared Chain Mall, Meisiwo (POF), Ant Chain (Mountainous ANTC), Lutai Currency (GTB), Qubu Chain (IWC), Quguang Mall (Qudou), Ripple Federal Currency (Ripple山寨), Ruixinbao (RXBC), Task Bang/Xian Chain/Bangba, Brand Chain (Zhongzi Chain) PPL, REC Zhongcai Digital Currency, Futai Chain (RHC), Rongte Currency (RTC), TCC Taoniu Chain, TOMB Taobao International Mall, U Baby Youlian Wanjia (U Baby Currency USS), Vpay (V-token), A Li Mining Master, Plato (PLATO), Hengfeng Century Supply Chain, Hot Currency, Jilian Currency, Global E-commerce Currency (GEC), Airbitclub, Mecca Currency, Lightcone LCC, BHB.
1. Issuance method
Lottery and How to find it is issued through a specific algorithm, generated through a large number of calculations, and is a decentralized issuance method. Each different terminal node is responsible for maintaining the same ledger, and this maintenance process mainly involves the algorithm packaging and encrypting transaction information.
On the other hand, pyramid scheme currencies are mainly issued by a certain institution. The pyramid leaders register shell companies at home or abroad and establish websites, and promote the value of some ‘Online casino and How to find it’ through WeChat, lectures, and other forms with great strength, using the lure of ‘high returns’ of up to hundreds of times as a hook, continuously attracting membership fees to achieve the purpose of accumulating wealth.
2. Trading method
Lottery and How to find it is a spontaneous and scattered transaction formed in the market, and after forming a scale, it is gradually completed by third-party exchanges to complete transactions.
On the other hand, pyramid scheme currencies are controlled by institutions or individuals, and cannot be traded freely. The fake Online casino and How to find it issued by such platforms often cannot be traded on exchanges, so they often adopt over-the-counter transactions or self-owned exchange transactions, while the price is highly controlled by institutions or individuals.
3. Implementation method
Online casino and How to find it itself is an open-source program, maintained in the Github community. The parameters and methods of its total quantity limit are all displayed in the open-source code.
The open-source of pyramid scheme currencies is a complete copy of other open-source code, and they do not use open-source code to build the program, which cannot generate blocks or run on blocks. Therefore, they often adopt manual splitting for token rewards, continuously splitting in the short term to produce a large number of points or tokens, creating an illusion of wealth ‘explosion’.
4. Whether to provide a source code link
Decentralized lottery and How to find it will all provide links to the source code in a prominent position on the official website, which is done to publicly and transparently display the operation mechanism of the currency system. However, pyramid scheme currencies mainly promote the recharge and purchase transaction process, do not mention their operation mechanism, and even do not provide a link to the source code on the website.
For example: Bitcoin is open-source and has a limited supply of 21 million, and each Bitcoin generated is transparent and not subject to any manipulation. On the other hand, pyramid scheme currencies do not open their source code, and the speed and quantity of currency generation are manipulated by enterprises or platforms. As long as the platform developers are willing, pyramid scheme currencies can be infinitely issued.
5. Whether the official website starts with https
The official websites and trading websites of general decentralized lottery and How to find it all start with https, which is designed to well protect users’ data from illegal theft. However, the related websites such as the official websites and trading websites of pyramid scheme currencies do not start with https.
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From the earliest ‘HGC’ Online casino and How to find it pyramid scheme case in 2009 to the recently detected pyramid scheme groups such as ‘Asia-Europe Coin’ and ‘Asia Yuan’, the number of such criminal cases has been increasing year by year. Due to the cross-regional nature of internet dissemination, it has caused great difficulties in investigation and evidence collection. Local industrial and commercial departments can only supervise pyramid scheme activities within their jurisdiction, and it is impossible to cut off pyramid schemes on a national scale from the source, allowing some pyramid scheme teams to take advantage of this, even committing crimes multiple times.
The ChainDD App will continue to closely monitor the dynamics of pyramid scheme currencies from now on, timely disclose the ‘Online casino and How to find it’ list of suspected pyramid scheme currencies, and regularly summarize. The following is a compilation of pyramid scheme fraud incidents in the second half of 2018 completed by the ChainDD research team, which includes details of 100 major pyramid scheme currency incidents.
Considering the reading experience, this article is only a simplified version for the media audience. For detailed report content, please click on the original report to read and download.
List of pyramid scheme currencies confirmed by judicial authorities:
1, GRDC (Gold Brick Reserve Asset Currency)
Claimed to be the first phase of China’s financial construction virtual asset project, adopting a two-phase, five-time split model to advance, while adopting ‘Four Major Returns’ and ‘Three Major Rewards’ as rewards for members, extracting bonuses from the collected membership fees based on performance levels. Members joining need to pay membership fees that are multiples of 600 yuan, and upon payment, they obtain the corresponding level.
2, Yadun Coin
The ‘Yadun Coin’ pyramid scheme includes a member management system and the ‘Yadun Coin’ trading platform. The member management system provides tiered rebates to members for dividends and the development of downlines. Dividends to members are called ‘static returns’, and rebates for developing downlines are called ‘dynamic returns’.
3, DGC virtual currency
Investing in DGC virtual currency requires the downline to pay at least 680 yuan in RMB to become a member of the DGC company. The upline withdraws direct referral awards, collision awards, and leadership awards from the fees paid by the downline to obtain illegal profits. Each participant can develop a maximum of two direct downlines, and the downline is developed hierarchically, forming a pyramid-type network hierarchical structure.
4, EGD—Super (abbreviated as: ES)
ES Coin established twelve city-states, and members formed a hierarchical structure according to their referral and placement relationships. Members’ investments included static returns and dynamic returns. As of the time of the incident, 557,998 activation subscription accounts were activated, the pyramid scheme reached over 20 layers, and over 10 billion yuan in membership fees were collected.
5, Tianhe Coin
Tianhe Coin draws on the model of ‘Internet Gold’, setting up a reward plan and sales model for Tianhe Points, requiring members to pay membership fees to obtain membership status. Member investments are divided into static returns and dynamic returns.
“U宝”发行于 2018年2月26日,其平台系统根据注册时的推荐关系自动识别记录,使推荐人与新会员之间形成上下线关系,可无限发展下线,形成自上而下、多层级、金字塔形的传销组织体系。
在“SCI”理财平台购买Online casino and How to find it “π”投资到澳门博彩业领取分红,要求参加人缴纳100元报单费获得注册码后注册成为会员,之后购买最低50个π,可通过发展下线投资π进行提成。
奖金币为了达到非法获利的目的,利用办信用卡、金融培训、POS机刷卡返现获取银行分润等为由头,大肆拉人入会进入该传销组织。会员按双轨制排列某,会员的各种奖励均以会员网站内Online casino and How to find it (奖金币)的形式发放,奖金币可转换成电子币,可提现,但需收取10%的手续费。
11、文某(Online casino and How to find it )
网络Online casino and How to find it “文某”宣称高盈利及合法性,引诱他人购买,并引诱被发展人员发展其他人员加入,按照发展顺序形成上下级关系,直接或者间接以发展人员的数量作为计酬和返利的依据,牟取非法利益。
“圣币”对外宣称是“国家唯一承认的Online casino and How to find it ,增值空间很大”,投资“圣币”可以获得高额回报。
“中央币” 发行于2016年11月份,采取会员费和三轨制伞形结构,设置了动态奖励和静态奖励,鼓励会员发展下线。截止2017年4,已激活会员账户30,855个,层级达83层,吸收会员资金共计200,042,006元。
克拉币以泰国五军集团开发克拉运河需要资金为由,设立网站,组织、策划发行克拉币、克拉期权等Online casino and How to find it 、期权。要求参与者交纳费用、注册账号,获得加入资格,以投资、发展下线可以获得高额奖励。
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宝特币是一种从台湾引进的Online casino and How to find it ,以线上租赁矿机挖宝特币的赚钱项目,有矿工收益和推广收益两种奖励机制,鼓励发展下线。
曾用名“IAC”。“IAC”日收益高达2.8%,采取交会费和拉人头的方式吸收资金。后因IAC骗局被曝光,该模式更名为ADC,并借助Online casino and How to find it 的新外衣,重新上线。
25, Yun Zun Coin
In May 2018, a certain trading company developed members in the name of the ‘Guizhou Branch of the World Blockchain Research Institute’, engaging in illegal pyramid scheme activities. The Nanming District Market Supervision Administration made an administrative penalty decision of confiscating 60,000 yuan in illegal gains and imposing a fine of 4,000 yuan.
26, Yun Gold Coin
The transaction profit model of Zhao Yun Jin Cai is a hierarchical profit model. In June 2018, after a tip-off, eight suspects including Wu Jinlin were approved for arrest.
27, CNB (Zhongjin Botai)
Since January 2018, Shenzhen Zhongjin Botai Company used high investment returns as bait to sell network currency CNB, and the members were spread across 29 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions in China, reaching more than 23,000 people, and collecting 2.8 billion yuan.
28, Air Bitcoin Club (ABC)
Users can earn stable static income by trading with trading robots ‘buy low and sell high’, claiming an annual return rate of over 50% on investment. In June 2018, the Financial Affairs Office of Yichun City, Jiangxi Province, pointed out that the organization was suspected of illegal fund-raising and had pyramid scheme characteristics.
29, Ma Chain
’Ma Chain’ refers to using a smartphone to aim at the ‘QR code’ and scan it, and it can ‘generate a new QR code containing scanning DNA’. The whole process can be traced. On June 13, 2018, the Qingyang District Public Security Bureau, District Stability Office, and other departments jointly inspected the main body of the Ma Chain company ‘Sichuan Tianshou He Sheng Energy Co., Ltd.’ with more than 100 people. More than 50 suspected pyramid scheme operators were captured on the scene, and the amount involved was nearly 3 billion yuan.
30, Mojin School
The ‘Mojin School’ platform started in September 2016 and used the excuse of ‘balanced trade’ to delay until now, trapping the investment funds of millions of people.
It is noteworthy that the WeChat public account ‘Mojin Master’, with the former name of ‘Kapu Coin CPC’. Kapu Coin was exposed as financial fraud by CCTV in 2016 and renamed Mojin Master to continue fraud.
31, Environmental Agriculture Chain (NYC, CTOP)
The environmental agriculture chain fraud gang introduced a camellia oil, and when buying camellia oil, they gave away NYC. Later, the difficulties emerged, and the fraud gang forced investors to exchange NYC into CTOP, and then the project party ran away. Currently, the company’s chairman, Luo Junxiong, has been captured.
32, IAC
Claiming to be a social platform built on blockchain, big data, and artificial intelligence, they organized activities in many places in China to promote it, but in fact, they were engaged in pyramid scheme activities.
As of now, the police have apprehended 27 main suspects, and in a house used by the gang to hide illegal gains, the police seized cash totaling 1.3 billion yuan.
33, Liangbis
Since 2018, the medium of ‘Liangbis’ pyramid scheme has changed from the past ‘shampoo’ to a virtual platform. The pyramid scheme operators have built virtual platforms in the form of ‘investment mining’, and the victims are mostly middle-aged women, who are also confused about the concept of ‘blockchain’. Currently, the Shenzhen Futian police have apprehended the 37th suspect involved in the ‘Liangbis’ pyramid scheme case.
34, Yaduo Coin
The suspect Xia Rong in Haikou registered and established Kuayue Company, concocted various identities, operated the ‘Yaduo Coin’ project in Haikou City, and the ‘Yaduo Coin’ was actually a virtual product with no real industry.
In July 2018, a major online pyramid selling case of Kuayue Company was publicly tried in the Intermediate People’s Court of Haikou City, with 25 ‘senior managers’ appearing in court, with an amount involved of 3.8 billion yuan.
35, Jianye Coin, Jinxianyu
In January 2019, a pyramid selling gang using ‘Jianye Coin’, ‘Jinxiangyu’, and other diverse ‘Online casino and How to find it’ as a pretext was sentenced in the first instance by the Han南区 Court of Wuhan City, Hubei Province. Investigation showed that this organized pyramid selling leadership case involved an amount of over 30 million yuan. Xu and Ma developed a total of more than 120 subordinates.
36, Woker Finance
Woker Finance once sold lottery and How to find it on the platform, attracting 350,000 members within a year, and its founder was a suspect with only an elementary school education who set up a pyramid selling platform.
According to the information reported by the Public Security Bureau of Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, the Woker Finance pyramid selling case formed a pyramid selling network of up to 309 layers, with a total amount involved of 5 billion yuan.
37, Wafu Coin
This organized pyramid scheme case used Online casino and How to find it for pyramid selling, developing more than 1,000 subordinates, and defrauding over 142 million yuan in pyramid selling funds. In June 2018, the case was sentenced in the first instance by the Yunlong District People’s Court of Xuzhou City, with seven defendants sentenced to two to six years of imprisonment, with a maximum fine of 500,000 yuan.
Considering the reading experience, this article is only a simplified version for the media audience. For detailed report content, please click on the original report to read and download.
List of pyramid scheme currencies reported by the masses:
1, AE
AE lock-up plan is a lock-up APP where users can withdraw their AE from their exchange or wallet to the AE lock-up APP. They can obtain a substantial fixed return every day, and they can also receive rewards by inviting others.
2, AG
AG currency claims to be similar to Bitcoin, gaining profits through the appreciation of the currency price, rising continuously every day, and finally, after running for 24 days, the team fled and took away tens of millions of yuan.
3, AOK
AOK International AOK claims to have a professional team including blockchain research and development teams and financial management experts, creating a brand new community system. In essence, it is a fund盘, operated in a direct sales manner and claiming high returns.
4, ATC:
It is mentioned in the ‘Top 100传销币 List in the First Half of 2018’ by LianDedeyi, mainly promoting ATC mining machines, using the allure of ‘high returns’ up to 100 times as a hook to encourage members to expand the market.
After a period of silence, it reappeared in the second half of 2018, offering free mining machines, promising to mine for 120 days, with a total of 28.8 coins that can be mined, but there are currently complaints from the public that only mining machine traffic can be withdrawn, and mining machine traffic needs to be obtained by recommending subordinates or buying coins.
5, BAC Points
The main creative team of BAC points has once held a large-scale recruitment meeting, commanding the company’s lecturers to vigorously promote ‘lottery and How to Find It and the trend of blockchain’, and traveled to various cities for road shows, claiming that BAC is the second Bitcoin,诱导他人贷款、刷信用卡购买“BAClottery and How to Find It”.
6, BFC
A托管式懒人理财平台,40美元开户,分为静态收益和动态收益,claiming that the company’s profit point is to obtain in the blockchain futures market, rather than earning money from the later members.
7, CHP City Hunter
Claiming to be a global alternative investment management company, it conducted an internal public test for the first version of blockchain Online Casino and How to Find It (C Coin) in October 2018, but has now collapsed.
8, FC Coin
Claiming to be the ‘China’s First Online Casino and How to Find It’, the Chinese version of Bitcoin, it was still active in some areas after being exposed by CCTV in 2017, while the business of the involved company has already transformed and no longer does Online Casino and How to Find It.
9, FQC Food Traceability Chain
Under the name of others, claiming to be jointly initiated by Walmart,, and IBM, it is actually a FQC mining product that shut down on September 10, 2018.
10, JON Agri-Life Chain
JON is the abbreviation of Public Chain Agri-Life Chain (JOUANN), which secretly organizes the development of direct promotion members. The operation team of JON recently openly claimed to support the agri-life chain under the flag of ‘experts’, DiDi, and other brands, trying to deceive more members into the game.
11, KCI Culture Chain
KCI company claims to have created two systems, one is the KCI blockchain system, and the other is the smart contract system. At the same time, KCI uses the method of pulling heads for promotion, with a total of 8 levels of head system, and also encourages members to find powerful uplines, and promote and make money through the support of uplines. It has now collapsed.
12, PCK Future Chainonline casino cheats and The latest method
PCH initially used the blockchain buzz to let users recharge and purchase mining machines for coin production transactions, but has now run away, and investors have lost all their capital.
13, Shanfan Chain Coin – Shanfan Chain SFC
Claiming to rely on the real estate + retail department store + Internet e-commerce model foundation, based on blockchain technology, to create a brand new blockchain technology application: Shanfan Chain. In fact, it is a pyramid scheme project that sells mining machines and lures people to defraud funds.
14, Shengyuan Coin
To participate in Shengyuan Chain, you need to register and recharge 680 yuan first, and then you need to purchase goods for 6600 yuan. Shengyuan Chain requires participants to develop downlines directly or indirectly and increase dividends based on the promotion effect.
15, Shitong Coin
By recruiting people to purchase mining machines and then obtaining returns. The official website and white paper cannot be found online, only an app download link and a registration link, which are promoted in forums and communities.
16, Sutongbao
Vpay claims to be a type of encrypted lottery based on blockchain technology, where investment in points can achieve a static return of 50 times after a year of investment of 1000 yuan.
17, Tuofu Chain TFC Coin
To own Tuofu Chain TFC, you must use 500 US dollars = 3500 yuan RMB to open a wallet account, which will amplify the leverage inside the wallet by 5 times, that is, 2500 US dollars = 17500 yuan RMB.
TFC is released at a pure static rate of 0.2% per day, and the assets released from both static and dynamic are 65% EP and 35% TFC. The three functions of EP are as follows: 1. Convertibility, point-to-point transactions; 2. Reinvestment; 3. Purchase equivalent TFC.
18, Weilete币WLT
The operation model of Weilete includes static, dynamic, Darren Chain, and many other core models to continuously expand promotion. After the referee joins, interest is returned according to the speed of payment; that is to say, the faster the payment, the higher the interest. If the amount of investment reaches a certain quantity, and the people directly developed also meet the requirements, the daily return will be higher.
19, Weit币WTB
By purchasing a mining machine and paying an entrance fee to become a miner, rewards are obtained through headcount and team commissions.
20, Xinghan Chain (SGC)
Claiming three major benefits: coin value growth, a single-sided step-up increase, and only rising without falling. It collapsed and ran away in August 2018.
21, DFC Coin
DFC claimed to be based on a combined model of blockchain and finance, developing and building Bit City with strong policy support from the Maltese government, and establishing a blockchain digital asset trading platform in Malta.
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22, BIOC (Zhongke Hongji)
Using biotechnology as a hook, issuing a large amount of illegal financing through Online casino and How to find it. Members are divided into five levels and buy coins from the mining warehouse, with higher investment leading to greater returns. The profit-sharing ratio varies among different levels of members, meaning that the more coins purchased when joining, the higher the level, and the more coins purchased by the downlines developed, the higher the profit-sharing.
23, Jinju Chain (GOC)
Jinju Chain operates using a mining model. Registration grants a mining machine, with a mining cycle of 30 days and 30 coins, promising a single-sided increase; and introduces a tiered reward system to incentivize members to develop their downlines. After fund-raising, the project ran away.
24, 9You Chain (9MC)
Taking 9MC as the settlement token, the aim is to create a universal digital currency settlement system and platform across various games. Users who purchase mining machines or promote mining machines can receive corresponding incentives, which are typical of pyramid schemes.
34、慈善链 LMC
CMCC自称是联合加拿大皇家银行、国家证券交易所牵头发行的一款加密lottery and How to find it ,采用静态收益和动态收益相结合的方式,目前提现困难。
36, Shared Chain Mall
The project claims to combine ‘blockchain’ and shared mall through technical means, and consumers can get special benefits from the mall as long as they shop and consume in the mall.
37, Miswako (POF)
Miswako environmental protection token, started promoting in January 2018, claiming to return 3% of the investment amount per day, and end with a return of 2.5 to 3 times the investment amount. According to the investigation, Miswako token did not use any blockchain technology and did not log in to any exchange as claimed in the advertisement.
38, Ant Chain (counterfeit ANTC)
Ant Chain forged the white paper of American ANTC, and carried out public fundraising under the name. The ‘real’ Ant Chain did not carry out public fundraising, and the company only launched Ant Bike at present.
39, Green special coin (GTB)
Green special coin of agricultural chain adopts the model of developing subordinates to attract investors, claiming to only increase and not decrease, and has the attributes of a pyramid scheme.
40, Qu步Chain (IWC)
Qu步Chain IWC uses zero investment as a lure to attract users, free to take the form of, and the concept of airdrop, attracting a large number of investors to buy candies for interest through off-exchange methods.
41, Quogou Mall (Qudou)
Using shopping malls and blockchain as a lure for crowdfunding, it illegally absorbs public deposits. The surface business model is shopping return, but it is out of the market law and implements a return rate as high as 60%.
42, Ripple Federal Coin
Counterfeit Ripple coin. It claims to achieve the value of global low-cost and quick cross-border payment, using a combination of static and dynamic methods, to increase 15 times in 3 years, and has been confirmed by Ripple official that there is no connection with Ripple.
43, Ruisinbao (RXBC)
Ruisinbao is号称 a virtual mining financial platform, where users holding RXBC can obtain dynamic and static returns, and the more teams and subordinates developed, the more rewards received. There were complaints that the company ran away in June 2018.
44, Taskbang/Xielen/Bangbei
Taskbang Xielen is given to all members who purchase selenium products by the direct sales company under the group, with each storage of Xielen corresponding to a delivery code. Xielen is claimed to be a decentralized and unchangeable ledger, and its operation mode has the attributes of a network pyramid scheme.
45, Brand Chain (Zhongzi Chain) PPL
The main body of the PPL brand chain is a Shenzhen company named WeChat Food, claiming to do blockchain brand traceability, and its income is completely dependent on the development of subordinates.
46, REC Zhongcai Digital Currency
Claiming to be the first digital asset trading network in China with state-owned capital background, it raises funds indirectly through agents and distributors, setting different investment thresholds of 10,000 yuan, 30,000 yuan, and 50,000 yuan, and collects different proportions of commissions through promotional methods such as ‘headhunting’.
47, Fute Chain (RHC)
Using the buzzwords of ‘financial innovation’ and ‘blockchain’, setting high investment returns and low entry thresholds to deceive investors. Setting 15 levels of income, attracting investors, and claiming that it can be realized through investment, consumption, and exchange for BTC and other mainstream lottery and how to find it.
48, Rongte coin (RTC)
With the buzz of decentralized global digital gold currency, it uses the lottery and How to find it mining machine concept to induce customers to invest through the ‘leasing mining machine’ method, and promotes that the monthly growth rate of the coins produced by mining is kept between 10% and 50%.
49, TCC Tai Niu Chain
Claimed to be a project created by a company ranked sixth in Thailand using blockchain technology, surpassing 99% of lottery and How to find it. While its official website introduction also mentions terms such as ‘new energy vehicle DiDi ride-sharing application scenario’, but the technical code in the project white paper is unclear.
50, TOMB Tao Bao International Mall
Claimed to be a global shopping mall, based on the application scenario, basic guidance of global well-known shopping platforms, and the evaluation of the value of blockchain malls, issued virtual tokens (digital assets), set up a second-level distribution and partner reward model, and earn commissions by luring people to join.
51, Ubao Youlian Wanjia (Ubao coin USS)
It is a P2P + smart contract blockchain technology encrypted lottery and How to find it circulation system. It was officially launched on February 28, 2018, claiming to be China’s legal lottery and How to find it, and stating that Uubao coin USS will connect with the real economy and can be used for consumption payments. However, its ‘mining model’ is actually the dynamic and static income in pyramid schemes, using the concepts of blockchain and mining to lure consumers.
52, Vpay (V-token)
Claimed to be a fully open network payment platform developed based on blockchain technology, which can realize point-to-point cross-border transfers; the second method is ‘digital asset investment’, that is, to buy Vpay coins to participate in crowdfunding with the balance in the wallet. This project packages the capital pool with the blockchain concept and lures investors with high investment returns.
53, Ali Mining Master
Once爆料 said that Alibaba has launched the Online casino and How to find it mining platform ‘P2P node’, pointing out that Alibaba is recruiting mining machines to入驻. In response, Alibaba Cloud issued a statement on its official microblog late at night in January 2018, denying any connection with the ‘mining platform’, ‘Online casino and How to find it’, and others.
54, Plato (PLATO)
This project claims to be a consensus record mechanism for the jewelry industry based on blockchain technology, jointly established under the joint promotion of the ‘World Jewelry Industry Alliance’ and the ‘African Blockchain Technology Alliance’. It sets up dynamic and static income models to induce investors with high profit returns. On April 23, 2018, Chen Weixing named Plato as a pyramid scheme project in his circle of friends.
号称由俄罗斯计算应用学博士等联合开发的加密lottery and How to find it ,投资者可以购买云矿机进行挖矿,同时会产生相应的霍特币,实际上是由上线发展下线获得提成的传销模式。目前已关闭。
其公司性质为“比特币信托理财”,公司注册地为“巴拿马”,注册时间为“2015年9月”;服务器地址为“美国”sports betting plan and Where is it。投资收益情况包括静态分红月收益不到4%、每75天所得利润的35%复投等高额回报承诺。
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