为什么要升级到Chatgpt plus?升级到付费版的ChatGPT Plus好处自然不用说,懂的都懂(dddd)。 不仅仅是稳定,无字数限制,不会有错误等。
今天就分享一下本人测有效的ChatGPT Plus付费版升级流程,说实话注册门槛有点高,总结起来其实就下面4个步骤:
如果还没有注册自己的ChatGPT账号,可以先参照【保姆级教程】注册一个属于自己的免费ChatGPT账号】 一步一步来,申请一个属于自己的ChatGPT,这个教程注册+接验证码都有了,国内的手机号也可以完成注册。
照着做就行,只有先有了ChatGPT账号,才能在此基础上升级到ChatGPT Plus。
“人民币—USDT—USD美元”的兑换过程,等Depay账户里有USD美元了再给ChatGPT Plus 充值。对USDT不熟悉的朋友我说一下,USDT是Online casino and How to find it 泰达币,跟USD美元锚定的,背后有大而不倒的金融机构担保,只要USD在它就在,安全性不用担心。
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点击界面左上角的“申请卡”开通虚拟信用卡,开卡的时候可以选0开卡费的,也可以选10USDT开卡费(一次性)的,区别是0开卡费的需要你完成KYC认证,通俗点说就是需要你上传身份证(国内身份证没问题)或者护照认证,如果你暂时不想上传自己身份证或者护照实名的话,可以先选10USDT开卡费的,这样,下面你就要记得多转10USDT。 高级卡、白金卡有10U和50U的开卡费,自己决定要不要开通,区别在于月费、手续费和额度。开通后不要急着注销,因为注销了后再开卡要10U开卡费,你后面充值chatgpt plus还是要用的,建议是把Depay卡当做普通的信用卡用。不得不说,拥有一张Depay虚拟信用卡在线上支付方面还是很方便的,它支持绑定支付宝、微信支付、美团外卖、拼多多、Paypal、天猫国际版,苹果美区商店等,具体你们可以去搜一下”Depay作用”。
卡开通后,可以往Depay里充值USDT ,这一步在接下来会讲到,需要用到前面注册的欧易账号来充值USDT。
1、 打开Depay App钱包,找到钱包——USDT——充币——复制你的充值地址,确认屏幕上显示主网是TRC20,
2、 打开上面第2步注册的欧易App,找到首页——资产——提币——USDT——链上提币。
提币地址填Depay钱包里的充值地址,提币网络选TRC20 (千万不能选错,否则到不了账),数量选大于23USDT就行,够充值1个月ChatGPT Plus会员就行。
3、欧易提现到Depay成功后,点击Depay App钱包——兑换,将所有的USDT都兑换成USD美元
4、点击Depay App首页的To Card,将兑换的美元存入卡中,到此,Depay充值大功告成。
需要注意的是,新注册的欧易用户默认完成身份认证后,需要等待24小时才可以提现,如果你着急提现到Depay,你可以尝试找一下人工客服,说下你的诉求,据反馈,有一定概率可以解除24小时等待。万一你真的特别着急,你也可以去找代充,一般对方会按照汇率1:8收点劳务费Online casino and The latest website。不是很急的话建议24小时就行,不必花这冤枉钱。
我们已经在第3步中拥有了一张属于自己的虚拟信用卡(其实相当于借记卡,不可透支),并且往里面充了20多美刀,够我们订阅1个月ChatGPT Plus了。
Log in to ChatGPT, find the upgrade Plus option at the bottom left – Upgrade to Plus
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Some friends have feedback that the upgrade option has not appeared, remember to switch the IP to US or Europe and log in again. At this stage, only US or European IPs will have this option (international IP is required during the upgrade, but not required after the upgrade).
In addition, an important matter –
Scientific Internet access, try to use US or European IP
Enable private browsing mode in the browser
The billing address is generated using a US address generator
If both 1 and 2 have been done and still fail, then try to clear the browser cache, log in incognito, log in to ChatGPT again and try. If it still doesn’t work, then it is recommended to change the proxy node you are currently using and try again until successful.
If you are not sure whether your IP is in the United States or Europe, you can check it through http://en.ipip.net/ .
Theoretically, you can fill in anything, you can search for a US address generator online, and directly generate a billing address in a tax-free state:
When you see the following PLUS prestigious logo, it means you have successfully opened ChatGPT Plus.
You will have a different AI smooth experience than before.
About 20$ per month, just a few cups of Starbucks money, bringing an efficient information acquisition channel, which is not a loss of a cross-century productivity.
By now, congratulations, you have become a distinguished ChatGPT Plus user and have become one of the people at the forefront of the times globally. From now on, accessing ChatGPT Plus will have both Default and Legacy dual model answers, as well as fast and stable AI responses.
Here is a summary of some of the most frequently encountered problems and solutions as follows –
How to cancel the automatic subscription of ChatGPT Plus?
As mentioned above, our Depay credit card actually does not have a credit function, it is just like a debit card. In theory, as long as you do not recharge money into the card, you actually do not need to worry about being deducted next month. However, for safety’s sake, you can still cancel the automatic subscription, the method is:
Open the ChatGPT homepage and log in – bottom left – My Account – Manage My Subscription – Cancel Plan
What are the differences between default mode and legacy mode in ChatGPT Plus?
Default mode is the same as Turbo mode, it will be more emotional and lively, and will be more interesting, but the answers will be more concise, omitting some details of the previous legacy mode.
Legacy mode is more suitable for academic papers, unlike Turbo Mode which is more accessible to the general public, suitable for scientific research and papers
The credit card was rejected,提示:”Your credit card was declined, please try to pay with a debit card”
There may be several reasons why the credit card is rejected:
Your credit card is indeed not supported, the number range of the virtual credit card of Depay is rejected by OpenAI/ChatGPT. You can try to change the virtual credit card, and Depay supports applying for multiple cards.
Your network environment is under Stripe risk control, try to hang global proxy + browser incognito mode again, in short, try both with and without proxy.
If the failure times of global proxy + browser incognito mode + changing IP exceed 3-5 times, it is not recommended to continue trying. In this case, consider changing the ChatGPT account + incognito + changing scientific surfing and resubscribing.
Why is it so麻烦 to upgrade to ChatGPT Plus?
This issue boils down to the fact that OpenAI does not support PayPal recharge, so everyone should write an email to OpenAI’s CEO Sam Altman (奥特曼) from time to time, asking him to support PayPal earlier.
Is it worth $20 per month to upgrade to ChatGPT Plus?
This is a matter of opinion, if you think it is worth it, it is worth it; if you don’t think it is worth it, just try to cancel the renewal. However, should anyone refuse better productivity?
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[Problems and Solutions] Problems and Solutions Encountered During the Registration and Use of ChatGPT
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