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  ① The above content is for reference only and does not constitute any advice.

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  Response Time: 2021-11-18, please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank for the latest business changes.

  There are mainly two situations for registering a Bitcoin wallet:

  Firstly, if you already know a Bitcoin wallet, such as the Coinbao wallet, and have a relatively high recognition of it, you can directly enter the website of the wallet or download the mobile app, and then enter the platform for registration.

  Secondly, search for Bitcoin wallets directly on the Internet, enter the relevant platform for registration.

  Generally speaking, the current Bitcoin wallets can be registered with a phone number (or email registration); for the consideration of user account security, after entering the background account, it is required to conduct real-name authentication by individuals, and at the same time, the individual mobile phone number is bound to avoid abnormal accounts, password loss and other situations.

  When you have a certain amount of Bitcoin, you can register a Bitcoin wallet and transfer your Bitcoin into your own Bitcoin wallet.

  Now I will write down the registration method of the Bitcoin wallet step by step:

  Firstly, open the Bitcoin wallet registration address: ‘blockchain.info/wallet/new’

  Then register as shown in the figure, fill in your email address, fill in the password, then confirm the password, fill in the captcha, and it’s done. Then click Continue. As shown in the figure, this is a demonstration of what I have filled in.

  After clicking Continue, a Wallet Recovery Monemonic will appear. The words in the middle must be remembered and saved, as this is very important. In case the password is lost or stolen, this phrase can be used to recover your wallet. What needs to be remembered is: ‘Please Write Down the Following:’ and the words after this sentence and the red part above.

  After saving, click Continue (Next), and jump to the next interface. Remember the Bitcoin address, of course, you will also receive an email in your inbox, which also contains your Bitcoin username.

  Verify the email address in the email you registered.

  Click the link after ‘Verification Link:’ in the email to verify the email address, and then the interface as shown below will appear, indicating a successful registration.

  Logging into my Bitcoin wallet, as shown in the figure.

  The red box is the special address of my Bitcoin, used for transactions.