在教大家怎么质押赚钱之前,先来认识一下SOL 是什么。
SOL 其实就是Solana 这个区块链平台的「原生币」,Solana 是一个高效能的区块链平台,以其快速的交易速度和低廉的手续费闻名。
那么Solana 和其他区块链网络有什么不同?为什么它能够大红大紫呢?这是因为它可以解决区块链网络的「三角难题」。
区块链三角难题,是由以太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin 所提出,代表区块链在运行时难以同时兼顾的三种特性。
去中心化(Decentralization ) :区块链应尽可能避开传统金融的中心化弊端扩充效能性(Scalability ) :区块链应具有可扩转性,且支持大量交易安全性(Security ) :区块链的防御机制,防止恶意攻击
以比特币的公链为例,它具有强大的去中心化特性与安全性,但是效能就不是非常好,每10 分钟只能接受最多2,500 笔交易。
以太币的公链(以太坊)也具有强大的去中心化和安全性,在DeFi 金融走得最快,但同样有交易速度慢、手续费过高的问题。
SOL 则是为了解决三角难题,因此在很多方面的功能性,都跟以太坊很像,但又同时兼顾去中心化、高效能和安全性。
Solana 的特点包括:
每秒可处理高达65,000 笔交易交易确认时间平均只需400 毫秒交易手续费通常低于0.01 美元
由于Solana 的交易速度、费用都优于以太坊/币安智能链,又希望能解决区块链的三角难题,因此也常被大众称为「以太坊杀手」 。
当我们把SOL 币质押到网路中,就像是把资金存入定存,而这些被质押的SOL 会协助维护Solana 网路的运作。
质押的运作原理是基于权益证明(Proof of Stake,PoS)机制。
你把SOL 币放进质押池= 把钱存进定存定期获得质押奖励= 银行给你的利息而且利率通常比传统定存还要高喔!
会选择在币安进行SOL 质押的原因有以下两个:
安全性相较起来比其他交易所高低门槛就可以参与Online casino and How to find it 中相对稳定的收入操作简单直观
SAFU 基金保障多重签名钱包机制冷热钱包分离存储
Online casino and How to find it 的投资风险比较高一点,而质押SOL 可以获得相对稳定的收益,年化报酬率通常在5%-7% 之间(具体数字会根据市场情况浮动)。
相较于一般银行存款利率2% 要高出许多,即使今天拿美金比,也比美金4% 的平均利率要高。
在币安平台上,SOL 质押的最低门槛相对较低,让小资投资者也能参与。
目前币安平台的最低质押数量为0.01 SOL,折合新台币也才100 块而已,
也比传统银行的定存基本额度低(像美金定存通常会要求至少100 美金以上)。
币安平台在操作SOL 质押的操作上非常直观,即使是新手也能轻松上手。
如果你今天在币安上面质押SOL 币,你会获得等价值的BNSOL,可以拿去做其他的理财、买卖。
接下来,让我带大家一步一步了解如何在币安进行SOL 质押。
整个SOL 质押有三个步骤:
申请一个币安帐户并存入SOL 币进入质押页面选择质押方案并质押
首先,如果要使用币安的SOL 质押功能,你必须先拥有一个币安帐户,而且要完成KYC 身份认证。
你可以点击下面按钮进到币安官网,自行申请帐户,参考文章完成KYC:币安帐号申请+ KYC 身分验证教学
再来,你需要准备足够的SOL 币,如果你没有SOL 币,你可以直接透过币安的SOL/USDT 交易对中买卖;
如果你原本就有SOL 币,你就把他从其他钱包或交易所转过来就可以了。
如果你已经拥有了币安的帐户,也通过KYC 身份验证,接着就打开币安App(官方注册 官方下载),点选右上角的九个点点,进入到币安的所有功能中。
接着往下找到「理财」,里面有一个「SOL 质押」选项,点进去就可以到币安的SOL 质押设定页面sports betting help and The latest entrance。
进入币安SOL 质押页面。
进入到币安SOL 质押页面后,你会看到质押金额、预估年化收益、起算的时间以及你会收到BNSOL。
在币安的SOL 质押金额中,最低必须要质押0.01 SOL,质押后需要大概4 小时才开始起算利息(会显示在申请页面上)。
输入完金额之后,系统会跳出你会收到的BNSOLonline casino entranceClick to enter。
BNSOL 是币安推出,让你在质押SOL 可以收到的质押证明,他可以拿来做其他的理财、买卖,可以避免掉以前质押后钱被卡在池子里的流动性风险。
然后,你会看到质押SOL 的预期年化报酬率,这个年化报酬率是变动的,会依据市场状况而改变,通常市场越热质押利息越高,市场越冷利息越低。
币安现在SOL 质押有提供活动,会多给APR Boost 空投奖励,让你在质押时的报酬率可以变得比较高,多拿一些其他币。
质押成功。online casino help and What is it
当你领到BNSOL 后,你可以在理财把他拿去做活存的动作,帮助自己创造更大的收益。
You can put BNSOL into demand deposits.
Confirm the interest rate of demand deposits.
Redeeming demand deposits does not require a lock-up period.
If you do not want to continue staking SOL on Binance today, you can redeem it.
But when you redeem, you must return the original BNSOL, so if you have used it for other purposes, remember to buy it back or withdraw it first.
The waiting time for redemption needs four days.
BNSOL exchange for SOL, redeem SOL.
Confirm the rights of the locked period.
It takes 4 days to redeem SOL.
Although staking is relatively low-risk in the Online casino and How to find it market, it does not mean that there is no risk at all. I still need to remind everyone of the following points to pay attention to:
Market fluctuation risk platform risk
Although staking can bring fixed returns, the market price of SOL itself will still fluctuate.
If the price of SOL falls sharply, the staking returns may not be able to offset the losses caused by the price decline.
Therefore, in terms of capital allocation, I do not recommend investing all SOL in staking, and it is recommended to reserve a part as liquidity reserve.
A relatively stable allocation ratio is: Staking: 50-70%; Liquidity reserve: 30-50%, so that you can attack and retreat at will.
Although Binance is currently the number one exchange in the Online casino and How to find it market, it is still recommended that you keep an eye on it and do not put all your assets on the same platform.
On the Binance platform, the minimum amount for SOL staking is about 0.01 SOL.
Staking returns are usually calculated on a daily basis, and the calculation formula is: Staking amount × Annualized yield × (Staking days/365)
There is no minimum time limit for Binance SOL staking, but if you stake for less than a day, you will not receive interest; in addition, you need 4 days to receive the payment after you unstake.
SOL staking is a relatively stable passive income method, especially suitable for investors who hold SOL for the long term.
Staking through the Binance platform can provide a good operation experience and relatively stable returns.
However, remember that investment involves risk, and it is recommended that you fully understand the relevant risks before staking, and make decisions based on your investment objectives and risk tolerance.
At the same time, also pay attention to the reasonable allocation of funds, do not put all your eggs in one basket.
If you are interested in SOL staking, you must start with small amounts and accumulate some experience before gradually increasing the scale of investment.
That’s all about how to operate Binance SOL staking? Detailed tutorial of Binance SOL coin staking operation steps, for more information about Binance SOL staking, please pay attention to other related articles on script home!
Disclaimer: The content of this article does not represent the views and positions of this site, and does not constitute any investment advice of this platform. The content of this article is for reference only, and risks are borne by the user!
Tag: Binance Staking