比特币(Bitcoin)是一种加密lottery and How to find it ,由中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)在2008年提出,并于2009年正式推出。与传统货币不同,比特币是基于区块链技术的去中心化数字资产,没有实体形态,全凭计算机代码驱动。比特币交易通过点对点网络进行,不依赖中央银行或XX进行发行和管理,因此也被称为“去中心化的电子现金”。那么,比特币到底是什么意思?比特币可以转入银行账户吗?下面就给大家详细介绍一下吧!
The concept of Bitcoin (BitCoin) was first proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009, and the open-source software designed according to Nakamoto’s ideas and the P2P network built on it. Bitcoin is a P2P form of lottery and How to find it. Peer-to-peer transmission means a decentralized payment system.
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Unlike most currencies, Bitcoin is not issued by a specific monetary institution, but is generated through a specific algorithm through a large amount of calculation. The Bitcoin economy uses a distributed database consisting of many nodes in the entire P2P network to confirm and record all transaction behaviors, and uses cryptographic design to ensure the security of each link in the currency circulation. The decentralized nature of P2P and the algorithm itself can ensure that the value of the currency cannot be manipulated artificially by manufacturing a large number of Bitcoin. The cryptographic design allows Bitcoin to be transferred or paid only by the actual owner, which also ensures the anonymity of currency ownership and circulation transactions. The biggest difference between Bitcoin and other Online casino and How to find it is that its total amount is very limited, with strong scarcity. This monetary system had no more than 10.5 million in the first 4 years, and its total amount will be permanently limited to 21 million after that.
Bitcoin can be used to make cash transactions and can be exchanged for the currency of most countries. Users can use Bitcoin to purchase virtual items such as clothes, hats, equipment in online games, and can also use Bitcoin to purchase items in real life as long as someone accepts them. Bitcoin wallets allow users to check, store, and spend the Bitcoin they hold, which come in a variety of forms and can be complex or simple in function. They can be various tools that comply with the Bitcoin protocol, such as computer clients, mobile clients, website services, dedicated devices, or simply media storing the Bitcoin private key, such as a piece of paper, a code, a USB drive, or a text document, because as long as one has the Bitcoin private key, they can dispose of the Bitcoin in the corresponding address. Bitcoin cannot be deposited into a general bank account, transactions can only be conducted on the Bitcoin network, and the client needs to be downloaded or the online network accessed before use.
On January 3, 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto founded the Bitcoin point-to-point network open user group node and hash function system, and from then on, its peer-to-peer network and its first blockchain began to operate, and he issued the initial 50 Bitcoin.
On May 22, 2010: The first public Bitcoin transaction for a physical item was the purchase of 2 pizzas for 10,000 Bitcoin.
On February 9, 2011, the price of Bitcoin first broke through 1 US dollar.
In June 2011, after WikiLeaks was subjected to financial blockade by global authoritative groups following the disclosure of the US diplomatic cable leak, they were the first to accept Bitcoin donations, turning the crisis around. At the same time, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who was deep in trouble, and Eric Schmidt, then President of Google, held a secret meeting, where Assange explained the ‘stateless’ Bitcoin in detail to him.
In October 2012, BitPay released a report saying that more than 1,000 merchants worldwide were receiving Bitcoin payments through their payment system.
In March 2013, one-third of professional miners chose the newly launched Bitcoin professional mining chip ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated Circuits).
In October 2013, the world’s first Bitcoin ATM was introduced in Vancouver, Canada by Robocoin, allowing users to exchange Bitcoin for Canadian dollars and withdraw them, with a daily maximum limit of 3,000 Canadian dollars; on the other hand, users can also buy Bitcoin by depositing cash.
On February 28, 2014, the first Bitcoin ATM in Canada was placed next to a coffee shop.
In March 2014, the well-known bank Flexcoin was hacked and robbed, and it was forced to close. Flexcoin was attacked on March 2, and the attackers emptied 896 Bitcoin from the hot wallet, valued at about 600,000 US dollars. However, Flexcoin also pointed out that the Bitcoin stored in offline space ‘cold wallet’ has not been attacked and is safe and sound.
On March 8, 2014, the first Bitcoin ATM in South Korea appeared in a coffee shop in Seoul.
On April 15, 2014, the first Bitcoin ATM in mainland China appeared in a coffee shop named IC Coffee in Zhangjiang High-Tech Park in Shanghai. On April 14, 2014, a journalist from Shanghai’s ‘First Financial Daily’ was the first to experience this Bitcoin ATM and completed the first purchase transaction of Bitcoin in mainland China using this machine.
In July 2014, ANX in Hong Kong launched the world’s first Bitcoin credit card.
In September 2014, BitoEX, a cryptocurrency trading platform in Taiwan, introduced the purchase of Bitcoin at 2,980 FamilyMart convenience stores.
In 2015, the former CEO of MtGox, Mark Karpeles, was arrested by the R police. The police accused the company president of illegal operations on the system, inflating the balance of false Bitcoin accounts to steal Bitcoin.
2017 (from January to December)
In March 2017, the price of one Bitcoin first exceeded an ounce of gold.
On May 4, 2017, the price of Bitcoin first broke through 1,500 US dollars, with a market value of over 25 billion US dollars.
On May 15, 2017, due to the rapid rise of other cryptocurrency altcoins, the market share of Bitcoin fell below half for the first time.
On May 20, 2017, the price of Bitcoin first broke through 2,000 US dollars, with a market value of over 32.8 billion US dollars, but the market share fell to 45%.sports betting and The latest method
On June 15, 2017, affected by the rumors of the People’s Bank of China’s comprehensive ban on lottery and How to find it trading, Bitcoin plummeted by 15% on a single day, with a drop of more than 30% within 3 days.
On July 21, 2017, the activation of Segwit2X began.
On August 1, 2017, Bitcoin Cash (BCC, BCH), a hard fork of Bitcoin that does not use Segwit but adopts the expansion block capacity plan, was born today.
On August 13, 2017, the price of Bitcoin reached 4,000 US dollars for the first time.
On September 8, 2017, there was news that China decided to shut down all Online casino and How to find it exchanges within the country within a limited time after stopping the initial coin offering (ICO), and the Bitcoin price dropped by more than 20% on the same day. Hu Shuli, the editor-in-chief of Caixin, reported that the journalist had confirmed this message from a person close to the ‘Special Work领导小组 on the Rectification of Internet Financial Risks’, and that the resolution had been deployed to the local level. Due to the unconfirmed news in the Chinese region, the price difference between Bitcoin and overseas platforms reached up to 5,000 yuan (about 780 US dollars), and rumors continued for a week that the two major platforms in the Chinese region (okcoin and Huobi) would close, causing frequent fluctuations in the price of trading platforms in the Chinese region between 23,000 and 28,000 yuan.
On September 14, 2017, Bitcoin China announced that in accordance with the spirit of relevant documents of Chinese ministries and commissions, it decided to stop the registration of new users on the asset trading platform as of the same day, stop all trading business by September 30, and the mining pool and other businesses would continue to operate normally.
On September 15, 2017, the Securities Times reported that some people said that the regulatory authorities had talked to and required all trading platforms to publish an announcement by 24:00 on September 15, specifying the final time to stop virtual currency transactions. The withdrawal announcement of relevant departments in Beijing has also been leaked and confirmed by this person. The exchange rate of Bitcoin had dropped from the highest point of 32,350 yuan on September 2 to about 18,000 yuan, a drop of more than 40%. Many Chinese platforms issued relevant announcements.
On September 16, 2017, a document titled ‘Notice on the Deployment of a Technical Plan to Block Overseas Bitcoin Transactions’ was circulated on the Internet, attracting widespread attention.
In late September 2017 to October, the price of Bitcoin continued to fluctuate. The attitudes of the CEOs of Wall Street giants towards Bitcoin were not uniform. South Korea strengthened its inspections of Online casino and How to find it exchanges, prohibiting the initial coin offering (ICO) and token margin trading (borrowing money to buy Online casino and How to find it). Dubai officially launched a cryptocurrency named ’emCash’, which will be used to pay for xx and non-xx service fees.
On October 11, 2017, the price of Bitcoin broke through 5,000 US dollars and then surged to above 5,500 US dollars, hovering between 5,500 and 5,700 US dollars.
On October 20, 2017, at 17:00 UTC, the price of Bitcoin hovered around 6,000 US dollars, setting a new historical high. On the same day from 13:39 to 15:14, the price surged from 5,640 US dollars to 5,975 yuan in 1 hour and 35 minutes.
On November 3, 2017, the price of Bitcoin first broke through 7,000 US dollars.
On November 19, 2017, the US dollar-denominated price of Bitcoin first broke through the 8,000 US dollar mark.
On November 26, 2017, the price of Bitcoin surged rapidly, and the US dollar to Bitcoin price first broke through 9,000 US dollars, only 7 days shorter than 8,000 US dollars, up 50% from the previous month, and increased by 8 to 10 times this year, hovering around 6,000 US dollars.
On November 28, 2017, the trading price of Bitcoin first broke through 10,000 US dollars.
On December 7, 2017, the trading price of Bitcoin first broke through 15,000 US dollars and 100,000 yuan Renminbi.
On December 17, 2017, the trading price of Bitcoin first broke through 20,000 US dollars.
Starting from the essence of Bitcoin, the essence of Bitcoin is actually a set of special solutions generated by complex algorithms. A special solution refers to one group of an infinite number of solutions (actually Bitcoin has a finite number) that can be obtained from the equation set. And each special solution can solve the equation and is unique. To put it in terms of Renminbi, Bitcoin is the serial number of Renminbi. If you know the serial number on a note, you own that note. The mining process is to seek the special solution of this equation set through massive computation, and this equation set is designed to have only 21 million special solutions, so the limit of Bitcoin is 21 million.
To mine Bitcoin, you can download a dedicated Bitcoin mining tool, then register on various cooperative websites, and fill in the username and password you registered into the calculation program, after which you can click to start the calculation. After installing the Bitcoin client, you can directly obtain a Bitcoin address. When someone pays you, you just need to paste the address to them, and you can make payments through the same client. After installing the Bitcoin client, it will allocate a private key and a public key. You need to back up the wallet data that contains the private key to ensure that your property does not get lost. If unfortunately, the hard drive is completely formatted, your personal Bitcoin will be completely lost.
As anonymous Bitcoin addresses, it is generally impossible to know the holder unless there are special circumstances. Usually, it is also impossible to know someone’s Bitcoin address. Everyone can create and own many Bitcoin addresses, and different addresses may be held by the same person, including some addresses with very little balance, which do not represent the actual wealth status of the holder. If the private key of the address is lost, the bitcoins inside cannot be used. Therefore, some addresses, especially those that only receive and do not send, or those that have not been used for a long time, may be addresses with lost private keys that cannot be used by anyone anymore. Moreover, some addresses are held by institutions such as exchanges and do not belong to specific individuals.
At 19:03:19 on August 14, 2017 (UTC), the address with the most balance had over 105,793 bitcoins, valued at approximately $450 million. If calculated by the number of addresses (not the number of people), in the 187,426,97 addresses, only 0.79% (148,416 addresses) had more than 10 bitcoins, but they accounted for 89.29% (14,737,402 bitcoins) of the total circulation at that time. At block height 481,451, the top 100 wealthiest addresses held 17.12% of the total circulation at that time.
Anonymity and privacy were the main demands when Bitcoin was launched. Because no personal information is required when creating a Bitcoin address or wallet, the transaction information is broadcast to the entire network, making all transaction records public and traceable. Unlike traditional financial institutions that use a real-name system, Bitcoin protects customer privacy by strictly keeping transaction information and customer personal data confidential. However, if government agencies request data from financial institutions for specific reasons, privacy can still be compromised, and specific transaction information and customer personal data can be exposed. Bitcoin protects privacy by creating a different address for each transaction, and the official website also recommends that each address be used for only one transaction. For example, if Party A wants to send 1.20 BTC to Party B, all nodes on the Bitcoin network can view the details of this 1.20 BTC transaction. However, unless Party A or Party B discloses one of the addresses, it is difficult for others to know that the transaction occurred between Party A and Party B, as Bitcoin is an anonymous currency.
1. Decentralization: Bitcoin is not controlled by any central authority, and transaction records are stored on the blockchain and verified and maintained by all network nodes.
2. Anonymity: Bitcoin transactions are based on a public key and private key encryption system, which can protect the user’s identity to a certain extent, but the transaction records are still public and transparent.
3. Limited supply: The total supply of Bitcoin is set at 21 million, released gradually through mining, and is expected to be fully issued before 2140. This limited supply mechanism gives Bitcoin a certain scarcity.
4. Irrevocability: Once a Bitcoin transaction is confirmed, it cannot be revoked. This provides users with a certain level of transaction security and non-tamperability.
As a lottery and How to find it, Bitcoin can be transferred between specific exchanges or wallets. However, it is not common to directly transfer Bitcoin to a bank account because there is a certain gap between the traditional banking system and cryptocurrencies.online casino platformClick to enter
1. Risk management: Traditional banks are cautious about the risks associated with Bitcoin, worrying about issues such as money laundering, unclear source of funds, and security.
2. Legal regulations: Due to the decentralized nature of Bitcoin, regulatory agencies have high requirements for its compliance. Some countries or regions have adopted strict regulatory measures to restrict or prohibit activities related to Bitcoin.
3. Intervention of third-party service providers: Currently, converting Bitcoin to a bank account usually requires going through a third-party service provider, which increases the complexity and cost of the transfer process.
Although there are certain restrictions on directly transferring Bitcoin to a bank account, there are still several ways to convert Bitcoin into traditional currency:
1. Through exchanges: Users can sell Bitcoin to a legitimate lottery and How to find it exchange and then transfer the funds obtained from the sale to a bank account.
2. Through payment service providers: Some payment service providers can help users convert Bitcoin into traditional currency and provide quick services for transferring to a bank account.
3. Through non-bank financial institutions: In addition to traditional banks, there are some non-bank financial institutions that provide services for converting Bitcoin, and users can choose the appropriate platform for operations.
Bitcoin is a decentralized lottery and How to find it, with characteristics such as anonymity, limited supply, and irrevocability. Although Bitcoin can be transferred through specific exchanges or wallets, it is not common to directly transfer it to a bank account because there is a gap between traditional banks and cryptocurrencies. Users can choose to convert Bitcoin into traditional currency through exchanges, payment service providers, or non-bank financial institutions. However, when conducting operations related to Bitcoin, it is imperative to comply with legal regulations and be cautious to ensure the safety of their assets.
This is the detailed content of what is Bitcoin? Can Bitcoin be transferred to a bank account? For more information about Bitcoin, please pay attention to other relevant articles on the Script Home website!
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Tag: Bitcoin