原标题:派币调查实录:用手机 “挖矿”的Online casino and How to find it ,靠“画饼”就圈到了近两千万活跃用户
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派币,是其中一种比较特殊的存在,号称是可在手机上“挖矿”的加密lottery and How to find it 。据派币中文布道者官网介绍,派币由斯坦福大学博士团队打造,是给普通人的一次赚钱机会。
换句话说,现阶段Pi Network单纯靠“画饼”,就硬生生圈到了近两千万活跃用户。目前,派币的谷歌搜索结果达6.52亿条,接近比特币的8.33亿条搜索结果。
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香港中文大学(深圳)高等金融研究院研究员吴海峰博士表示,区块链、lottery and How to find it 等新兴技术视算力为核心竞争力,加密货币挖矿需要消耗大量算力,占用大量存储。比如,比特币是根据特定的算法,通过大量的计算产生的。为了“挖矿”,许多区块链项目开始搭建超级计算机,算力提供者与需要者的地理距离、网络拥堵、信号碰撞都是分布式计算领域的挑战。
Secondly, packaging, through WeChat circles, lectures, and famous people standing by to promote the project to the sky.
Thirdly, raise private investment, through internal private placement and finding external investors, and then spending some listing fees to list on specific exchanges;
Fourthly, raise the price, publicize the soaring market, and attract investors to enter;
Finally, a large number of early players sold out in bulk.
Although it has not been settled yet whether the ‘dispatch coin’ is an ‘air coin,’ the journalist found that the US website of the ‘dispatch coin’ has not been registered, and the open-source code cannot be found on GitHub, which does not conform to the decentralized characteristics of blockchain.
According to the data of blockchain security company PeckShield (PaiDun), there were 151 fraud cases related to Online casino and How to find it in 2020, which increased by 37 times compared to 2018 and 4 times compared to 2019, causing losses of over 3.2 billion US dollars. Among them, there are many ‘air coins,’ such as Wuxing Coin, AE Coin, Wika Coin, Hero Chain HEC, and other typical cases that have been officially determined or investigated.
Yu Jiani, the rotating chairman of the Blockchain Special Committee of the China Communications Industry Association, said that ‘air coins’ mainly make a profit through issuing coins, multi-level recruitment, promoting the project to retail investors, and the project party selling a large number of chips to ‘cut the grass,’ which inevitably leads to numerous high-yield cases attracting players. The project party will create various illusions of making money by impersonating early investors and top investment institutions, attracting victims to invest. This is actually another model of online investment fraud, but it is just dressed up with the cloak of blockchain.
A senior person in the cryptocurrency circle said that the ‘dispatch coin organization’ uses a ‘Ponzi scheme’ to sell dispatch coins in a layered manner, allowing the upper organization to continuously make money from new members.
This person in the cryptocurrency circle believes that many Online casino and How to find it can be copied very easily, just by making simple modifications to the code parameters of Bitcoin. Many Online casino and How to find it have become an industrial chain in all aspects of production, trading, and operation. The ‘dispatch coin organization’ is just constantly hyping concepts to attract more ‘believers.’ Investors usually make a profit in a short time by attracting new investors to pay. However, as more people join, when the capital inflow is insufficient, the investors at the bottom will suffer losses.
Penetrate the fog and recognize the essence
Wu Haifeng said that in the cryptocurrency circle, such currencies are ‘as numerous as cow hairs,’ and the chance of survival is very small. Moreover, investors who join later may face the risk of ‘dumping the market’.
He said, ‘I learned that there are at least tens of thousands of virtual currencies being dug, but only a few can be traded on exchanges.’ Many currencies have failed to reach the exchange market, and some have been forcibly reset by the rule setters after holding a certain amount, resulting in investors investing a lot of energy in mining, only to find that the coins in their hands are worth nothing at the end.
He reminds traders that many coins are ‘cheating investors by using Musk’s confidence in Bitcoin,’ using the price of Bitcoin to push up investors’ expectations, such as saying that their coins have international certification and can be traded immediately, etc., thus causing many investors to buy ‘aircoins’ that cannot be monetized.
Currently, such virtual lottery and How to find it are emerging, Wu Haifeng worries that mobile phone mining will lead to users’ privacy being in a ‘naked running zone.’ He said that most of the App in the cryptocurrency circle can only be downloaded in the mobile app market with overseas IDs, and borrowing others’ IDs may upload files within their own mobile phones. These Online casino and How to find it Apps may also upload users’ privacy information during use, making users’ privacy run naked in the network world.
He suggests: ‘Generally, after uninstalling the App or disconnecting the own computing power node, users’ privacy information cannot be uploaded.’
Yu Jia Ning reminds investors that some scams disguised as blockchain may set a very low entry threshold for users in the early stage, including low operation threshold and free capital threshold, and promote the project through headhunting reward models and extensive publicity. At this stage, the essence is to build a multi-level distribution system. When it comes to the second stage, that is, when the project party begins to announce that the virtual currency can be transferred or traded, there is a possibility of capital circulation, it will provide an opportunity for the project party to sell tokens, and the risk will also increase greatly. Some projects also collect users’ privacy information in the name of blockchain or may profit from the sale of personal data.
So, how can investors avoid pitfalls? Yu Jia Ning summarized several key issues:
Firstly, be vigilant against blockchain projects with no risk and high returns, as the prices of encrypted assets fluctuate wildly, and ‘aircoins’ may become zero in extreme cases.
Secondly, avoid projects that use pyramid selling methods such as headhunting and multi-level commissions to monetize, as these传销式 marketing methods carry great risks.
Thirdly, learn to view the open-source programs on GitHub, which can be found on the blockchain browser, including all accurate information about the asset issuance, circulation, and transfer records.
Fourthly, blockchain projects that adopt off-exchange transactions or transactions on specific exchanges need to be carefully identified, as the prices are highly manipulated and cannot be freely deposited or withdrawn.
Many individuals in the digital payment field have said that many so-called Online casino and How to find it are often mixed with the good and the bad, with risks such as developers making money and running away, illegal fund-raising, and house owners controlling prices. In this ‘gray area’, the supervision should establish an Online casino and How to find it supervision and management system as soon as possible, and formulate relevant regulations for Online casino and How to find it.