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  所谓的币圈,即lottery and How to find it 玩家天然形成的圈子。币圈不大,但是人数也不算少,而且在人群中基本上属于小众异类,但林林总总算是一个圈子,赚钱的人不多,形形色色的赚钱方式也都被迅速地拷贝过来,ico、炒币、挖矿、交易所、项目方、自媒体等。


















  Secondly, encryption, the authenticity, tamper resistance, privacy protection, and other capabilities of tokens are guaranteed by cryptography.

  Thirdly, it can flow in a network, so that it can be verified at any time and anywhere.

  What does building a position in the cryptocurrency circle mean?

  Building a position in the cryptocurrency circle, also known as opening a position, refers to the transactioner buying or selling a certain amount of lottery and How to find it.

  What does all-in in the cryptocurrency circle mean?

  All-in in the cryptocurrency circle refers to investing the principal in full.

  What does airdrop in the cryptocurrency circle mean?

  Airdrop is currently a very popular way of marketing cryptocurrency. In order for potential investors and enthusiasts of cryptocurrency to obtain token-related information, the token team will regularly carry out airdrops.

  What does holding a position in the cryptocurrency circle mean?

  Holding a position generally refers to opening a new position opposite to the original holding after buying or selling a contract, also known as locking, locking order, and even named ‘butterfly double fly’ in a nice way.

  What does cryptocurrency candy mean?

  ?Cryptocurrency candy refers to various lottery and How to find it issued for free to users at the time of ICO, which is a kind of publicity and promotion for the project itself by the issuer of the virtual currency project.

  What does break issue in the cryptocurrency circle mean?

  Break refers to falling below, and issue refers to the issue price of lottery and How to find it. Break issue in the cryptocurrency circle refers to the situation where a certain lottery and How to find it falls below the issue price.

  What does private placement in the cryptocurrency circle mean?

  Cryptocurrency private placement is a way to invest in cryptocurrency projects, and it is also the best way for cryptocurrency project founders to raise funds for platform operations.

  How to read K-line charts in the cryptocurrency circle?

  Candlestick Charts, also known as candlestick charts, Japanese lines, yin-yang lines, bar lines, red and black lines, etc., are commonly called ‘K lines’. It is drawn by opening price, highest price, lowest price, and closing price of each analysis period.

  What does bricklaying in the cryptocurrency circle mean?

  Bricklaying means buying lottery and How to find it from an exchange with a low price, and then selling it at a higher price exchange.

  What does ICO mean?

  Initial Coin Offering, derived from the concept of Initial Public Offering (IPO) in the stock market, is a financing behavior of blockchain projects to exchange their own issued Online casino and How to find it for the commonly used Online casino and How to find it in the market, as well as IEO, STO, etc., with similar models.

  Five investment principles

  1. Consider and observe the project from multiple aspects, do not follow others blindly. There have been many copycat money-raising projects in the cryptocurrency circle, and once the founder runs away, it is impossible to pursue legal responsibility.

  2. Understand the relevant knowledge of blockchain, know the industry pain points solved by blockchain, and then enter the coin circle.

  3. For the projects you want to invest in, you must have a comprehensive understanding. Understand whether the project truly uses blockchain technology, whether the founder has publicly disclosed their identity and background, whether the business logic of the project is closely related to the token, whether there are similar projects in the same industry to solve industry pain points, and whether the project can generate profits in real life if the project is successfully implemented.

  4. If you cannot accurately judge the prospect of the project of the currency type, then when participating in blockchain investment, do not invest more than 20% of your assets, and do not put all your eggs in one basket.

  5. High-quality projects will also have ups and downs, treat them with a calm mind. For investment projects that you like, do not pay too much attention to the price in the short term. Pay attention to whether the development progress of the team is consistent with the white paper. In addition, only by holding them for a long time can you ultimately make more profits.

  Ten trading rules

  First, do not easily be deceived by low-priced chips, be firm in belief, and prevent the manipulator from double-dealing and smashing the plate.

  Second, chasing the rise and killing the fall, all-in and out is a great taboo. The general trend is favorable. Build a position in batches when the market falls, which is lower in risk, lower in cost, and greater in profit.

  Third, allocate profits reasonably, maximize the release of funds, rather than continuously adding inventory and depositing money.

  Fourth, exit when the price rises sharply, hold the coins when the price falls sharply, and maintain a positive mindset at all times. Do not speculate, be impetuous, greedy, or afraid. Do not fight without preparation.

  Fifth, the front-line positioning or private placement of low-priced coins relies on experience and the speculator betting on the future of the coin, while the secondary market game relies on technology and information to follow the boss. Do not reverse the main and the supplementary, and be a mess at the end.

  Sixth, when building a position or exiting, it must be layered and segmented, and the price gap should be gradually expanded, effectively controlling the risk and profit ratio points.

  Seventh, be familiar with the linkage effect, observe the market conditions when trading coins, and at the same time, pay attention to the movements of other coins. Each coin exists in the overall market transaction, seemingly unrelated but actually intertwined. The linkage effect requires understanding of the coins. Many tools can be used to check coin information and news.

  Eighth, the allocation of inventory should be reasonable, the allocation of hot coins and value coins should be reasonable. Attention should be paid to the proportion of stress resistance and profit intake. Too conservative will miss opportunities, and too aggressive may face high risks! The most distinctive feature of value coins is stability, while the most distinctive feature of hot coins is the intense volatility, which may rise to the sky or drop to zero in one battle.

  Ninth, having coins on the market, money in the account, and cash in the pocket is the safest and most reassuring standard configuration. Do not go all in, as going all in will definitely lead to failure. The grasp of risk control and the reasonable allocation of funds are the key to your mindset and success or failure. Investment with idle money is the foundation.

  Tenth, master the basic operations, learn to generalize from one example, master the basic thinking of operation, observation is the premise, remember the high and low points each time as reference data, learn to record, learn to summarize materials by yourself, develop reading habits, and cultivate the ability to select and filter information.








  比特币就是一种加密的lottery and How to find it ,法币指的就是人民币,他们之间可以互相兑换,满意请采纳。虚拟币为什么要分法币和币币?

  币币交易:是指lottery and How to find it 与lottery and How to find it 的交易,主要针对虚拟币兑换虚拟币的交易。

  法币交易:是指法币与lottery and How to find it 的交易,主要是针对用法币兑换虚拟币的交易。法币是指国家发行的货币,如人民币、美元等。



  另一方面,也因为一部分地区政府严禁Online casino and How to find it 兑法币交易,在这一种情况下币币交易就成为另一种选择。

  What does it mean when the bottom blows up and full position?

  1. Full position

  : Full position operation generally refers to using all the funds to buy stocks, with insufficient funds to buy 100 shares of the current stock. If the品种 choice is correct, after full position, even if the market falls, there will often be good returns; if the variety choice is not appropriate, it is very likely to significantly lag behind the index, or even fall into an embarrassing situation of not rising but falling, losing money against the market trend when the market is continuously strong.

  2. Full position: It refers to buying and selling stocks without batching or dividing, but making a one-time position building or one-time position closing.

  Full position, and there is a transaction result. All the funds are used to buy stocks, with no remaining funds. For example, if you have 100 yuan, and all 100 yuan are used to buy stocks, it is called full position.

  3. Clearing out: In the process of stock trading, clearing out refers to selling all the stocks that have been bought and held. There are also many skills involved.

  4. Stop-loss buying: This is due to the stock price falling and being trapped, and the buying behavior is carried out to lower the cost of the stock. Stop-loss buying is a passive adaptive strategy after being trapped, and it is not a good way to get out of the trap. However, in certain specific situations, it is the most appropriate method.

  5. Building a position: Also known as opening a position, it refers to a trader newly buying or selling a certain amount of futures contracts.

  6. Closing a position: This term originates from commodity futures trading and refers to the transaction conducted by one party in a futures transaction to offset the previously bought or sold futures contracts. In stock trading, a long position will sell the stocks they have bought, or a short position

  The general term for buying back the stocks that have been sold.

  Extended information:

  The entire process of futures trading can be summarized as building a position, holding, closing a position, or physical delivery. In the futures market

  Buying or selling a futures contract is equivalent to signing a forward delivery contract.

  If the trader retains the futures contract until the end of the last trading day, they must close this futures transaction through physical delivery or cash settlement.

  However, only a minority engage in physical delivery; most speculators and hedgers generally sell the bought futures contracts or buy back the sold futures contracts at an opportune time before the last trading day. This is to offset the original futures contracts through a transaction of equal quantity but opposite direction, thereby closing the futures transaction and releasing the obligation to proceed with physical delivery upon maturity.

  This behavior of buying back a sold contract or selling a bought contract is called closing a position. A contract that has not been closed after building a position is called an open position or an open interest.

  Also known as holding.

  After a trader builds a position, they can choose two ways to close the futures contract: either close out at an opportune time or retain it until the last trading day and proceed with physical delivery.

  Reference source:百度百科—满仓

  Reference source:百度百科—全仓

  Reference source:百度百科—清仓

  Reference source:百度百科—建仓

  Reference source:百度百科—平仓

  Reference source:百度百科—补仓

  Answered on June 23, 2019

  Agree 22

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  What do ‘full position to go’ and ‘full position in’ mean?

  It means that in the stock market, it is to buy and sell stocks in full. ‘Full position in’: means using all the funds to buy stocks. ‘Full position out’: means to be empty-handed, that is, to sell all the stocks held. Full position introduction: full position refers to all the funds in the account.online casino method and What is it

  Newcomers need to study a lot, and only by persistently learning and gradually accumulating can they continuously improve their knowledge and cognition. Here, we have summarized a comprehensive list of commonly used trading terms in the cryptocurrency circle, which are simple and easy to understand, and you are definitely going to need them! This is a blood-stained compilation.

  Common categories:

  Legal currency is the national currency issued by the state and government, which is guaranteed only by the government’s credit, such as the Renminbi, US dollars, etc.

  The nickname for Bitcoin (BTC)

  The nickname for Ethereum (ETH)

  The term ‘sheep’ refers to those who trade coins, beginners who are not proficient in investing in lottery and How to find it.

  The ‘private placement’ is a financing activity. In the cryptocurrency circle, private placement is a way to invest in cryptocurrency projects and the best way for the founders of cryptocurrency projects to raise funds for platform operations.

  The ‘ICO’ (Initial Coin Offering) is the abbreviation for the first coin issuance. It originates from the concept of the Initial Public Offering (IPO) in the stock market, which is the first issuance of tokens by blockchain projects, and the behavior of raising general lottery and How to find it such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. ICO private and public fundraising are for internal team subscription and fundraising rounds.

  The ‘primary market’ refers to the ICO issuance market, generally including the original allocation of the team, the corresponding tokens obtained by investors, the private placements involving large institutions, and the public offerings open to the public. All these belong to the primary market of lottery and How to find it, which has the characteristics of low cost, high risk, and high return.

  The ‘secondary market’ refers to the circulation market. After the ICO fundraising is completed, trading can be carried out, which is divided into over-the-counter trading and on-exchange trading. Currently, the largest secondary market is the major exchanges.

  The term ‘token’ is usually translated as ‘token’. Token is one of the important concepts in blockchain, and its more widely known name is ‘token’, but in the eyes of professionals in the ‘chain circle’, it is more accurately translated as ‘token’, representing a kind of rights proof on the blockchain, rather than money.

  The ‘Buddhist holding coins’ refers to the practice of buying coins without concerning about the price trend and how to find it, intending to hold them for a long time. Regardless of how low the price of cryptocurrency assets falls, they will not reduce the amount of coins they hold.

  【Airdrop】The act of the project party giving away tokens is called airdrop, and airdrop is currently a very popular way of marketing cryptocurrency. In order to make potential investors and enthusiasts of cryptocurrency obtain relevant information about tokens, the token team will carry out airdrops regularly.

  【Candy】The token sent by the project party is called candy.

  【Wallet】Generally refers to blockchain wallet, which can store your assets, with good security and divided into cold wallet and hot wallet. It is not recommended for newbies to use it without understanding.

  【Cold Wallet】Simply put, it is an offline wallet, also known as an offline wallet. It is safer not to be connected to the network than a hot wallet.

  【Hot Wallet】It is a wallet that keeps the network online, also known as an online wallet.

  【White Paper】A formal document that introduces the company (project) product. It is usually used to judge the quality and application scenarios of the project.

  【Circulating Market Value】Circulating Value = Circulating Supply × Latest Price; It refers to the market value of a certain currency’s circulation according to the market price.

  【Telegram Group】A foreign encrypted social software that requires the use of a ladder.

  【Ladder】Also known as scientific surfing, referring to VPN. Why did it add a horizontal line? Because it is sensitive, so no more introduction is made. Currently, many domestic exchanges cannot be accessed directly online, and a ladder is needed to connect. How to use this thing specifically, you need to ask around your friends or ask in the group.

  【KYC】Identity verification, generally requiring the provision of identity cards or passports.

  【Cutting the Net】A sarcastic remark about the exchange server failure at critical moments, hinting that the exchange deliberately cuts off the server to prevent users from accessing it for certain purposes.

  Market Type:

  【Bull Market】It refers to the general rise of the market, with the price continuously rising and the outlook being optimistic.

  【Bear Market】Exactly the opposite of the bull market. It refers to the continuous decline of the market, with a general decline in the market.

  【Shake】The price of the currency is unstable, with small fluctuations (up or down).

  【Main Rising Wave】Originating from the wave theory, it refers to the longest wave during the rise of the market. This is also a common market trend during the bull market. The opposite trend is also called ‘main falling wave’.

  【Slippery Decline】The overall market trend is downward, and the coin price slowly declines.

  【Consolidation】Also known as horizontal movement. The price fluctuation range is small, and the coin price is stable.

  【Waterfall】Also known as dive. It refers to a sudden sharp decline in the market, like a waterfall, flowing straight down, making people feel pain and sorrow.

  【Positive News】Also known as good news. It refers to messages or situations that help the rise of the coin price, such as policies, the overall environment, etc.

  【Negative News】Refers to messages that are unfavorable to the market. For example, technical issues with Bitcoin, central bank suppression, etc.

  【Eruption】The market is affected by negative factors, leading to a long-term low market. During this period, the market will move very depressingly. When the negative factors are exhausted or removed, the market will show an explosive rise.

  【Rebound】During the downward trend of the coin price, supported by technical factors or capital intervention, the market changes from decline to rise. The rise in amplitude is less than the decline in amplitude.

  [Reverse] The price of the coin has reached the bottom of the decline, can no longer fall, and the trend changes from decline to rise. The most common is the ‘V-shaped reverse’. The rebound is the basis of the reversal, and the reversal amplitude is much greater than the rebound.

  [Retreat] Refers to a temporary decline in the upward trend of prices due to the strong upward momentum of the coin price, which is called a retreat. The decline is less than the rise.

  [Kimchi Premium] South Korean citizens are keen to invest in cryptocurrencies, and most of the time, the price of lottery and How to find it in South Korea is higher than that in other countries, so it is called ‘Kimchi Premium’.

  [Halving] Refers to the price of a lottery and How to find it falling to half of its previous level, such as: from 2 yuan to 1 yuan, which is halving

  [Break-even] ‘Break’ refers to falling below, and ‘issue’ refers to the issue price of lottery and How to find it. The term ‘break-even’ in the cryptocurrency circle refers to a certain lottery and How to find it falling below the issue price (i.e., ICO price).

  Position categories:

  [Position] The ratio of your account funds to the funds you use to buy coins.

  [Open Position] Also known as opening a position. Refers to the trader buying a certain amount of coins.

  [Full Position] All the account funds are invested in Online casino and How to find it. The commonly said ‘all-in’, ‘all-in’ are all full positions.

  [Half Position] The funds invested in the purchased coins account for half of the total funds.

  [Top up] Buy Online casino and How to find it in installments, such as: first buy 1BTC, then buy another 1BTC.

  [Increase Position] You hold BTC, are optimistic about the development of BTC, and then buy some more BTC on the way up.

  [Reduce Position] Expected to have risks in the future market, sell a portion of the held coins.

  [Empty Position] Not doing anything, just watching the show. In the cryptocurrency circle, it can be understood like this. Sell all the Online casino and How to find it you hold and convert them all into cash.

  [Holding] Holding generally refers to the situation where, after an investor buys and sells a contract, when the market moves in the opposite direction to their operation, they open a new position opposite to the original holding, also known as locking in, locking orders, or even euphemistically called butterfly double fly. What is called holding is actually another term for hedging transactions. For newbies in the foreign exchange market who trade with leverage, the most fundamental reason for holding is not to let their position suffer too much loss, so they open another position in the opposite direction to their initial position, which is holding.

  [Light Position] The funds invested in the purchased coins account for a small proportion of the total funds.

  [Heavy Position] The funds invested in the purchased coins account for a large proportion of the total funds.

  [Liquidation] Not playing anymore, sold all the coins, preparing to go on a watching stand.

  Trading categories:

  Legal tender trading and cryptocurrency trading can be conducted through off-exchange or on-exchange trading methods.

  The concepts of on-exchange trading and off-exchange trading mainly come from the securities market.


  【币币交易】指Online casino and How to find it 之间(如用比特币购买以太币或反之)的交易。

  【场内交易】又称交易所交易;在Online casino and How to find it 交易平台上进行撮合交易,买卖双方价格公开,平台显示实时报价。在交易所进行竞价买卖的交易方法。




  ③?线下交易:除交易平台外,也有类似于中间商的人,买卖的需求汇集到中间人,中间人收取一定费用,多发生在微信群、QQ群等群组中。此外,人们也可以通过当面交易的方式兑换Online casino and How to find it ,一些网站会提供当面交易信息发布的服务。





  【Cutting losses】Also known as ‘cutting the stock’. After buying Online casino and How to find it, the coin price falls, and in order to avoid further losses, sell Online casino and How to find it at a loss. Afraid of falling even more.

  【Ripping off the green onions】A group of investors entering the coin circle operate carelessly and are harvested by the manipulator and exit the market, and another group of new investors enter. Without good investment experience, it is easy to be harvested by the manipulator.

  【Long-term holding】Long-term holding of a certain coin

  【Short-term trading】Selling the coin after holding it for a short period of time to achieve the profit goal, the duration may be a few hours, days, or weeks, depending on the market.

  【Take profit】After obtaining a certain amount of profit, sell the Online casino and How to find it held to secure the profit.

  【Stop loss】After incurring a certain amount of loss, sell the Online casino and How to find it held to prevent further losses.

  【Being trapped】When you buy coins and they fall, you can’t bear to sell them, congratulations, that’s called being trapped.

  【Break even】After buying Online casino and How to find it, the coin price fell, causing a temporary paper loss, but after that, the coin price recovered, turning a loss into a profit.

  【Missing the boat】Because of being bearish on the market, after selling Online casino and How to find it, the coin price went up all the way, failed to buy in time, and therefore failed to make a profit. This is called missing the boat, a perfect miss.

  【Roller coaster】You bought a coin, it went up, you were excited, and you even bragged to your friends, but a few days later, it fell back down. You feel like you’ve been on a roller coaster, just got a little excited, and then there was nothing else.

  【Hoarding】If you are optimistic about the future development of this coin, and want to become a coin that can multiply by 100 or 1000 to achieve financial freedom, you should buy a large amount of this coin and hoard it.

  【Long position】Most people do long positions every day, buying low and hoping to sell high. It generally refers to a bullish outlook.

  【Short selling】An operation that people who trade futures contracts will play. The seller believes that the coin price will fall in the future, sells the coins in hand, and buys them back at a low price after the price falls to make a profit.

  【Bottom fishing】Buying into a coin at a suitable price range when the price of a certain coin falls.

  【Control】The proportion of coins in hand is large in the circulation.

  【Rally】The main force starts to push up the coin price due to some purpose or after accumulating power for a period of time.

  【Washing】The manipulator or project party, or large financial groups with capital, manipulate the market through funds, making the market trend fluctuate up and down, frightening out those hesitant green onions, and achieving the purpose of making a big profit.

  【Accumulation】Generally, accumulation is achieved through washing out the green onions, then the manipulator takes over the coins sold by the green onions, making their chips more abundant and achieving the purpose of controlling the market (usually accumulation and other operations are carried out at low prices).

  The ‘砸盘’ is a stock market term. Generally, there are two situations of砸盘. One is when the price of the currency is rising, the ‘庄家’ needs to clean up the following shares once, heavily sell off the currency at a certain price to create the illusion of a fall, and lure individual investors and followers to sell; the other occurs when a ‘庄家’ has completed the purpose of manipulating the market and the price of the currency is quite high, the ‘庄家’ sells off the currency in large quantities to achieve the purpose of escaping.

  The ‘对冲’ generally refers to the simultaneous execution of two transactions that are related to the market, opposite in direction, of equal quantity, and offsetting gains and losses. In the futures contract market, buying positions of the same quantity but opposite directions, when the direction is determined, closing the positions of the opposite direction, and retaining the positive direction to achieve profit.

  The ‘头寸’ is a kind of market commitment, which is the initial position of buying and selling contracts. The buyer of the contract is a ‘多头’, in the position of expecting to rise; the seller of the contract is a ‘空头’, in the position of expecting to fall.

  The ‘多头’ expects the price of the currency to rise in the future, buys a certain amount of the currency at the current price, waits for the price to rise, and then sells it at a higher price to earn a profit from the price difference. Its characteristic is the trading behavior of buying first and selling later.

  The ‘空头’ expects the price of the currency to fall in the future, sells the currency at the current price, buys it back after the market falls, and earns a profit from the price difference. Its characteristic is the trading behavior of selling first and buying later.

  The ‘杠杆’ refers to leveraged trading, which, as the name implies, means using a small amount of capital to make investments several times the original amount, in the hope of obtaining several times the return on investment or losses.

  The ‘超买’ refers to the situation where the price of the currency has continuously risen to a certain height, with the buying power of the buyer almost exhausted, and the price is about to fall.

  The ‘超卖’ refers to the situation where the price of the currency has continuously fallen to a certain low point, with the selling power of the seller almost exhausted, and the price is about to rise.

  The ‘诱多’ refers to the deliberate creation of the illusion of rising prices by the main force or ‘庄家’, luring investors to buy in, only to see the price fall instead, locking in investors who follow the trend to do more.

  The ‘诱空’ is a term in the currency market and stock market. Simply put, it refers to the situation where the mainstream funds in the market actively go short, showing a visibly weak pattern on the charts, which leads investors to conclude that the stock market will continue to decline sharply and panic sell.

  The ‘对敲’ is a trading tactic used by the ‘庄家’. The specific operation method is to open accounts in multiple exchanges simultaneously and quote and trade in a saw-tooth manner between the exchanges to achieve the purpose of manipulating the price of the currency.

  The ‘换手率’ refers to the frequency of buying and selling a certain currency in the market within a certain period of time, which is one of the main indicators for evaluating the liquidity of a certain currency.

  The ‘庄家’ refers to traders with substantial financial resources or those who hold a large amount of currency. They can profoundly influence the trend of prices. Generally, they use methods such as supporting the market, controlling the market, double-dealing, and砸盘 to control the market price of lottery and How to find it. It is because the ‘庄家’ has a significant impact on the trend of prices that there are sayings like ‘庄家割韭菜’ and ‘打死狗庄’.

  [Dog Boss] refers to people who make a profit by manipulating the market. The money earned by manipulators is generally the money of retail investors, so retail investors call manipulators ‘dog bosses’.

  For terms of futures, click here for the explanation of common futures terms in the cryptocurrency circle: What is the concept of blockchain? What is blockchain really? Understand in three minutes!

  On October 25, 2019, Xinwen Lianbo transmitted a very important signal: the country will vigorously develop blockchain. After that, blockchain became a网红, and the word ‘blockchain’ was everywhere in the streets and alleys. In fact, many technology companies have already laid out in blockchain technology.

  Although blockchain is very popular, many people are not very familiar with it.

  What is blockchain?

  Let’s first see how Duoyan explains it. Baidu Encyclopedia shows that blockchain is a new application model of computer technology, including distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism, encryption algorithm, etc.

  Why is blockchain called blockchain?

  Blockchain is composed of individual blocks, and each block is a storage unit that records the communication information of each block node. Blocks are similar to database records, and each time data is written, a new block is created. As information exchange expands, one block continues to another, forming the result known as the blockchain.

  What are the characteristics of blockchain?

  Blockchain mainly has the following characteristics:

  1. Decentralization: In the blockchain system, each node has equal rights and obligations, and there is no central control. Decentralization has established good trust relationships between parties, and although there is no central management organization, people can collaborate and trust each other. This mainly applies the distributed ledger technology of blockchain.

  2. Openness: Blockchain data is open to everyone, except for some encrypted information that is not open, everyone can find the data here.

  3. Independence: The entire blockchain system does not rely on any third party, and all nodes can automatically and securely verify and exchange data within the system without any human intervention.
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  4. Security: Blockchain has certain security features and is immutable. Because everyone in the blockchain system holds the same ledger, if someone wants to tamper with it, they would only be able to forge a non-existent record if they controlled more than 51% of the accounting nodes. Of course, this is basically impossible. This is mainly due to the core technology of blockchain: the consensus mechanism, which has the characteristics of ‘majority rules’ and ‘everyone is equal’.

  5. Anonymity: Many people think that since blockchain is so open and transparent, do we have no privacy? In fact, that’s not the case. Although transaction information on the blockchain is open and transparent, the account identity information is encrypted, and only authorized access is allowed.

  Now, let me tell you a story to help you better understand blockchain.

  There are three people in the family, Dad, Mom, and the elder brother and younger brother. Last year, the ledger at home was managed by Dad, and he was responsible for all the income and expenditure at home.

  However, on the Double Eleven Day, the thrifty Mom wanted to buy a beautiful dress for herself on Taobao. After checking the ledger, she found something wrong. According to reason, except for some money saved in the bank and invested in financial products, the money for daily consumption at home should be recorded in this ledger. But however it looks, it doesn’t seem right. Some expenses that should not have been recorded were recorded in it.

  Later, Dad confessed voluntarily, saying that he couldn’t resist buying a pack of cigarettes.

  Later, Mom changed the strategy, and everyone in the family kept accounts. Every month, everyone recorded their consumption expenses in their own ledger. Whenever a transaction or consumption occurred at home, Mom would shout, ‘Accounting time, everyone records the transaction in their own ledger.’ This is the decentralized accounting mode, where everyone is the center, and everyone has a ledger in their hand.

  The previous Dad’s accounting mode was centralized accounting. If Dad wants to do something on his own, it is very difficult for others to see. And the decentralized accounting mode has effectively solved the disadvantages of centralized accounting. If Dad wants to alter the ledger, it is very difficult.

  For example, if Dad wants to take some money from the ledger to secretly buy a cigarette, the amount of money is limited, and to take the money, he has to change the ledger. But it is not enough to alter his own ledger, he has to change the ledger of the three people including him. And this is undoubtedly harder than climbing to heaven.

  So, after many times of Dad thinking about smoking, but unfortunately the situation is like this, he had to give up this thought.

  Are blockchain and Bitcoin the same thing?

  In fact, blockchain and Bitcoin are not the same thing. It is just the underlying technology of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is just the lottery and How to find it of the first application of blockchain.

  In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto first proposed the concept of blockchain, and in the following years, it became an integral part of the electronic currency Bitcoin, serving as the public ledger for all transactions. And blockchain was first applied to Bitcoin.

  The origin of blockchain is to solve the problem of trust, and the most successful application of blockchain is lottery and How to find it. Bitcoin can be said to be the most successful application of blockchain so far.

  What are the applications of blockchain?

  The application of blockchain is actually very extensive. In addition to lottery and How to find it, the future application of Bitcoin is still very extensive. Blockchain technology has been widely used in various industries. Such as product traceability, copyright protection and trading, payment and settlement, Internet of Things, digital marketing, medical care, etc., promoting different industries to quickly enter the “blockchain+” era.

  1, Payment and Settlement: Blockchain can eliminate the role of intermediary banks, realize point-to-point payment, reduce transfer fees, and accelerate the utilization rate of capital.

  2, Product Traceability: For example, when we buy a piece of clothing on Taobao, we can see its past and present.






















  大佬:喜欢撕逼的lottery and How to find it 早期投资者。







