Through forms such as ‘ecological guardians’, ‘ecological ambassadors’, ‘ecological communities’, ‘ecological festivals’, and ‘ecological activities’, we provide ecological economic awards for projects and individuals committed to ecological entrepreneurship, actively rewarding those who contribute ecological labor, and creating people who build a sustainable world.
Ecological labor can be exchanged for ECO ecological currency for free, promoting ecological entrepreneurship, making everyone willing to become an ecological guardian, and creating a sustainable world.
Next natural team
Guided the design and strategy behind the project. Provided a technical environment, designed time communication processing, and provided implementation systems on-site. At the same time, we thank the non-profit international network supported by Creative Creative Fund, Stichting Doen, and Eindhoven Technical University.
Deloitte strategic support
Deloitte, as one of the world’s leading consulting firms, brings strategic insight and technical expertise to the long-term sustainable development of ECO.
Bitonic blockchain technology support
Since May 2012, Bitonic has specialized in blockchain technology, digital wallets, and cryptocurrencies, and has sold more than 200,000 bitcoins. It has established a long-term blockchain technology partnership with ECO ecological currency.
ECO is an open-source lottery and How to find it designed and released by the World Eco-Economic Foundation, as well as the P2P network built. Peer-to-peer transmission means a decentralized payment, where the currency is typically run on the user’s computer network through peer-to-peer software (referred to as blockchain) without going through banks, credit card companies, or any third parties. It is an eco-dispersed community currency without government or bank control and regulation.
Ecological labor is equivalent to issuance, distinguishing from other lottery and How to find it, ECO does not rely on a specific monetary institution for issuance. It is calculated based on a specific algorithm, using a distributed database composed of numerous ecological network nodes to confirm and record all ecological transaction behaviors.
The ecological labor benchmark, the decentralized nature and the ecological algorithm itself can ensure that the value of the currency cannot be manipulated artificially through mass production.
The anonymity and security of the cryptographic design, based on cryptographic design, ensure that ECO can only be transferred or paid by actual eco-ant owners. This also ensures the anonymity and security of currency ownership and circulation transactions.
After multiple attempts at optimization through community operations, ECO officially began its online operation in November 2017. The issuance rate follows a geometric progression, reducing by half every five years, ultimately reaching a total of about 8 billion, about 400 times that of Bitcoin and 100 times that of Litecoin. With an average of one ECO for each person globally, ECO can achieve global circulation and encourage ecological labor more quickly.
The global spread of ECO enables everyone to participate in the construction of an ecological sustainable world. Through the gradual increase in value of ECO labor, eco-guardians involved in mining ECO can receive sufficient economic rewards to make greater contributions to global ecological protection.
What is community currency?
Community currency is created by a community group. Because of the diversity of community size, activity, goals, and beliefs, community currency usually tries to reflect the unique value of the community. For example, if the community believes in local and organic food, then a community currency can be established as the only way to purchase such food, the only method is to spend ecological labor to help produce food.
”Community Currency”, known as “E”, can be obtained by ecological personnel through participating in community public welfare labor, or through street sweeping to clean **garbage. Each participant earns 1 “E” for working for one hour. Even expanding to community public welfare projects, including community care, environmental protection, children’s guidance, helping the disabled and the elderly, and a series of community services. Community organizations sign contracts with dozens of ecological business points within the neighborhood (street stores, cafes, or restaurants) to enrich the community “voucher”.
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ECO is a lottery and How to find it, meaning that all transactions will be stored on a block. The advantages of ECO are that these smaller community systems can be used at both local levels (such as community currency) and global levels. This enhances the value of ECO and ensures that it can ultimately be universally used.
How to earn ECO ecological currency?
ECO coins can be obtained through sustainable ecological labor. When the local community is establishing this system, it must decide what this action is, and how many ECO rewards and returns there are. For example, if a neighbor wants to recycle plastic**, they can gather together to decide how much ECO is paid for each bag of recycled goods. Then, ECO can be used in local stores, bars, or supermarkets.
To ensure the reasonable growth of the value of ECO, the World Ecological Economic Foundation will limit the mining and circulation of ECO within certain community areas within one year, and as soon as possible make the mining pool and ecological wallet public, and launch the open trading platform one year later to achieve global community circulation.
The World Ecological Economic Foundation will distribute 10 million micro-cloud mining machines (each worth 11 ECO) for free globally as basic ecological miners, quickly raising the flag of ecological protection, and the trading center (P2P trading) is also launched simultaneously, with all transactions between users being point-to-point directed transactions.
Now, you can obtain ECO by mining through purchasing cloud mining machines, or you can purchase ECO at the trading center.
The initial trading price of ECO is 0.1 US dollars, and the increase of ECO is adjusted according to the daily trading data of the trading center to ensure the stable increase of ECO.
Three stages of the centennial ecological planning
The Ecological Infrastructure Stage: The thousand times coin, with the free 10 million ecological mining machines, has built the infrastructure for ecological labor.
The Ecological Labor Stage: After the thousand times coin, it is necessary to contribute ecological labor recognized by the ecological blockchain to obtain it.
The Global Free Flow Stage: The circulation of ecological merchants has been universally recognized globally, and everyone has become a defender of the ecology, the ecological people, building a life ecological chain.
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“Whether it is shell or dollar, their value only exists in our common imagination”—Yuval Noah Harari
ECO has more ecological influence than Bitcoin, with more ecological people supporting it, which is why it has the mysterious characteristic of only rising and never falling and high stability;
The ECO market also exists the 80/20 rule; in a certain sense, the 80/20 rule determines that ECO lottery and how to find it only rise and never fall! Then let’s analyze why?
Suppose: When the ECO coin value is 10 yuan, 10,000 people register for ECO on the same day, then it can be肯定 that 20% of people understand and engage in coin collection behavior! The phenomenon of ECO supply and demand is emerging (a coin is hard to get);
When the ECO coin value reaches 15 yuan per coin, another 20,000 people registered for ECO on the same dayonline casino download and The most exciting gameplay. The last time the coin was 10 yuan, 20% of the people kept collecting coins until they had the same number of coins as the people who registered on the same day (when the coins of the people who registered on the same day were sold, they made money for free, and another 20% of them realized and also started collecting coins and doing promotion);
During the process of this coin’s value rising to 70 yuan per coin, people in their millions have gradually woken up to do promotion and collect coins, and the coin value has gained stability and appreciation;
After one year, the platform will publicly release the source code and mining pool! As more than ten million people and even hundreds of millions of people join ECO, it is inevitable that venture capital institutions will compete to join ECO. The involvement of large amounts of venture capital is bound to lead to the sharp rise of this coin! Whether it is individuals or venture capital, the ultimate goal is to see this coin keep rising, and their capital will be greatly amplified! It is inevitable that this coin will rise tenfold!
Overall analysis of ECO’s profit-making part
Each new registered user will receive a free micro-mining machine. Without investing a single cent or doing any promotion, a micro-mining machine can produce 11 coins. Whenever the coin production reaches 10, use 10 coins to buy a new micro-mining machine for rolling reinvestment. In one year, it can bring in a profit of over 5,000 (but a large number of people sold this egg-laying hen when the coin value was between 2 to 3 yuan, which is very regrettable);
Suppose: Investing 2,000 in the market to buy coins, you can roll over and reinvest for a year with 100 ECO coins, and the conservative estimate of your earnings is over 60,000;
Investing 20,000 in the market to buy coins, you can roll over and reinvest for a year with 1,000 ECO coins, and the conservative estimate of your earnings is 700,000.
As an ECO user, not only can you purchase your own exclusive mining machine, but also build your own miner team and mining machine community. Since the ECO algorithm adopts a large amount of P2P parallel technology, the more mining machines that make up the network, the stronger the productivity, not simple addition, but exponential growth. Therefore, we encourage all ECO users to build their own miner community, obtain more computing power bonuses through the mining machine network, produce more ECO, and promote the stable and increasing value of ECO.
ECO Ecological Miner
Firstly, you need to have a mining machine (free gift), at this point, you become an ECO miner. You can invite A to register for a mining machine to become a miner, at this point, A’s mining machine will be connected to your mining machine, through parallel algorithms, providing you with a 5% computing power profit (when A earns a certain amount of ECO, you will receive 5% of the ECO). You can continue to invite B, C, or more friends to register as miners, forming a mining machine network with your mining machine to obtain more computing power profits (5% computing power profit of the first-level mining machine network).
For example, if you directly recommended 100 people; 20 of them understood and bought small mining machines from the market in the shortest time, about a week, then your passive income this month is 120 coins!
So, when you reinvest 120 coins for a year, the final profit will be over 60,000. Of course, your passive income each month will increase exponentially with the number of people you directly recommend to buy mining machines. In the second month, the cycle of people you directly recommend reinvesting, plus the coins purchased in the market, plus the passive income of the promoters, will earn 10 small mining machines running simultaneously. Then, your passive income this month will reach 1200 coins. Then, when these 1200 coins are rolled over and reinvested for a year, the profit will be up to 600,000-700,000.
In the first month, you will be promoted to an ecological guardian with a global 20% weighted dividend, plus an additional 1500+ coins from the computing power you directly recommended. Then, the 1500 coins rolled over and reinvested for a year will yield up to one million. In the fourth month, the fifth month…you can’t even imagine it yourself!
What are the respective conditions and passive income for becoming an ecological guardian, expert, hero, and ambassador?
Ecological Guardian
When you invite three or more friends to form an ecological network with you, your community ECO miners reach 20 people, and the community computing power reaches 20GH/s, you will be promoted to an ecological guardian, receive 1 small mining machine, and enjoy a 20% global dividend of ECO global ecological trading center commissions.
Ecological Expert
When two or more members you directly recommended become ecological guardians, your community computing power reaches 50GH/s, you will be upgraded to an ecological expert, receive 1 medium-sized mining machine, and enjoy a 15% global dividend of ECO trading commissions.
Ecological Hero
When three or more members you directly recommended become ecological experts, your community computing power reaches 500GH/s, you will be upgraded to an ecological hero, receive 1 large mining machine, and enjoy a 10% global dividend of ECO trading commissions.
Ecological Ambassador
When three or more members you directly recommended become ecological heroes, your community computing power reaches 3000GH/s, you will be upgraded to an international ambassador, receive 1 super mining machine, and enjoy a 5% global dividend of ECO trading commissions.
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First, the concept of wallet First, let’s understand the wallet. It needs to be clarified that the wallet is not a tool for storing money, but a tool for storing keys (private keys and public keys). With the keys, you can have the dominion over the corresponding address’s lottery and How to find it. Private Key: Users use the private key to sign transactions to prove that they have the output rights of the transactionbetting online website lottery online and Latest Address. The transaction information is not stored in the wallet, but in the blockchain. Public Key: It is used to generate addresses and store transaction information, which is generated by the private key through asymmetric encryption algorithms. Wallet Address: It is a 42-digit hexadecimal hash value string starting with a double letter (representing the currency). The ETH address is a 42-digit hexadecimal hash value string starting with 0x. If you compare the wallet to a bank card, then the wallet address is the bank card number.
Second, how to use the wallet There are many digital wallets on the market currently,
For example, imToken, myetherwallet, Kcash, parity, Metamask, Jaxx, etc., choose a wallet you like. It is recommended to choose imToken. Here we use imToken as an example: download an imToken APP from the app market, click ‘Create Wallet’, and give the wallet a name and password. Pay close attention: remember the password yourself, imToken will not remember your password, and if you forget the password, it cannot be recovered!! So forgetting the password is equivalent to losing all the currency in the wallet!! It is best to write it down by hand and keep it safe to prevent loss caused by network transmission and hacker attacks, etc. This is very important, please note that after clicking ‘Create Wallet’, the wallet is created, and next we need to back up the wallet. Wallet backup is used to restore wallet settings in case the program is deleted or the phone is stolen, etc.
There are two methods: backing up the mnemonic phrase or backing up the keystore. The mnemonic phrase is a randomly generated 12-word phrase, you should copy this and place it in a safe place, then write it down in order and put it in a safe place as well. You can understand this mnemonic phrase as another form of private key, based on which you can recover the wallet. For example, if you accidentally delete the imToken app or your phone is lost, you can use this mnemonic phrase to recover the wallet. The keystore is similar to the one shown in the figure above. Everyone can back up this keystore, delete the wallet, and then use this keystore to recover the wallet. After a few practices, you can get familiar with the wallet. Up to this point, the wallet has been created, and by clicking the address bar on the right side of your own wallet page, you will get the address of your own wallet. (3) From the exchange to the wallet Taking gate.io as an example of the exchange, let’s demonstrate how to transfer ETH to the wallet. Log in to gate.io, click ETH, and withdraw from this interface. The red box position in it is the wallet address you need to transfer to.
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本文由汇新云我整理发布,我将持续更新《浅谈区块链》系列,该系列会介绍一些区块链以及lottery and How to find it 的基础知识,敬请关注!
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