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  Send/Receive CGP currency through the CGPay wallet, you can easily send and receive CGP currency. The best part is, just a scan, and it takes only one second to complete. CGP currency trading CGPay wallet provides P2P trading services, you can place buy (sell) orders through the trading platform, waiting for the seller (buyer) to place an order to you. Placing an order, payment, and transferring money, the buying and selling process can be completed in just three steps. Cryptocurrency exchange You can convert CGP currency into equivalent cryptocurrency in the CGPay wallet and send it to your other cryptocurrency wallet. Currency exchange, at the touch of a finger. Online shopping We have signed up with a large number of online stores, users with the CGPay wallet can pay directly online through the CGPay wallet. We also support mainstream cryptocurrencies and CGP currency payment and collection. Game website value-added You can use CGP currency, scan the QR code of the game website, and value-added is completed in one second, with the ultimate perfect speed, a new value-added experience. Cross-border transactions We are committed to promoting the popularity of the CGPay wallet, partnering with overseas financial organizations, so that Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and other places can accept the CGPay wallet. Stores are遍布全球,the CGPay wallet can be used anywhere. Global cryptocurrency exchange CGP currency has officially been listed on the Bitopro cryptocurrency exchange, and you can currently trade CGP currency in Taiwan with fiat currency. Cryptocurrency exchanges in China, Malaysia, Singapore, India, Japan, and other places will be launched one after another this year.online casino downloadThe latest plan

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