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  Proverb: Mindset determines wealth. Thoughts determine fate! Public account: (Dull researcher Old Jin)Follow to get more information! More focused on primary market, public fund, and secondary market potential cryptocurrency recommendations, exploration of project incubation, skyrocketing altcoins, selection of high-quality cryptocurrencies, and strive to be more professional, providing high-quality primary market projects at home and abroad.


  What is the primary market of the cryptocurrency circle??? The primary market, also known as the primary market, is the market where newly issued currencies are sold from issuers to investors. In simple terms, the primary market is the stage where each currency is offered to investors by the issuer before it is listed on an exchange. That is what the cryptocurrency circle often refers to as the private placement of primary projects. The market without exchange transactions is called the primary market, and it can also be called the black market, while the market with exchange transactions is called the secondary market. Both are supply and demand relationships; when one side is in short supply, the other will follow. What are the benefits of the primary market??? Before each currency is listed on an exchange, it is called the primary market. Before a currency is ready to be listed on an exchange, it will go through several stages. Seed round: The early round is mainly provided by individuals or institutions for the initial team building. Private placement round: Mainly provided by institutions with undetermined investment or large institutional investment with preferential pricing. Public offering round: Mainly provided by individuals with small investment quotas from ordinary users. The primary market usually has a relatively low seed price, but many coin holders cannot find channels to participate in primary market projects. Compared to the secondary market, there are more opportunities to participate in the primary market, and the price obtained is much lower than that of the secondary market. Some friends even doubled or even hundreds of times the moment they were listed on the exchange, which can be said to have won the race from the starting line. Maybe this is the charm of the primary market. Since retail investors or individuals cannot find channels, this is why so many people do not know about the problems existing in the primary market. Why is the primary market superior to the secondary market? 1. The primary market generally leaves enough room for appreciation for the secondary market. How to put it? The primary market has gone through seed rounds, private placement rounds, and public offering rounds, with each round’s price increasing, and multiple price differences are very common. Here, it must be said that the seed round is very low. After layer-by-layer increases, after listing, it is the secondary market, and it is not impossible to appear tenfold or hundredfold. 2. The primary market has a higher threshold. What does the threshold represent? The private placement and IDO information of the primary market is relatively closed, so for coin holders to obtain the first-hand resources of a project, choosing to enter the communication community is a good choice. However, most of the new private coins are monopolized by large institutions, and the threshold represents that you can make money while others may not (people who have read this article, believe that they have entered the community and crossed a certain threshold, you know). The threshold also represents a smaller risk, as the money-making is always for a few, while the secondary market allows everyone to buy and sell, and you can make money, don’t you feel a chill behind? 3online casino platform and Latest. In the primary market, you only need to pick good projects and hold them for the long term? The secondary market is easy to chase the rise and fall, and the operation difficulty is too high. The lottery and how to find it market is a market that lacks supervision and depth and is easily manipulated by funds. Retail investors in the secondary market seek profit, like taking food from the mouth of a tiger. The primary market can make your assets roll faster like a snowball. For example, if 10 projects double in 4, double in 2 in 5, and double in 10 in 1, and the worst 3 are down, then calculate how much net profit you can earn, and then reinvest with the principal and interest, finally achieving the maximum benefit.


  How to participate in the primary market? There are pros and cons to primary market projects in the cryptocurrency circle. In cases where one cannot understand the project vision or white paper, one can go to the community for more comprehensive analysis of the project organization and background from multiple perspectives. First: the feasibility of the project, and whether it solves the current problems, such as project rating information, which is one of the important reference indicators. Second: whether the project has famous figures endorsing it; (famous figures endorsing the project is also an acknowledgment of the project, and it also plays a role in attracting the participation of well-known institutions in the circle); Third: whether the project has a website; (building a website is not a difficult thing these days, and a project that cannot even build a website is something everyone knows well); Fourth: whether the website URL is an advanced URL; (good projects do not spend money to apply for advanced URLs, let alone talk about it); Fifth: the project’s plan to list on exchanges, if the project can be listed on a first-tier exchange, it is a proof of its strength. Everyone in the cryptocurrency circle knows that first-tier exchanges control more than half of the traffic in the entire cryptocurrency circle, so the popularity and traffic of being listed on a first-tier exchange are self-evident.


  Basic professional terminology collection in the cryptocurrency circle!! 1. Position: The ratio of actual investment to actual investment capital of the investor. 2. Full position: It means buying all the funds into Online casino and How to find it . 3. Reduce position: It means selling part of Online casino and How to find it . 4. Liquidate position: It means selling all the Online casino and How to find it . 5. Heavy position: It means buying a lot of Online casino and How to find it . 6. Light position: It means buying very little of Online casino and How to find it . 7. Build position: It means buying Online casino and How to find it . 8. Replenish position: It means continuing to buy Online casino and How to find it . 9sports betting local and Latest Address. Full position: It means buying all the Online casino and How to find it at one time. 10. Take profit: After obtaining a certain profit, sell the held Online casino and How to find it to secure the profit. 11. Stop loss: After losing to a certain extent, sell the held Online casino and How to find it to prevent further losses. 12. Bull market: The price continues to rise, with an optimistic outlook. 13. Bear market: The price continues to fall, with a gloomy outlook. 14. Bull (long): The buyer believes that the price of the coin will rise in the future, buys the coin, and sells it after the price of the coin rises. 15. Bear (short): The seller believes that the price of the coin will fall in the future, sells the coin held in hand (or borrows the coin from the trading platform), buys it at a low price after the price of the coin falls to make a profit. 16. Rebound: The price of the coin falls rapidly, and the price recovers and adjusts due to the rapid fallonline casino secrets and The most exciting gameplay. 17. Consolidation (flat): The price fluctuation range is small, and the price of the coin is stable. 18. Slow decline: The price of the coin slowly falls, like a soft knife cutting flesh. 19. Dive (waterfall): The price of the coin falls rapidly, with a large amplitude. 20. Being trapped: Falling as soon as bought, short for being trapped. 21. Missing the bus: Rising as soon as sold, short for missing the bus. 22. Cut losses: Falling as soon as bought, selling at a low price to incur losses. 23. Break even: After being trapped, the price of the coin recovers, and the loss is turned into a profit. 24. Overbought: The price of the coin continues to rise to a certain height, the buying power of the buyers is basically exhausted, and the price is about to fall. 25. Oversold: The price of the coin continues to fall to a certain low point, the selling power of the sellers is basically exhausted, and the price is about to rise. 26. Entice: The price of the coin has been consolidated for a long time, and the possibility of falling is relatively large, most of the bears have sold the Online casino and How to find it , and suddenly the bears pull up the price of the coin.Luring multiple parties to believe that the price of the currency will rise, causing them to buy in, only to have the bearish side suppress the currency price, leaving the bullish side trapped. 27, Luring bears: After buying ‘Online casino and How to find it’, the bearish side deliberately suppresses the currency price, making the bears believe that the price will fall, causing them to sell out, only to fall into the trap set by the bulls. 28, Mining: Using computers, mobile phones and other devices to run calculation programs to obtain ‘lottery and How to find it’. Note that mining will shorten the lifespan of the equipment. 29, ICO: Initial Coin Offering, derived from the concept of Initial Public Offering (IPO) in the stock market, refers to the financing behavior of blockchain projects by issuing their own ‘Online casino and How to find it’ to exchange for commonly used ‘Online casino and How to find it’ in the market. 30, Private round: Private fundraising is relative to public fundraising, where public fundraising refers to the behavior of raising funds from the general public, such as the funds sold by banks; while private fundraising needs to target specific groups of people to raise funds and cannot be advertised publicly. 31, Angel round: The angel round, also known as angel investment (Angel Investment), refers to individuals investing capital to assist entrepreneurs with specialized technology or unique concepts who lack their own funds in starting a business, taking on the high risks involved in entrepreneurship and enjoying the high returns after the success of entrepreneurship, or it can be said that it is a one-time early-stage investment by independent investors or informal venture capital institutions in original project ideas or small startups. Angel investment is a special form of venture capital. 32, Foundation round: The meaning is similar to the private round. 33, What does ‘crypto circle’ mean? The so-called ‘crypto circle’ refers to the circle naturally formed by ‘lottery and How to find it’ players. The crypto circle is not large, but the number of people is not small either, and it basically belongs to a minority group in the population, but in total, it is still a circle. There are not many people who make money, and various ways of making money are quickly copied over, such as ICO, cryptocurrency trading, mining, etc. 34, How does the crypto circle make money? There are many ways to make money in the crypto circle, the most important of which is to make a profit by trading cryptocurrencies, ICO crowdfunding, and brick moving. 35, Where can crypto circle news usually be found? Market data websites: Feixiaohao, Mytoken, Aicoin, Coinmarketcap News websites: Jinse Finance, BitCommunity, CoinWorld Express Chat websites: Twitter, Telegram, Slack 36, What does ‘fiat currency’ mean? Fiat currency is the legal currency issued by the state and government, which is guaranteed only by the government’s credit, such as the Chinese yuan, US dollars, etc. 37, What does ‘token’ mean? Token is usually translated as ‘token’, and Token is one of the important concepts in blockchain, which is more widely known as ‘token’. 38, What does ‘building a position’ mean? Building a position in the crypto circle is also known as opening a position.This refers to the transaction of buying or selling a certain amount of lottery and How to find it. 39, What does ‘梭哈’ mean? It is a phonetic translation of ‘show hand’, and in the cryptocurrency circle, ‘梭哈’ refers to putting all the capital into it. 40, What does ‘空投’ mean? Airdrop is a very popular cryptocurrency marketing method at present, most of which are obtained for free. In order to let potential investors and enthusiasts of cryptocurrency obtain token-related information, the token team will often carry out airdrops. 41, What does ‘锁仓’ mean? Generally speaking, ‘lock position’ refers to the investor opening a new position opposite to the original holding after buying and selling contracts, which is also known as ‘opposite lock’, ‘lock order’, or even ‘butterfly double fly’. 42, What does ‘糖果’ mean? Candy refers to various digital currencies issued for free to users at the time of ICO, which is a kind of promotion and publicity for the project itself by the issuer of the virtual currency project. 43, What does ‘破发’ mean? ‘破’ refers to falling below, and ‘发’ refers to the issuance price of lottery and How to find it. ‘Break issue’ in the cryptocurrency circle refers to the situation where a certain lottery and How to find it falls below its issuance priceonline casino secrets and The latest website. 44, What does ‘私募’ mean? Private placement is a way to invest in cryptocurrency projects and the best way for the founders of cryptocurrency projects to raise funds for platform operations. 45, How to read K-line? K-line chart is drawn with the opening price, highest price, lowest price, and closing price of each analysis period. 46, What does ‘搬砖’ mean? ‘Brick moving’ means buying lottery and How to find it from an exchange with a low price, and then selling it at an exchange with a high price. What is a wallet?

  需要澄清的是,区块链领域提到的钱包其实并不是装钱的钱包,而是装密钥(私钥和公钥)的工具,有了密钥就可以拥有相应地址上的lottery and How to find it 的支配权。

  1、私钥是对一个比特币地址拥有取钱权限的代表,掌握了私钥就掌握了其对应比特币地址上的所有生杀大权。私钥可以算出公钥,公钥可以再算出比特币地址。每次交易的时候,付款方必须出具私钥,以及私钥产生的签名,每次交易签名不同,但是由同一个私钥产生。私钥是一串2、公钥是和私钥成对出现的,公钥可以算出比特币地址,因此可以作为拥有这个比特币地址的凭证。3、比特币地址:如果说区块链是一个账本,比特币地址就是其中的账号。4、钱包分为很多种:冷钱包、热钱包、硬件钱包、脑钱包、纸钱包等等,一看这些概念我就会犯晕,我觉得我们不需要搞懂那么多。我们只要搞懂应用场景,手机端还是PC端的,而且我觉得我们只会用到轻钱包,那种储存全部交易的全量钱包太恐怖了。如果你真不放心,就把这个钱包安装在平时不怎么上网的终端上,防止黑客盗用就好。(二) 钱包实战钱包以不同的协议又分为比特币钱包、以太坊钱包、NEO钱包、量子钱包等等,多种。比特币钱包地址有什么用?






  什么是成交量 反映成交的数量多少和买卖的人的多少。一般可用成交币数和成交金额来衡量。

  什么是反弹 ?




  什么是回调 在多头市场上,币价涨势强劲,但因价格过快上升而出现暂时回跌,称回调。下跌幅度小于上涨幅度。


  把现金充值到币价更低的 A 平台,然后买入比特币;然后从 A 平台上提现比特币,收到后马上充值到价格更高的 B 平台;充值的比特币到 B平台后,马上卖掉,收到的现金马上提现,然后重复步骤。


  杠杆交易,顾名思义,就是利用小额的资金来进行数倍于原始金额的投资,以期望获取相对投资标的物波动的数倍收益率,抑或亏损。 山寨币,指除了比特币以外的所有的其他币。

  本期分享到这里, 如果要了解更多,可以关注公众号:低迷研究者老金
