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  SC is the abbreviation of Siacoin, a kind of ‘lottery and How to find it’. Siacoin is a decentralized cloud storage platform that allows users to store data on untrusted servers around the world. As the cryptocurrency in the Siacoin network, SC can be used to pay for the cost of storing and downloading files, and can also be traded in cryptocurrency exchanges. SC was created by the Sia project team and currently has a stable market performance.

  As a cryptocurrency for a decentralized cloud storage platform, SC has the following characteristics. Firstly, SC has very low storage and download costs and can be accessed and used globally. Secondly, SC is based on blockchain technology, ensuring high security and decentralization. Finally, SC has received a lot of community support, has many application scenarios, and has been applied in some enterprises.

  ’lottery and How to find it’ SC shows a high application prospect. In the future, SC will be born as a decentralized cloud storage platform and applied in various fields. SC will also become an indispensable part of the blockchain industry. Currently, SC is constantly improving technology and developing more practical functions, such as paying for the cost of small items, cloud services and applications based on SC. Overall, with the increasingly widespread application of ‘lottery and How to find it’, SC will also be more widely used in the future.

  What is blockchain, what is ‘lottery and How to find it’, and what is the use of the currency?

  Blockchain is an important concept of Bitcoin, essentially a decentralized database.

  As the underlying technology of Bitcoin, it is a series of data blocks generated by cryptography methods and associated with each other. Each data block contains information about a batch of Bitcoin network transactions, which is used to verify the validity (anti-counterfeiting) of the information and generate the next block. ‘lottery and How to find it’ is an unregulated, digital currency, usually issued and managed by developers, and accepted and used by members of specific virtual communities. The European Banking Authority defines ‘Online casino and How to find it’ as: a digital representation of value, not issued by a central bank or authority, nor linked to fiat currency, but because it is accepted by the public, it can be used as a means of payment and can be transferred, stored, or traded in electronic form.

  This content is from: China Legal Publishing House ‘Legal Life Common Knowledge Series’

  What is the use of blockchain? What can it do?

  Tell you in a simple and rough way what blockchain is and what it can do?

  What is blockchain? How does it work?

  Bitcoin has become a trend in modern internet – along with it comes blockchain. People say that blockchain technology will lead to fundamental changes in how the internet operates, how businesses operate, and everything else.

  But what is blockchain? Most of us are not very familiar with it. If you want to understand blockchain, you can read this article carefully.

  What is blockchain? The editor gives a simple answer explanation

  In the simplest terms, a blockchain is a distributed ledger.

  To understand what this means, we first need to look at its opposite: a centralized ledger. Since blockchain technology started with finance, we will also use banks as an example for introduction below.

  The following is the process we use for bank debit card transactions:

  You can swipe your card at the store to purchase goods.lottery secrets,We need you

  The merchant sends an invoice to your bank to receive the agreed amount.

  Your bank will verify whether you may authorize the purchase.

  The bank transfers money to the merchant.

  Finally, the bank records this information in its general ledger.

  There are many technical aspects involved, but basically, that is it. The last step is very important – the bank records all the transactions made by the customers. This general ledger goes back to the first transaction made by the bank.

  The general ledger is kept, maintained, and regulated by the bank. You can read it in your own online banking account, but you cannot change it. The bank has complete control. If it decides to make changes, you are powerless.

  It is crucial that if hackers can access the bank’s general ledger, it could lead to many problems. They can change account balances so that certain transactions appear as if they never occurred, and so on.

  This is why distributed ledgers are so cool.

  Visualization of the blockchain network

  If a bank operates on a distributed general ledger, each member of the bank will have a copy of the general ledger. Whenever any member of the bank makes a purchase, they will inform all the other members of the bank.

  Each member will verify the transaction and add it to the general ledger (the added records are called ‘blocks’). This has some important benefits because there is no centralized authority that can manipulate the records. Hacking into a general ledger would not be a major issue because other ledgers can easily verify it.

  On the other hand, it requires a lot of work. In short, the second system is blockchain (at least in financial schemes).

  As described above, blockchain is a decentralized transaction list. If I send Xiao Ming 2 Bitcoin, I will send a message to everyone in the network saying ‘I am sending Xiao Ming 2 Bitcoin’, and they will all record the transaction.

  Bitcoin and blockchain

  Next, let’s take Bitcoin as an example to illustrate

  Bitcoin transactions

  But transactions must be verified. This is where blockchain technology becomes a bit complex. Each Bitcoin wallet (we will finish this in a second) has a public key and a private key.

  You use the private key to send transaction requests to other members of the network and confirm that you have cryptocurrencies in your account. If they do, they allow the transaction to be registered on the ledger.

  The mechanism of the public/private key system is complex, but it boils down to each transaction being verifiable and secure.

  However, the entire system has a high computational cost. Everyone who updates the ledger needs a lot of power to verify transactions and modify the ledger. This is where mining comes into play. The person who verifies and modifies uses their own computing resources, and they will receive a small transaction fee each time.

  And they are using a lot of electricity to do it.

  In this way, each transaction is verified and added to the ledger, and the person who verifies and modifies it receives payment. This is a reasonable system.

  At the same time, it is also very secure. To change a single block, you must change each block that follows. After completing all this work, verification will fail because the other copies of the chain will show that someone has tampered with it.

  How to define blockchain is a difficult question

  Although the mechanism behind blockchain technology is not always intuitive, it seems that explaining what blockchain is is not too difficult. But what we describe here is just the traditional definition.

  We can use this special type of blockchain for a wide range of applications; for example, cryptocurrencies, sharing medical information, sending secure messages, and more. But more similar blockchain technologies are being developed for other purposes.

  For example, a company may use an internal blockchain to manage issue tracking within software. Each block on the chain may represent a problem, and users can publish updates to the network. But is this a blockchain? In this case, the ledger is not public, it is only visible within the company.

  Some people might say that this is not a blockchain.

  Other similar blockchain technologies are not encrypted. Are they still blockchains? If it is centrally managed but uses other blockchain features, what defines the lowest level of blockchain technology? There is no consensus on these issues at present.

  What is a blockchain wallet?

  We often hear people talking about Bitcoin wallets, Ethereum wallets, and other wallets specific to cryptocurrencies. However, wallet technology can be used for any system that uses blockchain.

  A wallet is a software or hardware ‘save’ for your encrypted currency. But it actually has nothing, it is just a place to store public keys and private keys. This information allows you to access the currency shown in the public ledger.

  The wallet is the only record of the key. Therefore, if you lose it, you will no longer be able to access your encrypted currency.

  The future of blockchain, how will it change our lives?

  Regarding blockchain, one thing is very important: it is a public resource, and no one truly owns it because everyone owns it.

  Blockchain is not just science fiction. We don’t need to understand the mechanism behind this technology, but you need to understand that it may fundamentally change our lives in the next 20 years.

  This sounds bold, but remember, 20 years ago, we were browsing the Internet on Netscape, using the most advanced Motorola flip phones, and buying our first DVD player. At that time, if we had imagined that computers could be held in hand and used to buy cars, make payments, and watch movies, it would have been considered a fairy tale.

  Although the impact of blockchain may not be as obvious as the Internet, nor as tangible as a mobile phone, blockchain will effectively solve many troubles in daily life. For example, intermediary fraud, transaction delays, and so on. In our lives now, intermediaries are everywhere, and we naturally think of them as part of life. If one day, these intermediaries no longer exist, you will find that this world will become another world.

  Imagine that by 2040, blockchain may have become a mature and widely used technology. When one day, you can’t live without blockchain just as you can’t live without the Internet now, you will realize that this decentralized accounting technology has simplified complexity and become a part of your lifestyle.

  First praise

  +1 What is blockchain, what is the role of blockchain?

  What is blockchain? What kind of changes will it bring to our future life?

  Blockchain is a new application model of computer technology, including distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism, encryption algorithm, etc.

  Blockchain (Blockchain) is an important concept of Bitcoin. Essentially, it is a decentralized database, and as the underlying technology of Bitcoin, it is a series of data blocks linked by cryptographic methods. Each data block contains information about a batch of Bitcoin network transactions, used to verify the validity (anti-counterfeiting) of the information and generate the next block.

  The original English version of the Bitcoin white paper did not actually use the word ‘blockchain’, but used ‘chain of blocks’. In the earliest Chinese translation version of the Bitcoin white paper, ‘chain of blocks’ was translated into ‘blockchain’. This is the earliest appearance of the Chinese word ‘blockchain’.

  The National Internet Information Office issued the ‘Regulations for the Administration of Blockchain Information Services’ on January 10, 2019, which came into effect on February 15, 2019.

  In a narrow sense, blockchain is a chain-like data structure that combines data blocks in a sequential manner according to time order, and is an unalterable and unforgeable distributed ledger guaranteed by cryptographic methods.

  In a broad sense, blockchain technology is a new type of distributed infrastructure and computing method that uses blockchain data structure to verify and store data, uses distributed node consensus algorithm to generate and update data, uses cryptography to ensure the security of data transmission and access, and uses smart contracts composed of automated script code to program and operate data.

  In fact, it is very simple and vivid to understand. We can imagine that everything in life is realized in a digital form, such as clothing, food, housing, transportation, medical treatment, education, etc., based on the internet, everything can be easily handled at home, no matter where you go to do things or transactions, you can complete them with your phone, with the continuous development, everything around us can be easily completed on the internet, such as work, production, planting, etc., of course, the rise of 5G will bring what is still unpredictable, but it will definitely bring about earth-shaking changes to life and social forms!

  Blockchain was born from Satoshi Nakamoto’s bitcoin, and since 2009, various types of lottery and How to find it similar to bitcoin have emerged, all based on public blockchain.

  The current situation of ‘lottery and How to find it’ is a blooming landscape, listing some common ones: bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin, OKcoin etc., in addition to the application of currency, there are various derivative applications such as NXT, SIA, BitShares, MaidSafe, Ripple, Ethereum, etc.

  On January 20, 2016, the People’s Bank of China announced the achievement of a stage result in the research on ‘lottery and How to find it’ and ‘How to find it’. The meeting recognized the value of ‘lottery and How to find it’ in reducing the issuance of traditional currency and expressed that the central bank is exploring the issuance of ‘lottery and How to find it’.

  Some fields where blockchain can be applied include:

  ?Smart Contracts

  ?Securities Trading


  ?Internet of Things

  ?Social Communication

  ?File Storage

  ?Existence Proof

  ?Identity Verification

  ?Equity Crowdfunding

  The development of blockchain can be compared to the development of the internet itself. In the future, something like ‘finance-internet’ will be formed on the internet, and this thing is based on blockchain. Its predecessor is bitcoin, that is, traditional finance starts from private chain and industry chain (local area network), and the bitcoin series starts from public chain (wide area network). Both express the same concept – digital asset (DigitalAsset), and eventually converge to a middle ground.


  任何节点都可以创建交易,在经过一段时间的确认之后,就可以合理地确认该交易是否为有效,区块链可有效地防止双方问题的发生。对于试图重写或者修改交易记录而言,它的成本是非常高的。区块链实现了两种记录:交易(transactions)以及区块(blocks)。交易是被存储在区块链上的实际数据,而区块则是记录确认某些交易是在何时,以及以何种顺序成为区块链数据库的一部分。交易是由参与者在正常过程中使用系统所创建的(在加密lottery and How to find it 的例子中,一笔交易是由bob将代币发送给alice所创建的),而区块则是由我们称之为矿工(miners)的单位负责创建。












  2, The transaction process using blockchain technology is: everyone’s ledger has the same transaction records, even if Alipay’s ledger server is down, the seller’s ledger still exists, and the buyer’s ledger still exists. Once this transaction occurs, the trace cannot be erased.

  This is the core of blockchain, which is ‘record + recognition’ in four characters.

  The development and maturity of blockchain technology cannot be separated from the foundation and preparation of the new generation of internet technology. Blockchain is not just a technology; it also provides a service model and solution, playing an extremely important role in promoting the further development of the internet industry.

  1, Blockchain + Finance

  2, Blockchain + Supply Chain Management

  3, Blockchain + Intelligent Manufacturing

  4, Blockchain + Public Services

  5, Blockchain + Education and Employment

  6, Blockchain + Culture and Entertainment

  7, Blockchain + Payment

  8, Blockchain + Invoice {Shenzhen has been implemented}

  The traceability and non-tamperability of blockchain perfectly combine with the inherent nature and needs of the financial industry, making the application of blockchain in the financial services field the most in-depth and relatively mature field so far. Blockchain technology has a broad application prospect. The future technological competition will also be a competition belonging to blockchain.

  Understanding blockchain is important, and it is crucial for exposing various pseudo-blockchain scams.

  If someone uses a lot of professional terms to explain blockchain, it may be difficult for you to understand, and they may not even truly understand it themselves.

  So, we first establish a psychological defense line. Be cautious of those who sell you concepts and talk about a lot of obscure professional terms, as they may be fraudsters. Be extremely careful!

  To understand blockchain, you need to know what the core demand of blockchain is. Imagine, in today’s highly developed internet world, what are we most worried about?

  Privacy, that’s right, privacy. How to protect privacy? You may be monitored at any time, and your personal information may be stolen at any time. If personal privacy does not receive absolute protection, the internet will become another power pyramid. Who is at the top of the pyramid? The most clever technology experts, platform providers, and information regulators. You and I may be at the bottom of this pyramid.

  The inventors of blockchain originally had serious concerns about being completely consumed by the internet, and they tried to create an absolutely secure encryption technology to lock up personal privacy. This technology completely subverts traditional encryption technology. In fact, it is more like tearing up privacy and distributing the pieces to different people for private storage. Unless everyone agrees to put the pieces together to reconstruct the complete password, the truth cannot be restored. This is the first mechanism of blockchain, decentralization.

  But decentralization alone is not enough; we must also make those who steal password fragments invisible, ensuring that every move of the thief is recorded irreversibly and spread throughout the internet, for all to see. This is the second mechanism of blockchain, the un匿名 mechanism. Think about it, who among those who snoop on privacy is not stealthy?

  In summary, blockchain is to disperse the privacy and record any action that再现 this privacy and make it public. Seeing this, you may want to applaud blockchain. But don’t be in a hurry, there is no such good thing in the world? Is there an absolute utopia of security? If absolute blockchain can be realized, does the existence of the government still have meaning? Indeed, blockchain was originally the embodiment of anarchy. Its ultimate meaning is bound to be unattainable. Its survival may have to depend on power, and it is bound to become another well-packaged lie and a deceitful facade. From this perspective, the government must also specify the framework for the development of blockchain, reconstruct the value of blockchain, and expel the anti-government and anti-state ambitions that are intertwined with blockchain. Some technologies of blockchain can be specifically applied, but they cannot advocate decentralization. In short, we must remain highly vigilant about blockchain. The beautiful appearance often hides thorns. The absolutely idealized formula often becomes poison. The person who claims to be able to absolutely protect your privacy and financial security is the true peeping tom and vampire.

  Perhaps the best way for us to protect privacy is to have no privacy at all, to live openly, either as a sun or as a god of wine.

  Viewpoint: 1. The concept of blockchain originated from the technical attributes of Bitcoin technology (distributed data storage and accounting, decentralization, non-tamperable transaction records, point-to-point information transmission, sharing mechanism…), but later, some people extended and expanded the concept to many commercial fields for capital speculation, 2. In reality, the blockchain (the blockchain on the market is very chaotic at present), most of the speculation is about making money in the stock market, and there are also regulatory gaps, legal and regulatory issues, and even money laundering situations (the actual operation of blockchain products is one thing, while the capital operation behind it is another), as of now, the global computer system cannot meet the technical requirements of blockchain attributes (such as distributed data storage and accounting, decentralization…), network bandwidth, storage technology, and computer computing systems cannot meet the requirements for transaction operation (it is easy to cause network congestion or fail to complete distributed data storage or interrupt or delay transactions through computer technology means, and in addition, as for the global computer system at present, it is very easy to crack the underlying program of blockchain (this is the fatal flaw of the global computer, binary logic of 0 and 1, and if an inverse blockchain operation algorithm is adopted, it is very easy to crack the blockchain, and this inverse operation mode can also tamper with all transaction records; if the quantum computer with real significance is launched in the future, it can directly crack all blockchain computer systems, Bitcoin mining is a Ponzi scheme, 3. At present, most of the blockchain on the global market is speculation and money-making by capital,

  The concept of the blockchain has been around for a few years. Last year, I heard a blockchain expert say that 2018 was the best year for the development of the blockchain, and after that year, the development lagged behind. What is the blockchain? Some say it’s like a pig’s large intestine, connected section by section. The blockchain is to connect these blocks, fix them, and use computer and internet encryption technology to prevent secrets from leaking out. This technology cannot be explained to non-professionals using professional terminology, and they generally cannot understand it. It can only be explained by analogy. I will give you two examples:

  1. A, B, C, and D played Mahjong and bet money in a Mahjong parlor. They used chips for each game and settled the account all at once when they left. A lost 1500 yuan, B lost 300 yuan, C won 200 yuan, and D won 1600 yuan. As a result, A only had 1000 yuan, and everyone else settled their accounts, but A still owed D 400 yuan. This matter was known only to these four people, and they formed a block. Words are not enough as evidence, and no IOU would be written for such a matter. What would happen if A did not repay the money? This matter was known only to A, B, C, and D, and no one else knew. If A wanted to default on the payment, claiming that he did not owe any money, only B, C, and D would know that A was defaulting, and others would not be able to judge whether A was defaulting on the payment. Therefore, the value of the blockchain needs to be expanded to involve more participants. If there were a dozen friends watching while these four people were playing Mahjong, the cost of A defaulting on the payment would be much higher. This is a block from real life. Extending to the internet, there are infinite possibilities, and more scenarios emerge.

  2. Suppose A, B, C, and D are doing business in a group of 500 people. This 500-person group is a large block. Once, A asked B for 10,000 yuan worth of goods, but did not pay the money to B in time. A said at the time that he would pay the money to B within 3 days. Everyone in the group knew about this, and if A did not pay the money to B within 3 days, the other 498 business partners in the group would know. If A wants to default on the payment, his reputation in the business circle will be affected. This is a block.

  Later, A wanted to do business with B, and B asked A for goods. A said, ‘You need to pay a deposit of 5000 first, and I will ship it immediately.’ B paid 5000 yuan to A, but A delayed the shipment. This was known to everyone in the group, and it was another case. When two blocks are connected, people start to doubt A’s credibility. How can Mr. A continue to do business in the future? This is the value of the blockchain.

  Blockchain, it seems complex, but in fact it is not complex; it seems simple, but in fact it is difficult to operate. The block is too small, there is no meaning. To make the block larger, it will involve privacy and business secrets, such as talking about a relationship in a large group is not convenient; for example, discussing a large business deal in advance in a group (block) is not convenient. However, there are still occasions for the use of blockchain technology, such as poverty alleviation work, disaster relief fund management, etc., put it in the sun, everyone knows, and supervise each other. Have you understood a little from these two examples?

  【The most core and easy-to-understand introduction to blockchain】

  One, how does blockchain create trust? We summarize the characteristics of blockchain with ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’:

  - One sentence summary of blockchain: a可信 distributed database;

  - Two core properties: distributed, immutable;

  - Three key mechanisms: cryptographic principles, data storage structure, consensus mechanism.

  The nature of ‘distribution’ and ‘immutability’ guarantees the ‘honesty’ and ‘transparency’ of blockchain, which is the basis for blockchain to create trust.

  Two, in terms of the industry, it is expected that the next 3-5 years will focus on the financial industry, gradually radiating to other real industries, accelerating the landing of more practical scenarios, and the industry will develop from ‘1 to N’ to include entertainment, product traceability, credit investigation, and more.

  In the future, in addition to the application of sidechains, lightning networks, cross-chain and other technologies, blockchain needs to deeply integrate with emerging information technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence, big data, and the Internet of Things to improve technical performance and off-chain data quality while reducing resource waste.

  Three, smart contracts may be the most revolutionary application on the blockchain. If smart contracts are widely used on the blockchain, economic division of labor will be further refined in the Internet era, and direct connection between demand and production of various network nodes worldwide will be realized, and a broader social collaboration will be achieved.

  If the above vision is realized, the combination of blockchain technology and the industry is expected to usher in an explosive moment from 1 to N, its explosion may not be linear but nonlinear, and blockchain can also be upgraded from a ‘trust machine’ to an important ‘engine’ leading the industry trend.

  Decentralization prevents cheating. Originally, one person could keep the records, which could be changed. Now, 50 people record one each, and each ledger has a recordonline casino and The latest website. Can you change all 50 of them? 50 ledgers are interconnected, unless all are changed. Therefore, it is very useful.

  Many people have answered, ordinary people cannot understand intuitively. I will explain it simply and clearly, blockchain is decentralized, when something happens, everyone records it, and has their own password, which cannot be tampered with.

  It is necessary for hackers to change one by one, it will be exhausted, in fact, it is impossible, at least currently.

  Blockchain is a new application model of computer technology, including distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism, encryption algorithm, etc.

  Blockchain originated from Bitcoin and is an important concept of Bitcoin. It is essentially a decentralized database and, as the underlying technology of Bitcoin, it is a chain of data blocks generated by cryptographic methods. Each block contains information about a batch of Bitcoin network transactions, used to verify the validity of the information and generate the next block.

  Blockchain has potential huge application value in financial fields such as international remittances, letters of credit, equity registration, and stock exchanges. The application of blockchain technology in the financial industry can eliminate the third-party intermediary link, achieve direct point-to-point connection, and thus complete transaction payments quickly while greatly reducing costs.

  After reading so many expert instructions, I am still confused and can only remember that someone used this so-called ‘blockchain’ to do pyramid selling before…

  Siacoin is a cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology.

  Siacoin is a lottery and How to find it in the Siacoin project, used for storing data in a decentralized storage network. The following is a detailed explanation of Siacoin:

  Introduction to the Siacoin Project

  Siacoin is a project aimed at creating a decentralized storage market. It uses blockchain technology and cryptocurrency as incentives, allowing users to store data in a distributed storage network worldwide. This network is not restricted by traditional central servers, therefore, it has higher flexibility and scalability.

  The Role of Siacoin

  Siacoin is the main transaction medium and storage unit of this project. Users can use Siacoin to purchase storage space and upload data to the network. At the same time, users who provide storage space can also obtain economic returns by accepting Siacoin as a means of payment. The existence of this cryptocurrency promotes the further development of decentralized data storage and the sharing economy.

  Technical Features and Market Applications

  Siacoin is based on the underlying technology of Bitcoin and has been optimized and improved to meet the needs of data storage. It has high security and anonymity, ensuring the safety and privacy of user data. In addition, with the continuous development of blockchain technology and the rise of the digital economy, Siacoin has a broad application prospect in the field of data storage, especially in the fields of cloud computing and big data, which has huge potential.

  In summary, Siacoin is a cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology, mainly used for data storage and transactions in a decentralized storage network. It provides users with a safer and more flexible data storage option by promoting decentralized data storage and sharing economy. At the same time, with the continuous advancement of technology and the growth of market demand, the application prospects of Siacoin are very promising.