Twelve years have passed since the birth of Bitcoin. After reading this article, you will have a general understanding of the exciting historical stories that have taken place every year, taking you into the world of Bitcoin.
As everyone knows, the global financial crisis broke out in 2008, and the Federal Reserve urgently injected liquidity into the financial system to stabilize the market, which led to massive inflation and social instability. Bitcoin was born in such a backdrop. Some people believe that Satoshi Nakamoto invented Bitcoin to protest against the inflation caused by the government’s excessive issuance of currency.
Satoshi Nakamoto is a geek who was active in the cypherpunk organization in the early days. He started writing Bitcoin in May 2007, registered the domain in May 2008, publicly announced the white paper in October 2008, and thereafter publicly released the source code. In the following two years, he communicated with many people by email and answered questions that concerned people, including the creator of EOS, BM. During this period, he made several modifications to the Bitcoin code and handed over the Bitcoin project to other members of the core community in November 2010, and he has never appeared again. Satoshi Nakamoto has left very little personal information on the Internet, so his background has become a mystery.
Satoshi Nakamoto posted the white paper of the Bitcoin system (a peer-to-peer electronic cash system) in a secret cryptography discussion group on October 31, 2008, New York time. In the white paper, Satoshi Nakamoto fully expounded on the principles of Bitcoin and his views on Online casino and How to find it.
Bitcoin is a virtual encrypted lottery in the form of P2P and how to find it. Peer-to-peer transmission means a decentralized payment system. Unlike all other currencies, bitcoin is not issued by a specific monetary institution. It is generated through a specific algorithm and a large amount of computation. The bitcoin economy uses a distributed database consisting of numerous nodes in the entire P2P network to confirm and record all transaction activities, and uses cryptographic design to ensure the security of all links in the currency circulation.
Satoshi Nakamoto once said, ‘The fundamental problem of traditional currency comes from what is needed to maintain its operation – trust. People must believe that the central bank will not intentionally devalue the currency, but the history of fiat currency is full of betrayal of this trust. We believe in banks, and banks hold and electronically transfer our money, but banks have been throwing money out through credit bubbles under the partial reserve system. This statement expresses Satoshi Nakamoto’s disappointment with the banking system and credit currency, and the birth of bitcoin followed naturally.
In summary, bitcoin is a quasi-currency issuance system, as well as a currency circulation and settlement network. It not only solves the problem of excessive issuance of existing credit currency but also realizes low-cost, quasi-real-time currency settlement.
The total amount of bitcoin is fixed, a total of 21 million, and it is expected that the last bitcoin will be mined in 2140, without inflation or excessive issuance. There will also be a moderate deflation. Bitcoin mining uses the POW (Proof of Work) mechanism to maintain consensus, with no middlemen on the circulation network except for miner fees, eliminating multiple intermediate links attached to the existing currency circulation network, and the bitcoin currency circulation and settlement system is quasi-real-time. The decentralized, open, transparent, and secure features of bitcoin are exactly what is lacking in the current financial system, and the supporting technology for these features is blockchain.
The underlying technology of bitcoin is blockchain, which is not bitcoin itself. It is hoped that everyone understands this; many people are confused. The history of blockchain is also the history of bitcoin. The following articles roughly describe the development history of bitcoin and the pioneers of the industry that began to appear in this history, the fluctuations of bitcoin prices, policy supervision and influence, etc., hoping to help everyone correctly understand bitcoin and blockchain.
October 31, 2008
Satoshi Nakamoto’s bitcoin white paper, ‘A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System,’ elaborates on the operation mechanism of bitcoin, opening the curtain of a new era.
January 3, 2009
On a small server in Helsinki, Finland, Satoshi Nakamoto mined the first batch of 50 bitcoins, known as the Genesis Block.
January 12, 2009
Satoshi Nakamoto transferred 10 bitcoins to early developer Hal Finney, which was the first bitcoin transaction.
在一个网络论坛上,有一个程序员用 1万枚比特币换了两张棒约翰比萨的代金券,比特币第一次有了一个公允价格:1 万枚比特币价格为 25 美元。为了纪念这一天,每年的 5 月 22 日变成了区块链世界的一个节日——比特币比萨节。
P2P传输网络“电驴”创始人Jed McCaleb 上线了全球第一个比特币在线交易所“Mt.Gox”(门头沟),一度承担了全球超过70%的比特币交易。半年后转手卖掉,又创建了瑞博Ripple,之后又创建了恒星Steller。
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每个比特币的价格首次达到1美元。此消息被媒体大肆宣扬后引来了许多比特币新用户。此后2个月中,比特币与英镑、巴西币、波兰币的互兑交易平台先后开张。随着交易平台Mt.Gox和暗网丝绸之路的推动,比特币市值最高达到2.06亿美 元,但这一年发生很多恶性事件,市值一度回落online casino help and The latest method。
the world’s third-largest Bitcoin trading center Bitomat’s operator announced that the access rights to the wallet.dat file recording 17,000 Bitcoin (equivalent to $220,000) were lost. A series of negative events led to the Bitcoin price beginning to plummet, and by November 2011, the price of a Bitcoin was only $2.
In July 2011
At the time, the operator of the world’s third-largest Bitcoin trading center Bitomat announced that the access rights to the wallet.dat file recording 17,000 Bitcoin (equivalent to $220,000) were lost. A series of negative events led to the Bitcoin price beginning to plummet, and by November 2011, the price of a Bitcoin was only $2.
In August 2011,
On August 20, 2011, the Bitcoin trading processing center MyBitcoin announced that it had been hacked and shut down, and more than 78,000 Bitcoin (equivalent to $800,000) went missing afterwards.
The first Bitcoin conference was held in New York, at which the price of each Bitcoin was $11.
On March 1, 2012, hackers stole 50,000 Bitcoin from a virtual machine.
July 1, 2012
Wu Jihan appeared on the scene, and the cat claimed on the forum that he could make an ASIC mining machine (mining core). Wu Jihan invested 100,000 yuan and helped the cat raise money, eventually raising 1 million yuan. The cat was also a legendary figure in the early days of the mining machine industry. After the cat disappeared, Wu Jihan did not give up the mining machine industry and later joined Bitmain.
November 28, 2012
Bitcoin mining rewards saw its first ‘halving’, reducing the reward per block from 50 BTC to 25. The price at the time of halving was about $12, and by December 2013, the price of Bitcoin reached a historical high of $270.94, with a surge of 20 times.
January 1, 2013
(Pumpkin Zhang), the first to develop an ASIC mining machine and named it ‘Avalon’, but it was not shipped until September, with the first three batches totaling 1,500 units.
March 15, 2013
The Finnish HTML5 software development company SC5 began to try to pay employees part of their salary in Bitcoin. SC5 used as the Bitcoin service provider and adopted the exchange rate on the day of payment for foreign exchange transactions.
March 20, 2013
A man in Alberta, Canada, wanted to sell his 3.6-acre house for 405,000 Canadian dollars using Bitcoin, which was equivalent to 6,750 Bitcoin at the time of the transaction.
March 16, 2013
Cyprus experienced a severe debt crisis, announcing a one-time levy of 6.75% on deposits below 100,000 euros for all depositors in national banks, and a tax of 9.9% for deposits above 100,000 euros. To prevent capital flight, all domestic banks in Cyprus were closed. This event caused a stir worldwide and sparked strong skepticism about the credit guarantee of the state, forcing many to seek new funding channels. Bitcoin once again entered the public eye. On March 5th, the value of Bitcoin was about $40, and by the end of the month, it surged to $92. A week later, it rose to $266.
July 30, 2013
Thailand took the lead in the world by banning Bitcoin.
September 2014
The American company eBay announced that its payment subsidiary, Braintree, could accept Bitcoin transactions.
December 2014
The American company Microsoft announced its support for Bitcoin payments.
IBM announced its participation in the Open Ledger Project.
January 2015
Coinbase exchange completed its C round of financing of 75 million US dollars, with BBVA (Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria) participating in the C round through its subsidiary, making it a compliant exchange in the United States.
The eve of Christmas 2016
The British Channel Islands officially approved the application of Global Advisors’ Bitcoin Investment Fund (GABI). Thus, the world’s first regulated Bitcoin fund was officially launched. GABI was established as early as 2014 and began to be regulated by European institutions the same year, but it has never had real legal effect. Combined with the issuance of the ‘first Bitcoin trading tool (ETI)’ at the beginning of the year, legal Bitcoin will quickly enter the视野 of ordinary people.
February 2016
Industry leaders in the Bitcoin industry gathered at the Hong Kong Science Park to reach important consensus on the next technical development of Bitcoin and blockchain, such as ‘segregated witness soft/hard fork’ and ‘blockchain expansion’.
With the formal release of BitcoinCore 0.13.1 version at the end of October, the next step of Bitcoin – whether it is ‘segregated witness’ or ‘block expansion’ – officially entered a heated debate. The views of major companies and miners were different, and they were at a stalemate.
May 17, 2016
The Imtoken wallet was officially established in a cubicle office building next to the seventh hospital of Hangzhou Mental Hospital. Who would have thought that just a few years later, they would have developed into the world’s largest multi-chain wallet.
June 2016
The Ethereum smart crowdfunding project The DAO was hacked, and Ethereum faced a major crisis. There were significant divisions within the community, and finally, a hard fork was carried out, forming two chains, the original chain (ETC) and the forked chain (ETH).
July 2016
Bitcoin experienced its second ‘halving’, with the mining reward dropping from 25 btc to 12.5 btc. The price around the halving was about 650 US dollars, and by the middle of December 2017, the price of Bitcoin reached a peak of 20,074 US dollars, with an increase of nearly 30 times.
April 1, 2017
The Japanese government recognized Bitcoin as a legal means of payment and upgraded the KYC process for exchanges.
April 2017
Byte Master (BM) founded BlockOne Company and announced the new project EOS, raising 4 billion US dollars in one year.
赵长鹏创办的币安交易所上线,并在94后迅速成长为全球最大的lottery and How to find it 交易平台。
In July 2017
The Binance exchange founded by Zhao Changpeng was launched and quickly grew into the world’s largest lottery and How to find it trading platform after the 94 event.
On August 1, 2017, the Bitcoin Cash (BCH, also known as the Crown Prince coin in the industry) was hard-forked from the original Bitcoin main chain due to disputes over early expansion issues, led by Wu Jihan of Bitmain.
On September 4, 2017, an IPFS protocol号称to replace the HTTP protocol issued a highly anticipated super ICO-filecoin, raising $257 million in 30 minutes, with YC incubator Sequoia Capital and other institutions participating in early investments.
On December 11, 2017, the People’s Bank of China and seven other ministries issued an announcement on preventing the risks of token issuance and financing, requiring domestic exchanges to close all by the end of October, which is known as the ’94 Incident’. This incident caused a short-term drop in Bitcoin prices. However, Bitcoin’s vitality was not undermined, and instead, we saw the price of Bitcoin soar after this, reaching nearly $20,000 per coin, close to the historical high.
The Chicago Options Exchange officially listed Bitcoin futures, with the first trading day experiencing a surge of over 20% in intraday trading, triggering the circuit breaker mechanism twice during the trading day.
In 2017, the year of the concentrated outbreak of token fundraising, there were more projects than ever using Ethereum smart contracts to issue tokens, but most of them became ‘money-raising’ garbage projects.
May 27, 2018
Fcoin emerged suddenly, and its trading mining dividend model attracted a huge flow of traffic. In just half a month after launch, the daily trading volume exceeded that of Binance, Huobi, and others combined. However, the good times did not last long, and the Fcoin exchange was completely terminated with the ‘Truth Announcement’ on February 17, 2020.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
September 2018
The world’s top three mining machine manufacturers, Bitmain, Canaan Creative, and Ebang International, successively submitted prospectuses to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
October 10, 2018
The Hurun Rich List 2018 was released, with 14 industry tycoons including Jiang Chengtuan, Wu Jihan, Zhao Changpeng, Xu Xingming, and Li Xiaolai listed.
November 6, 2018
The world’s first top-level domain .luxe with multi-chain resolution was launched and officially listed on the London exchange.
As regulations in various countries gradually improve, blockchain is slowly detaching from Bitcoin.
January 28, 2019
With the successful debut of the BTT project on Binance, which was a great start, the IEO game was warmly welcomed, and then major exchanges began to follow suit, launching IEO projects, making the trend rise rapidly.
February 14, 2019
J.P. Morgan announces the launch of its cryptocurrency JPM Coin for instant settlement of payment transactions between customers.
May 8, 2019
Binance was hacked and lost 7,000 coins, and Binance announced that it would use the ‘SAFU fund’ to bear all the losses from this incident.
June 18, 2019
Facebook issued a global lottery and How to find it cryptocurrency, the Libra stablecoin white paper.
August 10, 2019
The People’s Bank of China officially announced the digital currency lottery and How to find it DC/EP.
September 23, 2019
The parent company of the New York Stock Exchange, Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), officially launched physical settlement Bitcoin (BTC) futures trading through Bakkt, which means that the US regulatory authorities recognize the encrypted lottery and How to find it.
October 24, 2019
November 18, 2019, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held the eighteenth collective study on the current situation and trends of blockchain technology development. In addition, Shenzhen was designated as a lottery and How to find it pilot city. We will accelerate the innovation and development of blockchain technology and the industry by taking blockchain as an important breakthrough in core technology independent innovation.
The Focus Interview program focused on the phenomenon of setting up scams in the name of ‘blockchain’, and a new round of regulatory storm is approaching, with many exchanges being rectified and official microblogs being closed.
November 21, 2019
Canaan Creative (Canaan Technology, trading code: CAN) was officially listed on the NASDAQ, becoming the world’s first blockchain stock.
February 2, 2020
Fighting the epidemic, nearly 20 blockchain companies have cumulatively donated over 60 million yuan.
February 20, 2020
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the training program for blockchain talents and the evaluation institutions for talents.
March 12, 2020
At the beginning of 2020, under the sustained impact and fermentation of the outbreak of the new coronavirus, the oil crisis and other aspects, on the two days of 312,313 (Black Thursday), the total market value of lottery and How to find it fell by more than 50%.
Bitcoin’s two-day decline exceeded 70%, which can be said to be a rare epic collapse in years.
But in the following one or two months, under the favorable period of Bitcoin’s upcoming halving, Bitcoin made a V-shaped reversal and returned to the price before the sharp decline, showing the vitality of Bitcoin as a big cake as always.
May 12, 2020
Bitcoin has ushered in its third ‘halving’ event, with the mining reward reduced from 12.5 to 6.25, making mining increasingly difficult.
The fascinating ups and downs of Bitcoin’s past are just the tip of the iceberg here, and I believe there will be even more exciting stories waiting for us to witness in the future.