How to transfer in imToken wallet
1. In the wallet interface, first add the currency we need (take ETH as an example), as shown by the red arrow. After that, you can see the amount and valuation of ETH in the wallet. If you want to transfer, click the currency to enter the interface.
2. After entering the interface, there are ‘Transfer’ and ‘Receive’ two options at the bottom, and the icons at the top are trend charts. As shown in the figure below.
3. After clicking ‘Transfer’, the options shown in the figure below will appear. Enter the transfer amount, remarks, then the overtime fee, click Next, enter the wallet password and confirm.
Extended Information:
The English name of the software wallet is Software Wallet. A software wallet is a computer program designed device with exclusivity to protect cryptocurrencies. A wallet is software that interacts with the record network (blockchain), allowing users to receive, store, and send cryptocurrencies.
Software or mobile wallets are divided into lightweight wallets and full node wallets. Lightweight wallets rely on third parties for storage, while full node wallets do not rely on third parties.
Most commonly used wallets are lightweight wallets, including BitcoinElectrum, MyEtherWallet for Ethereum, imtoken, and Jaxx. The private keys of this type of wallet are in the hands of the user, which is more secure and very simple to use.
Reference Source:百度百科 – Software Wallet
That’s how transactions on the blockchain are
Transactions on the blockchain are actually very simple and not mysterious. To understand transactions on the blockchain, I first look at a transaction in daily life.
What would it be like if this transaction method was moved to the blockchain? Before talking about blockchain transactions, let’s first briefly talk about how blockchain transaction recording works.
1. What is Blockchain
The blockchain can be simply said to be B’s ledger. A block is a page in this ledger, used to record transaction information, such as: on December 14, 2017, sold 1 computer, received 5,000 yuan. All blocks are linked in order to form a blockchain, that is, the ledger.
2. Characteristics of Blockchain
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The blockchain is a decentralized accounting network. If it is difficult to understand, you can compare it with Alipay, a centralized accounting network, as shown in the following figure:
Centralized is like having only one accountant, and only this financial person knows how the transactions are handled. Decentralized is like a group of people keeping the same account, where everyone knows about a transaction. One is relatively obscure, with information known only to one person. The other is open and transparent.
3. Blockchain Transaction Recording
In the Alipay of a centralized accounting network, a transfer only needs Alipay to confirm the transfer behavior and record it, and the transfer can be completed and recorded.
In the blockchain of a decentralized accounting network, each transfer transaction will be sent to each node and confirmed by them before the transfer can be completed and recorded.
In simple terms, in a centralized accounting network, one person makes the decision, while in a decentralized accounting network, everyone has a say. If someone lies or concocts false information, it can be easily exposed because everyone has an identical ledger in hand.
If A chooses to transfer money to B using Alipay, the operation process is as follows: open Alipay – click transfer – input the other party’s Alipay account – input the transfer amount – click confirm transfer – input password. In a flash, the money is in B’s casinoThe latest plan
If A chooses to pay B with BTC, if the current exchange rate is 1BTC = 100,000 yuan, then A needs to pay B 0.05 + 0.001 = 0.051BTC, of which 0.001BTC is the miner’s fee.
The operation process is as follows:
In terms of operation, the transfer process is more or less the same. Maybe you don’t understand what the address is, or what the miner’s fee is, or what the 6 confirmations are. Don’t worry, let’s go one by one.
1. Blockchain Address
The address can be understood as B’s Alipay account. A transfers to B, and naturally needs to know the ‘account’ of the other party in order to transfer it. Here is a BTC address:
It is a string composed of numbers and letters.
How is this address generated? It is generated by the public key through a one-way hash function, which can be ignored, as it is automatically generated, unlike Alipay, where you can choose the Alipay account name according to your personal preference when applying for an account.
What else can the address be used for? Check the ‘account’ balance and transfer transaction records, you can check the balance and transfer records of any valid BTC address on the website, as shown in the following query results:
2. Transaction Confirmation Number
In a blockchain distributed accounting network, every transfer transaction is recorded as a transaction confirmation number every time it is confirmed by 1 node in the network. However, it takes a long time for the transfer to take effect after all nodes in the network are confirmed. Therefore, in the BTC network, after careful calculation, it can be considered that this transaction is very secure when 6 transaction confirmations are obtained, the transaction takes effect, and the BTC transferred can be received.
3. Miner Fees
Miner fees are the ‘tips’ paid by A to the provider of the BTC network when transferring to B, as an incentive for them to provide services for the BTC network. ‘Tips’ can be adjusted, and the more ‘tips’ you give, the faster the transfer speed will be.
4. Transaction Progress Inquiry
BTC transfers usually take 0.5 to 1 hour. Facing such a long transfer time, it is inevitable to want to check the transfer progress to comfort the anxious heart, so how can you check it?
You can also search by address, as shown above. You can also search by TxID.
What is TxID? TxID is the abbreviation of transactionID, which translates to: transaction ID.
When transaction information is packaged and sent to the network, it will produce a TxID, which is used to view relevant transaction information, somewhat like a receipt. You can check the status of any transaction ID through the website, as shown in the following query results:
By now, it is easy to transfer and trade on the blockchain, as well as check account status and transfer progress.
This article is supported by the content support plan of Bihu ( on how to transfer cash to a blockchain wallet
Cash cannot be directly transferred to a blockchain wallet.
A blockchain wallet is a digital wallet that allows users to store and manage cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Blockchain wallets are provided by the blockchain itself, which is an electronic wallet that allows individuals to store and transfer encrypted currencies; blockchain wallets charge dynamic fees, which means that transaction fees can vary depending on factors such as the size of the transaction.
Every blockchain wallet has a wallet address, which is equivalent to the account number of a bank card. To transfer coins to someone else, simply select send, then paste the recipient’s wallet address, enter the transfer amount and your easy password to complete the transfer successfully.
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No, it will take a while. Just wait.
Knowledge expansion:
Blockchain asset transfers are divided into three steps: withdrawal – block confirmation – crediting.
1. Withdrawal: A successful transfer represents that the platform or wallet from which the withdrawal is made has performed a transfer operation;
2. Block confirmation: Complete the corresponding block confirmation. If there is congestion or delay in the block at that time, it may cause the digital asset to be delayed in completing full confirmation;
3. Crediting: The platform will complete the crediting as soon as possible after full confirmation.
If the blockchain transfer is not fully confirmed, please be patient and wait. Only after confirmation is completed can the platform credit the account.
If the blockchain transfer is confirmed but the OKEx account has not been credited, please contact online customer service or submit a ticket for processing.
The exchange showing a successful transfer does not mean a successful transfer in the true sense. In the blockchain, transfers require miner packaging and confirmation. Users can go to themselves to query the transaction, and can learn how to use in the imToken 2.0 international version help center.
If the transfer is displayed as successful on but the tokens are not received in imToken, you can contact imToken
Friendly reminder: Since querying BTC transfers is relatively complex compared to querying ETH, it is recommended that users first learn how to use blockchain to query transactions themselves. If the service is handled by customer service, it may take a relatively long time.
It means that truly controlling the mnemonic phrase (private key) is truly controlling your own currency, and therefore using a decentralized wallet is the practice that conforms to the decentralized spirit of the blockchain. Especially in the situation where centralized platform incidents occur frequently, withdrawing to your own wallet has become an essential self-defense skill for every cryptocurrency user.
This article will take commonly used assets such as BTC, USDT as examples, and guide you step by step on how to properly store personal assets from a certain exchange and how to use a decentralized wallet.
Preparation work:
1. Bitpie wallet (download and installation completed, and mnemonic phrase has been backed up)
2. Exchange with assets stored (withdrawal permission not closed)
Here is an example of an exchange.
I. Open the exchange you want to withdraw from and enter the asset page.
II. Click the ‘Withdraw’ button
III. Taking BTC to wallet as an example
Open the Bitpie wallet, select ‘BTC System’, click ‘Receive’, and copy the wallet’s receiving address.
Go back to the exchange page, select the cryptocurrency you want to withdraw, here select ‘BTC’, the main chain is ‘BTC’,
Please enter the address you want to withdraw (paste the receiving address copied from Bitpie here. After pasting, be sure to double-check the address to prevent copying errors.)
因为当前市场上流通的USDT体系较多,所以用户在提现时会感到困扰。当前的 USDT分为USDT-OMNI(比特币主链)、USDT-ERC20(以太坊主链)、USDT-TRC20(波场主链),三种USDT价格相同,仅仅为发行的主链不同。
五、ERC20 TOKEN提币时的常见问题。如:PAX、USDC等等
因为ERC20 TOKEN都是发行在以太坊主链上的资产,因此在钱包中接收ERC20 TOKEN时,可以直接用钱包的以太坊地址来接收,到账后会自动显示该TOKEN的余额。
三者的区别如下:首先要明白一点:三种类型的USDT在交易所内并没有差别,但在链上是不互通的。也就是说Omn上的USDT是无法转到另外两条链上的,所以在交易所充提USDT时一定要留意地址种类。三者最明显的区别:Omni-USDT的地址是以1开头ERC20-USDT的地址是以0x开头TRC20-USDT的地址是以T开头那么,应该如何选择?Omni-USDT的安全性最好,但转账速度太慢。要是你有不着急交易的大额订单,可以优先选择Omni-USDT。ERC20-USDT的安全性和转账速度居中,适用于lottery and How to find it 市场的频繁交易。要是你经常做短线交易,可以优先选择ERC20-USDT。TRC20-USDT的转账速度最快,而且链上转账无需手续费,但安全性比较低。要是你非常在意交易速度,可以考虑TRC20-USDT,建议小额为主。