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  1. First, enter the gate sesame opening mobile app, go to the wallet interface, and click recharge. 2. In the search box, enter the abbreviation of the cryptocurrency you want to recharge, such as: BTC, USDT, etc., and click to enter the recharge interface. 3. Copy this address, note: you must select the name, and the corresponding protocol address can be credited. For example, if you choose ETH, you can only recharge tokens with ERC20 protocol, then paste it into the wallet or platform where you want to withdraw, withdraw directly, and wait for confirmation to reach the specified amount on the platform, and it can be credited.

  On July 22, 2020, the Gate.io brand was fully upgraded, and the Chinese name ‘Zhi Ma Ka Men’ was officially launched. gateio is an international station for global blockchain assets with a stance.

  Withdrawals from the exchange require review. First, confirm that the exchange has sent the transaction. If the exchange has not sent the transaction, please contact the relevant staff at the trading platform.

  You can go to Etherscan to check if the transaction is successful (imToken supports Ethereum-based tokens that comply with ERC-20 standards), video tutorial:

  Although some exchanges indicate that the transaction is successful, it only means that the exchange has sent the transaction information to the chain. Next, you need to wait for miners to package the transaction. After the miner successfully packages and confirms the transaction, it can be identified as a successful transaction. If you have contacted the exchange to confirm that the transaction has been sent but have not found the transaction information on Etherscan, it means that the miner has not packaged this transaction yet.

  If it has been a long time since the exchange issued the coin, and still no information about the transaction can be found on Etherscan, then it is possible that this transaction has been abandoned, please contact the exchange that issued the coin or the third-party platform that issued the coin in time, and resubmit the transaction again

  If the transaction record is queried on Etherscan but not displayed in 91token, you can refresh the asset page by pulling down, if the refresh is still not (the token must first open the switch of one-click addition of assets), or try to switch wallets; when the network is slow, try to switch to mobile network

  Now let’s introduce myetherwallet

  Remember, this wallet only supports the following types

  ETH, ETC, and tokens that comply with the ERC20 protocol

  Do not transfer other unsupported currencies (the transferred currency will be lost)

  Open the website with the browser:

  Select your favorite language in the upper right corner of the page, as shown in the figure below

  The first step is to create a wallet

  Enter password (at least 9 digits)

  Download keystore file (here save your public key and private key)

  Save your private key

  Unlock the wallet for the first time (it is recommended to try the second step more, do not transfer coins in immediately, otherwise there is a possibility that you have not remembered the password or the keystore has not been placed properly, trying several times can make you more familiar with it)

  Generally, after the first click to unlock, the page may not refresh, just scroll down with the mouse to see your wallet information

  The second step is to view wallet information

  After you have completed the first step, the wallet has already been set up.

  This step is just to teach you how to open the wallet to check the balance and other information in your daily life

  The balance and transaction history of your ETH

  The balance and transaction history of all your tokens
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  The third step is to receive and send ETH and other token tokens

  Receive ETH and other tokens (this wallet supports, click show all tokens to see all supported tokens)

  You can use the same address, no additional marks or operations are required

  Click send Ether/Send Token in the upper left corner, select keystoreFile

  Upload keystore file, enter password, unlock account

  When sending ETH or tokens to others, you need to enter the corresponding ETH address or token address of the other party, do not fill in incorrectly

  For example, if you want to send to your trading platform, if you send EOS, you need to put the deposit address of EOS on your trading platform here

  Instead of leaving ETH deposit address, of course, you also need to select the corresponding token type in the drop-down menu below

  For example, EOS

  How to transfer USDT to a TRC20 address? It is important to note that converting USDT to USDT on the TRC20 network actually involves transferring USDT from one token standard to another. TRC20 is a token standard on the Tron network, similar to Ethereum’s ERC20, but it is applicable to the Tron blockchain.

  步骤一:获取TRC20地址。在将USDT转入TRC20地址之前,你需要有一个TRC20兼容的钱包,并确保你拥有该钱包的TRC20地址。你可以通过各种钱包提供商获得地址,例如MetaMask(在Tron网络环境下)、Trust Wallet或其他支持TRC20的数字钱包。

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  1.打开你的TRC20兼容钱包,如MetaMask或Trust Wallet,并确保已连接到Tron网络。







  以太坊(英文Ethereum)是一个开源的有智能合约功能的公共区块链平台,通过其专用加密货币以太币(Ether,简称“ETH”)提供去中心化的以太虚拟机(Ethereum Virtual Machine)来处理点对点合约。

  以太坊的概念首次在2013至2014年间由程序员Vitalik Buterin受比特币启发后提出,大意为“下一代加密货币与去中心化应用平台”,在2014年通过ICO众筹开始得以发展。如有疑问,请咨询官方客服。

