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  As a globally leading blockchain wallet, imtoken provides reliable services to tens of millions of users, helping you manage Bitcoin, Ethereum, ATOM, EOS, TRX, CKB, BCH, LTC and other assets with imtoken registration username, and supports cryptocurrency exchange and DApp browser.

  Your browser does not support video playback. How is Bitcoin stored? How to register on newdex? Can imtoken only log in with the private key? How to activate an account on imtoken for Tron? How to unsubscribe from an imtoken account?




  2)从别的电脑上在这个网站 https://bitcoin.org/en/choose-your-wallet 下载这个钱包”Desktop–Bitcoin Core”,使用U盘拷到1)的电脑上安装。

  3)打开1)电脑里装好的Bitcoin Core,在菜单里找到“文件——加密钱包”,给钱包加密,密码设置不需要太复杂,因为离线电脑不需要防黑客。太复杂了万一记不住就惨了。

  4)然后Bitcoin core会自动关闭。你再重启,重启后你生成一个(或几个)新地址。使用记事本记下这个地址,这就是你的公钥。

  5)在你的bicoin core安装目录下,找到“wallet.dat”文件。或者直接点击菜单“文件——备份钱包”。这就是你的“钱包文件”,这里面就包含有你的私钥。使用U盘和光盘分别拷贝下来。记住,这个U盘和光盘以后就不要在其它电脑上用了。这就实现了私钥备份,即使你的1)的电脑坏了,你也不会丢私钥。

  6)在bitcoin core的“帮助——调试窗口——控制台”的命令行里使用命令“dumpprivkey”,把你刚才生成的地址的私钥解出来,然后使用记事本复制下来,或者抄在纸上。这就实现了纸钱包备份。即使你的电脑和5)里的U盘光盘都坏了,你也可以通过纸钱包恢复你的比特币。






  But no matter how to save, every storage method has risks, do according to your ability.

  In simple terms, Bitcoin is stored on the blockchain.

  The blockchain can be considered a distributed ledger, with a copy stored on tens of thousands of node computers worldwide. This ledger records how many Bitcoin are in which address. Therefore, it can be said that Bitcoin is stored on the blockchain.

  How to use your own Bitcoin specifically?

  In simple terms, it relies on the key. If you know the key corresponding to an address, you can transfer Bitcoin from that address, or in other words, you own these Bitcoin.

  The algorithm used by Bitcoin ensures that it is easy to calculate the corresponding address from the key, but it is almost impossible to calculate the corresponding key from the address.

  Therefore, when you have some Bitcoin, keep the key well and you have saved these coins.

  .Deposit in a bank, the bank will give you a card or a passbook

  Withdraw cash and put it in a safe at home

  However, the storage method of Online casino and How to find it is greatly different; a small mistake can cause it to be lost and cannot be recovered. So, which way to store Online casino and How to find it is the most reliable? Below, we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages one by one.

  Valid imToken account - (imtoken registration identity name)

  Cold wallet > Mobile light wallet > Exchange

  What is a blockchain wallet?

  This is different from the form of money storage in our daily lives; it is not a physical object. Blockchain wallet is a software program for storing encrypted coins. The account owner has a private key to access their wallet. This key is the only way to access the coin address, and therefore the only way to receive or send credit.

  So, what are its basic functions? Taking the Bitcoin wallet as an example: generating Bitcoin addresses, receiving Bitcoin, sending Bitcoin, generating and exporting private keys, signing and verifying each transaction, etc. If we compare coins to money, your wallet address is your bank card number, whether someone sends you money or you send money to someone else, you need to use this address.

  Private key:

  If we compare the wallet address to a bank card number, then the private key is the password for the bank card. Since the Online casino and How to find it wallet does not require identity verification, once someone gets your bank card number and password, they can easily transfer all the coins in your wallet. The safest way to store the private key is to write it down on a piece of paper with a pen, and do not save it in any form through the network (including but not limited to using WeChat favorites, email, word documents, etc.).

  After understanding several concepts, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the first three storage methods below.

  Cold wallet: An offline wallet disconnected from the network

  Advantages: Extremely safe – will never face being attacked by network hackers or trojans, resulting in loss or theft of coins.


  Target 人群:拥有价值10+比特币,准备长期持有,不进行短线交易的人员。

  E.g. Ledger Nano S

  手机轻钱包:手机上的 App



  Target 人群:ICO 投资,准备长期持有,不常短线交易的人员。

  推荐:imToken (以太坊手机钱包), Blockchain, Eidoo, 鼓鼓钱包

  Newdex是在EOS公有链上的交易所,首先需要有EOS账户,然后就可以在支持Newdex的钱包中登录就行,如:火币钱包、imToken、MEET.ONE、TokenPocket、比特派。 不需要注册,也不用充值到平台,在钱包中就可以交易了。

  1. 是的,imToken只有私钥才能登录。

  2. 这是因为imToken是一款去中心化的数字钱包应用,私钥是用户在创建钱包时生成的唯一标识,用于加密和解密用户的资产信息。


  3. 除了私钥,imToken还提供了助记词和Keystore等方式来备份和恢复钱包,但无论是哪种方式,都需要正确的私钥作为基础。


  要在 imToken 中激活波场(Tron)账户,你可以按照以下步骤进行操作:

  1. 打开 imToken 应用并进入钱包界面。

  2. 在钱包列表中选择你想要激活波场账户的钱包。

  3. 在钱包详情页面中,找到并点击”添加币种”或”管理币种”选项。

  4. 在币种列表中,找到并选择”波场”(Tron)。

  Valid imToken account - (imtoken registration identity name)

  5. 点击”添加”或”启用”按钮来激活波场账户。

  6. 系统会弹出一个确认窗口,显示你将要激活波场账户的地址和费用信息online casino method and The latest strategy。请确保你对地址和费用信息进行确认,并根据提示支付相应的费用。

  7. 完成支付后,imToken 将会自动激活你的波场账户。你可以在钱包列表中看到已经激活的波场账户,并开始使用它进行交易和管理资产。

  请注意,在激活波场账户之前,你需要确保你的钱包中有足够的以太币(ETH)来支付激活费用lottery plan and The latest strategy。此外,激活过程中可能会涉及到网络费用和确认时间,具体费用和时间取决于当前网络状况。

  If you encounter any problems during the operation, it is recommended that you refer to the imToken official website or contact imToken customer service for more detailed guidance and support.

  To activate the imToken Tron account, first open the imToken application and create a new wallet. Then click on the Tron (TRON) asset and select the team collaboration operator.

  Next, click ‘Generate Activation Information’, complete the corresponding information entry and pay the handling fee.

  Finally, click the ‘Activate Account’ button, confirm the payment and wait a moment to complete the activation process.

  After the activation is completed, your imToken Tron account can be used normally.

  1. At present, imToken officially announced that it does not support user account cancellation, because in the blockchain world, after an address is generated, the information will be permanently stored on the blockchain. If the user deletes their own address, they cannot query the previous transaction records and assets through the address, and cannot restore the account.

  2. If the current account has been canceled, others can also register and use the account address again, and conduct transactions on it. This will affect and pose risks to the previous account owner and their transaction records and assets.

  3. If the user is determined to give up the address, they can choose to destroy the mnemonic phrase and private key to ensure that the address cannot be used again. The specific steps are as follows:

  a. Open the imToken application and enter the account;

  b. Click the icon in the upper right corner to enter the ‘Settings’ interface;

  c. Click ‘Wallet Management’;

  d. Select the wallet to be destroyed;

  e. Click ‘Backup Wallet’ to enter the backup page;

  f. Enter the password and confirm the backup;

  g. Find the ‘Destroy Wallet’ option below;

  h. Click the ‘Destroy Wallet’ button and enter the password again to confirm;

  i. After completion, the account address will no longer be usable and the assets cannot be recovered.

  4. It should be noted that before destroying the account, make sure to back up the wallet to prevent accidental operation from causing asset loss. At the same time, do not easily destroy the wallet, because once destroyed, it cannot be restored.

  It is necessary to contact imToken customer service to cancel the account because imToken does not provide a direct account cancellation function.

  Users can initiate an account cancellation application in the ‘Settings-Customer Service-Contact Us’ of imToken.

  Customer service will require users to provide identity documents and registration information for identity verification, and the account cancellation operation can only be completed after the verification is passed.

  After the account is canceled, all the user’s asset data will be permanently deleted and cannot be restored.

  That’s all for the introduction of the editor about the valid imToken account. I hope the 5 points of explanation about the valid imToken account are helpful to everyone.