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  Winning Life 

  In this market, there are three types of people and three different participation modes. One is investment, one is speculation, and the other is speculation. As a participant, one must first give oneself a clear position. Different market roles require different skills and abilities, which also means completely different operational concepts, and the outcome will be very different. You need to think clearly about which category you belong to and what kind of person you want to become. ‘Double the investment in one year, a 3% dividend every day, the listing of original shares…’ The inherent greed of human nature makes us desire such an investment model, once and for all. But think about it, when have you ever seen crops planted today bearing fruit tomorrow, or money invested today bringing in a continuous stream of wealth tomorrow? Speculators shout every day that they are masters and experts, knowing all the fastest ways to financial freedom, but these methods are only in God’s hands. Ordinary people often get only the fake remedies that kill. Opportunities and destruction will bring frenzy and pain to those who are ignorant. They are like ships floating on the sea, suffering from the rolling waves, while we, the wise with clear minds, stay quietly under the Finnciti sea, enjoying the silence and the darkness of the ocean. (The following models are copied from the Internet and adapted according to experience. If there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. It is hoped that it can help friends in the industry)

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  1, Product plate:online lottery online online casino and How to find it

  The 80/20 rule, product homogenization is serious, the market is divided into countless pieces, a few people make money, most people lose money, shoes are worn out, legs are broken, homes are scattered, dreams are countless, but there is no money in the pocket. Seeing the products piled up, one can’t help but cry and open the packaging to use them oneself. Therefore, it creates many direct sales refugees. Where are the Anli gold medal diamond lecturers of the past? Haha.

  2, Capital plate:

  Like pyramid financial pyramid selling, chain operation, etc., money is paid to one person, unable to control large amounts of money and human greed. The final outcome is to close the website and run away; those who have made money have a hard time going home, and those who have not made money have no money left. The early birds get the worm, and the latecomers all die, with no chance to recoup their investment. This should not be touched.

  3, Mutual aid plate:

  Mavrodi’s concept is good, helping those who need help and those who are worthy of help, but people are all self-interested. Seeing big money, there are all sorts of thoughts. Mutual aid platforms represented by MMM and Renhehui, with a little breeze or grass movement, one person does not make a payment, ten people do not make a payment, and then a hundred people do not make a payment, forming a恶性循环. There is no good mechanism to control human nature, plus government suppression, it quickly dies or restarts.



  5、Online casino and How to find it 上涨模式:







  以十二年的SMI Finnciti为例,被称呼为互联网金融的常青树。如果您遇到真正的优质国际大盘,还是可以适当参与的。有周边实体支撑,有上市预期,可以控制人性,积分随时提现,币价取决于市场,单边上涨,只涨不跌,买到就赚到,这就是拆分盘的特点。但拆分盘除了认清真正做事业的创始团队之外,还有一个进入时机的选择,也就是币价有高位低位之分,一定要学会高位套现,低位加单lottery tutorial and Latest Address。假如你遇到大的跌价调整期或者骗子公司,那么最终就是在僵尸盘中痛苦循环。



  神婆婆结语:天上不会掉馅饼,地上只会有陷阱online casino method and The latest plan。一切的慈善扶贫、游戏、区块链、高科技、政府扶持、明星代言……全是幌子。玩虚拟的网络金融12字真言:“看得准、投得早、拉人多、跑得快”。如果你自己没有把握开盘或者站在金字塔的顶端,并且全身而退的功力,那么请用无关紧要的闲钱玩,就当这个钱丢了,这样就不会急躁,不会骂娘。如果你连闲钱都没有,那么请你远离这个行业,好好上班、打工、做生意、干实业,理性回归生活。


