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  Apple iPhone

  Apple mobile phone download: Chinese mainland Apple ID is currently unable to download European Easy App directly in the App Store. You can choose non-Chinese mainland Apple ID to download and use European Easy App.

  Step 1: Register overseas Apple ID

  1. Browser search link https://appleid.apple.com enter the registration new Apple ID page.

  2. Fill in relevant information: the region needs to choose the United States; The mailbox should be one that has not registered an Apple account before. The mobile phone number should be valid and in use. It should be used to receive the verification code later. Click Continue after all the questions are filled in.

  3, mailbox and mobile phone SMS will receive 6 digit verification code, according to the prompt to enter the verification code, overseas Apple ID registration is successful.

  Step 2: Use overseas Apple ID to download Euroeasy APP

  1. Enter the AppStore, exit the original account and log in to the account that has just been registered. Since it is a new ID, the following prompt will appear. Please click Check, check Agree, and proceed to the next page;

  2. Fill in the information as shown in the figure below and proceed to the next page after completion.

  3, login is completed, search [OKX] in the App Store, you can download the genuine Ou Yi APP.

  For details, please check this article, Apple ID Registration Tutorial for Apple Mobile Phone

  App version registration

  Share here is the Android version of the registration tutorial

   1. Open the OEI App, click [Login/Register] at the bottom of the page to enter the registration page;


  2. Choose your country


  3. Confirm that your residence address is in your country, and the subsequent ID card address is in line with your country.


  4. Enter, mailbox (QQ163126189gmail) can be, long-term stable, can log in normally, the subsequent withdrawal needs to be used


  5. Enter the email verification code to proceed to the next step


  6download lottery download and The most exciting gameplay. Then enter the mobile phone number to facilitate login, verification, etc


  7. Enter SMS verification code


  8. Set the password, be sure to include upper and lower case, special characters and numbers


  9. In this way, you can register, you need authentication below, and then you can operate according to the promptsdownload lottery downloadClick to enter


  10. You can choose, ID or passport


  11. Commencement of certification



  1) Before buying/selling coins, the account number must bind mobile phone number and mailbox.

  2) If your mobile phone number cannot be used, you cannot receive the SMS verification code, and your account cannot be logged in, you can solve it in the following two ways:

  1. Click [Did not receive the verification code?] in the login link to apply for unbinding the mobile phone number according to the page prompt.

  2. Use the account-bound mailbox to send the front and back photos (original) of your ID card, indicating the mobile phone number you need to untie, to the official mailbox: service@OKX.com, and a staff member will follow up for you at that time.

  Web version registration

  The user can choose to use [mobile phone number] or [email] to register, enter [mobile phone number/email] as required, select [country/region of residence], and set [login password] to complete the registration.



  Before buying/selling coins, three personal information settings are required: KYC authentication, bind mobile phone number, and add collection and payment methods.

  1. KYC certification

  After logging in to your account, click on the personal center icon in the upper left corner – [personal information and settings] – [personal information] – [identity authentication] to enter the identity authentication page. If the authentication has not been completed, please click [authentication now]. You need to upload your ID photo, such as the front and back of your ID card, and through facial recognition, complete the document uploading and real person authentication according to the page prompts.





  Note: Real person authentication and video authentication need to be authenticated in the App.

  2. bind mobile phone number

  Open the front page of the Oyj APP, click on the icon in the upper left corner – [Security Settings] – [Mobile Phone Verification], and press the prompt to complete the binding of the mobile phone number.

  Note: If you are a user registered with a mobile phone, you do not need to bind your mobile phone number any more. You can bind your email according to the same steps.

  3. Add payment methods

  Newly registered users of Oyi need to add a collection and payment method, i.e. bind bank card/Alipay/WeChat, if they sell coins and withdraw cash.

  Open the homepage of the OU APP, click on the icon of “Buy Coins” – “Express Zone” – “More” in the upper right corner – “Payment Method” – “Add Collection Method”, and select the corresponding bank card/Alipay/WeChat Pay to set it up.

  1. Please do not comment on any information related to digital assets, such as OKX, BTC, Bitcoin, etc., to prevent remittances from being blocked, bank cards frozen, etc.

  2. Inter-bank remittance with non-working hours greater than 50,000 should be paid in batches to avoid transaction problems caused by delay in receipt.

  3. You can cancel the order within 15 minutes of placing an order, but note that multiple cancellations or continuous overtime payment will affect your credit and you cannot place another order on the same day.

  1. Download okxAPP, install and register;

  2. After opening OKXAPP, click the method currency button under the page to enter the fiat currency trading area, select the shortcut area, I want to buy; select the currency to buy, enter the amount to buy, or the number of currencies to buy, and click Buy Now.


  3. Select the desired payment method, such as Alipay, WeChat, etc., and click to confirm the purchase.


  4. After the order is successfully placed, the page will display the seller’s payment method, make offline payment according to the seller’s payment information, and click on the bottom of the payment after the payment is completed, please put the currency. After successfully buying a fake currency, the purchased currency can be viewed in your fiat currency account.



  1: Please do not comment on any information related to digital assets, such as OKX, BTC, Bitcoin, etc., to prevent remittances from being blocked, bank cards frozen, etc.

  2: Inter-bank remittance with non-working hours (17:00-8:00 on holidays and working days) greater than 50,000 should be paid in batches to avoid transaction problems caused by delay in receipt.

  3: You can cancel the order within 15 minutes of placing an order, but note that multiple cancellations or continuous overtime payment will affect your credit and you cannot place another order on the same day.

  Reason and operation:

  1: After payment, you need to click the “I have completed the transfer” button on the page before the other party can put money into you.


  2: If you have clicked the [I have completed the transfer] button after payment, but the other party has not put the coin. You can give priority to click on the top of the page to contact the seller or communicate with the seller through the dialogue window below (in order to protect the information security of both parties, the contact number in the page is a virtual trumpet, which is changed every three minutes), and the seller will put the coin to you after confirming the receipt.


  3: If you haven’t received the currency for a long time, you can click the complaint button on the order page to describe your problem in detail, attach the contact information that can be contacted at present and the payment voucher, and a customer service specialist will follow up for you.


  1. Log in to your account number, click on the method currency under the front page to enter the legal currency trading area, select the shortcut area above, I want to sell, select the currency to sell, enter the number of currencies to sell or the total amount to sell, and click on Sell Now.


  2. Select the desired collection method, such as Alipay, click Next, and click Confirm to Sell.


  3: If you haven’t received the currency for a long time, you can click the complaint button on the order page to describe your problem in detail, attach the contact information that can be contacted at present and the payment voucher, and a customer service specialist will follow up for you.

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  1: Please release coins as soon as possible after receiving the payment. If it is not confirmed for more than 12 hours, the system will automatically release coins to the buyer.

  2: If you haven’t received payment from the other party for a long time, you can click “Apply for Customer Complaint”. The system will freeze the order and the platform customer service will intervene.

  3: After the order shows that the buyer has paid, please be sure to go to the collection account to verify that the money has actually arrived before putting the money in.

  Latest Android version v6.109.0

  We optimized performance and fixed some of the issues.

  Recently, the official also updated the security issues that everyone is worried about, please pay attention to the security settings

  1) Be sure to turn on Google verification and SMS verification. Whether it is Google verification code or SMS code, these are dynamically changing. The valid time of verification code is short, which can greatly enhance the security of the account.online casino plan and Latest Address

  2) For the vast majority of ordinary users, there is no need to call the API interface function.