0 22 min 1 week

  Third-party SDK


  Information Collected

  Scope of Application

  Privacy Link

  Affiliated institutions and official website

  Whether there is integration or call other SDK

  Umeng Statistics SDK

  1. App Data Analysis

  2. Obtain location information to correct user geographic distribution data, making the report data more accurate

  Device information, including: IMEI, SIM card IMSI, AndroidID, IDFA, OpenUDID, GUID, OAID, GAID, ICCID, MAC address, IP, current running process

  All channels package


  Umeng Tongxin (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.

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  Integration: Umeng Game Statistics SDK, Umeng Smart Anti-Cheat Component asmsSDK, Umeng Mobile Statistics SDK

  Obtain precise location

  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  Obtain rough location

  Read mobile status and identity

  Allow the program to write to external storage

  Appsflyer Statistics SDK

  App Data Analysis

  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Partial channel packages applicable to AppBa, TapTap, OPPO, VIVO, Huawei, Xiaomi





  Get network information status

  Get the list of applications

  4399 App Market and Advertising SDK

  1: Advertising Placement in the App

  Device information, including: IMEI, IMSI, AndroidID, OAID, GAID, ICCID, MAC address, currently running processes

  4399 Mobile App Market Channel Package


  4399 Network Technology Co., Ltd.



  Allow the program to write to external storage

  Allow the program to obtain the current or recently running applications

  Allow the program to run in the background even after the phone screen is turned off

  Obtain rough location

  Obtain precise location

  Read and write system settings, allow reading and writing system settings items

  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  Get the list of applications

  Vivo App Market Linkage and Advertising SDK

  (VIVO Game Linkage APK (Account & Payment) SDK)

  1: Market Integration Must Be Connected

  2: Advertising Placement in the App

  Device information, including: IMEI, IMSI, AndroidID, OAID, GAID, ICCID, MAC address, currently running processes

  vivo App Store Channel Package


  Wewo Mobile Communication Co., Ltd.
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  Allow the program to write to external storage

  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  Allow the program to run in the background even after the phone screen is turned off

  Oppo App Market and Advertisement SDK

  (OPPO Game Union SDK)

  1: Market Integration Must Be Connected

  2: Advertising Placement in the App

  Obtain rough location

  Oppo App Market Channel Package


  Guangdong Huantai Technology Co., Ltd.



  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  Obtain precise location

  Allow the program to write to external storage

  Get the list of applications

  Used to obtain the user’s IMEI device information for easy location of customer complaints

  Read phone status

  Used to obtain the login account, so that the App can log in to the game

  Get APP account

  Ali App Market and Advertisement SDK

  1: Market Integration Must Be Connected

  2: Advertising Placement in the App

  Allow the program to write to external storage

  Ali Mobile Application Distribution Platform Channel Package (PP Assistant, Wandoujia, 9Game)


  Guangzhou A9Game Information Technology Co., Ltd.



  Device information, including: IMEI, IMSI, AndroidID, OAID, GAID, ICCID, MAC address, currently running process

  Obtain rough locationbetting online website lottery onlineClick to enter

  Obtain precise location

  Read and write system settings, allow reading and writing system settings items

  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  Installation permission of applications from unknown sources

  Get the list of applications

  Huawei App Market and Advertisement SDK

  1: Market Integration Must Be Connected

  2: Advertising Placement in the App

  3: Use Bluetooth (if available) and WLAN hotspot to assist in determining the approximate location of the device

  Obtain rough location

  Huawei AppGallery Channel Package

  Huawei Developer Union Privacy Statement:


  Huawei Account Privacy Statement


  Privacy link of advertisement SDK:


  Huawei Software Technology Co., Ltd.



  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  Device Identifier, Operating System Settings Information, Hardware Information of the Device, Network Information, Connection Type, Operator Information, Huawei Account Information

  List of Installed Application Software

  Bluetooth (Available) and WLAN Hotspot

  Get the list of applications

  Meizu App Market Integration and Advertising SDK

  1: Market Integration Must Be Connected

  2: Advertising Placement in the App

  Device information, including: IMEI, IMSI, AndroidID, OAID, GAID, ICCID, MAC address, currently running processes

  Meizu App Store Channel Package


  Zhuhai Meizu Communication Equipment Co., Ltd.



  Allow the program to write to external storage

  Allow the program to obtain the current or recently running applications

  Allow the program to run in the background even after the phone screen is turned off

  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  Obtain rough location

  Obtain precise location

  Installation permission of applications from unknown sources

  Get the list of applications

  Xiaomi App Market Integration and Advertising SDK

  (Xiaomi Online Game SDK)

  1: Market Integration Must Be Connected

  2: Advertising Placement in the App

  3: Provide Game Account Login, Payment, Real-name Verification and Anti-addiction Management

  Device information, including: IMEI, IMSI, AndroidID, OAID, GAID, ICCID, MAC address, WI-FI MAC, currently running processes

  Xiaomi App Store Channel Package


  Beijing Walii Network Technology Co., Ltd.



  Device Information (Device Manufacturer, Model, Location, Operator Name, etc.), Software Related Information (Android System and SDK Version Number, Android ID, Game Service Version Number, WiFi SSID/BSSID, MIUI Version Number, etc.), Personal Information [Name and ID Card Number (Used for Real-name Verification and Anti-addiction Function), Third-party Account Information (Used for Login Account Implementation), Game ID, Game Package Name, Game Version Number, Game Product Name, Product Amount and Installation Source (Used for Payment Functionality)]

  Allow the program to write to external storage

  Obtain rough location

  Obtain precise location

  Read mobile status and identity

  Allow the program to obtain the current or recently running applications

  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  Allow the program to run in the background even after the phone screen is turned off

  Access Sensors

  Installation permission of applications from unknown sources

  Samsung App Market Integration and Advertising SDK

  1: Market Integration Must Be Connected

  2: Advertising Placement in the App

  Device information, including: IMEI, IMSI, AndroidID, OAID, GAID, ICCID, MAC address, currently running processes

  Samsung App Store Channel Package


  Samsung Group



  Allow the program to write to external storage

  Obtain rough location

  Obtain precise location

  Allow the program to obtain the current or recently running applications

  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  Allow the program to run in the background even after the phone screen is turned off

  Allow Floating Window to Be Opened

  Request Bluetooth Permission

  Installation permission of applications from unknown sources

  Baidu Advertising SDK

  Ad placement in the App

  Device information, including: IMEI, IMSI, AndroidID, OAID, GAID, ICCID, MAC address, currently running processes

  Baidu Mobile Assistant, 91 Mobile Assistant, iQIYI Mobile App Market, Sogou App Market, Haoyoukuaibao, APP Store, TapTap App Market, and other channels packages


  Beijing Baidu Yixun Technology Co., Ltd.



  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  Obtain rough location

  Allow the program to write to external storage

  Installation permission of applications from unknown sources

  Get the list of applications

  Smart Program (Youlianghui) Advertising SDK

  (Tencent Smart Program SDK)

  Advertisement placement

  Approximate location information

  Base station, WiFi SSID name

  Precise location information

  Baidu Mobile Assistant, Android Market, 91 Mobile Assistant, iQIYI Mobile App Market, Sogou App Market, Haoyou Kuaibao, APP Store, Lenovo Le Store, TapTap App Market, and other channels packages


  Tencent Science and Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.


  SDK name: MMA China General Advertisement Monitoring SDK

  Purpose of use: Advertisement monitoring

  Types of personal information collected: Users’ mobile devices and smart TV configuration information and device identification codes, including hardware type (model), screen size, IMEI, IMSI, MAC, IDFA, AAID, OAID, and network information (connected WiFi, MAC address)

  Privacy policy link address: https://mmachina.cn/sdk-privacy/

  Advertisement placement

  Device information

  【Both ends】Device manufacturer, device model, operating system version, screen resolution, screen orientation, screen DPI, IP address, accelerometer

  Advertisement placement and attribution monitoring

  Read mobile status and identity


  【Only for Android】IMEI, IMSI, Android_ID

  Advertisement placement and anti-cheating

  Allow writing to external storage

  Application information

  【Both ends】Package name, version number of the host application

  【Only for Android】Process name of the host application, running status, suspicious behavior

  Advertiser statistics on advertisement placement results

  Usage data

  【Both ends】Such as product interaction data, advertisement data (such as display, click, conversion advertisement data)

  Minimize App crashes to the maximum extent, ensure the normal operation of the server, and enhance scalability and performance

  Diagnostic data

  【Both ends】Such as crash data, performance data

  Bugly error reporting

  (Also known as: Tencent Bugly SDK)

  Performance monitoring

  Device information, including: IMEI, IMSI, AndroidID, OAID, GAID, ICCID, MAC address, currently running processes

  All channels package

  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Allow the program to write to external storage

  Mintegral advertisement SDK

  Ad placement in the App

  Device information, including: IMEI, IMSI, AndroidID, OAID, GAID, ICCID, MAC address, currently running processes

  Baidu Mobile Assistant, Android Market, 91 Mobile Assistant, iQIYI Mobile App Market, Sogou App Market, Haoyou Kuaibao, APP Store, Lenovo Le Store, TapTap App Market, and other channels packages


  Guangzhou Huishi Information Technology Co., Ltd.



  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  Installation permission of applications from unknown sources

  Get the list of applications

  Mintegral advertisement SDK

  (ByteDance SDK)

  Advertising delivery and advertising attribution, anti-cheating

  Device information:
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  【Both ends】Device brand, model, software system version, resolution, network signal strength, IP address, device language, sensor information, and other basic information

  【Only for Android】AndroidID

  You can choose whether to provide the following information to Mintegral for the purpose of optimizing advertisement placement effect:

  【Both ends】Wireless network SSID name, WiFi router MAC address, device MAC address

  【Only for Android】Device identifiers (such as IMEI, OAID, IMSI, ICCID, GAID (only for GMS services), MEID, device serial number build_serial, specific fields may vary due to different hardware and software versions

  Baidu Mobile Assistant, Android Market, 91 Mobile Assistant, iQIYI Mobile App Market, Sogou App Market, Haoyou Kuaibao, APP Store, Lenovo Le Store, TapTap App Market, and other channels packages


  Beijing Jumeng Engine Network Technology Co., Ltd.



  Application download, advertisement placement, and advertisement material storage

  Allow the program to write to external storage

  Advertising delivery, anti-cheating

  Application information:

  [Only Android] Developer app name, package name, version number, application foreground and background status

  You can choose whether to provide Chuan Shan Jia with the following information for the purpose of optimizing the effect of advertising delivery:

  [Only Android] Application list information

  Advertising delivery, anti-cheating

  Allow the program to obtain the current or recently running applications

  Advertising targeted delivery and anti-cheating

  Obtain rough location

  Advertising targeted delivery and anti-cheating

  Obtain precise location

  Advertising delivery and advertising attribution, anti-cheating

  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  Advertising delivery, anti-cheating

  Allow the program to run in the background even after the phone screen is turned off

  Advertising delivery, anti-cheating

  Installation permission of applications from unknown sources

  Top News Analysis

  App Data Analysis

  Device information, including: IMEI, IMSI, AndroidID, OAID, GAID, ICCID, MAC address, currently running processes

  Toutiao Promotion Market

  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  Allow the program to write to external storage

  Get the list of applications

  Uniplay Advertising SDK

  Ad placement in the App

  Device information, including: IMEI, IMSI, AndroidID, OAID, GAID, ICCID, MAC address, currently running processes

  Baidu Mobile Assistant, Android Market, 91 Mobile Assistant, iQIYI Mobile App Market, Sogou App Market, Haoyou Kuaibao, APP Store, Lenovo Le Store, TapTap App Market, and other channels packages


  Beijing Juliangchuanmei Advertising Media Co., Ltd.



  Obtain rough location

  Obtain precise location

  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  Allow the program to write to external storage

  Installation permission of applications from unknown sources

  Get the list of applications

  Sigmob Advertising SDK

  Ad placement in the App

  Device information, including: IMEI, IMSI, AndroidID, OAID, GAID, ICCID, MAC address, currently running processes

  Baidu Mobile Assistant, Android Market, 91 Mobile Assistant, iQIYI Mobile App Market, Sogou App Market, Haoyou Kuaibao, APP Store, Lenovo Le Store, TapTap App Market, and other channels packages


  Beijing Chuangzhi Juhui Technology Co., Ltd.


  Visited the URL of 360 Qihoo SDK, domain name http://c.sayhai.360.cn:80/pk/16.html

  Obtain rough location

  Obtain precise location

  Allow the program to write to external storage

  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  Read external storage

  Installation permission of applications from unknown sources

  Get the list of applications

  Oneway Advertising SDK

  Ad placement in the App

  Allow the program to write to external storage

  Baidu Mobile Assistant, Android Market, 91 Mobile Assistant, iQIYI Mobile App Market, Sogou App Market, Haoyou Kuaibao, APP Store, Lenovo Le Store, TapTap App Market, and other channels packages

  No privacy

  Company website: https://www.oneway.mobi/zh-cn/index.html

  Guangdong Wanwei Computer Service Co., Ltd.



  Read external storage

  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  Device information, including: IMEI, IMSI, AndroidID, OAID, GAID, ICCID, MAC address, currently running processes

  Installation permission of applications from unknown sources

  Get the list of applications

  Xinyi Advertising SDK

  Ad placement in the App

  Allow the program to write to external storage

  Baidu Mobile Assistant, Android Market, 91 Mobile Assistant, iQIYI Mobile App Market, Sogou App Market, Haoyou Kuaibao, APP Store, Lenovo Le Store, TapTap App Market, and other channels packages


  Xinyi Interconnect (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.



  Read external storage

  Device information, including: IMEI, IMSI, AndroidID, OAID, GAID, ICCID, MAC address, currently running processes

  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  Installation permission of applications from unknown sources

  Get the list of applications

  Kuaishou Advertising SDK

  Ad placement in the App

  Allow the program to write to external storage

  Baidu Mobile Assistant, Android Market, 91 Mobile Assistant, iQIYI Mobile App Market, Sogou App Market, Haoyou Kuaibao, APP Store, Lenovo Le Store, TapTap App Market, and other channels packages


  Beijing Kuaishou Technology Co., Ltd.



  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  Read external storage

  Device information, including: IMEI, IMSI, AndroidID, OAID, GAID, ICCID, MAC address, currently running processes

  Read mobile status and identity

  Installation permission of applications from unknown sources

  Get the list of applications

  233 Game Box

  Ad placement in the App

  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  Baidu Mobile Assistant, Android Market, 92 Mobile Assistant, iQIYI Mobile App Market, Sogou App Market, Haoyou Kuaibao, APP Store, Lenovo Le Store, TapTap App Market, and other channels packages


  Beijing Longwei Interactive Technology Co., Ltd.



  Read and write external storage

  JD Advertising SDK

  Ad placement in the App

  Device information, including: IMEI, IMSI, AndroidID, OAID, GAID, ICCID, MAC address, currently running processes

  Baidu Mobile Assistant, Android Market, 93 Mobile Assistant, iQIYI Mobile App Market, Sogou App Market, Haoyou Kuabao, App Store, Lenovo Le Store, TapTap App Market, and other channel packages


  Chongqing JD.com Ha嘉 E-Commerce Co., Ltd.



  Obtain rough location

  Obtain precise location

  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  Toutiao Aggregation Advertising SDK

  Ad placement in the App

  Device information, including: IMEI, IMSI, AndroidID, OAID, GAID, ICCID, MAC address, currently running processes

  Toutiao Promotion Market


  Beijing Jumeng Engine Network Technology Co., Ltd.



  Allow the program to write to external storage

  Allow the program to obtain the current or recently running applications

  Obtain rough location

  Obtain precise location

  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  Installation permission of applications from unknown sources

  Youkaiying Advertising SDK

  Ad placement in the App

  Device information, including: IMEI, IMSI, AndroidID, OAID, GAID, ICCID, MAC address, currently running processes

  Baidu Mobile Assistant, Android Market, 93 Mobile Assistant, iQIYI Mobile App Market, Sogou App Market, Haoyou Kuabao, App Store, Lenovo Le Store, TapTap App Market, and other channel packages


  Tencent Science and Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.



  Obtain rough location

  Obtain precise location

  Tencent Anti-addiction SDK

  Real-name authentication verification

  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  App Store


  Tencent Science and Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.




  Statistical service in the App

  Device information, including: IMEI, IMSI, AndroidID, OAID, GAID, ICCID, MAC address, WI-FI MAC, currently running processes

  All channels package


  Ganzhou P-Dragon Information Technology Co., Ltd.


  Visited the URL of Huiduo Interactive SDK, domain name: https://adscfg.togothermany.cn

  Allow the program to write to external storage

  Allow the program to obtain the current or recently running applications

  Obtain rough location

  Obtain precise location

  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Get network information status

  Installation permission of applications from unknown sources

  360 Payment SDK

  (360 Mobile Game SDK)

  Used for third-party payments

  Device information, including: IMEI, IMSI, AndroidID, OAID, GAID, ICCID, MAC address, currently running processes

  360 Channels

  360 Mobile Game SDK Privacy Policy



  Beijing Qihoo Technology Co., Ltd.

  360 Payment SDK self-called WeChat SDK, Alipay Payment SDK, Ali Device Identification SDK, Sina Weibo SDK

  Allow the program to write to external storage

  Obtain rough location

  Obtain precise location

  Allow the program to obtain the current or recently running applications

  Access to network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

  Allow the program to run in the background even after the phone screen is turned off

  Installation permission of applications from unknown sources


  Application security enhancement


  All channels package


  Beijing BangBang Security Technology Co., Ltd.

