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  Radar coin restarts in January 2023? It is impossible for the radar coin to be permanently closed and restoredonline casino plan and Just click to enter. The radar coin is an Online casino and How to find it issued without the approval of the state, and it is not recognized in China. The radar website issued an announcement stating that it will not open the network again.

  On October 19, 2021, at 8:45 pm yesterday evening, the radar official website issued an announcement, announcing the permanent closure of the platform! Has the radar coin collapsed and run away?

  Following 10:22 pm, the radar official website could not be logged in, and it could not be opened completely.

  After 7 years, a so-called decentralized, never offline, without a central server, free access ‘god pot’, and now, it has fallen!

  Why did it collapse so suddenly? Let’s first interpret the above announcement.

  The announcement states: The Yancheng police broke into the radar laboratory, and in the first time, all the amounts of lottery and How to find it saved by the company were transferred, and the police also controlled and deleted some services and data.

  It seems that the problem is caused by external factors, but upon careful consideration, it is found that this statement is not tenable, and it is obviously an attempt to shift the blame.


  1. After the issuance of the virtual currency industry rectification notice by ten ministries and commissions on September 24, most exchanges have reasonably and legally announced that they will be delisted, such as Matcha, Huobi, BIAN, etc., but no exchange has been shut down, and it is impossible for data to be deleted and assets to be transferred. In short, if radar is just a normal virtual currency exchange and not a scam, no one can take away the users’ assets.

  2. According to an insider, radar indeed has a part of the technical team被抓, and a small amount of assets has been seized, only 200+ btc, but this cannot lead to the collapse of radar.

  3. The Yancheng police will not delete data, and the logic is very simple. The police need to use data to determine the level and suspected charges, which is obviously deleted by radar itself. After deleting the data, it is to absolve itself of guilt.

  4. The announcement can still be issued normally, indicating that the radar leader and the operation team have not been captured and are still on the run. In order to shift the blame, they said that everyone’s money has been taken by the Xiangshui County Public Security Bureau, and if you want the money, you should go to the Public Security Bureau to get it. What a clever strategy to shift the blame!

  Radar dared to shift the blame openly in this way, which is very challenging and confrontational, as if they had the courage of a tigerlottery help,come on baby. After all, the other party is not an ordinary existence; they are the Yancheng Police who broke the Plustoken case! Since they have locked you in, it is basically that they have a large amount of evidence. It can be said that the cases that Yancheng is watching are like dead people who have already been in the coffin.

  Looking back at the radar’s promotion, it has always been promoted as a foreign technical team, constantly talking about concepts such as ‘blockchain’ and ‘decentralization’. Now that a place in China has been investigated, the server has been shut down? This is a bit embarrassing, isn’t it.







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