The Radar Coin is illegal. In 2024, CCTV announced a list of 350 financial pyramid schemes, and the Radar Coin was on the listonline casino cheats and The most exciting gameplay. The Radar Coin cannot be considered a genuine Online casino and How to find it. There is a close relationship between the Radar Coin and the previous Vbaoonline casino plan and The most fun game. The Radar Coin also often spreads false information, and the applications promoted are basically non-existent, very similar to the model of pyramid schemesonline casino tutorial and The latest website. If you are not familiar with lottery and How to find it, it is best not to touch it, as the waters of lottery and How to find it are deep, and a misstep can lead to total losslottery planJust need you. Legal basis: According to Article 7 of the State Council’s ‘Regulations on Prohibiting Pyramid Selling’, the following behaviors are considered pyramid selling: 1. Organizers or operators develop personnel, require the developed personnel to develop other personnel to join, and calculate and pay remuneration (including material rewards and other economic interests, etc.) based on the number of personnel developed directly or indirectly, in order to gain illegal interests; 2. Organizers or operators develop personnel, require the developed personnel to pay fees or in the form of purchasing goods, etc., in order to obtain the qualification to join or develop other personnel to join, in order to gain illegal interests; 3. Organizers or operators develop personnel, require the developed personnel to develop other personnel to join, form a hierarchical relationship, and calculate and pay remuneration to the superior based on the sales performance of the subordinates, in order to gain illegal interests. If you find or believe that it meets the above conditions, you can actively report to the police and jointly fight against pyramid selling.