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  POW:全称Proof of Work,工作量证明。

  POS:全称Proof of Stake,权益证明。

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  1、POW机制:工作量证明机制即对于工作量的证明,是生成要加入到区块链中的一笔新的交易信息(即新区块)时必须满足的要求。在基于工作量证明机制构建的区块链网络中,节点通过计算随机哈希散列的数值解争夺记账权,求得正确的数值解以生成区块的能力是节点算力的具体表现sports betting cheats and The latest method。

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  比特币(BitCoin)的概念最初由中本聪在2009年提出,根据中本聪的思路设计发布的开源软件以及建构其上的P2P网络。比特币是一种P2P形式的lottery and How to find it 。点对点的传输意味着一个去中心化的支付系统。




  What does it mean when Bitcoin mining uses the Proof of Work mechanism?


  Similarly, for digital assets using PoS, the system allocates corresponding rights to you based on your coin age, which is the product of the number of coins you hold and the time you hold them. For example, if you hold 100 coins and have held them for a total of 30 days, then your coin age is 3000 at this time.

  Compared to PoW (Proof of Work mechanism), PoS has two advantages. First, PoS does not cause excessive electricity waste, as PoS does not rely on competing computing power for mining. Second, it is more difficult to carry out a 51% attack. Possessing 51% of the currency can initiate an attack, but the network being attacked will cause the attacker’s own interests to be受损, which is obviously not cost-effective.

  Compared to PoW (Proof of Work mechanism), PoS has two advantages. First, PoS does not cause excessive electricity waste, as PoS does not rely on competing computing power for mining. Second, it is more difficult to carry out a 51% attack. Possessing 51% of the currency can initiate an attack, but the network being attacked will cause the attacker’s own interests to be受损, which is obviously not cost-effective.




  这两者都区块链的共识机制,是lottery and How to find it 的记账方法。





  比特币(BitCoin)的概念最初由中本聪在2009年提出,根据中本聪的思路设计发布的开源软件以及建构其上的P2P网络。比特币是一种P2P形式的lottery and How to find it 。点对点的传输意味着一个去中心化的支付系统。


  Reference:百度百科 – What does the consensus mechanism blockchain mean, and how to understand it?

  Blockchain, a new application mode of computer technology, including distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism, and encryption algorithm.

  Blockchain (Blockchain), an important concept of Bitcoin, is essentially a decentralized database. As the underlying technology of Bitcoin, it is a chain of data blocks generated using cryptographic methods. Each block contains information about a batch of Bitcoin network transactions, used to verify the validity (anti-counterfeiting) of the information and generate the next block.online casino cheats and The most exciting gameplay

  Cautionary Notes

  1. The blockchain originated from Bitcoin. On November 1, 2008, a person claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto published an article titled ‘Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System,’ which elaborated on the conceptual framework of an electronic cash system based on P2P network technology, encryption technology, timestamp technology, and blockchain technology. This marked the birth of Bitcoin.

  Two months later, theory turned into practice. On January 3, 2009, the first block with the serial number 0 was born. A few days later, on January 9, 2009, a block with the serial number 1 appeared and was connected to the block with the serial number 0, forming a chain, marking the birth of the blockchain.

  In order to achieve the great development of blockchain finance, to promote the new development of the Chinese economy, to accelerate the circulation of global assets, and to realize the dream of national rejuvenation for generations, the PuYin Group held the strategic release ceremony of the Guiyang Blockchain Finance on December 9, 2016, in Guizhou. At the meeting, discussions were held on the digitalization of assets through blockchain, blockchain finance transaction models, and the application of blockchain services in social public industries.

  Reference source:百度百科 – Blockchain Finance

  Reference source:百度百科 – Blockchain

  What is the PoS algorithm and the PoS mechanism?

  PoS is a consensus algorithm in public chains, serving as an alternative to PoW. PoW is a mechanism that ensures the security of Bitcoin, the current Ethereum, and many other blockchains. However, the PoW algorithm has been criticized for its environmental damage and electricity consumption during the mining process. PoS attempts to replace the concept of mining through a different mechanism to address these issues.

  The Proof of Stake (PoS) mechanism can be described as a virtual mining process, considering that Proof of Work (PoW) mainly relies on the scarcity of computing hardware to prevent Sybil attacks. In PoW, a user might spend a thousand dollars to buy a computer, join the network to mine, generate new blocks, and thus receive rewards. In PoS, users can obtain a thousand dollars and buy equivalent tokens, which are then used as stakes in the PoS mechanism. As long as the user participates, there is an opportunity to generate blocks, and thus receive rewards.

  The POS algorithm is as follows: there is a set of coin holders, who put their tokens into the POS mechanism, thereby becoming validators.

  What does it mean when Bitcoin mining uses the Proof of Work mechanism?
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  The Proof of Stake mechanism, abbreviated as POS, also known as the Share Proof mechanism, is similar to keeping assets in a bank, where the bank will allocate corresponding returns to you based on the number and time of your digital assets held.

  Similarly, for digital assets using PoS, the system allocates corresponding rights to you based on your coin age, which is the product of the number of coins you hold and the time you hold them. For example, if you hold 100 coins and have held them for a total of 30 days, then your coin age is 3000 at this time.

  Compared to PoW (Proof of Work mechanism), PoS has two advantages. First, PoS does not cause excessive electricity waste, as PoS does not rely on competing computing power for mining. Second, it is more difficult to carry out a 51% attack. Possessing 51% of the currency can initiate an attack, but the network being attacked will cause the attacker’s own interests to be受损, which is obviously not cost-effective.

  Compared to PoW (Proof of Work mechanism), PoS has two advantages. First, PoS does not cause excessive electricity waste, as PoS does not rely on competing computing power for mining. Second, it is more difficult to carry out a 51% attack. Possessing 51% of the currency can initiate an attack, but the network being attacked will cause the attacker’s own interests to be受损, which is obviously not cost-effective.

  Currently, many digital assets are issued using PoW and maintained using PoS to ensure the security of the blockchain network.

  Ethereum is a decentralized open-source blockchain platform, and PoS refers to the Proof of Stake consensus algorithm. The PoS mechanism is different from the PoW (Proof of Work) mechanism used by Bitcoin before, which uses collateral to validate block submissions. Validation nodes no longer need to obtain the right to record transactions through computing power, but rather through holding a certain number of tokens, such as ETH, to obtain the right to proof, which can reduce the need for a large amount of computing resources in the computing competition, ensure the security of the network, and avoid the high energy consumption and waste of computing resources caused by the PoW mechanism of Bitcoin.

  In the Ethereum PoS mechanism, nodes participating in the validation of blocks need to lock up a certain amount of ETH as collateral, which will be locked in a smart contract until the node exits validation. Nodes can choose to join a specific validation node pool, which will increase their chance of obtaining the right to record transactions. After being selected as a validation node, they need to verify and package transactions, and then send them to the blockchain network. All validation nodes have the opportunity to be selected for mining, but nodes with more tokens will also have more rights to record transactions. Once the node completes the validation task and successfully submits a block, it will receive a certain amount of reward ETH.

  Compared to the PoW mechanism, the PoS mechanism has the following advantages: reducing energy consumption and lowering the environmental impact of the network; increasing the speed of block creation, accelerating transaction confirmation, and reducing transaction costs; enhancing the participation of nodes, allowing everyone to participate and receive rewards; 4. Reducing the risk of a 51% attack, as the attacker needs to invade a large number of validation nodes, which requires a large amount of token collateral. In summary, the Ethereum PoS mechanism is a more environmentally friendly, fair, and secure consensus mechanism, providing strong technical support for the rapid development of blockchain.