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  1. A man recovered over 50,000 yuan that was deceived in online chatting

  2. A woman in Jiaozuo was deceived for 350,000 yuan to get a free breakfast machine, and the virtual APP is hard to guard against

  Time is never evidence to judge pyramid schemes or capital pools, but time can witness the ultimate outcome of a scam! Recently, it was reported online that Radar coin has been investigated!


  In fact, the predecessor of Radar coin is the pyramid scheme coin Vbao (Vpal) that has been reported by many media years ago. For example, both claim to unify the world, with a total issuance of 1 billion coins, and neither has been listed on mainstream lottery and How to find it trading platforms, but are having fun on their own ‘trading platforms’.

  Let’s start with its predecessor.

  Pyramid scheme coin Vpal: Zhou Huajian, Ren Xianqi, Song Hongbing endorse, appropriating Ripple source code ‘If you missed Bitcoin, don’t regret it, Vbao coin can change your life in the second half, time is money, grab it quickly. This is the place where your dreams can truly come true, the market has started to burn, and the price will rise every day, with infinite value expansion. 

  Vpal is promoted as the upcoming global lottery and How to find it, and its promotional content is extremely similar to Ripple (Ripple coin)sports bettingJoin us. However, Huiyan Finance has learned that such a cool and impressive lottery and How to find it requires acquaintances to participate.

  Media investigation reveals that behind Vpal is a series of third-party agency companies, which does not conform to its claimed ‘Western identity’ from the United States. It has grown through recruitment and commission collection, resembling a pyramid scheme.

  On August 5, 2014, by the Dongqian Lake in Ningbo, at the resort hotel ‘Qianhu悦庄’, it was bustling with a crowd of over three hundred people coming to attend the Vpal conference. Most of them were middle-aged and elderly people, including entrepreneurs who run stores and factories, as well as high-ranking officials. They looked wealthy and comfortable, and they did not speak English, calling Vpal ‘Vbao coin’.

  In the propaganda of pyramid scheme members, Vpal is equivalent to Bitcoin, Litecoin, and lottery and How to find it. The speakers start with the SMTP protocol of email and the HTTP protocol of the internet, claiming that the current monetary communication is backward, and Vpal is the global money protocol.

  Next was an international promotional video, accompanied by a gold-filled, cheesy PPT. The host promoted Vpal as a belief, saying not to sell whether it is rising or falling, ‘Many people selling it will tell their relatives and friends that this can make a lot of money, but you are all wrong. Vpal is a belief, and we want to make it the world’s unified currency.’

  After the conference, many listeners were invited to a boat on a lake for dinner, and then they went ashore to continue the party and chat. The event was all free. The hustle and bustle of making money filled the air of summer.


  Since July 2014, Vpal has been widely introduced in various financial training courses, executive courses, and MBA programs in Beijing. A person in the Bitcoin circle once experienced: ‘Entrepreneurs in the financial industry are smart, most of them understand the Bitcoin protocol, and the introducers of Vpal usually use the guise of Bitcoinsports betting local and What is it. After the executives begin to show interest, they quickly change the subject: You don’t mine, it doesn’t matter, we will help you mine. These entrepreneurs are not truly in the Bitcoin circle and do not understand the real situation, making them easy to be deceived. Friends around me have invested several hundred thousand to several million yuan.

  Celebrities such as Song Hongbing, Zhou Huajian, Ren Xianqi, and others also appeared in the world of Vpal. At the Vpal Macau Conference on July 22, many celebrities attended the Vpal party at the Sheraton Macau Hotel and Casino that evening.

  Song Hongbing was attacked by investors when he stood as a sponsor for the Kunming Pan Asia Fund Pool.

  And at the Macau conference, the organizers of Vpal sold the participants at the lowest price when it was first issued, and even gave discounts, claiming that it would be listed in the future.

  In Vpal’s game rules, participants receive all the benefits they obtain, including holding coin benefits and promotion benefits. The holding coin benefits are determined by the number of Vpal coins held by the user; the promotion benefits are the corresponding Vpal coins as rewards that the upper-level user can obtain after developing their subordinates, based on the amount purchased by the subordinates.

  Using Ma Baobao’s picture has no other intention.

  In fact, people in the cryptocurrency circle are strongly against Vpal and distance themselves from it. ‘Too noisy, recruiting people, organized, it violates the principle of ‘decentralization’, and it is fundamentally not our style.’ ‘The common people do not understand the principle, and they confuse Vpal coins with Bitcoin, causing a bad reputation for the legitimate Online casino and How to find it through pyramid schemes.’ 



  Vpal抄袭瑞波,已被在lottery and How to find it 圈内的众多极客们公认。当时还没做波场的孙宇晨也无赖地说,“从宣讲材料、视频到代码,甚至我平日里演讲的内容,都被Vpal抄袭了,很多人听了我的演讲,以为Vpal和Ripple有关,还上当受骗了lottery planJust need you。”孙宇晨听说Vpal通过电话推广,专门打给老年人。


  实际上,Vpal根本没有算法,与协议无关,更不是什么lottery and How to find it 。据Vpal中文网介绍,它初始发行1000万枚,总量达到10亿枚。




  传销币RADR:2017年登央视资金传销名单 回应称自己太优秀引发嫉妒“RADR是一个互联网金融工具,帮助用户简单、快捷、低成本地进行支付、转账和全球货币的自由兑换。” 雷达币的作用:1)打破了“金融壁垒”,让货币没有国界,真正实现了全球货币一体化(基于RTXP协议的雷达支付系统可以实现各国货币自由兑换、支付,跨币转账秒到、接近0手续费);2)定量发行10亿枚(开源、去中心化、无中央服务器)永无增发,解决了通货膨胀问题;真正实现保值增值。 

  以上是雷达币官方的介绍,号称lottery and How to find it ,却又成了“互联网金融工具”,不说区块链是怕中老年大爷大妈们听不懂吗?

  Exchanging “Global Currency”, the propaganda of pyramid selling organizations has always been exaggerated, often talking about the whole Asia, the whole world. Even Bitcoin doesn’t dare to say that, and the US dollar doesn’t dare to be so arrogant!

  Maybe it’s too deep in the poison, every time I see similar propaganda by scammers, the editor of Huiyan Finance wants to remember the brainwashing slogan of the evil characters and the traitor Ding Chunchou in the novel ‘Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils’: Star Host Elder, boundless power, great magic, riding the central plains… 


  Take a look at the introduction of radar currency by pyramid selling personnel on Baidu Knows: Radar currency is an Online casino and How to find it launched by the United States Radar Laboratory, like Bitcoin, it belongs to blockchain technology. The United States Radar Laboratory and China’s central enterprise Datang Telecommunications jointly launched the Kaitongbao trading platform to promote radar currency. 

  People who invest in radar currency keep boasting about how powerful radar currency is, then why can’t radar currency be traded on the recognized mainstream lottery and How to find it trading websites?

  This is how they replied: Radar is self-produced and self-sold, indeed not listed on other well-known trading platforms, for two reasons: 1) Radar itself is a trading system, there is no need to list on other trading platforms; 2) Radar currency has a POS issuance mechanism, if users transfer radar currency to other platforms for trading, the issuance income will not be obtained, and it will belong to the platform. 

  And as early as 2017, radar currency was listed on the CCTV released list of 350 pyramid selling organizations.

  In this regard, the scammers have this cunning excuse: Just search online, there are at least 100 definitions of pyramid selling. The definition of pyramid selling in national law is also not very clear, but one thing that can be肯定 is that it is impossible to legally fit radar into pyramid selling. Those so-called national agencies, CCTV reports say radar is pyramid selling, but there has never been any real official document, at most some screenshots and self-satisfaction from self-media. Radar was born early and did a big job, attracting the jealousy of many people, and countless competitors want to throw mud at radar. 

  For news about scammers running away with money after fraud involving radar, the scammers say that they were deceived into a radar phishing website, but this hat should not be placed on radar’s head. Many scammers also pretend to be public security and procuratorial organs for phone fraud. Can’t blame public security and procuratorial organs, can you?

  Article source: City anti-fraud comprehensive eye finance●I was deceived by my “leader” and lost 150,000 yuan!

  ●“Shu Xiang Yi Gou” supermarket is suspected of illegal fund-raising and pyramid selling●A female employee of a group company illegally raised 210 million yuan in funds, received a commission of 6.91 million yuan and was prosecuted. Whether in life or at work, it is inevitable to encounter various scams, such as emotional traps in online chatting and fraud by pretending to be a leader in work! Some people can see through the scams at a glance, while others fall for them out of curiosity! Pay more attention to your elderly family members at home, as they may be suffering from elder investment scams or health care traps! [Anti-Scam Alliance] Reminds you: Always consult with your family when facing things, to avoid making irreversible consequences due to impulsive actions! Love your family and stay away from traps! Anti-Scam Yang Zhenyi WeChat: Fpdlm2022 Please like! Share! Forward! Anti-scams are about prevention before they happen