0 3 min 1 week

  I didn’t want to write this, but after reading Cao Zheng’s article ‘Don’t Try to Challenge Human Nature’, I was deeply touched. Cao said he would not touch ICO in 2018, but I am just the opposite. Not only do I want to participate, but I also want to bring you along. ICO is now so popular that I receive 1-2 whitepapers a week on average, most of which, I can say 100%, are scams. Even if I don’t become a vegetable, others will be harvested. Why not show you a way today – why participate in others’ ICOs? Why not do it yourself?

  Without further ado, first go to Ethereum to download a wallet.

  After downloading and installing, your interface should look like this:

  The official wallet has a lot of bugs! It often can’t be opened, and there are all sorts of problems when syncing the blockchain with the network… However, if you can successfully install and sync it by chance.

  Congratulations, you have successfully overcome the biggest technical hurdle on your ICO path, victory is in sight, and the club’s pretty girls are beckoning you!

  Alright, open your wallet, and the interface should be like this:

  Did you see the ‘CONTRACTS’ button in the upper right corner? Just give it a light tap:

  Click on Deploy New Contract:

  Then, open this website: Create a cryptocurrency contract in Ethereum

  Don’t understand English? No problem

  Don’t understand the codeonline casino entry method and Latest Address? Never mind

  Did you see THE CODE?

  Copy the following code, then paste it into your Ethereum wallet, and select Token ERC 20 from the menu on the right, and the interface you will see is roughly like this:

  At this time, the system will ask you to input three parameters:

  Initial Supply: How many coins do you want to issue? I filled in 21 million, paying tribute to Bitcoin!

  Token Name: What is the name of the currency we issue? I originally wanted to call it Liu Yijie Coin… But then I thought it was too unoriginal… I can’t forget my original intention, and the reason why we ICO is to make money for the club’s pretty girls, so let’s call it ‘Nenmo Coin’!

  Token synbol:就是币的符号,比如比特币是BTC,以太坊是ETH,咱们嫩模币当然是NMB了!





  我大概解释一下啊这玩意儿是啥:以太坊网络和只能合约,支持一个use case就是用户可以通过以太坊来发行自己的”Token”, Token是什么呢?你可以理解为现实生活当中的“积分”,对,比如加油站洗车店会员卡积分,楼下发廊Tony老师让你办的冲2000送1000的美发会员卡,奶茶点送你的盖满10个张送一杯的集戳卡,幼儿园老师给小朋友的小红花……

  这一切的一切,都是可以在以太坊用很简单的只能合约代码搞成一个”token”,然后Token可以通过以太坊网络转账, 转账的时候消耗少量的以太坊ETH做Gas。Token也不需要钱包——使用以太坊钱包就好,钱包地址也是以太坊的地址,钱包秘钥也是以太坊的秘钥,区块链用的就是以太坊的区块链……



  如上所说创造出来的Token,跟比特币,以太坊,瑞波这些真的“加密货币”完全不是一个东西——我不是要给比特币以太坊这些lottery and How to find it 站台——我一开始以为,要搞ICO,起码要像比特币那种,自己有区块链,有底层技术,分布账本,钱包,nodes都自己实现吧——虽然这也不是什么难事儿,毕竟都是开源的,但起码这还是有一定成本和壁垒的,结果,这帮骗钱骗疯了的,连这都不搞,直接像我上面发布嫩模币那样,利用小白韭菜们的无知,把Token拿来当成币卖……

  打开 All Tokens CoinMarketCap看看哪些你以为和比特币,以太坊一样的加密货币,其实是和嫩模币NMB一样的Token呢?







  这玩意儿,薄利多销,骗到50算50,骗到100算100,团队别露脸,白皮书上不写名,写名也别写自己名,找两个外国人做adviser,反正韭菜们也不会去验证。核心团队叫基金会,比如咱们负责操作嫩模币的基金会,可以起名叫NMB FOUNDATION。收到ETH直接变现分钱走人,或者另起炉灶,NMB ICO成功完成了,再搞下一个呗,市场需要细分,嫩模有的丑有的俏,针对丑嫩模搞一个丑嫩模币CNMB,俏嫩模的叫QNMB,或者叫嫩模2.0币NM2B,听上去就有互联网时代感……


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