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  In recent days

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  A ‘mining’ program has been installed

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  What exactly is ‘mining’?


  The ‘mining’ activity of Online casino and How to find it refers to the process in which ‘miners’ provide a certain amount of computing power based on the open-source software provided by the designer of the virtual currency system, and obtain the specific solution desired by the designer through complex computer mathematical operations. Miners who obtain the specific solution can receive rewards from Online casino and How to find it, commonly including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, EOS, and others.

  Due to the energy consumption and carbon emissions from the ‘mining’ activity, the National Development and Reform Commission and other 11 departments issued documents in January 2022, listing ‘mining’ as a淘汰 industry; the People’s Bank of China, together with relevant departments, issued documents in September 2021, clearly stating that related business activities of Online casino and How to find it are illegal operations.

  Online casinos are not a true currency and exist in the digital world. Unlike traditional currencies, in China, online casinos cannot be used as currency for circulation in the market, and investments and transactions in online casinos are not protected by law. Online casinos are not issued by monetary authorities and do not have the monetary attributes of legal tender and compulsory payment, and do not have the same legal status as currency.

  Online casino ‘mining’ activities

  Specific manifestations and hazards

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  The manifestations of online casino ‘mining’lottery online website and The most fun game
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  Mining is the most direct way to obtain online casinos, which utilizes computer hardware and software systems to perform a large number of algorithmic computations. Simply put, it is like all ‘miners’ in the network work together to dig a ‘mine’, and the one who finds it first will receive the online casino reward. Therefore, ‘miners’ need to work hard in the block and rely on the consumption of computing resources for computation. The entire ‘mining’ activity is the process of calculating and producing online casinos through dedicated ‘mining’ machines, and its manifestations are as follows:

  ❶ ‘Mining’ enterprises that disguise themselves as data centers.

  ❷ Enterprises and individuals that provide services such as site rental for enterprises engaged in online casino ‘mining’ activities.

  ❸ Enterprises that engage in online casino ‘mining’ activities by obtaining power supply through illegal means.

  ❹ Enterprises and Internet cafes that carry out ‘mining’ in various hidden forms.

  ❺ Hackers plant ‘mining’ viruses on target hosts, remotely control them, and consume a large amount of host resources to assist in ‘mining’.

  The hazards of the ‘mining’ behavior of online casinos


  The issuance and trading of online casinos are important applications in the field of blockchain finance, but relying on the underlying technology of blockchain, they have characteristics such as anonymity, no entry threshold, and no review of legal funding sources.lotteryJoin us

  ❶ It disrupts the normal order of the economic and financial sectors. The speculation and trading of Online Casino and How to Find It disrupts the normal financial order of our country, fosters illegal activities, and Online Casino and How to Find It becomes a channel for money laundering, tax evasion, terrorist financing, and cross-border fund transfers, posing a certain threat to social stability and national security, and disrupting the normal order of the economic and financial sectors.lottery cheats and The most fun game

  ❷ It consumes a huge amount of energy. The energy consumption and carbon emission intensity of mining activities have a significant impact on China’s efforts to achieve energy conservation and carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals, increasing the pressure on the safe supply of electricity in some parts of our country.

  ❸ It poses a significant cyber security risk. Criminals, in order to gain huge profits, use a large number of mining malware to control the computers of victims for Online Casino and How to Find It ‘mining’ to make profits for themselves, posing a serious threat to the victim’s computer and cyber security. The number of domestic mining malware attacks is growing exponentially. Especially against key units such as governments, research institutions, schools, and enterprises, the ‘mining’ malware aimed at these units not only affects the operation of related network terminal equipment but also has a serious impact on the operation of their virtual hosts and local area networks, making data leakage or virus infection extremely likely, severely affecting the normal conduct of work, scientific research, teaching, operation, and management.

  ❹ It is extremely easy to become a tool for crime. The accounts of Online Casino and How to Find It are anonymous, and outsiders cannot know who the holders are, making it easy to be used as a tool for illegal transfer of assets, money laundering, and other criminal activities.

  What laws might be violated by participating in Online Casino and How to Find It ‘mining’ activities?


  On September 24, 2021, the People’s Bank of China and ten other departments issued the ‘Notice on Further Preventing and Handling the Risk of Speculation and Manipulation in Online Casino and How to Find It Transactions’, clarifying that related business activities of Online Casino and How to Find It are illegal financial activities, that Online Casino and How to Find It does not have the same legal status as legal currency, and that the provision of services to residents within our country by overseas Online Casino and How to Find It exchanges through the internet is also an illegal financial activity, among other provisions. On the same day, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments also issued the ‘Notice on Rectifying the ‘Mining’ Activities of Online Casino and How to Find It’, explicitly prohibiting the development of Online Casino and How to Find It ‘mining’ in any name, strictly prohibiting the addition of new project investments and construction, and accelerating the orderly exit of existing projects.

  参与Online casino and How to find it “挖矿”活动除了会违反《中华人民共和国民法典》《中华人民共和国循环经济促进法》《中华人民共和国节约能源法》等法律法规以外,其衍生的刑事犯罪有以下几种:

  ❶ 组织领导传销犯罪。比特币等虚拟币的热度不断升温,价格也不断上涨,许多人想要通过“挖矿”来实现发家致富,挖矿的人也越来越多,但大多数人对挖矿的了解并不多,许多不法分子就利用这种信息不对称以“挖矿”或者“矿机”的概念来吸引一些人加入到他的组织,并发展一定层级,不断发展下线,实施组织、领导传销活动犯罪。

  ❷ 非法集资类犯罪online lottery online online casino,We need you。一些不法分子在没有任何资质的情况下,打着投资“挖矿”“Online casino and How to find it ”等旗号,以高额回报或保本付息为由,鼓动不具备专业知识的投资户购买不等份额,实施非法集资犯罪活动。

  ❸ 破坏计算机信息系统类犯罪。以比特币为例,比特币核心在于密钥,是区块链中认定用户持有比特币的凭证,一旦丢失密钥,虚拟币即成为“死币”,永远丢失。犯罪分子在明知他人持有比特币的情况下,往往会采取黑客手段远程破解电脑,盗窃他人合法持有的比特币密钥,实施破坏计算机信息系统类犯罪。

  ❹ 诈骗类犯罪。比特币的暴富效应如同漩涡,不断吸引不懂区块链技术的投资客加入,犯罪分子利用投资客的信息盲点,搭建境外平台承诺提供人民币、虚拟币互相兑换服务,收割一定“韭菜”后关停平台,套现离场;或者提供虚假的区块链Online casino and How to find it 与比特币或者人民币互相兑换,这种行为往往涉嫌诈骗。




