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  没错这是在你认识比特币之前的时候,而在认识了比特币之后,你所谓的乱码就是你的比特币地址,这个地址就好像你的银行卡账户那样,可以方便快捷的查询和交易你的比特币。sports betting victory and The most fun game



  Common Bitcoin address formats

  1, BASE58 format

  That is what is commonly known as the Bitcoin address, starting with the number 1, for example:


  2, HASH160 format

  Tab content is the result of calculating the SHA256 signature of the 130-bit public key using the RIPEMD160 algorithm, such as:


  3, WIF compressed format

  That is the wallet input format, which is the compressed result of the BASE58 format, this is the original Bitcoin public key calculated by the ECDSA algorithm, such as:


  1C4F0096AAD442DA6CA8BCC4FD86A8D47D7A865E178B6D062CC9B702908973952062A1D767DA9B2BD2095D5CCF6Eonline casino cheats and The latest website

  4, 60-bit public key format

  The compressed result of a 130-bit public key, such as:



  How are these characters generated?

  First, let’s briefly talk about how the Bitcoin address is calculated. Bitcoin is based on mathematical cryptography, and the great master Satoshi Nakamoto used the Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECDSA) to generate the private key and public key of Bitcoin. The public key can be calculated from the private key, and after a series of digital signature operations, the Bitcoin address is obtained from the public key value.

  It should be noted that: since the Bitcoin address can be calculated from the public key, we often confuse the terms public key and Bitcoin address, but they both refer to the same concept. The Bitcoin address is just another format of the public key.

  It takes ten steps to obtain the Bitcoin address we use from the Bitcoin private key.

  First step:

  Randomly select a 32-byte number, ranging between 1 and 0xFFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFE BAAE DCE6 AF48 A03B BFD2 5E8C D036 4141, as the private key.


  Second step:

  Compute the non-compressed public key corresponding to the private key using the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA-secp256k1). (Total of 65 bytes, 1 byte 0x04, 32 bytes for the x-coordinate, 32 bytes for the y-coordinate.) The issue of public key compression and non-compression will be explained in another article.


  Step 3:

  Calculate the SHA-256 hash value of the public key


  Step 4:

  Take the result of the previous step and calculate the RIPEMD-160 hash value


  Step 5:

  Take the result of the previous step and add the address version number (Bitcoin main network version number “0x00”) in front


  Step 6:

  Take the result of the previous step and calculate the SHA-256 hash value

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  Step 7:

  Take the result of the previous step and calculate the SHA-256 hash value (haha)


  Step 8:

  Take the first 4 bytes (8 hexadecimal digits) of the previous step, D61967F6

  Step 9:
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  Add these 4 bytes to the result of step 5 as a checksum (this is the hexadecimal form of the Bitcoin address).


  Step 10:

  Transform the address using base58 notation (this is the most common form of Bitcoin address).



  The process of generating a Bitcoin address is like this, and someone might ask, since they are all randomly generated, will the Bitcoin addresses repeat? Regarding this issue, there is no need to worry at all. Because the private key length of Bitcoin is a 256-bit binary string, the probability that two randomly generated private keys exactly repeat is 2^256≈10^77, a number so large that you can’t even imagine, much smaller than the probability of winning the lottery.