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  冷钱包(Cold Wallet)是什么?online casino platform and The latest strategy


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  硬件钱包:如Ledger Nano S或Trezor,这些设备看起来像USB闪存盘,可以将加密货币保存在一个安全的硬件设备中,只有在需要进行交易时才会连接到电脑。










  (这里只是做个案例,实际大家可以选择 imtoken、欧易web3钱包都是可以的,相对更安全)





























  Scan and enter the password to sign

  3. Use the signature scan of the observer wallet to scan the QR code generated by the cold wallet.

  First, what is a wallet?

  A file that stores a series of private keys is a wallet

  Second, cold wallets, hot wallets

  According to the storage method of private keys, Bitcoin wallets can be divided into cold wallets and hot wallets.

  A cold wallet refers to a wallet that cannot be accessed by the network to your private key. Cold wallets often rely on ‘cold’ devices to ensure the security of Bitcoin private keys, such as offline computers, phones, small notebooks with private key addresses, etc. Cold wallets avoid the risk of private keys being stolen by hackers, but may face physical security risks, such as computer loss or damage. Hot wallets refer to wallets that can be accessed by the Internet to your private key

  How to make a cold wallet: 1. Find a clean phone 2. After connecting to the Internet, download mainstream wallets 3. Disconnect the network to generate private key addresses, and copy and back them up by hand 4. Save the backup well

  Hot wallets are usually online wallets. When using a hot wallet, it is best to set different passwords on different platforms and enable two-factor authentication to ensure your asset security. Whether using a cold wallet or a hot wallet, if others know your Bitcoin private key, they can transfer your Bitcoin away.

  Remember, whoever holds the private key is the real owner of Bitcoin.online casino plan and The most exciting gameplay

  3. Full Node Wallets, Light Wallets

  According to the maintenance method of blockchain data and the degree of decentralization of the wallet, they can be divided into full node wallets and light wallets.

  The representative of full node wallets is bitcoin-core core wallet, which needs to synchronize all blockchain data, occupies a lot of memory, but can completely realize decentralization.

  Light wallets depend on other full nodes on the Bitcoin network, only synchronize the data related to themselves, and can basically realize decentralization. imtoken, Fox, and others all belong to light wallets.

  4. Centralized Wallets

  Centralized wallets do not depend on the Bitcoin network, and all data is obtained from their own centralized servers, but the transaction efficiency is very high, and the payment can be received in real-time. The account you registered on the trading platform is a centralized wallet.

  Strictly speaking, chain assets are based on private keys/mnemonic phrases, and there is no issue of real-name or non-real-name. Whomever has the private key is the owner of the assets. Exchanges are like banks, and wallets are like safes, the former may run away, so pay attention to asset security.

  5. Other Walletslottery victory and Where is it

  Wallets have many other names, such as web3 wallets, decentralized wallets, but they are essentially the same thing, so just ignore them.

  We have learned about the various forms of wallets, and also know that a wallet is actually a management tool for private keys, addresses, and blockchain data, the core of which is this sentence, which emphasizes understanding.

  This article about the detailed operation process (with pictures and explanations) of the cold wallet in the cryptocurrency circle has been introduced here. For more related content about cold wallet practices, please search for previous articles of Script Home or continue to browse the related articles below. Hope everyone will support Script Home in the future!

  Declaration: The content of this article does not represent the views and positions of this site, and does not constitute any investment advice of this platform. The content of this article is for reference only, and the risk is borne by the user!

  Tag: Cold Wallet Practices