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  自去年12月份比特币期货在美国合规交易市场推出以来,这一市场的交易量一直呈现稳步增长,并且在单一交易时段内,比特币期货日交易量已超过10亿美元左右。以比特币为核心的数字资产,正在逐渐深入人心。但是目前而言,仍然有不少新进场投资者对lottery and How to find it 买卖有所误解,更无从入手;因此,脚本之家小编专门为lottery and How to find it 小白整理了一份币圈新人投资lottery and How to find it 必备APP清单。



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  支持法币购买(支付宝、微信、银行卡),有lottery and How to find it 合约(杠杆)产品,交易手续费0.2%。OKEX是老牌交易所OKCoin在去年9·4政策后移师海外的延续,创始人徐明星是前豆丁网CTO,OKCoin被誉为币圈黄埔军校,从OKCoin出来的员工基本都在同行竞品中充当核心角色。


  不支持法币购买(支付宝、微信、银行卡),没有lottery and How to find it 合约(杠杆)产品,交易手续费0.05%。币安(Binance)是OKCoin的团队创始成员赵长鹏、何一出来创业开的交易所,成立时间不到1年时间,但是凭借雷厉风行的免手续费、直播送跑车等营销策略,异军突起,成为目前公认的三大交易所之一。


  支持法币购买(支付宝、微信、银行卡),有lottery and How to find it 合约(杠杆)产品,交易手续费0.2%。火币Pro同样是老牌交易所火币的延伸,创始人李林毕业于清华大学自动化系研究生,2018年,火币的投票上币规则让自己的平台币着实火了一把。

  随着交易所资产被盗、被黑客攻击、无法提现等Bug频繁出现,进行lottery and How to find it 买卖,还是要选择成交体量大的交易所,一方面相对来说安全,另一方面,交易量大的交易所,买卖深度足够大,才尽可能快速地把数字资产变现。



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  作为佛系囤币的交易者来说,很多时候买了lottery and How to find it 做长远投资,就会放着不再交易,在这种情况下,如果不相信交易所(怕被盗),担心交易所会跑路或者自作恶、经营不善倒闭等情况,可以把在交易所买到的数字资产转移到相关的电子钱包(热钱包)里面,目前市场占有率第一的热钱包是imtoken。2018年5月, imToken 获得 IDG资本1000万美元的A轮投资。

  使用热钱包除了资产比一般交易所安全以外,还可以通过添加某些新起项目的合约地址,获得该项目的免费空投(免费赠送lottery and How to find it ),虽然免费的东西都不怎么值钱,但是有总比没有好。再说了,当年比特币不也是送都没人要吗?online casino platform and The latest website







  如果投资lottery and How to find it 金额过于巨大,对热钱包也不放心的人,还可以采用冷钱包的方式进行保管。所谓冷钱包,也即是硬件钱包,通过物理介质的读写保管数字资产。冷钱包购买方式很简单,目前使用频率比较高的冷钱包是库神。官网和万能的淘宝,都可以直接购买。

  使用冷钱包,没什么需要注意的地方。使用按照说明书即可。冷钱包唯一不好的地方就是几千块,太贵。用几千块的钱包,保护几百块的lottery and How to find it ,显得有点高调。



  目前除了三大交易所币安、OKEX、火币pro外,各种交易所层出不穷,比如这两个月最火的Fcoin等,估计每个人都会注册几个账号,数十个交易平台的注册信息(账号密码)成为了最头疼的事情。采用1Password,我们再也不用「一个密码打遍天下」。通过划动来自由调节「长度」、「数字」、「符号」这三个密码强度的维度,1Password 可以自动为你生成唯一且复杂的密码,再也不用为你的交易所账号密码头疼。



  Coinbox是一款用户体验很棒的APP,这个Coinbox并不是那个交易平台Coinbox,而是专门用于lottery and How to find it 资产管理的APP。目前单一的交易所或者钱包只能显示lottery and How to find it 的存量金额,但是无法显示自己的仓位盈利和收益状况,而且需要频繁登录切换不同的交易所APP才能了解资产状况,有了Coinbox,可以直接计算显示数字资产的成本、收益、盈利和持币种价值等信息,而且支持从交易所API导入和自动更新币资产。一句话:使用Coinbox后,用Excel记录投资成本收益的古老方式可以从此载入史册。



  Recommend several market analysis software/tools/websites that I commonly use:

  1. Feixiao: APP + web version


  The market analysis of Feixiao is basically the most comprehensive and the most timely information update tool in the cryptocurrency circle. There are countless projects in the cryptocurrency circle, emerging and changing every day. At present, many new projects may not be included in some market analysis APPs, and timely information means making money for investors. In order not to miss the tenfold coin, hundredfold coin; Feixiao is a must.

  2. CoinNiuniu: APP


  CoinNiuniu claims to create a same flower sequence in the cryptocurrency circle, with good user experience and UI design. And, in the CoinNiuniu APP, you can check the holding situation of the currency, the number of holding addresses, the update status of the Github code, the attention and likes of the community users, etc.; these data can be used as reference data for the currency; and you can also see the statistical data of the capital flow of the currency.

  3. Aicoin: APP


  Aicoin is a market analysis software developed by the old cryptocurrency circle team sosobtc. Aicoin, in addition to having the general query function of market analysis, also supports dynamic display of the market column (as shown in the figure), so that you can keep an eye on the market without frequently opening the market analysis software during normal use of the phone, which has a very good user experience. In addition, Aicoin can directly connect to the exchange account for placing orders and buying and selling.

  4. News and Information: Information is money


  There are countless news and information APPs on the market, such as BtcChina, Jinse Finance, CoinWorld, One Block Chain, etc. Every second in the cryptocurrency circle is money, and information directly means profit or loss, so news APPs are also indispensable weapons. BtcChina is currently the largest and most active domestic community for lottery and How to find it, and is considered the cradle of the industry; while CoinWorld and Jinse Finance have the fastest information update speed, and there are many rising stars in the news category, including One Block Chain (specializing in in-depth information), Tokenclub, ChainDD, etc., all of which have good user experience and content production capabilities.

  With so many news and information APPs, isn’t this the rhythm of the three o’clock insomnia blockchain? It really pities those in the cryptocurrency circle who are investing in lottery and How to find it, for the road to the cryptocurrency circle is deep and making money is not easy!

  In conclusion: In 2008, the century-old investment bank Lehman Brothers collapsed in the subprime mortgage crisis, so investment is a practice, not a hundred-meter dash. Therefore, one must fight a prepared war and have the mindset of a protracted war in order to thrive in the capital market. To be a quiet investor who watches the cryptocurrency circle surge and calm, is the way of investment.

  Declaration: The content of this article does not represent the views and positions of this site, and does not constitute any investment advice of this platform. The content of this article is for reference only, and the risks are borne by the user!

  Tag: Cryptocurrency Circle APP